power of the tounge

You are trapped by the words of your lips. Proverbs 6:2 Power Of The Tongue

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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The bible says we're trapped by the words of our mouth. Other verses say we'll eat the fruit of our lips. We explore this concept for our young people in this month's lesson.


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You are trapped by the words

of your lips.

Proverbs 6:2

Power Of The


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Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4




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I’ve long wanted to go over the lesson of, ‘The Power of Words’. I took the first week because I

really want to have some 1 on 1 with our kids about what they’ve been saying, and, what they

haven’t been saying. Both of which, as we’ll see in this lesson, are equally important. I’m not

hearing enough of the exceedingly and abundantly coming out of their mouths. Sure, they know

not to speak negative things, but I’m seeing the emphasis is needed on speaking positive things.

Too often today we They need to be actively speaking the promises of God over their lives daily.

hear about the power of the tongue, in the relationship context, that is to say, how it effects or

could hurt others. But nearly all of the bibles warnings against the tongues power, dealt with how

it frames your world! That we are in fact snared by our words [Proverbs 6:12]. Synonyms for


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“snared” are, “entrapped”, “caught”, “captured”, “encircled” or “surrounded”. The overall message

the bible has to us about words is that just as God created this world with His words, we too,

Simply put, everything in life is a result of something we say, or, create our world with our words.

are not speaking into existence.

The kids will learn:

Biblical and real life examples of how words affect our day to day lives

The power of speaking in line with the promises of God

The importance of avoiding negative words and how

And so much more

I also included a scriptural index at the end of the outline for each instructor to pull on. As usual,

contact me at 804-833-7628 if you’d like to brainstorm some ideas on how we can better

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implement the lessons, but hopefully I’ve covered the basics here. Remember to use the scripture

references and suggested activities for your week because active learning is so much more

effective. Thanks!

P.S. Knowing the power of words has guided much of my success as a Christian man. I hope in

earnest that we successfully communicate its power to the next generation.


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The week 1 instructor must establish the following:

A) Anticipation for this month’s lesson

B) That God created this world with His words

C) That we are to create our world with our words

D) The power of words

Week 1


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A) Anticipation for this month’s lesson

Use the suggested activity on page

B) That God created this world with His words

Use Genesis chapter 1 to establish this truth. Furthermore, you can use Hebrews 1:3

to further establish that not only was this world created by Gods word, but that it is, till

this day, governed by the same.

C) That we are to create our world with our words

Now you’ll merge into the fact that we are in Gods likeness. And just as He created

this world with His words, we too, our each day, creating our own world with our



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D) The power of words

Here you will provide biblical and real life example of how words effect our lives. See

‘Suggested Activity’

Suggested Activity

Turn the lights off for most effect. Have a big cup of water nearby. Proceed to use

matches and catch a sheet of paper on fire. Let it burn. Cut the lights on and ask the

kids to turn to James 3:5-12. Tell them that just as that flame started off small and

grew big, their words are seemingly unimportant, but will eventually come to pass and

affect their life.

Scripture References


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Curse Words

The week 2 lesson is about ‘curse words’. Now, most kids will instantly think they know what

you’re talking about. But they should think again. Proceed to establish the following:

A) What are ‘curse words’ and what they do

The bible makes a clear distinction between, profanity, and “curse words”. Though both are

bad, one is worse than the other. The story of Job is a great example. You should anchor

Week 2


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the lesson there. The bible says how Job kept speaking negative things over his children in

prayer. After which, all of it came to pass. Curse words activate the curse, instead of God’s

blessing in our lives.

B) Where our words come from

Here you’ll take the kids to Matthew 12:34 and other scripture references cited for this

week, and explain that what goes into our hearts [through our eyes and ears] abundantly

comes out of our mouths. In essence, if they want to change what they see, they must

change what they hear and see.

C) Stories of how God worked with men to bring things to pass

Genesis 11:26–25:10. Here you will go to the story of Abram and Sarai in Review how

God had them change their names, and thus what they called each other, in order to get


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them to produce a child. Also, visit the New Testament and look at how God silenced

Luke 1:5-23Zachariah because he was speaking against Jesus birth in . Conclude by

saying, even God knows that if it’s going to happen, you can’t curse it with your words.

Suggested activity

Crash session

Get the kids to individually jock down some things that they say regularly, or, hear said regularly.

Make sure they list at least 7. Take the list up and begin discussing some of those statements,

and ask them to be open about why they think they are saying these things. Have one of the kids

jock down what they think those statements will produce [i.e, “I never get ahead” will produce

‘constant failure in life’].

