poughkeepsie ny daily eagle 1931 - 0078

•'v<; *>. v. i RTDAY. FEB. 20, 1931. TIYITY IN BONDS INCREASES PRICES «ri DUpUj Mo« Interest, kpedaJlj n Corporate Domestic Ui-« York. Ft*. 1».—1*+—»oo4 .rt display** * UtU « ,D0T * tettr * , the market to<k»y. activity ex- i. 3 > M prices root. -"«, improvement in the Inquiry - 0 r P or»to domestic obligations „'«« better than ths total s*Je« -ved for »t was accomplished -,' face of a sharp shrinkage In .j state* government trading In , recent seselont 4h* »ov*cu- !U! ha* been ^ ^ l**'«J r - O 0 "' ,f-r more then MMI to the Turnover. Whit little trading- <joiW >" government* today -was -.sir.* trice*, advance* ranting i-i:nd to 1-4 o* * pom*. th * few exceptions ths moat rated Issue* were unable to their small fractional gains **d about steady. Moot ©i th* -V-'*, vu displayed or •ooond <* !*TJ*S that received »onn Im- , from tho strong tort of th* V -rarket. _ • • - •#-.3n and Main obllsTatloris—4Jj« [y U47 end HI*—responded to "i«r , .ert_of ajpomt to thelr^rnclu- tho legi New York -ts bank*. They elo*ed at now r.-icw for th* year. Central ot Kr eland 4s. Bnrlta«ton obttga- r-s. Roejj Island 44. Michigan Cen- j 1-Je. Nickel Plato 4 1-2*. diern Pacific M B, Frisco 4i A Southern Railway General 4a, well bought and gains ranged | v *h as a rolnt Some of the sec- rrade utilities and Industrial* •Senate in the upward movement. F»ul 5* 6* 2000 dropped mora * point following announce- |-: directors had deferred action the interest payment, bat met td rjpport and elooed J-S higher the day. The turnover In the it- was unusually large amounting rvore thin I500.C£0 par value. •» weakness of Australian bonds I- ire strength of German govern- -_« represented" the two extreme* •"-*> m o v e m e n t of foreign dollar ;.«. On top of a sharp reocion -.frdar Australian 5s and 4 l-!s r^d 5s points, and Queensland --d* were oft 1 and 1. Germ*A S advanced 1 1-4 to within a THE POUGHKEEPSg^EAGIXKEWS PAGE ELEVEN Supplied over leaaed wire of The Associated Prew by the State Department of. AgriculUire and Market* •~o- New York, Feb, .>•.—•(*»>—(Stale |demand slow; market weak; good to Departsaeat of Agriculture and Mar-1 fancy **ch IO.0l-ll.00i fair to good k«<»)—Kocelpu o* hay wtra naoder-'T.»#-l».«» ; ImluUons each S.M-I.N. ate today. Demand waa good for lop gradee bat eoneldtrab)* of hajf waa fair quality la small bales, which waa dlffleaU to more except at coaoeesBone. , No steer*, bulla or. cows wore jn tm\*. Vealers were In light receipt and coupled with an active demand tho market waa fully steady. Oa3y a small tot of medium New Tork State lambs waa offered, but met a stow demand at k,wer prices. Live fowls- were ln„ good ^demand «s the wholesale market*. Receipts wore rather light, aid price* re- maioed Tery firm Butter cloeed oteady at an advance of l-4c per pound on creamery oalted higher score. Apple*: Huds6B~ValIeir stoT* and storage sales bushel Baldwins N. T. U. S. grade No: 1, I 1-4 Inch and -W5H4J•»«-» t»: * !•» »nch u»- 1.10; Mcintosh N. T. U. 8. No. 1. 2 1-1 inch and upward. 1.It-ret: Rhode Island greenings. N. T. U. S. No. 1. 2 J 4 inch l.M-l.fv; other varieties N. T. U. 5." g f a d e - N o r 1 . 11-5 Inch 1.1S-1.TS: unclaasified 2 1-2 inch and upward 7J-1.00; bar- rels N. T. U. 8. grade No. 1, 2 2-4 inch and upward 4.10-5.50: 2 1-2 inch 4.00-5.••; Rhode Island green- ings N. Y. U. 8 No. 1. 1 1-jilnch and upward 4.00-5.JO:—trad; 2 1-2 Inch and upward 2.50-2.50. Lake Champlaln region pier and storage sales barrel Mcintosh N. T. U. 8. fancy grade 2 1-2 inch 7.00: Northern Spy* N. Y. U. 8. fnacy 2 inch and upward 7.do. Western and Central New York pier sales baskets Baldwins N. Y. U. 8. grade No. 1, X 1-2 inch 1.50; Rhode Island green- ing*, N. Y. U. 8. grade No. 1, 2 1-4 Inch 1.50; few l.<2 1-2-1.75; unclas- sified and utility 2 1-4 Inch 75; Mcintosh N. Y. U. 8. No. 1. X inch 1.5T 1-2: 2 2-4 Inch 1.12 1-2; 2 1-2 inch 1.50. Cartons store sales Mc- intosh N. Y. U. 8. fancy •'« 225- ;.50:.r9Js 2.87 1-2-2.50: 125-UO's lire rabelu: steady pound aver* age run 11-12. Hide* and skins; unchanged. LARD, -RIBS, BJXUF3K ChtcmttK l>4X 10. —•OfV- Lard .57: rib* 10.J«; beilie* 10.17. DRES&GD FOCT/TRY . New York. re*. 11—^PV—Dressed pooKry irregular. TurtceTs, free* 12- 40; froieo tt-41. MKTAL MABJUrr New York, Feb. 10-^^—Copper firm; electrolytlo spot and future 10 M. Iron quiet, unchanged.' Tin firm: spot and nearby 2 7.lt; future 27.«; lead Qrm: spot N*w» York 4*0; TBsust St. Louis 410.' Ztac quiet; East St. Louis spot and fu- ture 4.00-4 05. AaOmony T.1J. LIVE POULTRY —^ New \-ork. Feb, I t — O B poultry steady, unchanged. ve TREASURY RECEIPTS Vtaahingtca, Feb. If—(^v—Treas- ury receipts for Feb, 17 were $151,- 102.t70.24: expenditure* |1}S,1S>.- 022.05; balance }1<1,4«5,»0S54. Cuotom* receipts.for the month to of busiaese February 17 were |15.Ki,07S.«l. Drought Relief by Red Cross Greater Than Given in Any Previous Disaster Net Gains in Stock Market Top 2 Points in Late Rally WHAT TH* STOCK NAIKET DIO l »r Tke AM*Mt«4 Preee V Tedar Wedsvt^ar Nuiobtr of advance* .. 410 lit Number of deeU&e« .. 154 211 Stock* eacaanaed .... Ul 154 Total lstntt traded til Tl» ~—*Th!t map» as of January fL s.howt that the Red Cross (•giving drought relief In 7XS counties In twonty stats*. Ml fractal-of-theh beat tetrt etff>-«ir Bg^sarUsttag**!*-**^ . .' .Tl^-'j^^^'-. , > M r. and the Ts reached r,t - «-"•«- »«•' " l M R.M^n,^^**"^« > ^ a new nimimi at 10J J-4. Sao Paulo 7s -e ]*rr*h- offered, and reacted 1 point*. Other South American* « irregular. PENSIONS PAID H«ene\tadr \. Y., Feb. 1 Oe-ertl Electric Company paid - y |i.oo6,o^ to its pensioners :-E 1530, President Gerard re announced today. On Dec. there were 1.2S7 on the list, with overate of *>.J year*. The exact li>- was fHl.$\3i, compared with U.IU In u : ? and 5514.495 In •clarirr the erase to be dying. •r,:t\ lre!anl. officials have re- i to install a miniature golf r»e In the public recreation 'jnd.«. LEONE'S SHOPS Any Sijle—Ladies A ChUJren , « HAiRcrrrnNG Mc MEN'S 40c Except SatnrUay 119 Main St. and 4S« Main St, DOVT HARBOR Rotchei RAU Bedbugi and Ants, They are «a»« ftvmt a 4 ce«t!r- Blx<er- Mlaste Ikis by (•• o a I r , safe meth.ee. Cs* Ratlse teU »r W. A. VAN RENSSELAER | Tuidennitt and Extermmator| 31 ACADEMY ST. A. Ya« R»»i»Hitr, Prep. 1.75. Barrels pier sales Baldwins N Y. V. 3. grade No. 1, J inch 4.75-5.00: commercial 2 a-4 inch 4.75: 2 1-2 Inch 1.75-4.25; Mcintosh. N. Y. U. 8. No. 1, 1 Inch 4.50; 2 1-2 inch 4.75-5.50: 2 1-4 inch 1.(0: Rhode Island greenings N. Y. U. 8. No. 1. 2 1-4 inch and upward 5.00- 5.50; fair 4.00-4.25: scalded, fair to ordinary J.50; utility ! »-4 Inch scalded 2.SO. Pears: Hudson Valley district; store and storage sales ,buihel Kief- fers 1.25-1.50; few large 1.12-1.75; small 75-1.00; barrels Kteffers 1.00- 4.25; few Urge 4.50-5.00; small 175- 2.50. Cabbage: Western New York store sales Danish white sacks 10 pounds 85-10; Danish red sacks 80 pounds best J.75; pier delivered sales Dan- ish white sacks »0.pounds 15-)0c; 80 pounds 70-75: y&d Jobbing sales bulk stock, ton Danish white 16.00- 19.00; some poorer 14.00; new crop Florida 1 1-2 bushel white rooslly 1.00-1. i: 1-2. Carrots: Western New York store sales bushel washed 40-7 5; unwash- ed sacks 100 pounds 00-100; poorer (5-75; pier delivered sales washed bushel (0-75; sacks 100 pounds 75- .00; .unwashed sacks 100 pounds 75- 55; new crop bunohed carrots crate California 2.50-1.25; Texas 2.00- 2.50. • Onions: Orange county New York store, sale* sacks 100 pounds yellow and red. mostly - LOT; middle west- ern states sacks pounds yellow 1,10- 1.30. . - Potatoes: Green mountain In bulk 150 pounds Long Island J.85-S 25; Maine 2.15-1.40; few higher; mostly >.25-t.25; aom* poor lower. . ;'' Rhubarb: Madison county hot- house five-pound carton fancy grade (0-75; dosen bunches (0-(0. Oountry dreaswd calve*: Fresh re- Alpts liberal; market weak and lower; pound choice 12-1 J; fair to good 10-11; small to medium 1-11. Hot hocPC lamb*: Receipts liberal. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN Ctilcaco, Feb. 10—(JPl —Wheat No. 1 red 77 2-4; No. 1 northern spring 78 2-4-71 1-4; No. 1 mixed 78 5-4- 79. Corn No. 2 mixed (0-10 1-2; No. 2 white J white D' 2 yellow (2 1- (4 1-2. Oat* No. 1 w 32 1-411. Rye ho sales. Barley 40-50. Timothy seed I 41 hlte 8.75 Clover seed 11.00- No. —• 11: c>'o. « -9.00 10.75. money steady: 1- 1-2 per cent all day. - Time loans steady; (0 days 1 1-4- 11-2; 1-4 moe. 1 1-4-2; 5-( mos. 2 1-4-2 1-2. NEW YORK COTTON FLTl'RES New York. Feb. 10—UP) —Cotton future* closed steady. 2 to 5 points lower; Mar. 11.10-12; May 11.19-40; July 11.