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  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    Ischemic Heart Disease



  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    Learning objective Learn about the anatomy and physiologyof the

    cardiovascular system State the definitionof the ischemic heart disease State the predisposinngfactor Explain the pathophysiologyof the ischemic heart


    Sate the clinical manifestationof the ischemic heartdisease List up the complicationof the ischemic heart disease Explain all the investigationgiven to the patient with

    ischemic heart disease Carry out the nursing care planfor patient with

    ischemic heart disease List the medicationgiven to patient with ischemic

    hear disease Provide health educationfor patient about self care

    at home

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    AdmissionName: Mr. S

    Registered number: 93***

    Date of birth: **-**-****

    Age/Sex: 57 years old/Male

    Marital status: Married

    I/c No.: 4909********

    Race/Religion: Chinese/BuddhistOccupation: Laboratory supervisor

    Consultant: Dr. T

    Date of admission: 6thJune 2006

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    Reason of admission: complained ofchest pain (on & off) & S.O.B 2/52

    Diagnosis: Ischemic Heart DiseaseMedical history: Diabetes Melitus,


    Surgical history: angiography and PTCAon 30thMarch 2006

    Family history: Nil

    Allergies: NilCurrent medication: Imdur, dormicum,

    betaloc, plavix, cardiprin,

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    Condition of admission

    Vital sign

    Temperature: 36oC

    Pulse: 47bpm

    Respiration: 20bpm

    Blood pressure:112/68mmHg

    Weight: 50kg Height: 161cm

    Mode of admission: walk


    Level of consciousness:conscious

    Mental status: orientated

    Emotional status: calm Skin Condition: dry

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    Activity daily living


    He has difficulty in breathing when he is walking inlong distance


    Mr. S does not has any cough Smoke

    Mr. S does not smoking


    Mr. S does not having problem in eating.

    He does not take cold water, seafood

    He likes to eat red meat especially mutton and durian.

    He used to has supper with fried mee frequently

    His favourite drink is coffee

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    He has his bowel movement daily.

    He does not has problem in passing motionElimination-bladder

    He does not has problem in passing urine

    He used to get up at night to pass urine twice, noturia

    SleepingHe does not has any problem in sleeping


    Mr. S is able to ambulate

    Personal HygieneHe able to has self hygiene

    Safe environment

    Siderails is needed to promote safety

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    Physical examination

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    During the admission on Mr. S, a orientation wasgiven according to the checklist as below:

    1. Ward

    Room no./bed no.

    Television Call bell

    Bed chair

    2. Staff

    Unit manager Staff nurse/assistant nurse

    Care assistance

    Student nurse

    Ward clerk

    3. Routine

    doctors rounds

    Nurses rounds Meal times

    4. Hospital policies

    Visiting hours

    Companion Property/valueable

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    Layers of the heartPericardium

    Pericardium is a strong, non-distensible sac which loosely enclosesthe heart and attaches to the large blood vessels at the base of theheart and to the diaphragm at the apex.

    The walls of the heart composed of three layers of tissue:

    1. epicardium outer layer of the heart

    visceral layer of the pericardium

    2. myocardium middle layer of the tissuecomposed of the invonluntary striated muscle fibres

    which interlace, branch and anastomose

    responsible for the hearts contractile force

    3. Endocardium thin layer of endothelial cells lining the inferiorsurface of the hearts chambers which covers the

    heartcreate a smooth surface, reducing friction between

    moving blood and the walls of heart

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    Anatomy of the heart

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    Anatomy of the heart

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    Circulation of the heart

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    Coronary artery disease or ischemic heartdisease affect three major coronary arteries(right coronary artery, left anterior descendingartery and left circumflex artery) that provide

    oxygen and nutrient to myocardium. When blood flow through these major vessel

    becomes partially or completely blocked,ischemia and infarction of the myocardium mayresult. Ischemia occurs when the balancebetween oxygen supply and demand becomesdisproportionate.