Part 2


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Finally, later on in the class, have both the statements and what they would produce separated

into two columns on a display board or poster. Let the kids match or race in seeing who can

properly match the phrase with what it will produce. Again, this teaches them that all of their

words have an eventual consequence.

Scripture references

Genesis 11:26–25:10

Psalm 109:17-19

Proverbs 6:2

Proverbs 18:21

Job 1

Matthew 12:34

Luke 1:5-23

Luke 6:45


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Creative Power

The week 3 instructor has, what I believe is the most important lesson of the month for our kids.

Most of them know not to speak negative things, but they don’t know that it is just as important to

speak positive things over their lives. It bears repeating that they can’t just avoid negative words,

but must actively speak positive words into their life. They must actively speak good grades and

study habits, they must actively speak a good future and success. They should be diligent. They

should be specific. ‘Create’ means, ‘to bring forth from nothing’. [God created the heavens and

the earth] ‘Make’ means ‘to mold from something else’. [God made man from the dust of the

ground] Kids must know that their words have creative power. From that, you must establish the


Week 3

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A) If you’re not saying anything, you’re not creating anything

Use the scripture references to review the creative power of our words and how

important it is to speak the promises of God over our lives daily. Reinforce the truth

that if they simply avoid speaking negative things, without actively speaking positive

things, they will still have a negative life. The bible says it this way, “Because he loved

not blessing, be it far from him”. [Psalm 109:17]

B) God expect us to, like Him, speak things into existence

Use Genesis 1 and Romans 4:17 to explain that God created this world with His

words, and expects us to create our world with the same. Simply put, we are to

actively speak the good we want in life, until we see it come to pass!

C) Stories of how God worked with men to bring things to pass

P9 P10

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Genesis 11:26–25:10Here you will go to the story of Abram and Sarai in . Review how God

had them change their names, and thus what they called each other, in order to get them to

produce a child. Also, visit the New Testament and look at how God silenced Zachariah

Luke 1:5-23because he was speaking against Jesus birth in . Conclude by saying, even

God knows that if it’s going to happen, you can’t curse it with your words.

Suggested activities

Have a group of 7 or so kids go out into the hallway. Each of them will have a sign. The

signs will have something bad or good written on each. In the class, the remaining group of

kids will pick out phrases from a hat that were made in advance to match those signs. As

the kids randomly pick the statement and say it out loud, the kids in the hallway will come in

with their saying. The point being that what we speak actually comes to pass. It would work

like this:


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Kid picks phrase from hat that says, “I never get good grades”

Kid in the hallway comes in with sign “Bad report card”

This lesson forces all of the kids to think critically about what their words produce. Be sure good

and bad words and phrases are represented.

Scripture References

Genesis 1

Genesis 11:26–25:10

Psalm 109:17-19

Romans 4:17

Luke 1:5-23


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The review week is very important. Typically, you’ll get kids who were not present for one or even

all of the other weeks. The week 4 instructor is has the responsibility of using whatever means

necessary to make the kids remember each weeks major points. Thus, the week 4 instructor has

the most influence over what the kids remember about the lesson. Review the following:

A) Words have creative power

Let them know that what others have spoken over their lives has come to pass. Simply put,

if their parents said, “our family never gets ahead’, or “our family walks in the blessing” they

will be effected by it unless they speak different.

Week 4


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B) If they’re not saying anything they’re not creating anything

Proverbs 6:2 says that we are encircled or surrounded by the words of our mouth. Proverbs

18 goes onto say that we’ll eat our words so to speak. Also use this to side on the fact that

they must avoid negative words as well.

Suggested activity

Get the kids to take out their smartphones [they’ll love that]. Let them call each other. Allow

them to chat for a few moments. Ask them to hang up, and get them to call someone else in

the class. Repeat 2 or 3 rounds. Summarize the lesson by saying, “How did you get _____?”

[Insert with the kids name]Likewise, just as you had to call Johnny, or, Susie, or Daquan in

order to get them, likewise, you have to call victory, health, wealth, or whatever you want in

order to get it in this life.

Be sure kids are willing to share their number before participating Warning:


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Another activity would be to get an easy bake oven, or, something that cooks things. Set the

temperature. Let them know that just as the oven doesn’t get hot right away, doesn’t mean it

won’t happen, in the same way, our words set the temperature for our lives. Will we set it on

Gods promises or not?

Scripture References

Genesis 1

Proverbs 6:2

Proverbs 18:21

Psalm 109:17-19

Romans 4:17