(4; Oct 11.94-95 Dec. 12.IS- IS; Jan. 12.21. Spot quiet; middling 11.20. ">- ,- ROUOHT brought to the American Red Crocs a larger reliof Job than th* Missis- sippi flood of 1917. Three time* as many state* are affected. Th* latest tabulation shows more than 800,000 persons being: eared for by tho Red Cross, as against (00,000 In the largest Irefkmg domestic disaster. Thousands of volunteers are aiding In the present emergency, and upon them rests much of the work for Ideal relief. With 175 representa- tives in th* field giving supervision, the American Red Cross reports that every on* of its 7SS Chapters extending aid In as many counties of 20 affected states, is giving an excellent account ot itself. : • President Hoover recently called upon aU of the citizens of the nation to contribute to a ten million dollar relief fund to care for these men, women and-children who are vie- Helping them to help themselves is one ot th* major efforts of th* Red Cross. As a part ot this plan, distribution of two million packets ot garden seed given by the Red Cross is getting: under way in Ar- kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama and win follow later In other drought areas. Garden plots will be planted up to one-q.uarter acre in site, and win do much to thwart malnutrition and prevent disease. ' Many are the stories ot distress due to the drought stricken crops, which have robbed th* larder of Its normal winter food supply, and the barn of its feed for stock, which have reached the Red Cross. As a result, the Society has started to feed the children in hundreds of rural schools. A hot, thick beet stew, with vegetables, buttered bread and milk constitute this noon- Gurdon R. Abell Public Accountant i AUDITS AND SYSTEMS FINANCIAL STATEMEMTS REPORTS AND GENERAL ACCOUNTING /©U kkeeptk, N. T. T*«4> f £oM 37S3 EGG MARKET Market firm. -Receipt* 2«,(50 Mixed colors. fresh gathered closely selected best 19 1-4-3-4. Mixed colors, fresh gathered closely selected extra 19. Extra first 17 1-4-15 1-4. First 17 1-!. Seconds 1( 1-2. Medium 11-1 1. Refrigerator first* 14 1-2-15. Refrigerator extra firsts It 1-2. Refrigerator best unquoted. Seconds 12 1-2-14. Nearby, hennery brown extra 19 1-2-1-4.. Nearby hennery brown extra first 18 1-2. Nearby and nearby western hen- nery white closely selected extra 21 1-2-25. Nearby and nearby western hen- nery* whTTTTverage extra 22 1-2. Nearby white pullet* 20-21. ' Pacific coast whit* extra 15-21. Pacific ooast white extra first 22 1-2-24 1-2. i«-««t= Thousands ot families recelvs th*lr food orders-each week from th* Red Cross. Their wants ar* passed upon by committees of men sad women in their own commaat- tles, who Isru* to them orders upon the store* they nofmall? patronise. In addition, morVthaa ISO car- loads of fresh fruits, vegetable* and other edibles have been donated to th* RedT Cross by tadlviduals all over th* country, and the** have been distributed in the drought areas, alonj with hundreds ot bales of clothing. . The States where th* Red Cross Is giving aid ar* Alabama. Arkan- sas, Illinois, Georgia, Indiana, Ken- tucky, Louisiana,' Maryland, Mis- sissippi, North' Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri, Montana, Texas. New York, ffvfc 19.—OfV-TU* stock market saved it* best efforts for the last hour today. Tfaer* we* a slow upward move- ment during the morning and early afternoon, with rather pronounced ralUe* in steel and related issues, bat thS rU* freqatntly seemed lab- ored and the voUm* tapered off. l a the late trading however, activity increased and pries* found their beet levtl* ot th* day. Net gains avsr- agtd a Utile, niece f Lan 2 points. Reports that tome ot the steel plant*, chiefly la Ohio were expand- In*; operation* to huidle orders from ttvo automobile manufacturers fig- ured largely m the market's display ot confidence. I* commodities, the non-ferrous meuls—copper, silver and lead—strengthened, the first named going to 10U cent* accom- panied by trade talk of higher price* In a few days. The comparative •*** with which substantial profit taking ha* been ab- sorbed this week was also regarded a* a motivating factor In {h* final spurt. It is reported that so rat large Interest* have been selling dur- ing the rally, apparently with the Idsa of prevent! ig* ^>ulllehn*a* front getting out of hand, and also that the short Inter eel, hat not been entirely convinced of the present market's durability. But resistance to de- clines has been vbvlou* and many profesalonaU hav« been, content to rid* with the rttisg tide; ~ Americaa Can* and United States there ; w*r* wet gain* of % to IM cents tn <h* later deOvcriee. Cent's advance* of a cent wore In rtspone* to, a «harp drop in country offer* Jr>fSv Cotton, after making hew big ha for th* y**> met realising and loot I to • points net. There was JrttU of.sot* 1st foreign exchanges, except th* conUaeed rise •f the Spanish peseta. Sterling cable* wer* unchanged. Wall Street Briefs New York, F*4>. 14L—Production of sheet eteel during January lw- creaaed to 45.1 per cent of rated ca- pacity, a* compared with 19.1 per cent for December, th* National As- sociation of Fiat Relied Steel Manu- facturer* reported today. Total pro* daction for January was 117,14* net tons, compared wHh^5,115 ten* la December. The gold etaUt-xntpf th* Federal Reserve Bank of Nek/ York for the week ended February.It ehowed im- port* eC M.It*.OH from.Argentina, il.199.0M from Uruguay, and 191,- 00* chiefly from other Latin-Ajneti' can eotratrte*. - Thef* wet* n o ear- ports. OoH e*r£serktd tor foreign account showed.a decrease of 11.- 5(0.0e» for the period^. L Dow, Jooea «V Co: say* th* outlook for »tt«i mill 'oreration* la th* Youncrtown 'dit.'jec next week favors *, plight decrease and it i* possible that raja schedule* will about th* 10 per cfut level for the first time this year)-. Fluctuation* in schedule* of the smaller sheet msnuftcturtre may Ve. the determin- ing factor. An la^eao* In pip*- maJUng acUrttiea 1r th* area is llkt- ->-T EARNINGS REPORTED STOCK MARKET. CHICAGO WHEAT PrT Chicago, Feb. 19—UPi —Substantial upturn* In grain r rices today accom- panied »t*te*m*r,ts by Chairman Leg re of the Farm Board that he re- garded recent news on wheat as rather favorable Special slgnin* cance was attached to Mr. Legge's declaration owing to the fact that he coupled what he said with an esti- mate that govtrnment-eponsored agencies might have as much as 200.- 009.000 bushels tf wheat on their iier.ds at the ie««n'i end. July 1. Some purchasing cf May.delivery of wheat were belle*ed to be for Farm Board allies tend el also to lift prices. . Wheat Cloeed fir m, unchanged to lH-ISc higher: corn S-lHc op; oats U-V advanced, and provisions varying from T'-rtrrl.nt to. i r rfl'" New York, Feb. If.—UP) —Drug. Inc.. holding company for the Louis K. Liggett enterprise, today Joined the comparatively small list of com- panies which ehowed Increased earn- ings last year over the peak year of :929. Dollar net earnings tor 1910 to- uted K l . l l V m . compared with net income of 117,011,541 reported for 1919. Per share earnings for 1910 were $(.0| a shaie, or 12.01 above the annual 4 dlv.dend rate, on 1.- 501.4)9 shares "outstanding Decem- ber 11, against ti.15 a share on a much smaller capitalisation of 3,- (71,711 shares outstanding December 11. 1929. The Reading Co. for 1910 had net income of 2S.4S2.627, equal to 14.04 a share on the common, compared with 115,508,741. or 19.08 a share in 1929. . The effects of the busines* depres- sion In 1910 appears to have extend- ed to the taxicab business for the Chicago Yellow Cab reports a drop In net Income for that year'from 1129. -r Net profit of 11,101.557 was equal to- UrOl a share on no par •capital shares, aghast |l,7 8(.114ror 24.4( a share In 1929. Part of the drop however was attributable to loss on old cabs scrapped. The National Power and Light Company's net Income for 1920 was only slightly smaller, than the previ- ous year, amoanting- to 110.(17.401. against 111.797,(02 It reported today. The- company I* a member of the electric bond and chare group. By PETEft H. TROY e t • s • * i IXSTRAXCE STOCKS By PETER H. TROY George D. Campbell DtO. . . . CXMTIAAOTOII as*I BCTLOKS 4*6 Cannon Stmt 19. Close BID ASKED Thursday February American Surety .... Baltimore American ., Glens Tall* Fire .... Globe st Rutgers .... Great American Halifax Fire Hanover Fire ... Home Fire Securities Home Insurance ... National Casualty ... National Liberty ... National Union Firs . few Brunswick Fire Provldtnce Wasrn—rrr Traveler* Insurance .. 1045 10(5 U. S. Fire 51H »»H U. 8. Cawatty 41 II Westchester Fir* .v.. 414' 17 85 ,.n»* 50 , (70 a\ 10H . xi\ T\ , 1( . 194 !\ , (0 , 2( 87 14H 52 (90 21* 224 HVi 8H 14 \ 31H »H (0 37H Leon L. Jaminet ELECTRIC •rrseri Beta* WTJUWO, MOTOM, •Ul»f»t*»s\ APPLlAKOBa 'rlXTCTUDi 14 LlVerty Sweet »r«ryts>ts« *•• "wtlMtr ICE CREEPERS 45c - 75c pair Weatharttrip 4c per foot Wt k m i few sleds uiat w« IT-, cJo»t>t wt at nry lor prkti. J. E; Andrews Hardware Co.. Inc. 279 Main S t Poughkeeptie, N. Y. raoin »s*4 RAW SUGAR MARKET New York. Feb, IS—0«V-R*w s>ogar was aneharged today ss far a* spot supplier were concerned, while shipment duty free* were a little easier. SA.*S reported were 41.1(0 bags of Philippines for e«rry March arrival, t* a refiner at 1.10. while operator* ho**-at .11.500 bags of Philippines for. middle March ar- rival at 120- sad. 110*0 bag* for May-June shipment at .1 4 4. March liquidation and exchanging from that po*fU>a to later mtnihs comprised nearly all of th* bssines* In raw future*, with price* la th* meantime showing little variation, cloeing rrora unchtnged to 1 points net lower. All told 1T.4M ton** changed hands. Including a boat 12,2(1 tons In th* way of *xch*r>g«*. March cloeed 1.19; May lit: July 111: Sep- tember 1.45; December 1.11; January 1.15. Keflaed contlne«d oultt with trad- ing osty of a hand to enough char- acter, while price* were unchanged at (.10 for tine crenelated. Adams Ex preen Air Reduction . Allls Chalmers Am. Liui ......... .... ,,, Car A. Fdy . ........... 4 Foreign Power " Smelting and Refg Sugar & Refg . .... <'.,. Tel. * Tel . ... Anaconda Copper .... Atch. Top. 4 Santa Fe Baldwin Loco ....... Baltimore A Qhto Beth. Steel Canadian P*c Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. > . . . . . . . . 2! 