    (Medical Surgical Nursing, Page 2149)

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    Etiology1. Decrease aortic pressure

    2. Increased intravascular pressure andmyocardial infarction

    3. Coronary artery stenosis

    Atheroscleros is

    Fixed coronary stenosis

    Acute plague change(rupture,hemmorhage)

    Coronary artery thrombosis

    Vasoconstricion4. Aortic valve stenosis

    5. Aortic regurgitation

    6. Increased right artrial pressure

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    What is atherosclerosis

    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is caused

    by atherosclerosis (the thickening and

    hardening of the inside walls of arteries).

    Some hardening of the arteries occursnormally as a person grows older.

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    Atherosclerosis1) In atherosclerosis, plaque

    deposits build up in thearteries. Plaque is made up offat, cholesterol, calcium, andother substances from theblood. Plaque buildup in thearteries often begins inchildhood. Over time, plaque

    buildup in the coronary arteriescan:

    Narrow the arteries. Thisreduces the amount of bloodand oxygen that reaches theheart muscle.

    Completely block the arteries.This stops the flow of blood tothe heart muscle.

    Cause blood clots to form. Thiscan block the arteries thatsupply blood to the heart


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    Risk factor

    Modified risk factor

    Hyperl ip idemia


    Diabetes Mel i tus Physical act iv i ty

    Cigarette smoking


    High alcohol intake

    Personality characterics

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    ageing hypertension Diabetes melitus


    Inflammatory process

    T-lymphocytes & monocytes(become macrophages)ingest the lipids & die

    Degeneration of smooth muscle cells(vessel)

    Fibrous capis form(over fatty core(called plague/atheromas

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    Insuffiency of oxygen & nutrient demand to myocardium

    Myocardila ischemia

    Narrow & obstruct blood flow

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    Clinical manifestationBreathlessness, sho rtness of breath or dyspnea.

    Lack of oxygen supply to myocardium because of thenarrowing of the right coronary artery.

    Chest pain

    The volume of oxygenation blood deliver to themyocardium is lesser due to the occlusion artery causethe workload of heart increase lead angina attack.


    The workload of heart is increasing and pump harder tomeet the oxygen demand.

    FatigueIt is because patient use accessory muscle to help inincrease breathing process to inhale more oxygen

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    The symptom of syncope is happen in a sudden,transient loss of consciousness due to

    inadequate cerebral blood flow



    Mr. S is always anxiety during chest pain.

    Patient might be fear an anxious during the

    chest pain as they are afraid of dying Nausea and vomiting



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    Myocardial infarction Congestive heart failure

    Congestive heart failure

    Myocardial rupture Cardiogenic shock


    Acute heart failure (pulmonary oedema)

    Pericardial effusion and cardiac


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    List of investigation


    Diagnostic test:

    Chest x-ray



    Stress test

    Laboratory test:

    1. Haematology-value of



    Total white blood countand WBC differential


    3. Random blood sugar


    4. Urea electrolyte (BUSE)

    5. Lipid profile

    6. Blood coagulant test

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    Result of Chest x-ray


    Heart size normal

    Lung fields clearNo hilar abnormality seen

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    Result of the


    ST segment depression of 0.6mm in lead

    I, II and V5V6. According to the

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    Result of blood test

    [Total white blood count & WBC differential count]

    Examination Result/unit Normal range

    Total white blood


    White blood cell 7.8/uL 4.3-10.5

    WBC differential














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    Result of random blood


    Examination Result/unit Normal range

    Glucose 6.2mmolL




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    Selective coronary angiography is the only

    method currently available for accurately

    delineating human coronary anatomy as wellas for locating and quantitating obstruction

    in large-caliber coronary arteries.

