poster research


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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Poster Research

Poster Research

Page 2: Poster Research

Rose’s jewellery and hairpiece are diamond encrusted, also her dress is blue and sparkly, a colour historically linked to royalty this shows wealth and class, in comparison to Jack, who is plain clothed with braces, which is commonly associated with a lower class male.

The title ‘Titanic’ is clearly in reference to the actual ship, which was famous for sinking on its maiden voyage. This shows that the film will be dramatic in some way, as it will refer to the sinking, people dying, etc. This will then out strain on the romance element, making it a more ‘typical romance.’

The tagline ‘Nothing on earth could come between them.’ clearly makes reference to the fact it is a romance. It also suggests that there will be some difficulty that they will have to overcome, which will show how strong their love is.

The body language between the two people definitely shows chemistry. The way they are holding hands shows his hand over hers, gripped tightly, this a strong bond, as if they are never going to let go. Also, the way their heads are positioned suggests close physical contact. However, the lack of eye contact, especially on Rose’s part, would suggest, given their class difference, maybe not everyone approves of their romance, and they know it.The waves are shown as quite choppy, and rough this suggests that there is ‘dangerous water afoot’, maybe suggesting not only trouble for the couple but for the ship too.

The contrast between the lighting in the image shows, mainly, that when the two are together it is like the sun is shining on them, but underneath their love there is darkness, maybe suggesting that there are issues, or that the class difference will be a problem, mainly on Rose’s part, this is shown by the darker clouds around her more so than him, this is because she is the one ‘in the wrong’. The darkness is also centred around the ship suggesting that there will be troubles ahead.

Page 3: Poster Research

The entire poster is in black and white, except for the child’s arm. This suggests that the child is of significance.

The poster is mainly black and white , this suggests that the film will be in black and white, therefore meaning it is of an older time period.

The poster shows an adult holding a child’s hand. On first looking it shows security and love, however looking again you can see the muscles in the adults wrist are strained, showing he or she is having to pull the child back. This relates to the people reaching out of the train, because it shows people being taken away, perhaps suggesting break-ups in families, etc.

The people reaching out of the train, suggests that they are going away. However, the way their arms are positioned shows this may not be intentional on their part.

The poster shows a list of names, which aren’t properly visible, this means that people will see them and want to watch the film, to find out what they mean.

Page 4: Poster Research

The way that the woman is being portrayed, is not very typical in media products; she is shown in front of the man in full focus, while he is behind, blurred out. This perhaps suggests she is more in control of him, opposed to it being the other way around.

The landscape suggests that the film is set in a rural/countryside area.

The colours used in the poster are quite neutral, this suggests that the nature of the film will be similar to this; romantic and serene. The tagline “Sometimes the

last person on earth you want to be with is the one person you can’t be without.” suggests that the film is a romance. It also suggests that the two protagonists (shown on the poster) argue a lot, or don’t get on but are still madly in love with each other. This is common in many romance films, for example, in “P.S I love you” the film begins with the couple having a full blown argument, but it becomes clear that they love each other more than anything.

The woman’s facial expression shows genuine happiness, she looks quite peaceful, this suggests that she is happy with her life, and happy with her man.