100* 37*4 121H US 40H 524 52% 114 19 ti 200H »4H 84H «3H 4* Che*. A Ohio 44H Chicago Gt. West. \ Chicago Gt. Weit, pfd Chgo„ Milwkee A St. Paul .. Chgo. Milwkee 4 St. Paul pfd Chgo.. R. I. 4 Pac Chrysler Corp. Col. Fuel 4 Iron ..." Consolidated Gas Continental Can 7H 24H 24 12H 60 H 21 12 - •(«% 57S Commonwea~tnt~4"Southern 14)—, BROKERS" LOANS Washington, Feb. 10—C^WLoan* to brokers and dealers held by Federal. Reserve Member Bahke for the week ended" February la were announced by the' Federal Reserve Board today a* ll.772JOO.OO0, an increase ot 121.009.000 as compared with the preceding week. ; The loans for the week } ended February 19, 1910. were 11.49 4.04)0.- 000. The. details distribution Of the loans over th* three week* dealt with in the board's report was- For own account: Feb. II, II,- 229.000.000; Feb. 11. 11.147,009,000; Feb. 19, 1910. MC,000,000. . For account of out ot town banks: Feb. 18, 12(7.009,000; !>b. 11, |115*.000,0»e; Feb! If, 1910, $917,- 00O.000. - ( For account of, others: Feb. II, 1276.099,000; Feb. 11. |28T,00Q,OO0; Feb. II, 1910, 11,545,000,001. STOCKS K — in* (05 111 1(2 *!! »***••*•« 1 e * * * e • • Del. 4 Hudson Electric Power 4 Light General Electric General Food*. . General Motors . Glllett Razor .... Gt- Northern Ore. Houston Oil . . . Hudson Motors , Hupp Motors Inspiration Copper 10J4 Kennecott Copper .......... 19H Kresge ; 27 155 5IK 1«H 49\ I4H 42H SO tl UH 214 12 ' B y P E T E R H , T R O T , . . , Bid Bank of America .... Bankers Trust ...... Bank ot N. Y. A Xr._, Brooklyn Trust ,. CeMral Hanover .. Chase NaUonal Bk. Chatham Phendx .... 'I* Chemical ........... 10 Conlimntar-; 7T .... , .7 il~~ Com Exchange .... , 121 - Empire . ............ it First National .40*0 Irving Trust ,. 11% Manhattan Co 90 Manufacturers ..... ,* 47*4 NaUonal city ...... I 101 - New York Trust .... Ill PubUc National ..... ' II Title Guaranty",., .t,» 111 CHICAGO CLOSING FUTURES Chicago, Feb. It.— UPh—Gotiaf futures: • • Com: Mar. old II; new 1 41 1-1; May old (5 l-l4?l-2: new II l-4<» 3-8. July (« 1-801-8. Sept. II 1-40 Wheat: Mar. old 79 -I:'new 79 1-2. May old 12 1-4: new U *l. Oats: Mar. old II 1-1; new It 1-4. May old II 1-4: new tl 1-4. July 14 1-4. Sept. 21 1-4. Rye: Mar. old 40 1-1; May old 41; new 44 1-4 July 42 1-4. Sept.! 44 l-t. I Lard: Mar. 1.00. May I.TtT July • (1.11. Bellies: May 10.17. Jury 10.45 I L FEDERAL RESERVE BANK j New York. Feb. It.—(£WTh* Asked -«l 11IU 21 145 2(1 101* II 174 «r 111 •o 4019 MH 114 414 1014 111 II 141 - Steel were leaden th* former rising #„•„-« 4 point* to a new l l l i high and th* * l n t h « n «* r f uto ^ latter I. Marked strength developed J - • • in the RepubUo Steel law**.Otis. NEW YORK BANK A TRUST CO American Rolling Mill. Nation*.! Steel, Pressed 81*1 Car, Vanadium. Bethlehem- Steel tr.d Electric Auto- Lite, up 1 4 to ( point*. Mttats showed to the beet advantage la some time.— Auaconda, Kennecott and International Nickel cloeed 1% higher. International Telephone was heavily bought, advancing 3. points. Stone 4 Webster had an early rally, despite the" dividend cut. but lost It* *!*««,. RaiU.xsd.Atfs remained, slug- gish, although Union Pacific, Atchi- son. Baltimore 4 Ohio and New York Central gained 1 to ^. A few spe claities. a* usual, outstripped We slower movers. Worthlngton Pump's advance mounted to T points, while Case held 4 4 of •* 14 rise. E**t man Kodak and Allied Chemical cloeed more thanl higher. Best 4 Co. made a 1 4 point climb, of which it held 34. ToUI sales of 2.100.000 shares were the smallest in two weeks. Developments in the credit mar- ket* comprised an alvanc* of one- eighth of one pe.- cent In bankers' acceptances, reflecting further offer- ings from banks, and an-unusually large volume of prime commercial paper, coming mostly from the In- terior. January ordinarily is an active month for the latter, but this year the flow was below normal and ito betated appearainre finds th* de- mand considerably )n excess of the supply. Federat Reserve brokers' loans In- creased 123.000.000 in the face Of a decline in stocks during the week covered by the figures on. borrow- ings- For the first time sine* late summer loan* have shown a gain ln two succeeatve weeks, a striking In- dication of the change that has come over speculative sentiment, especial- ly when the marktt'a recent balance on the down side n taken Into ac- count. Whsat was mostly quiet, hut Anal- ly cam* through with a rally and NEW YORK CASH GRAIN New York, Feb.' 1».—<M—>Flour firm: sprint; pa.ehcsr 4.40-90; soft winter straights «-t*-4.40; hard win- ter straight* 4.3tr-4.-luy Rye fldar firmV'fkncy patent* l.tl- 4.30. •' --*••- •*; Rye stroag; No J jsveetern 41 1-8 fob New York *hd * ! - ( • elf Nsw York. . Domestic- to arrive atl rail. Barley fiiro; -demsftio 17 1-4 elf New York. • »-f Wheat spot firm; »o. 1 northern spring elf Nsw YorlcS*; No. t hard winter fob New Y*rk; nominal; No. 1 Manitoba do 77 % : t: No. t mixed and No. 3 amber do ram nominal, Corn spot firm; N?. 3 yellow clt New York 11 1-1; No. I yellow do 7t T-l. Oats spot firm; No. t whit* 44 1-1- 45. . - - . . Feed ***y; ct^y.bran 110-pound sack* 24-25-24.lt; .western bran 2l.2l-ll.il. Tallow steady; special loo** I 1-1; extra | 1-4. «- - Other article* unchanged. , >l .. 101 Louisville 4 Nashville Mack Truck ..; Mo. Kan»a* 4 Texas . Mont. Ward Mo. Pac. pfd 105 Nash Motors Natl. Power and Light . Nevada Con. Copper ... New York Central ..... N. T, N. H. 4 Hartford North American 81S Northern Pacific \, , 51*4 9 h Oil l«^ Packard Motor 10 S Penn Railroad *2»» **»»« Oil ; 10 Radio Corp 4 . ] * \ Radio KtHh ;—rrvr Republic Iron 4 Steel' ItH statement of the condition' of the u Federal Reserve Bank of New York 4 ^ 1 at the clo*e of business Feb. It, shows: .. j ToUI gold reserves. 11.071.(04.000 j" I ToUI reeerve*. 1.12I.450.0O0. ^j BUI* discounted secured by gov- ernment war obllgajlons. 11.109.000. Other bills discounted. 17,(41,***. BUI* bought in o^eji market. 11.- (0(.OO0. Total u. S. goreroment securities. 111.911*0*. Tout btllt and securities, 254,174,- 000. •Uncollected Items 141.110.000. if. R. note* tn actual circulation. 244 It's 40H liv;, 1I7H 9»S 1 * * * St. Louis 4 San Fran 8!nclatr Cons. Oil. •.-.-. Southern Pacific .,-. Southern Railway ... Standard Brandt ... Standard Oil of Calif. Standard oil of J*, j Standard Oil of N. Y Stodebaker Corp Texas Company ; Texa* Gelf Sulphtr Texst Pacific Land Trsn* » Tlrnken Roller, Bevin* ... Union Pacifk "... United Indus. Alcohol United, States Rubber United Corpn u. 8. Steel common Wabash Werner" Bros. Pictures 19 4 Woolworth Co 12 \ WeeUnghouse »;^ White Motor* ll\ Yellow Cab u*, Monty 14% *»*»•• **••• 1 • * e e e • •. !•*•**•** (0 US 107S II 19 49 414 35w tt\ its "S 1IH *«H 202 It 144 114 1414 »»* Due to members; reserve eoeevat, l.ttd. 920.001. ToUI derxwits, 1.O21.K0.OO0. Ratio total reserve* to deposit and 1*. R- not* liabilities combined 17.1 pec cent Smart male dressers In London are wearing shirt, collar, tl* and hand- kerchief all In the same color and design, Recaose private ewntr* in British Malaya ar* sacrlf tine their automo- biles, the sal* of used rsrs 1s almost as large as that of n«w ma a> I seat r 'GO'OIE'S LITTLE THEATRE WHEW BCKS6S 6FTS UP HE DtXSM'T MlNO" , IMIHEMORKllNtS- . FORH15FUr?NACt 1 8RJMG5T>IE] MEAT UP , IW A / THRICE / ISOUPCOALTKAYS IK| HIS FURWACE^-* HEAT IS HlS-ZlP/PROrJTo/C<HJ»CV^ BiTEAxrFASr BOcSOS CAKJ EAT IM COMFOPT -* WOW, WE ASK VOU ^ArNi^f "I*AT SLICK? ? OUR SERVICE EQUALS OUR COAC OUAUTV' RODIECOALCO. 4'FAIRyiEWAVE, .PHONE304-' Housed in a specially padded hot a 11.(90 bay geM.nr arrived ra New Tork recent on a ilner from Europe. In one day recently I ! H I la cash was collected tor chsrtty «m th* streets of Ntwry, Ireiasd. •TOCK tVBMant:* r«». It 9<**4sr* Statltilea I*. M IMP. s* PrS MtCiMT^ Te*ar Pr»». Dor Week aeV Mesth Ar* Tree A** t Trs. Ar*' t Tre. AM KUt IS*t Lew 1*91 Mt*« i*«* t«w IS** n**\ 1*1* i.*w 1 eat 1MV4 Itevr iss-a IIS.* tssv* •taa.r 1*4J 1(94 ~ 1st.4 is*.* uts -»#w 1M1 eifb. ISS4 ,M, I ItT.v lea-a •Ski 141-* aa.4 t«Tja Hf.f I9*J II »w14 leiLt aaa.t 1 IS»3 !S* IHI is*3 trT.T ITSJI S**A ti«.r 1*»J TRUSTEE STANDARD INVESTMENT SHARES ' RAILROAD*; 4 Vale* rsHSe 4 JT. Y. Oatrat At»k, TV*. A *••<• r* * *««<k«r* Parlfle U re*»«rlvaata rriTLrrtES 4 D««r*4t K«W»* 4 A—rir+m T»l. A T»L Jfertki Aateriraa t r«*. oa« o . •« 5. T. a Am»r. hew A Mill I t r u t s « Oaa 4t B e e . U Ot*s>%4a Oes A W»*. t4 I sited Oa* tss^cev. OIL* It T»*M Ceepeestis* It Um%**t4 (Ml *4> Cat, If *m»4mr* Ofl •« ». Y. 1* t4*a*«e« 041 (H. J.) 1NDCSTRIAL8 4 Iag»r**i1-lta»4 4 lelte* »••»•« St»«t 4 A HIM r**»W»t A Dye 4 rutui st««ek X. J. 4 *B«V«a T*e*re* (•) 4 Weatiasfc**** «. * BL. O . 5 Avert*** Oaa a tatrraat. It*rv»««rr A 4a t**at *• k»««ara L1«**M A Kftn <•) I t • * r * * a Ceakoaay II XlllMtl »W«lt It C«*evat Kleetrt^ I I Preetee A 4«a*4e IS TJaiMi Ca»fcl*« * Catk I* Of la IBIev«««* IS Weelwerta yT. W.> I* 9Uys>e*4a 9V I. «•) Fta-are* Ia44e*i* s«ak*t eajtrea I * eeeh *«H. Alt te l H t*4 • • Hrw Teek STjrehaar*. Diversification I 1STKD hsvera *r# lbirty.tr?* Arsertcsn ootporspo** wtt» as*e«* of t« rtftttoM sod with so- trrlUe* rorrrteg pr*ct»p*By every UD* of SSSSJOT tadwssry. Yow •**» after* tst tbe f*t»r* earvlssrs 0/ tills gro*p tkroaigtt an tav*wtsB***l !• TRUSTKM STANDARD IXtlCSTMKNT SHARKS . . a ooea- poats* Isjtsxntesst b**t4 b*» th*j comaaos) *em4ti •€ tlxwe <<orpor*« tsows , . . Sett*] far titers* t*r*. •old at th* Market Edwin S. Baihnell CwMsass M . Pt^tM *4Mt \ - ' 4.*....>i*.ak.\£2j~ *.".»• if • .^iAb*jm£kt fia*^i-4..,va>-l-isj.:4fe < -^^.*-;"*- ' - . " . * . <MaL..-- *- "-' >•..?'.<»."* Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Poughkeepsie NY Daily Eagle 1931 - 0078