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    Occlusion coronary arteries of

    Mr. S

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    Result of angioraphy

    Report: Left Main Stem, LMS: Normal

    Left anterior descending artery, CAD: Normal

    First Diagonal of the CAD: 90%Tight stenosis (donePTCA with balloon)

    Left circumflex artery, LCX: 90% Tightstenosis(done PTCA with stent)

    Right coronary artery, RCA: 60%-70% distal stenous

    mild stenous with posteriordescending artery, PDA

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    Result of stress test

    Summary of the treadmill stress test Total of exercise time: 06:23

    Maximum heart rate:144bpm 87% of maximum

    predicted 164bpm

    Maximum ST level :-2.90mm in lead III in Stage3

    is 6:23

    Reason for termination: Fatigue,chest discomfort

    Conclusion: Positive stress test

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    Phase &


    Position time Speed








    Workload RPP








    Pretest supine 00:39 0.00 0.00 130/70 100 1.0 130 0 -0.99

    standing 00.31 1.60 0.00 100 1.0 0 -0.95



    00.31 1.60 0.00 97 1.1 0 -0.70

    Exercise Stage 1 03.00 2.70 12.00 170/80 127 4.6 215 0 -1.65

    Stage 2 03.01 4.00 12.00 200/80 147 7.2 284 0 -2.70

    Stage 3 00.23 5.50 14.00 147 7.5 0 -2.90 6.10



    Recovery 06.13 0.00 0.00 180/80 93 1.0 167 0 -1.75

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    Result of lipid profileExamination Result/unit Normal range

    Total cholesterol 7.4mmol/L


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    Result of the blood testaPartial thromboplastin time & aPTT control

    Examination Result/unit Normal range




    >180 sec



    aPTT control 33.0sec 28-36

    Result of blood studies

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    Result of blood studies(Activated clotting time, ACT)

    Date/time Examination Result/unit Normal range

    6/6/06 at



    clotting time,ACT


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    Invasive procerdure

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    Invasive procerdure,Percutaneuos Transluminal

    Coronary Artery (PTCA)PTCA is an invasive procedure where

    narrow coronary artery that are block by

    the plague on the arterial wall is dilate by

    balloon or stent. This procedure is carriedout in the cardiac catheterization


    A preparation will be done before sendpatient for PTCA

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    Pre-PTCA, checklist

    1. Patient name,M.R.N2. Consent

    3. Patients height/weighttaken

    4. Allergy to contrast5. Allergy todrugs/elastroplast

    6. Present medication

    7. Pre-medication

    8. Last meal or drinktaken

    9. Fever

    1. Asthma2. Chest x-ray

    accompanying patient

    3. ECG recordsaccompanying patient

    4. HB,B.U.S.E,RBS


    6. Dentures removed

    7. Shaving done8. Patient passed urine

    9. Nittoderm in place onthe right chest

    10. Venofix inserted

    11. others

    Invasive procerdure

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    Invasive procerdure,Percutaneuos Transluminal

    Coronary Artery (PTCA)

    Balloon is deflated

    AngiographyDiagnose theocclusion coronaryartery byintroduced using

    femoral artery

    Atheroma areverified

    A ballooncatheter are

    inserted into thedistal of the RCA

    Ballooninflated toexpand thestent

    Catheter idremoved, stentis hold to openthe artery

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    Coronary stent

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    The patient might return to ward with a large peripheral

    vascular access sheath in place. The sheath areremoved after blood studied (e.g activated clotting time)indicate that the clotting time is within an acceptablerange.

    The patient must remain flat in the bed and keep the

    affected leg straight until the sheath are removed andthen for few hours to maintain hemostasis.

    After hemostasis is achieved, patient usually can beweaned from intravenous medications, resumed self-care, ambulate unassist within 1 to 12 hours in the

    procedure The nurses teachers the patient to monitor the site for

    bleeding or development of hard lump that is larger thana walnut.


