poster: dynamic response optimization of structural components

D YNAMIC R ESPONSE O PTIMIZATION OF S TRUCTURAL C OMPONENTS WITHIN A M ULTIBODY S YSTEM A PPROACH [email protected] Advisors: Prof. P. Duysinx and Prof. O. Brüls M OTIVATIONS The optimal design may strongly depend on the supports and load- ing conditions [1]. In the optimal design of mechanical systems, the precise representation of the dynamic interactions between the com- ponent and the complete mechanical is thus an essential aspect. The objective is to carry out the optimization with the time response coming directly from the flexible multibody system (MBS) simulation. Structural optimization Flexible MBS Static or quasi-static loading Dynamic loading Integrated optimization of flexible components F LEXIBLE M ULTIBODY S YSTEM Several parameterizations can be exploited to analyze the dynamics of multibody systems. Below are introduced the best known. Inertial Frame Corotational Frame Floating Frame No distinction Rigid motion + small deformation Absolute Coordinates (FE) Rigid + Elast. Coord. In this study, a nonlinear finite element based formalism is employed with an inertial frame of reference. M ETHODS The Equivalent Static Load Method [2] aims at removing the time component from the problem. MBS EQSL Computation Convergence EQSL? Static Response Optimization (Inner iterations) Design update Stop Yes No + Take advantage of the well-established and robust methods of static response optimization; - Weak coupling between the MBS and the optimization; - The formulation of the design problem is limited to static or vi- bration design criteria; - Design dependent loading may lead to non-convergence. The Fully Integrated Method aims at considering as precisely as possible the effects of dynamic loading under service conditions. MBS Dynamic Response Optimization Convergence? Design update Stop Yes No + Strong coupling between the MBS and the optimization; + The problem can deal with dynamic design criteria; + Dynamic effects are naturally taken into account; - More complex optimization problem. L EVEL S ET D ESCRIPTION A Level Set description of the geometry enables to combine the ad- vantages of shape and topology optimizations: + Fixed mesh grid (No mesh distortion, no re-meshing); + The geometry is based on CAD entities; + Modifications of the topology; - Development of specific tools for the LS construction. The design variables are the Level Set parameters. For the element cut by the Level Set, a SIMP approach is adopted to define an inter- mediate material. −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 Solid material Void material Intermediate material O NGOING W ORK : The preliminary results with the Level Set approach are promising. The ongoing work is to develop a semi- analytical method for the sensitivity analysis. O PTIMIZATION P ROBLEM F ORMULATION The numerical application is based on the mass minimization of a two-arm robot subject to a tracking trajectory constraint. By reducing the robot mass, deformations and vibrations appear and introduce trajectory errors that have to be kept under a given tolerance. m l 1 l 2 θ 1 (t) θ 2 (t) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Time [s] Tip displacement [m] The formulation of the optimization problem modifies drastically the design space. Δl (x,t n ) Δl max max n Δl (x,t n ) Δl max 1 t end t end X n=1 Δl (x,t n ) Δl max + Tight control; - Complex design space. + Simplified de- sign space; - Non-smooth characteristics. + Smooth design space; - Impose only a trend. R EFERENCES [1] Bendsøe M, Sigmund O (2003) Topology optimization: Theory, Methods, and Ap- plications. Springer Verlag, Berlin. [2] Kang B, Park G, Arora J (2005) Optimization of flexible multibody dynamic systems using the equivalent static load method. AIAA Journal 43(4):846-852. A CKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to acknowledge the Lightcar Project sponsored by the Walloon Region of Belgium for its support.

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MULTIBODY SYSTEM [email protected]

Advisors: Prof. P. Duysinx and Prof. O. Brüls

MOTIVATIONSThe optimal design may strongly depend on the supports and load-ing conditions [1]. In the optimal design of mechanical systems, theprecise representation of the dynamic interactions between the com-ponent and the complete mechanical is thus an essential aspect.

The objective is to carry out the optimization with the time responsecoming directly from the flexible multibody system (MBS) simulation.

Structural optimization Flexible MBS

Static or quasi-static loading Dynamic loading

Integrated optimization of flexible components

FLEXIBLE MULTIBODY SYSTEMSeveral parameterizations can be exploited to analyze the dynamicsof multibody systems. Below are introduced the best known.

Inertial Frame Corotational Frame Floating Frame

No distinction Rigid motion + small deformation

Absolute Coordinates (FE) Rigid + Elast. Coord.

In this study, a nonlinear finite element based formalism is employedwith an inertial frame of reference.

METHODSThe Equivalent Static Load Method [2] aims at removing the time

component from the problem.


EQSL Computation ConvergenceEQSL?

Static ResponseOptimization

(Inner iterations)

Design update



+ Take advantage of the well-established and robust methods ofstatic response optimization;

− Weak coupling between the MBS and the optimization;− The formulation of the design problem is limited to static or vi-

bration design criteria;− Design dependent loading may lead to non-convergence.

The Fully Integrated Method aims at considering as precisely aspossible the effects of dynamic loading under service conditions.

MBSDynamic Response


Convergence?Design update StopYesNo

+ Strong coupling between the MBS and the optimization;+ The problem can deal with dynamic design criteria;+ Dynamic effects are naturally taken into account;− More complex optimization problem.

LEVEL SET DESCRIPTIONA Level Set description of the geometry enables to combine the ad-vantages of shape and topology optimizations:

+ Fixed mesh grid (No mesh distortion, no re-meshing);+ The geometry is based on CAD entities;+ Modifications of the topology;− Development of specific tools for the LS construction.

The design variables are the Level Set parameters. For the elementcut by the Level Set, a SIMP approach is adopted to define an inter-mediate material.

























−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−3







Solid material

Void material

Intermediate material

ONGOING WORK: The preliminary results with the Level Setapproach are promising. The ongoing work is to develop a semi-analytical method for the sensitivity analysis.

OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM FORMULATIONThe numerical application is based on the mass minimization of atwo-arm robot subject to a tracking trajectory constraint. By reducingthe robot mass, deformations and vibrations appear and introducetrajectory errors that have to be kept under a given tolerance.





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.80.2









Time [s]





t [m


The formulation of the optimization problem modifies drastically thedesign space.

∆l (x, tn) ≤ ∆lmax maxn

∆l (x, tn) ≤ ∆lmax1



∆l (x, tn) ≤ ∆lmax

+ Tight control;− Complex

design space.

+ Simplified de-sign space;

− Non-smoothcharacteristics.

+ Smooth designspace;

− Impose only atrend.


[1] Bendsøe M, Sigmund O (2003) Topology optimization: Theory, Methods, and Ap-plications. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

[2] Kang B, Park G, Arora J (2005) Optimization of flexible multibody dynamic systemsusing the equivalent static load method. AIAA Journal 43(4):846-852.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe author wishes to acknowledge the Lightcar Project sponsored by the Walloon Region of Belgium for its support.