*>. v . i

RTDAY. FEB. 20, 1931.


«ri DUpUj Mo« Interest, kpedaJlj n Corporate

Domestic Ui-«

_» York. Ft*. 1».—1*+—»oo4 .rt display** * U t U « ,D0T* tettr* , the market to<k»y. activity ex-i.3> M prices root. -"«, improvement in the Inquiry -0rPor»to domestic obligations „'«« better than ths total s*Je« -ved for »t was accomplished -,' face of a sharp shrinkage In . j state* government trading In , recent seselont 4h* »ov*cu-

!U! ha* b e e n ^ ^ l**'«Jr- O 0 " ' ,f-r more then M M I to the Turnover. W h i t little trading-<joiW >" government* today -was

-.sir.* trice*, advance* ranting i- i:nd to 1-4 o* * pom*.

th * few exceptions ths moat rated Issue* were unable to their small fractional gains

**d about steady. Moot ©i th* -V-'*, v u displayed or •ooond <* !*TJ*S that received »onn Im-, from tho strong tor t of th*

V -rarket. _ • • -•#-.3n and Main obllsTatloris—4Jj«

[ y U 4 7 end H I * — r e s p o n d e d to "i«r,.ert_of a j p o m t t o thelr^rnclu-

:« tho legi New York - t s bank*. T h e y elo*ed at n o w

r.-icw for t h * y e a r . Centra l ot Kr eland 4s. Bnr l ta« ton obt tga-

r-s. Roejj Is land 44. M i c h i g a n C e n -j 1-Je. N icke l P la to 4 1-2*.

diern Pacific M B , F r i s c o 4 i A Southern R a i l w a y Genera l 4a, well bought and g a i n s r a n g e d

| v * h as a r o l n t S o m e of t h e s e c -rrade uti l i t ies a n d Industrial*

•Senate in the u p w a r d m o v e m e n t . F»ul 5* 6* 2000 d r o p p e d mora * point fo l lowing a n n o u n c e -

| - : directors had d e f e r r e d ac t ion the interest p a y m e n t , b a t m e t

td rjpport and elooed J-S h i g h e r the day. T h e turnover In t h e i t -

was unusual ly l arge a m o u n t i n g rvore t h i n I500.C£0 par v a l u e . •» weakness of Austra l ian bonds

I- ire strength of G e r m a n g o v e r n --_« represented" the t w o e x t r e m e * •"-*> movement of fore ign do l lar ;.«. On top o f a s h a r p reoc ion

-.frdar Austral ian 5s a n d 4 l - ! s r^d 5s points, a n d Q u e e n s l a n d

--d* were oft 1 and 1. Germ*A S advanced 1 1-4 t o w i t h i n a


Supplied over leaaed wire of The Associated Prew by the State Department of. •

AgriculUire and Market*

•~o-New York, Feb, .>•.—•(*»>—(Stale |demand slow; market weak; good to

Departsaeat of Agriculture and Mar-1 fancy **ch IO.0l-l l .00i fair to good k«<»)—Kocelpu o* hay wtra naoder-'T.»#-l».«» ; ImluUons each S.M-I .N. ate today. Demand waa good for lop gradee bat eoneldtrab)* of hajf waa fair quality la small bales, which waa dlffleaU to more except at coaoeesBone. ,

No steer*, bulla or. cows wore j n tm\*. Vealers were In light receipt and coupled with an active demand tho market waa fully steady. Oa3y a small tot of m e d i u m New Tork State lambs waa offered, but met a stow demand at k,wer prices.