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    Aspirin, aspirin 100mg,glycine 45mg

    Group name: Anticoagulant drug

    Date on: 6th June 2006

    Date off: Continue at home

    Route: Oral

    Dosage: 150mg

    Frequency: BD

    Indication: Transient

    ischem ic attacks, secondary preventionof MI, vascular occlus ion and deep veinthrombos is

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    Plavix, Clopidrogel hydrogen sulfate

    Group name: Anticoagulant drug

    Date on: 6th June 2006

    Date off: Continue at home

    Route: oral

    Dosage: 75mg

    Frequency: BD

    Indication:Prevention of atherothrombotic events

    H b Dilti h d hl id

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    Herbresser, Diltiazem hydrochloride

    Group name: Calcium antagonist

    Date on: 6th June 2006 Date off: 6th June 2006

    Route: Oral

    Dosage: 30mg

    Frequency: BD

    Indication: Mild and

    moderatehypertension, angina

    pectoris,variant angina pectoris

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    Lipitor,Astrovastatin Calcium

    Group name: Antihyperlipidaemicagent

    Date on: 6th June2006

    Date off: Continue at home

    Route: Oral

    Dosage: 10mg

    Frequency: Daily

    Indication: Reduct ion o felevated to tal and LDL cho lesterol

    I d I bid 5 it t

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    Imdur, Isosorbide-5-mononitrate

    Group name: Antianginal

    Date on: 6th June2006

    Date off: Continue at home

    Route: oral

    Dosage: 30mg

    Frequency: Daily

    Indication: Prophylactictreatment of angina pectoris

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    Nitroderm Nitroglycerin

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    Nitroderm, Nitroglycerin

    Group name: Antianginal

    Date on: 6th June 2006 Date off: 6th June 2006

    Route: topical

    Dose: 10 mg

    Frequency: stat


    Prevent ion o f theang ina pecto r is

    Ativan Lorazepam

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    Ativan, Lorazepam

    Group name: Sedative

    Date on: 6th June 2006 Date off: 8th June 2006

    Route: oral

    Dose: 0.5mg Frequency: daily


    Management of anx ietydisordersoranxiety associatedwithdepressive


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    Group name: Antianxiety

    Date on: 6th June 2006

    Date off: 6th June 2006

    Route: oral

    Dose: 5mg

    Frequency: stat

    Indication:preoperatively as arelaxation

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    Heparin,Heparin Leo Group name: Anticoagulant agent

    Date on: 7th June 2006

    Date off: 7th June 2006

    Dosage: 1000u per hour in 8hours Frequency: Stat


    Deep-vein thrombosis, prevent ion ofDVT/PE

    Controloc, Pantoprazole sodium

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    , p


    Date on: 6th June 2006

    Date off: 6th June 2006 Route: oral

    Dose: 40mg

    Frequency: stat Indication:

    long term management and prevention of

    relapse of reflux oesophagus,

    Glyceryl Trinitrate DBL Glyceryl Trinitrate

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    Glyceryl Trinitrate DBL,Glyceryl Trinitrate

    Group: Antianginal drug

    Date on: 6th June 2006 Date off: continue at home

    Dosage: 25mg

    Route: Sublingual Frequency: Stat


    Control of hypertension treatment ofangina pectoris unresponsive torecommended doses of organicnitrates

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    Nursing Care Plan

    Nursing care plan

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    r r1. Alteration in emotional status: anxiety related to invasive

    procedure, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty

    2 .Potential of bleeding associated with arterial puncture after

    invasive procedure after invasive procedure, PTCA

    3. Potential of chest pain related to decrease myocardial

    oxygenation and ischemia (angina attack)

    4. Alteration in sleeping pattern discomfort relate to new

    hospital environment

    5.Knowledge deficit related to home care management of

    Ischemic heart disease

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    Nursing Care Plan


    Dateon: 6thJune 2006Time: 12 00 noon

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    Time:12.00 noon

    Problem identi f ied:

    Alteration emotion status: Anxiety related to invasiveprocedure, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Artery,PTCA

    Suppo rt ing data:

    Patient verbalized that he worry about the severity of hisdisease and chance to recover

    Patient appear fear, and anxious when he was informthe PTCA will be done on 4.00pm

    Expected ou tcome: Patient will has manageable level of his anxiety and

    become more relaxed, less anxious, fear and ready to gofor PTCA within 1 hour of the nursing interventions given

    Nursing interventions:

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    Nursing interventions:

    1) Assess patient general condition: level of

    the anxiety (facial expression) and hisundestanding regarding to the invasive

    procedure, PTCA

    Rationale: to act as baseline data and toplan an appropriate nursing intervention

    Implementation:I assess his point of

    view towards the PTCA, he replied thatalthough he had done PTCA once on

    March, he still anxious because he

    confuse about it

    2) Provide conducive environment to rest

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    2) Provide conducive environment to rest,expression of fears

    Rationale: determine his feeling andproblem regarding the PTCA. Rest andexpression of fears may promoterelaxation at the same time.

