poslovna pisma - prezentacija 07122005

Poslovna pisma na engleskom jeziku

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Poslovna Pisma - Prezentacija 07122005


Page 1: Poslovna Pisma - Prezentacija 07122005

Poslovna pisma na engleskom jeziku

Page 2: Poslovna Pisma - Prezentacija 07122005

Pravila pisanja – podaci o adresantu

• Adresant – pošiljalac pisma. Podaci pošiljaoca se uvijek prvi naznačuju u pismu. Oni mogu biti već biti uneseni u zaglavlju, kao memorandum kompanije, ili se otkucaju u gornjem desnom uglu strane (naziv organizacije, adresa i mjesto, drugi podaci po potrebi)

• Telefon, faks, e-mail, web adresa... . Ukoliko pišete u ime firme/organizacije, nemojte ovdje stavljati Vaše lično ime.

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Podaci o adresantu - primjer

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Pravila pisanja – mjesto, datum i adresat

• Mjesto i datum pisanja. Ovo obavezno naznačite u pismu. Stvaljaju se u gornji desni ugao strane ili odmah ispod podataka o pošiljaocu, s lijeve strane

• Adresat – primalac pisma. Podaci adresata – naziv organizacije i eventualno ime konkretne osobe (ili samo funkcija) kojoj je pismo upućeno, adresa i mjesto, pišu se u lijevom dijelu strane.

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Primjer – datum i adresat

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Pravila pisanjaOslovljavanje primaoca:

• Ako znate ime osobe kojoj pišete, počnite pismo sa "Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. + prezime". Ako ne znate ime te osobe, počnite sa "Dear Sir" ili "Dear Madam" ili sa "Dear Sir or Madam" ako ne znate kog pola je osoba kojoj pišete. Može se koristiti i samo Mr. Ili Ms.

Tijelo pisma i prilozi:

• U prvom pasusu kratko i jasno iznesite razlog svog pisanja, a u ostatku pisma dajte relevante informacije o temi Vašeg pisma.

• Ukoliko uz pismo prilažete neka dokumenta, to naznačite u posebnom pasusu. U poslednjem pasusu se obično iznose očekivanja za neku dalju akciju po pitanju teme Vašeg pisma, a završava se pozdravom.

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Tijelo teksta i potpis

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Pravila pisanja – pozdrav i potpis

• Pozdrav: Ako ste pismo počeli sa "Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms + prezime", završite ga sa "Yours sincerely". Ako ste počeli sa "Dear Sir" ili "Dear Madam", završite sa "Yours faithfully".

• Potpis pošiljaoca. Na kraju pisma se obavezno potpišite, a ispod potpisa otkucajte i puno ime i prezime, i ukoliko je potrebno i funkciju ili zvanje.

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Pravila pisanja – forma, dužina i font

• Blok forma. Pisma na engleskom jeziku se uglavno pišu u blok formi, što znači da su svi dijelovi teksta (osim podataka o pošiljaocu i mjesta i datuma pisanja), međusobno poravnati u odnosu na lijevu marginu i da se pasusi odvajaju sa jednim praznim redom. Počeci pasusa se ne uvlače.

• Dužina pisma. Poslovna pisma u principu ne treba da prelaze jednu stranu i treba da budu kratka i jasna. Ukoliko Vaše pismo ipak ima više strana, a šaljete ga poštom, pobrinite se da stranice budu prikačene.

• Font. Koristite standardne fontove, pogotovo ako pismo šaljete e-mailom. Ako pošaljete pismo u nekom od nestandardnih fontova, rizikujete mogućnost da primalac neće moći da ga pročita pošto nema taj font. Arial i Times New Roman su možda najprimjereniji za ovakva pisma, a maksimalna veličina fonta je 12.

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Blok forma 1

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Nastavak na drugoj strani

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Blok forma 2

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Nastavak na drugoj strani

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Modifikovana blok forma 1

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Nastavak na drugoj strani

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Polumodifikovana blok forma

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Nastavak na drugoj strani

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• Prijem i slanje

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Potvrda prijema / confirmation of receipt

Dear –

Because Mr. Jones is out of the office for the next twoweeks I am acknowledging receipt of your letter datedMay 20, l983. It will be brought to his attentionimmediately upon his return.

If I may be of any assistance during Mr. Jones' absence,please do not hesitate to call.


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Potvrda prijema dokumentacije / confirmation of documentation receipt

• Potvrda prijema dokumentacije(date) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT

I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the followingdocuments from the firm of (firm) :




4.____________________________(Signature of Client)

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Izvinjenje zbog odlaganja • Gentlemen:

This is to inform you that we are unable to make deliveryon the above referenced purchase order on the dateindicated.

We should have our merchandise ready to ship within 10 daysof the original delivery date and we hope that you can holdoff until that time.