Live fowls- were ln„ good ^demand « s the wholesale market*. Receipts wore rather light, a i d price* re-maioed Tery firm

Butter cloeed oteady at an advance of l -4c per pound on creamery oalted higher score.

Apple*: Huds6B~ValIeir stoT* and storage sales bushel Baldwins N. T. U. S. grade No: 1, I 1-4 Inch and - W 5 H 4 J • » « - » t » : * !•» »nch u » -1.10; M c i n t o s h N . T . U. 8. N o . 1. 2 1-1 i n c h and upward. 1 . I t - r e t : R h o d e Is land green ings . N . T . U. S. N o . 1. 2 J 4 i n c h l . M - l . f v ; o t h e r var i e t i e s N . T . U . 5." g f a d e - N o r 1. 1 1 - 5 Inch 1.1S-1.TS: unclaas i f ied 2 1-2 i n c h a n d u p w a r d 7J -1 .00 ; barrels N . T . U. 8. grade No . 1, 2 2-4 i n c h a n d u p w a r d 4 .10-5 .50: 2 1-2 i n c h 4 . 0 0 - 5 . • • ; R h o d e Is land greeni n g s N. Y. U . 8 No . 1. 1 1 - j i l n c h and u p w a r d 4.00-5.JO:—trad; 2 1-2 Inch a n d u p w a r d 2.50-2.50. L a k e C h a m p l a l n reg ion p ier a n d s t o r a g e sa l e s barrel M c i n t o s h N . T . U. 8. f a n c y grade 2 1-2 i n c h 7.00: N o r t h e r n Spy* N . Y. U. 8. f n a c y 2 i n c h a n d upward 7.do. W e s t e r n a n d Centra l N e w York pier sa l e s b a s k e t s B a l d w i n s N . Y . U . 8 . g r a d e N o . 1, X 1-2 i n c h 1.50; R h o d e I s l a n d g r e e n ing*, N. Y. U. 8. grade N o . 1, 2 1-4 Inch 1.50; f ew l .<2 1-2-1 .75; unc las s i f ied and ut i l i ty 2 1-4 Inch 75; M c i n t o s h N . Y. U . 8. N o . 1. X i n c h 1.5T 1-2: 2 2-4 Inch 1.12 1-2; 2 1-2 i n c h 1.50. C a r t o n s s tore sa l e s Mci n t o s h N . Y. U . 8. f ancy • '« 2 2 5 -; . 5 0 : . r 9 J s 2.87 1-2-2 .50: 125-UO's

l i r e r a b e l u : s teady p o u n d aver* a g e run 11-12 .

H i d e * a n d s k i n s ; u n c h a n g e d .

L A R D , -RIBS, B J X U F 3 K ChtcmttK l>4X 10. —•OfV- Lard

. 5 7 : r ib* 1 0 . J « ; be i l ie* 1 0 . 1 7 .

D R E S & G D FOCT/TRY . N e w York . r e * . 11—^PV—Dressed p o o K r y irregular . TurtceTs, f r e e * 12-40; f r o i e o t t - 4 1 .

MKTAL M A B J U r r N e w Y o r k , F e b . 1 0 - ^ ^ — C o p p e r

f i rm; e l ec tro ly t lo spot and future 10 M. Iron qu ie t , unchanged . ' Tin f i r m : spot a n d n e a r b y 2 7 . l t ; future 2 7 . « ; lead Qrm: s p o t N*w» York 4 * 0 ; TBsust St . Lou i s 4 1 0 . ' Ztac qu ie t ; E a s t St. Lou i s spot a n d future 4.00-4 0 5 . A a O m o n y T.1J.

L I V E P O U L T R Y —^ N e w \ -ork . F e b , I t — OB

poultry s t eady , u n c h a n g e d . v e

T R E A S U R Y R E C E I P T S Vtaah ingtca , F e b . I f — ( ^ v — T r e a s

ury r e c e i p t s for F e b , 17 w e r e $151 , -1 0 2 . t 7 0 . 2 4 : expendi ture* | 1 } S , 1 S > . -022.05; balance }1<1,4«5,»0S54.

Cuotom* receipts.for the month to of busiaese February 17

were |15 .Ki ,07S.« l .

Drought Relief by Red Cross Greater Than Given in Any Previous Disaster

Net Gains in Stock Market Top 2 Points in Late Rally

W H A T T H * STOCK N A I K E T DIO l » r T k e A M * M t « 4 Preee V T e d a r W e d s v t ^ a r

N u i o b t r of advance* . . 410 l i t Number of deeU&e« . . 154 211 Stock* e a c a a n a e d . . . . U l 154 Tota l l s t n t t traded t i l Tl»

~ — * T h ! t map» a s of January f L s.howt t h a t the Red Cross ( • g i v i n g drought relief In 7XS c o u n t i e s In t w o n t y s t a t s * .

Ml f r a c t a l - o f - t h e h beat tetrt e t f f > - « i r B g ^ s a r U s t t a g * * ! * - * * ^ . .' . T l ^ - ' j ^ ^ ^ ' - . , > M r . and the Ts reached r , t - « - " • « - » « • ' " l M R . M ^ n , ^ ^ * * " ^ « > ^ a n e w

nimimi at 10J J -4 . S a o P a u l o 7s -e ]*rr*h- offered, a n d reacted 1

point*. Other South A m e r i c a n * « irregular.

PENSIONS P A I D H«ene\tadr \ . Y., F e b . 1

Oe-ert l Electric C o m p a n y paid - y | i . o o 6 , o ^ to i ts p e n s i o n e r s :-E 1530, Pres ident Gerard re announced today. On D e c .

there were 1.2S7 on the list, w i t h overate of *>.J year*. T h e e x a c t

li>- was fHl.$\3i, c o m p a r e d w i t h U.IU In u : ? and 5514.495 In

•clarirr the erase to be dy ing . •r,:t\ l r e ! a n l . officials h a v e re -i to instal l a m i n i a t u r e go l f

r»e In t h e publ i c r e c r e a t i o n 'jnd.«.

LEONE'S SHOPS Any S i j l e — L a d i e s A ChUJren , «

HAiRcrrrnNG Mc MEN'S 4 0 c E x c e p t SatnrUay

119 Main St. a n d 4S« Main St ,


Rotchei RAU

Bedbugi and Ants,

They are «a»« ftvmt • a 4 ce«t!r- Blx<er-Mlas te I k i s by ( • • o a I r , sa fe meth.ee.

Cs* R a t l s e t e U » r

W. A. VAN RENSSELAER | Tuidennitt and Extermmator|

31 ACADEMY ST. A. Ya« R » » i » H i t r , Prep.

1.75. B a r r e l s p i er sa l e s B a l d w i n s N Y . V. 3. g r a d e No . 1, J i n c h 4 .75-5 .00: c o m m e r c i a l 2 a-4 inch 4 .75: 2 1-2 Inch 1.75-4.25; M c i n t o s h . N. Y . U. 8 . N o . 1, 1 Inch 4 .50; 2 1-2 inch 4 .75-5 .50: 2 1-4 i n c h 1 . (0 : R h o d e Is land green ings N. Y. U. 8. N o . 1. 2 1-4 i n c h and u p w a r d 5.00-5 .50; fa ir 4 .00-4.25: s ca lded , fair to ordinary J .50; ut i l i ty ! »-4 Inch sca lded 2.SO.

P e a r s : H u d s o n Va l l ey distr ict; s tore and s torage sa les ,bu ihe l Kief -fers 1 .25-1 .50; f ew large 1 .12-1.75; s m a l l 75 -1 .00; barre l s Kteffers 1.00-4 .25; f e w U r g e 4 .50-5 .00; s m a l l 1 7 5 -2 .50 .

C a b b a g e : W e s t e r n N e w Y o r k s tore s a l e s D a n i s h w h i t e s a c k s 10 p o u n d s 8 5 - 1 0 ; D a n i s h red s a c k s 80 p o u n d s best J .75 ; pier de l ivered sa l e s D a n -i sh w h i t e s a c k s » 0 . p o u n d s 1 5 - ) 0 c ; 80 p o u n d s 70 -75: y & d Jobbing sa l e s bulk s tock, ton Dan i sh w h i t e 16 .00-19 .00; s o m e poorer 14 .00; n e w crop F l o r i d a 1 1-2 bushe l w h i t e rooslly 1.00-1. i : 1-2.

C a r r o t s : W e s t e r n N e w York s tore sa les bushe l w a s h e d 40-7 5; u n w a s h ed s a c k s 100 p o u n d s 0 0 - 1 0 0 ; poorer ( 5 - 7 5 ; pier de l ivered sa l e s w a s h e d b u s h e l ( 0 - 7 5 ; s a c k s 100 p o u n d s 75-.00; . u n w a s h e d s a c k s 100 p o u n d s 75-55; n e w c r o p bunohed c a r r o t s crate Ca l i forn ia 2 .50-1 .25; T e x a s 2.00-2.50. •

O n i o n s : O r a n g e c o u n t y N e w York s tore , sa le* s a c k s 100 p o u n d s y e l l o w a n d red . m o s t l y - LOT; m i d d l e w e s t ern s ta te s s a c k s pounds y e l l o w 1,10-1.30. . - •

P o t a t o e s : G r e e n m o u n t a i n In bulk 150 p o u n d s L o n g Is land J.85-S 2 5 ; Maine 2 .15-1 .40; few h i g h e r ; most ly > .25 - t .25 ; a o m * poor l o w e r . . ; ' '

R h u b a r b : Madison c o u n t y h o t h o u s e f i ve -pound carton fancy g r a d e ( 0 - 7 5 ; d o s e n b u n c h e s ( 0 - ( 0 .