    Implementat ion: I encourage him to restand express feeling his own feeling abouthis real problem and I explain it isimportant to my knowledge to help himanswer

    3) Encourage patient to ask questions and

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    3) Encourage patient to ask questions and

    do not avoid questions

    Rationale:enable patient feel free to askquestions and promote confidence in

    patient to staff nurse by not avoiding

    questionsImplementation:I encourage Mr. S to ask

    any questions he feel confuse and I try to

    answer it and some of the question, I get

    answer from Staff nurse N

    4)Reinforce doctors explaination regarding to the PTCA

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    4)Reinforce doctor s explaination regarding to the PTCA

    in clearly and accurate way, plus give him a phamplet

    about the PTCA. Then evaluate his understanding

    beside obtain his consent on behalf of the doctor afterDr. T had given the explaination to him

    Rationale: Increase of his knowledge of the PTCA

    may enable patient to sign the consent confidentlyImplementat ion: I explain to the patient about PTCA

    briefly and clear plus given him a phamplet regarding

    the PTCA. I evaluate the understanding of the

    explaination I given and he signed the consent underthe observation by the Staff nurse A

    5) Inform the reason of asking for allergy to

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    5) Inform the reason of asking for allergy to

    contrast, drugs or elastroplast before the

    PTCARationale: enable Mr. S to know the

    reasons allergies being assess

    Implementation: I explain to the patientthat if he allergy to certain matter, it will

    affect the progress of the PTCA since the

    dye contain iodine

    6) Provide explaination that the staff nurse

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    6) Provide explaination that the staff nurse

    obtained the when he taken his last meal

    or drink is because prevent aspiration offood into lung if the patient collapse

    Rationale:allay his anxiety since he might

    curious because he is order to nil bymouth

    Implementat ion: I tell Mr. S that he need

    to fasting to prevent aspiration of food into


    7) Assess his reaction when he being assess for

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    7) Assess his reaction when he being assess for

    having fever or asthma and comfort him by

    briefly explaination that fever indicate infection

    whereas asthma may cause patient to have

    difficulty in breathing so that the health

    personnel will take precaution

    Rationale: evaluate his anxiety status for beingassess having fever or asthma

    Implementat ion: I observe his reaction: facial

    expression when the staff is assess his

    temperature and asthma. He look confuse but

    he just answer he has asthma since 4 year ago.

    I tell the patient is it an precaution for the PTCA

    8)R i f th t d bt i

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    8)Reinforce that assess and obtain

    VRDL/HEPATITIS B /AIDS test is act for

    precaution to the health personnel careand enable them to perform it in excel

    Rationale:enable not to angry or worry

    that the tests being investigate to promoteco-operative environment between nurse-


    Implementation: I tell him the tests isassess for precaution and future


    9)Assure the patient dentures is removed

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    9)Assure the patient dentures is removed

    and it is because the dentures might

    cause complication; obstruction of airwayRationale:allay patient curiosity and

    reinforce the explaination so that patient

    can be co-operate wellImplementation: Mr. S asked me that

    purpose for the dentures need to be take

    out. I answer the dentures may causeobstruction of airway during the procedure

    10) Provide information that the nitroderm in

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    10) Provide information that the nitroderm in

    place on the right chest

    Rationale:enable patient to know thepatchess purpose so that he would not


    Implementation: I tell him not to worryabout the patches being stick on the right

    chest, its just for precaution

    Date: 6th June 2006

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    Evaluat ion:Patients anxiety status is reduced,

    calm and ready to do the PTCA after one of

    nursing intervention given.