We did want to inform you of this delay as soon we wereadvised in order to give you as much time as possible tomake alternate arrangements, if necessary. We can assureyou, however, that if your order remains in force we willexpedite delivery to you as soon as we have received themerchandise.

Please accept our apology for this delay and thank you foryour understanding.

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• Cestitke:

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Cestitka na unapređenju / Congratulation on promotion

• Dear

Congratulations on your recent promotion to (position)

I know how hard you have worked to earn the recognitionyou presently enjoy at (name of firm) , and I feel thatthey are very wise in having made their choice.

Please accept our best wishes for your success in yournew position.


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Čestitka na izvanrednom uspjehu / Congratulation on outstanding success

• Dear

You have proven the skeptics wrong and accomplished what most said was impossible.

There is no doubt that your recent achievements will bespoken of for some time to come and that the admirationfor your accomplishments is felt by all of us within theindustry as well as the general public.

Please accept my heartiest congratulations for your success.

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Čestitka na osnivanju nove kompanije / Congratulation on foundation of new company

• Dear

It was with great pleasure that I read your announcementof the formation of your new company. You have certainlychosen an area that is coming into its own. I know thatwith your background, expertise and enthusiasm, your firmshould make quite an impression in the industry.

My congratulations and best wishes for your success.

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• Odbijenice i obavještenja o promjeni uslova poslovanja:

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Odbijenica zahtjeva / Refusal of request

• Dear

This letter is in response to your inquiry regarding ourflexibility in the discount rate we offer for earlysettlement of accounts.

Our established discount is 2% of the total invoiced amountwhen payment is received within 10 days of delivery. Thisfigure is not one that has been arbitrarily chosen, but isbased on cost, overhead and profit. To increase this discountrate for all of our accounts would seriously jeopardize ourfirm and to increase the rate for an individual account wouldbe both unfair and unethical. I believe that you will findthat the 2% discount rate we offer our customers is standardin the industry.

We consider you a most valued customer and hope that you canappreciate our position in this matter. If we are able toaccommodate you in any way that is within our company policy,we will be most happy to do so.

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Obavjestenje o povecanju cijene / Notice on price increase

• Dear

We are in receipt of a directive from (name of company)concerning the above captioned Regulation. This newregulation went into effect on (date) and requiresthat complications of pregnancy be covered in the samemanner as any other injury or disease.

"Complications" is defined as anything other than anormal delivery. This is applicable to any employee,dependent spouse or dependent child.

Due to the potential increase in claims, it has becomenecessary to increase our quoted rates to comply withthis regulation. The new employee rate will be $and the new spouse rates will be $ ; the newspouse and children rate will be $ and the newchildren only rate will be $

If you have any questions regarding these rate increasesdue to the change in regulations, please feel free to call.

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Ostavka / Resignation• Dear

This is to inform you that an opportunity has presenteditself that will enable me to work in the area of mystated preference, which is (designate)

I am therefore tendering my resignation from your company and wish to advise you that (date) will be my last day of employment.

I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked for (name of firm) , a truly outstanding organization.

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• Konkursi i korespondencija oko zaposlenja:

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Konkurs za posao / Vacancy advertisement

• Dear

Our firm has an opening in our (specify) department fora (position)

This will be a permanent position and the applicant musthave the following qualifications:

Starting salary is (amount or dependent on applicant'squalifications) and the working hours are from (time)to (time) , Monday through Friday.

Thank you for your assistance. If you require anyadditional information please contact (individual)

We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Pismo dobrodošlice zaposlenom / Letter of welcome to employee

• Dear

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you as a newemployee to (name of firm) I am very pleasedthat you have chosen to accept our offer of employmentand know that this is the beginning of a mutuallybeneficial association.

We encourage our personnel to take advantage of selectedcourses that are available in this vicinity, in order toimprove their skills and learn new skills in relatedareas. The courses and their corresponding registrationdates are listed on the employee bulletin board for yourreview. If you decide to attend one of these courses,please advise your office manager and he will make thenecessary arrangements.

Once again, welcome to (name of firm)

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Zahvalnica poslodavcu / Thank you notice to employer

• Dear

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove mycapabilities with your firm.

I want to thank you for the expression of faith inmy abilities that you have exhibited by this gestureand will certainly do my very best not to disappointyou.

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Odbijanje ponuđenog posla / Notice of withdrawal

• Dear

I am most appreciative of your offer of employment. It isunfortunate that your offer arrived when it did, as I havejust accepted another position. Should my situationchange, I will be in prompt contact with you. However, Ibelieve the firm which I have chosen to associate withholds great career promise.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Zahtjev za razgovor za posao / Job interview request

• Dear

(name of individual) recommended that I contactyou and request an interview.

I have recently graduated from (college or university)with a degree in (state degree) I am very interested in(state area) and would appreciate having the opportunityto discuss any openings you may have in this area.

I have enclosed my resume for your review and will lookforward to meeting you.

Thank you for your consideration.