Oountry dreaswd c a l v e * : F r e s h r e -A l p t s l iberal ; m a r k e t w e a k a n d l o w e r ; pound c h o i c e 12-1 J; fair t o good 1 0 - 1 1 ; smal l to m e d i u m 1-11 .

H o t h o c P C l a m b * : R e c e i p t s l iberal .

CHICAGO CASH G R A I N Cti lcaco , F e b . 10—(JPl—Wheat N o .

1 red 77 2-4; N o . 1 nor thern spr ing 78 2 -4 -71 1-4; N o . 1 mixed 78 5-4-79.

Corn N o . 2 mixed ( 0 - 1 0 1-2; No . 2 w h i t e

J whi te


2 yellow (2 1-(4 1-2.

Oat* No. 1 w 32 1 - 4 1 1 .

Rye ho sales. Barley 40-50. Timothy seed

I 41


8.75 Clover seed 11.00-

No. —•

11: c>'o.


-9.00 10.75.

money steady: 1- 1-2 per cent all d a y . -

T i m e loans s t eady; ( 0 d a y s 1 1-4-1 1 - 2 ; 1-4 moe. 1 1 -4-2; 5 - ( mos . 2 1-4-2 1-2.

N E W Y O R K COTTON F L T l ' R E S N e w York . Feb . 10—UP)—Cotton

future* c losed s teady . 2 to 5 points l o w e r ; Mar. 11 .10-12; May 11 .19-40; Ju ly 1 1 . ( 4 ; O c t 11.94-95 D e c . 12 . ISI S ; J a n . 12.21. Spot quiet ; midd l ing 11.20. • ">- , -

ROUOHT brought to the American Red Crocs a larger reliof Job than th* Missis

sippi flood of 1917. Three time* as many state* are affected. Th* latest tabulation shows more than 800,000 persons being: eared for by tho Red Cross, as against (00,000 In the largest Irefkmg domestic disaster. Thousands of volunteers are aiding In the present emergency, and upon them rests much of the work for Ideal relief. With 175 representatives in th* field giving supervision, the American Red Cross reports that every on* of its 7SS Chapters extending aid In as many counties of 20 affected states, is giving an excellent account ot itself. : •

President Hoover recently called upon aU of the citizens of the nation to contribute to a ten million dollar relief fund to care for these men, women and-children who are vie-

Helping them to help themselves is one ot th* major efforts of th* Red Cross. As a part ot this plan, distribution of two million packets ot garden seed given by the Red Cross is getting: under way in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama and win follow later In other drought areas. Garden plots will be planted up to one-q.uarter acre in site, and win do much to thwart malnutrition and prevent disease. '

Many are the stories ot distress due to the drought stricken crops, which have robbed th* larder of Its normal winter food supply, and the barn of its feed for stock, which have reached the Red Cross. As a result, the Society has started to feed the children in hundreds of rural schools. A hot, thick beet stew, with vegetables, buttered bread and milk constitute this noon-

Gurdon R. Abell Public Accountant




/©U kkeeptk, N. T. T*«4>f£oM 37S3

EGG M A R K E T Market f irm.

- R e c e i p t * 2« , (50 Mixed colors . f resh gathered

c l o s e l y s e l ec ted best 19 1 -4-3-4 . Mixed colors , f resh g a t h e r e d

c lose ly se lected extra 19. E x t r a first 17 1-4-15 1-4. F irs t 17 1 - ! . S e c o n d s 1( 1-2. M e d i u m 11-11 . Refr igera tor first* 14 1-2-15 . R e f r i g e r a t o r ex tra f irsts I t 1-2. Refr igerator best u n q u o t e d . Seconds 12 1-2-14. N e a r b y , h e n n e r y brown extra 19

1-2-1-4 . . N e a r b y h e n n e r y b r o w n extra first

18 1-2. N e a r b y and nearby wes tern h e n

nery w h i t e c lose ly se l ec ted extra 21 1-2-25.

N e a r b y and nearby wes tern h e n nery* whTTTTverage extra 22 1-2.

N e a r b y whi te pul let* 20-21. ' Pac i f i c c o a s t w h i t * e x t r a 15 -21 .

Pac i f i c ooast w h i t e extra first 22 1-2-24 1-2.


Thousands ot families recelvs th*lr food orders-each week from th* Red Cross. Their wants ar* passed upon by committees of men sad women in their own commaat-tles, who Isru* to them orders upon the store* they nofmall? patronise.

In addition, m o r V t h a a ISO carloads of fresh fruits, vegetable* and other edibles have been donated to th* RedT Cross • by tadlviduals all over th* country, and the** have been distributed in the drought areas, a lonj with hundreds ot bales of clothing.

. The States where th* Red Cross Is giving aid ar* Alabama. Arkansas, Illinois, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana,' Maryland, Mississippi, North ' Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri, Montana,


New York, ffvfc 19.—OfV-TU* stock market saved it* best efforts for the last hour today.

Tfaer* we* a slow upward movement during the morning and early afternoon, with rather pronounced ralUe* in steel and related issues, bat thS rU* freqatntly seemed labored and the voUm* tapered off. l a the late trading however, activity increased and pries* found their beet levtl* ot th* day. Net gains avsr-agtd a Utile, niece f Lan 2 points.

Reports that tome ot the steel plant*, chiefly la Ohio were expand-In*; operation* to hu id le orders from ttvo automobile manufacturers figured largely m the market's display ot confidence. I* commodities, the non-ferrous meuls—copper, silver and lead—strengthened, the first named going to 10U cent* accompanied by trade talk of higher price* In a few days.

The comparative •*** with which substantial profit taking ha* been absorbed this week was also regarded a* a motivating factor In {h* final spurt. — It is reported that so rat large Interest* have been selling during the rally, apparently with the Idsa of prevent! ig* ^>ulllehn*a* front getting out of hand, and also that the short Inter eel, hat not been entirely convinced of the present market's durability. But resistance to declines has been vbvlou* and many profesalonaU hav« been, content to rid* with the rttisg tide; ~

Americaa Can* and United States

there ; w*r* wet gain* of % to IM cents tn <h* later deOvcriee. Cent's advance* of a cent wore In rtspone* t o , a «harp drop in country offer* Jr>fSv Cotton, after making hew big ha for th* y**> met realising and loot I to • points net. •

There was JrttU o f . s o t * 1st foreign exchanges, except th* conUaeed rise • f the Spanish peseta. Sterling cable* wer* unchanged.

Wall Street Briefs New York, F*4>. 14L—Production

of sheet eteel during January lw-creaaed to 45.1 per cent of rated capacity, a* compared with 19.1 per cent for December, th* National Association of Fiat Relied Steel Manufacturer* reported today. Total pro* daction for January was 117,14* net tons, compared w H h ^ 5 , 1 1 5 ten* la December.

T h e gold e t a U t - x n t p f th* Federal Reserve Bank of Nek/ York for the week ended February.It ehowed import* eC M.It*.OH from.Argentina, i l .199.0M from Uruguay, and 191,-00* chiefly from other Latin-Ajneti' can eo tra tr te* . - Thef* wet* no ear-ports. OoH e*r£serktd tor foreign account s h o w e d . a decrease of 11.-5(0.0e» for the per iod^. L

Dow, Jooea «V Co: say* th* outlook for »tt«i mill 'oreration* la th* Youncrtown 'dit . ' jec next week favors *, plight decrease and it i* possible that raja schedule* will about th* 10 per cfut level for the first time this year)-. Fluctuation* in schedule* of the smaller sheet msnuftcturtre may Ve. the determining factor. An l a ^ e a o * In pip*-maJUng acUrttiea 1r th* area is l lkt-



CHICAGO W H E A T P r T Chicago , F e b . 19—UPi—Substantial

u p t u r n * In grain r rices today a c c o m panied »t*te*m*r,ts by C h a i r m a n Leg re of t h e F a r m Board that he re garded recent n e w s on w h e a t a s rather favorable Special s lgnin* c a n c e w a s a t t a c h e d to Mr. Legge's dec larat ion o w i n g to t h e fac t t h a t he c o u p l e d w h a t he sa id wi th a n est i m a t e t h a t g o v t r n m e n t - e p o n s o r e d a g e n c i e s m i g h t h a v e a s m u c h as 200.-009 .000 bushe l s tf w h e a t on the ir i ier .ds a t t h e i e « « n ' i end . Ju ly 1. S o m e p u r c h a s i n g c f M a y . d e l i v e r y of w h e a t w e r e be l le*ed to be for F a r m Board a l l i e s tend e l a l so t o l ift pr ices .

. W h e a t Cloeed fir m, u n c h a n g e d t o l H - I S c h igher : corn S - l H c o p ; o a t s U - V a d v a n c e d , and provis ions v a r y i n g from T'-rtrrl .nt to. i r rfl'"

N e w York, F e b . If .—UP)—Drug. Inc. . ho ld ing c o m p a n y for t h e L o u i s K. L i g g e t t enterpr i se , t o d a y Joined t h e c o m p a r a t i v e l y smal l list of c o m panies w h i c h e h o w e d Increased e a r n i n g s last y e a r over t h e peak y e a r of : 9 2 9 .

Do l lar net e a r n i n g s tor 1910 t o u t e d K l . l l V m . c o m p a r e d w i t h net i n c o m e of 117,011,541 reported for 1919. P e r s h a r e earn ings for 1910 w e r e $ ( . 0 | a s h a i e , or 12.01 a b o v e the a n n u a l 4 d l v . d e n d rate , o n 1.-501 .4 )9 s h a r e s "outstanding D e c e m ber 11, a g a i n s t t i . 1 5 a s h a r e on a m u c h s m a l l e r cap i ta l i sa t ion of 3 , -(71 ,711 s h a r e s o u t s t a n d i n g D e c e m b e r 11. 1929.