    Suppo rt ing data:

    Patient verbalized that he is more confident to face the


    He thank you me for me giving him a briefly view of thePTCA for the second time

    Init iated by: STN Low,1686

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    Nursing Care Plan

    Date:6thJune 2006

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    Time: 7.40p.m

    Problem identi f ied: Potential of bleeding associated with arterial puncture

    after invasive procedure after invasive procedure, PTCA

    Suppo rt ing data: Patient is administer with intravenous heparin from

    12.00a.m until 5.00a.m

    Patient has done the PTCA

    Expected outcomes:

    Patient will has intact and dry at the arterial puncture asit monitor during the nursing intervention given within 8hours

    Nursing interventions:

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    Nursing interventions:

    1) Assess patient general condition: facial

    expression e.g pale, fatigue and his complaint is

    taking seriously

    Rationale:Fatigue and pale is a signs of

    prolonged bleeding or large volume of blood is

    loss from the large artery, femoral artery. Besidepatients complaint is important to be pay

    attention to detect any abnormalities

    Implementat ion: I assess patients facial

    expression and ask for his concern, he looked

    pinkish, tired and he has no complaint

    2) Monitor vital sign and oxygen saturation

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    ) g yg


    Rationale:Act as baseline data and thechanges in blood pressure indicate pain

    or decrease of blood volume

    Implementat ion: I monitor hourly in first4 hours for once with the observation by

    the staff nurse in-charge and the

    following of the monitoring I do not do as

    my shift is end on that day

    3) Monitor the puncture site hourly and record the

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    ) p y

    color, movement, sensation, warm or cold in the

    circulation chart

    Rationale: Potential of bleeding may occurafter PTCA since large artery being puncturedby determine the circulation in the right groin isintact as the sign and symptom of the bleedingis mentioned as above

    Implementat ion: The monitoring of the groinis done by the staff nurse in-charge and Iobserve once. The patient groin appearedpinkish, able to move a bit of the right leg,sensation is felt and it felt warm

    4) Obtain the coagulant studies as order by

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    4) Obtain the coagulant studies as order by

    doctor e.g Activated coagulant test,ACT

    Rationale: help to determine thetendency to bleed

    Implementat ion: The staff nurse in-

    charge obtain the patients blood for ACTtwice an the 1st result is prolong and the

    2nd result is in acceptable range

    5) Inspect all the body fluid for presence of

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    5) Inspect all the body fluid for presence of

    the blood e.g urine, sputum, stool,

    vomitus Rationale:Internal bleeding may be

    manifested in urine, sputum and

    gastrointestinal drainage Implementat ion:I inspect all the body

    fluid which belonged to Mr. S frequently

    and I inform him if he notices the

    presence of blood the body fluid to report

    to the nurses immediately

    6) Avoid intramuscular injection

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    6) Avoid intramuscular injection

    Rationale: Intramuscular injection may

    have potential to cause bleeding sincethe needle being inject to the muscle

    Implementat ion:All the staff nurse have

    ensure the injection not given throughmuscle

    7)Keep and ensure intravenous line on the

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    7)Keep and ensure intravenous line on the

    other hand which not giving the heparin is

    patentRationale:A patent intravenous line may

    be needed during complication occur such

    as active bleedingImplementation :I ensure the intravenous

    line is patent and tell him the importance

    of keeping the line is intact

    8) Ensure one pint of whole blood is

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    8) Ensure one pint of whole blood is