T h e R e a d i n g Co. for 1910 h a d n e t i n c o m e of 2S.4S2.627, equal to 14.04 a s h a r e on t h e c o m m o n , c o m p a r e d wi th 115,508,741. or 19.08 a share in 1929. . T h e ef fects of t h e busines* depres

s ion In 1910 a p p e a r s to h a v e e x t e n d ed to t h e t a x i c a b bus iness for the C h i c a g o Y e l l o w Cab reports a drop In net I n c o m e for t h a t y e a r ' f r o m 1129. - r N e t profit of 11,101.557 w a s equal t o - UrOl a s h a r e on no par •capital s h a r e s , a g h a s t | l , 7 8 ( . 1 1 4 r o r 24 .4( a s h a r e In 1929 . P a r t of the drop h o w e v e r w a s a t t r ibutab le to loss on old cabs scrapped .

T h e Nat iona l P o w e r and L i g h t C o m p a n y ' s net I n c o m e for 1920 w a s on ly s l i g h t l y smal ler , than the prev i o u s year , amoanting- t o 110 . (17 .401 . aga ins t 111 .797 , (02 It reported today . The- c o m p a n y I* a m e m b e r of t h e e lec tr ic bond and chare g r o u p .

By P E T E f t H. T R O Y

• e t • s • * i


George D. Campbell DtO. . . .


4*6 Cannon S t m t

19. Close B I D A S K E D

T h u r s d a y February

A m e r i c a n Surety . . . . B a l t i m o r e A m e r i c a n . , G lens Tall* Fire . . . . Globe st R u t g e r s . . . . Great A m e r i c a n Ha l i fax F i re H a n o v e r F i re . . . H o m e F ire Secur i t i e s H o m e Insurance . . . Nat iona l Casua l ty . . . Nat iona l Liberty . . . Nat iona l Union F i r s .

f ew Brunswick Fire P r o v l d t n c e Wasrn—rrr Trave ler* I n s u r a n c e . . 1045 1 0 ( 5 U . S. F i r e 5 1 H » » H U. 8 . C a w a t t y 41 I I W e s t c h e s t e r F i r * . v . . 4 1 4 ' 17


,.n»* 50

, ( 7 0 a\ 10H

. xi\ T\

, 1 ( . 1 9 4

! \ , ( 0 , 2 (

87 1 4 H 52

( 9 0 2 1 * 2 2 4 HVi 8H

14 \ 31H

»H (0 37H

Leon L. Jaminet ELECTRIC

•rrseri Beta*


14 LlVerty Sweet »r«ryts>ts« * • • " w t l M t r

ICE CREEPERS 45c - 75c pair

Weatharttrip 4c per foot Wt k m i few sleds uiat w« IT-, cJo»t>t wt at nry lor prkti.

J. E; Andrews Hardware Co.. Inc. 279 Main S t Poughkeeptie, N. Y.

raoin »s*4

RAW SUGAR MARKET New York. Feb, I S — 0 « V - R * w

s>ogar was aneharged today s s far a* spot supplier were concerned, while shipment duty free* were a little easier. SA.*S reported were 41.1(0 bags of Philippines for e«rry March arrival, t* a refiner at 1.10. while operator* ho**-at .11.500 bags of Philippines for. middle March arrival at 120- s a d . 110*0 bag* for May-June shipment at .1 4 4.

March liquidation and exchanging from that po*fU>a to later mtnihs comprised nearly all of th* bssines* In raw future*, with price* la th* meantime showing little variation, cloeing rrora unchtnged to 1 points net lower.

All told 1T.4M ton** changed hands. Including a boat 12,2(1 tons In th* way of *xch*r>g«*. March cloeed 1.19; May l i t : July 1 1 1 : September 1.45; December 1.11; January 1.15.

Keflaed contlne«d oultt with trading osty of a hand to enough char

a c t e r , while price* were unchanged at (.10 for tine crenelated.

Adams Ex preen Air Reduction . Allls Chalmers A m . L i u i . . . . . . . . . • . . . . , , ,

Car A. Fdy . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 F o r e i g n P o w e r " S m e l t i n g and R e f g Sugar & R e f g . . . . . < ' . , . Tel . * Tel . . . .

A n a c o n d a Copper . . . . A t c h . Top. 4 Santa Fe B a l d w i n Loco . . . . . . . B a l t i m o r e A Qhto B e t h . Steel Canadian P*c

A m . A m . A m . A m . A m . > . . . . . . . .

2 ! 1 0 0 *

37*4 1 2 1 H

U S 4 0 H 5 2 4 5 2 %

114 19 t i

2 0 0 H » 4 H 8 4 H « 3 H 4*

Che*. A O h i o 4 4 H Chicago Gt. Wes t . \ Ch icago Gt. W e i t , pfd Chgo„ M i l w k e e A St. Pau l . . C h g o . M i l w k e e 4 St. Pau l pfd Chgo . . R. I. 4 P a c Chrys ler Corp . Col. Fue l 4 Iron . . . " Conso l idated G a s Cont inenta l Can

7 H 2 4 H

2 4 1 2 H 60 H 21 12 -•(«% 5 7 S

C o m m o n w e a ~ t n t ~ 4 " S o u t h e r n 14)—,

BROKERS" LOANS W a s h i n g t o n , F e b . 1 0 — C ^ W L o a n *

t o brokers a n d d e a l e r s he ld b y F e d e r a l . R e s e r v e M e m b e r B a h k e for t h e w e e k ended" F e b r u a r y l a w e r e a n n o u n c e d by the' Federa l R e s e r v e B o a r d t o d a y a* ll .772JOO.OO0, a n i n c r e a s e o t 121.009.000 a s c o m p a r e d wi th the p r e c e d i n g w e e k . ;

T h e l o a n s for the w e e k } e n d e d F e b r u a r y 19, 1910 . w e r e 11.49 4.04)0.-0 0 0 .

The. d e t a i l s d i s tr ibut ion Of t h e l o a n s o v e r t h * t h r e e w e e k * d e a l t w i t h i n t h e board's repor t w a s -

F o r o w n a c c o u n t : F e b . I I , I I , -229 .000 .000; F e b . 11. 11 .147 ,009 ,000; F e b . 19, 1910. M C , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . .

F o r a c c o u n t o f out ot t o w n b a n k s : F e b . 18, 1 2 ( 7 . 0 0 9 , 0 0 0 ; ! > b . 11 , |115*.000,0»e; F e b ! I f , 1910 , $917,-00O.000. - (

F o r a c c o u n t of, o t h e r s : F e b . I I , 1276 .099 ,000; F e b . 11 . |28T,00Q,OO0; F e b . I I , 1910, 11 ,545 ,000 ,001 .


K —

i n * ( 0 5 111 1 (2

* ! !


1 e * * * e • •

Del. 4 Hudson Electric Power 4 Light

General Electric General Food*. . General Motors . Glllett Razor . . . . Gt- Northern Ore. Houston Oil . . . Hudson Motors , Hupp Motors Inspiration Copper 10J4 Kennecott Copper . . . . . . . . . . 19H Kresge ; 27

155 5 I K 1 « H 4 9 \ I 4 H 4 2 H SO t l U H 214 12

' B y P E T E R H , T R O T • , . . , B i d

B a n k of A m e r i c a . . . . B a n k e r s Trus t . . . . . . B a n k o t N . Y. A Xr._, B r o o k l y n T r u s t , . C e M r a l H a n o v e r . . C h a s e N a U o n a l B k . C h a t h a m Phendx . . . . ' I * C h e m i c a l . . . . . . . . . . . 10 C o n l i m n t a r - ; 7 T . . . . , .7 i l ~ ~ C o m E x c h a n g e . . . . , 121 -E m p i r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . i t F irs t N a t i o n a l . 4 0 * 0 Irv ing Trus t , . 1 1 % M a n h a t t a n Co 90 M a n u f a c t u r e r s . . . . . , * 47*4 N a U o n a l c i t y . . . . . . I 101 -N e w York T r u s t . . . . : » I l l PubUc N a t i o n a l . . . . . ' I I T i t l e G u a r a n t y " , . , . t ,» 111

C H I C A G O CLOSING F U T U R E S C h i c a g o , F e b . I t . — U P h — G o t i a f

f u t u r e s : • • C o m : Mar. o ld I I ; n e w 1 4 1 1 -1 ;

M a y o ld ( 5 l - l 4 ? l - 2 : n e w I I l -4<» 3-8 . J u l y ( « 1 - 8 0 1 - 8 . Sept . I I 1 - 4 0

W h e a t : Mar. old 79 - I : ' n e w 79 1-2. May old 12 1-4: n e w U * l .

Oat s : Mar. o ld I I 1-1; n e w I t 1-4. M a y old I I 1-4: n e w t l 1-4. J u l y 14 1-4. Sept . 21 1-4.

R y e : Mar. old 40 1 -1 ; M a y old 4 1 ; n e w 44 1-4 J u l y 42 1-4. S e p t . ! 44 l - t . • I

L a r d : Mar. 1 . 0 0 . May I.TtT July • ( 1 . 1 1 . B e l l i e s : May 1 0 . 1 7 . Jury 10.45 I L • F E D E R A L RESERVE BANK j New York. Feb. I t . — ( £ W T h *

Asked - « l — 1 1 I U • 21 145 2 ( 1 1 0 1 *

I I 1 7 4 «r

111 •o

4019 M H 1 1 4 4 1 4

1 0 1 4 1 1 1

I I 141 -

Steel were l e a d e n th* former rising #„•„-« • 4 point* to a new l l l i high and th* * l n t h « n « * r f u t o ^ latter I. Marked strength developed J - • • in the RepubUo Steel l a w * * . O t i s . NEW Y O R K B A N K A T R U S T CO American Rolling Mill. Nation*.! Steel, Pressed 81*1 Car, Vanadium. Bethlehem- Steel tr.d Electric Auto-Lite, up 1 4 to ( point*. • Mttats showed to the beet advantage la some t i m e . — Auaconda, Kennecott and International Nickel cloeed 1% higher.

International T e l e p h o n e was heavily bought, advancing 3. points. Stone 4 Webster had an early rally, despite the" dividend cut. but lost It* *!*««,. RaiU.xsd.Atfs remained, sluggish, although Union Pacific, Atchison. Baltimore 4 Ohio and New York Central gained 1 to ^. A few spe claities. a* usual, outstripped We slower movers. Worthlngton Pump's advance mounted t o T points, while Case held 4 4 of •* 1 4 rise. E**t man Kodak and Allied Chemical cloeed more t h a n l higher. Best 4 Co. made a 1 4 point climb, of which it held 3 4 . ToUI sales of 2.100.000 shares were the smallest in two weeks.

Developments in the credit market* comprised an a l v a n c * of one-eighth of one pe.- cent In bankers' acceptances, reflecting further offerings from banks, and an-unusually large volume of prime commercial paper, coming mostly from the Interior. January ordinarily is an active month for the latter, but this year the flow was below normal and ito betated appearainre finds th* demand considerably )n excess of the supply.

Federat Reserve brokers' loans Increased 123.000.000 in the face Of a decline in stocks during the week covered by the figures on. borrowings- For the first t ime sine* late summer loan* have shown a gain ln two succeeatve weeks, a striking Indication of the change that has come over speculative sentiment, especially when the marktt'a recent balance on the down side n taken Into ac count.

Whsat was mostly quiet, hut Anally cam* through with a rally and

NEW YORK CASH GRAIN New York, Feb. ' 1».—<M—>Flour

firm: sprint; pa.ehcsr 4.40-90; soft winter straights «-t*-4.40; hard winter straight* 4.3tr-4.-luy

Rye fldar firmV'fkncy patent* l . t l -4 . 3 0 . • ' - - * • • - — • * ;

Rye stroag; No J jsveetern 41 1-8 fob New York *hd * ! - ( • elf Nsw York. . Domestic- t o arrive atl rail.

Barley fiiro; -demsftio 17 1-4 elf New York. • »-f

Wheat spot firm; » o . 1 northern spring elf Nsw YorlcS*; No. t hard winter fob New Y*rk; nominal; No. 1 Manitoba do 77 %:t: No. t mixed and No. 3 amber do ram nominal,

Corn spot firm; N?. 3 yellow clt New York 11 1-1; No. I yellow do 7t T-l.

Oats spot firm; No. t whit* 44 1-1-4 5 . • • . - • - . .

Feed ***y; ct^y.bran 110-pound sack* 24-25-24. l t ; .western bran 2 l . 2 l - l l . i l .

Tallow steady; special loo** I 1-1; extra | 1-4. «- -

Other article* unchanged.

, > l

. . 101 Louisv i l le 4 N a s h v i l l e Mack Truck . . ; Mo. Kan»a* 4 T e x a s . Mont . Ward Mo. Pac . pfd 105 N a s h Motors N a t l . P o w e r a n d L i g h t . N e v a d a Con . C o p p e r . . . N e w York Centra l . . . . . N. T , N. H. 4 Hart ford Nor th A m e r i c a n 8 1 S N o r t h e r n P a c i f i c \, , 51*4 9 h * « Oil l « ^ P a c k a r d Motor 10 S P e n n R a i l r o a d *2»» **»»« Oil ; 10 R a d i o Corp „ 4 . ] * \ Radio KtHh ; — r r v r R e p u b l i c Iron 4 S t e e l ' I t H

s t a t e m e n t o f the c o n d i t i o n ' of t h e u F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k of N e w York

4 ^ 1 a t t h e clo*e of bus iness F e b . I t , s h o w s :

. . j T o U I go ld reserves . 11 .071 . (04 .000 j " I T o U I reeerve*. 1.12I.450.0O0.

^ j BUI* d i s c o u n t e d s e c u r e d by g o v e r n m e n t w a r ob l lga j lons . 11 .109 .000 .

Other bi l ls d i scounted . 17 , (41 ,*** . BUI* b o u g h t i n o^eji m a r k e t . 11 . -

(0(.OO0. T o t a l u . S. g o r e r o m e n t secur i t i e s .

1 1 1 . 9 1 1 * 0 * . T o u t bt l l t a n d secur i t ies , 254,174, -

0 0 0 . • U n c o l l e c t e d I t ems 141.110.000.

i f . R. note* tn ac tua l c irculat ion .

244 I t ' s

40H l i v ; ,

1I7H 9»S

1 • • • * * *

St. Louis 4 San Fran 8!nclatr Cons. Oil. •.-.-. Southern Pacific .,-. Southern Railway . . . Standard Brandt . . . Standard Oil of Calif. Standard oil of J*, j Standard Oil of N. Y Stodebaker Corp Texas Company ; Texa* Gelf Sulphtr Texst Pacific Land Trsn* » Tlrnken Roller, Bev in* . . . Union Pacifk "... United Indus. Alcohol United, States Rubber United Corpn u. 8. Steel common Wabash Werner" Bros. Pictures 19 4 Woolworth Co 12 \ WeeUnghouse » ; ^ White Motor* l l \ Yellow Cab u * , Monty 1 4 %

* » * » • •

• * * • • •

1 • * e e e • • .

! • * • * * • * *

( 0 U S

1 0 7 S I I 19 49 4 1 4 3 5 w t t \

i t s " S 1 I H *«H

202 I t 144 114

1 4 1 4 » » *

Due to members; reserve eoeevat, l.ttd. 920.001.

ToUI derxwits, 1.O21.K0.OO0. • Ratio total reserve* to deposit and

1*. R- not* liabilities combined 17.1 pec cent

Smart male dressers In London are wearing shirt, collar, tl* and handkerchief all In the same color and d e s i g n , •

Recaose private ewntr* in British Malaya ar* sacrlf tine their automobiles, t h e sal* of used rsrs 1s almost as large as that of n«w ma a> I seat






WOW, WE ASK VOU ^ArNi^f "I*AT S L I C K ? ?




Housed in a specially padded hot a 11.(90 bay geM.nr arrived ra New Tork recent on a ilner from Europe.

In one day recently I ! H I la cash was collected tor chsrtty «m th* streets of Ntwry, Ireiasd.

•TOCK t V B M a n t : * r « » . I t

9<**4sr* Statltilea I * . M I M P . s* P r S M t C i M T ^

T e * a r Pr»». D o r W e e k a e V Mesth A r * Tree A * * t Trs. A r * ' t Tre. A M K U t IS*t Lew 1*91 Mt*« i*«* t « w IS** n**\ 1*1* i.*w 1 eat


Itevr iss-a I IS . *

tssv* •taa.r 1*4J 1 ( 9 4

~ 1st.4 is*.*

uts - » # w 1M1 e i f b .

ISS4 ,M,I ItT.v lea-a •Ski

141-* aa.4

t«Tja Hf . f


II »w14 leiLt aaa.t

1 I S » 3

!S* I H I is*3 trT.T ITSJI S**A ti«.r



' R A I L R O A D * ;

4 V a l e * r s H S e 4 JT. Y. O a t r a t

A t » k , TV*. A * • • < • r * * *««<k«r* Parlfle U re*»«r lvaata

rriTLrrtES 4 D««r*4t K«W»*

4 A—rir+m T»l. A T»L • Jfertki Aateriraa

t r«*. oa« o . •« 5. T. a Am»r. h e w A M i l l

I t r u t s « Oaa 4t Bee . U Ot*s>%4a Oes A W » * . t 4 I sited Oa* tss^cev.

O I L *

I t T » * M C e e p e e s t i s * I t Um%**t4 (Ml *4> Cat,

I f *m»4mr* Ofl •« » . Y. 1 * t4 *a*«e« 041 (H. J.)

1 N D C S T R I A L 8 4 Iag»r**i1-lta»4

4 l e l t e * »••»•« St»«t 4 A H I M r * * » W » t A Dye 4 r u t u i st««ek X. J. 4 * B « V « a T * e * r e * ( • )

4 Weatiasfc**** « . * BL. O . 5 A v e r t * * * Oaa

a ta t r raat . I t*rv»««rr A 4a t**at * • k»««ara • L1«**M A K f t n < • )

I t • * r * * a Ceakoaay I I X l l l M t l » W « l t I t C«*evat Kleetrt^

I I Preetee A 4 « a * 4 e IS TJaiMi Ca»fcl*« * C a t k

I* Of la IBIev«««* IS Weelwerta yT. W.>

I * 9Uys>e*4a 9V I. « • )

Fta-are* Ia44e*i* s « a k * t eajtrea I * eeeh * « H . Alt

te l H t * 4 • • Hrw Teek STjrehaar*.


I 1STKD hsvera *r# lbirty.tr?* Arsertcsn ootporspo** wtt»

as*e«* of t« rtftttoM sod with so -trrlUe* rorrrteg pr*ct»p*By every U D * of SSSSJOT tadwssry. Yow •**» after* tst tbe f*t»r* earvlssrs 0 / tills gro*p tkroaigtt an tav*wtsB***l !• TRUSTKM S T A N D A R D IXtlCSTMKNT S H A R K S . . a ooea-poats* Isjtsxntesst b**t4 b*» th*j comaaos) *em4ti •€ tlxwe <<orpor*« tsows , . . Sett*] far titers* t*r*.

•old at th* Market

Edwin S. Baihnell • CwMsass M . P t ^ t M *4Mt


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