    Rationale:patient may has risk ofbleeding, thus the blood transfusion may

    be treat at once

    Implementat ion: The staff nurse ensureone pint whole blood is reserved and

    prepare it if blood transfusion is needed

    9) Advise the patient to lie flat on the bed

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    ) p

    for 6 hours and provide explanation

    Rationale: If patient sit up the groin isflex and the femoral sheath apply

    pressure is decrease plus the high

    pressure from the femoral artery mayhave tendency to bleed

    Implementat ion: I tell him lie on the bed

    flat for 6 hours to prevent the puncture

    site from bleeding

    10)Ensure the other anticoagulant drug is

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    10)Ensure the other anticoagulant drug is

    not administer to patient

    Rationale:Assure the risk of bleedingincrease as the prevention of blood

    clotting is enhance

    Implementat ion:the staff nurse assurethat there are no others anticoagulant

    drug is given as ordered as doctor

    Date:8th June 2006Time: 8.00a.m

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    Evaluat ion: The potential of bleeding is monitor and no

    bleeding occur during the nursing interventiongiven and during hospitalization

    Suppo rt ing data:

    The arterial puncture site is intact

    Patient appeared pinkish and not fatigue butcomplain a little pain at the groin when moving

    In i t iated by:STN Low,1686

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    Nursing care plan 3

    Date: 6th June 2006

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    Time: 12noon

    Problem identified: Potential of chest pain related to decrease myocardial

    oxygenation and ischemia (angina


    Supporting data: Patient having is diagnose has single vessel disease-

    40% of mild stenosis of RCA from previous angiogram

    Patient verbalized he experienced chest pain on and offlast 2 last 2 weeks

    Expected outcome:

    Patient will has absent of chest pain after 1 day of thenursing interventions given and hospitalization

    Nursing interventions:

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    1)Assess the characteristic of the chest pain such asquality, location, severity of pain (scale pain:0-absent of

    pain till 10-severe pain), time onset and duration,determine it occurs at rest or during exertion, strongemotion, or during exposure to temperature extreme

    Rationale:to obtain as baseline data, symptoms andcauses associated with angina usually precipitated by

    exertion or emotion and can occur on during the day andnight or both

    Implementat ion:I interviewed the patient and his wiferegarding the characteristic of pain. They described tome that his chest pain occur is like squeezing around thearea of the chest and he chosen 6-7 rate of rate of thescale pain. The duration is lasting not more than 30minute and it occur during the minimal exertion and rest.

    2) Provide patient to rest in bed in calm,i t i t id t f l

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    quiet environment, avoid stressfulsituations

    Rationale: to reduce oxygenconsumption and excessive used ofenergy to have balance between oxygen

    supply and demand by resting. Stressfulenvironment may not promote relaxation.

    Implementat ion:I advised rest in bed ifhe having chest pain and will ensure the

    environment is quiet and suitable for himto rest

    3) Monitor vital sign and oxygen saturation

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    3) Monitor vital sign and oxygen saturation

    by pulse oxymeter 4 hourly

    Rationale:Detect any abnormalitiesespecially dyrhsthimas and high blood


    Implementat ion: I monitor vital sign andoxygen saturation 4 hourly.

    4) Provide assistance aids to complete his

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    ) p

    ADL e.g bath

    Rationale: reduced used of excessiveenergy that will increase workload of the


    Implementat ion:I offer my help toassist him to bath in the bathroom

    5) Provide certain equipment which enable

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    patient to complete his ADL on bed e.g

    urinal Rationale:reduce metabolic rate to

    decrease energy to complete ADL on

    bed. Hence myocardial oxygenation may

    be adequately supply to the heart

    Implementat ion: I offer a urinal to Mr. S

    and tell him to pass urine in it

    6) Inform patient to report to health

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    6) Inform patient to report to health

    personnel care immediately sign and

    symptom of chest pain occur e.g Short ofbreath, palpitation, syncope

    Rationale:to be notified and further

    treatment is given immediately.Implementation: I tell the patient to report

    to nurse if about sign and symptom of

    chest pain occur

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    7) Do the nurses round frequently and

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    ) q y

    assess patients general condition

    complain at the sane time Rationale: Enable detectation of any

    abnormalities especially chest pain and

    assessing patients general condition andcomplaint as well

    Implementation: Always do the ward

    round to the patient frequently on my freetime and assess his complaint.

    8) Restrict visitors and inform the visiting

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    time such as 12 noon-2 pm; 4 pm-9 pm

    Rationale: Enable patient to have restand reduce over-emotional status such as


    Implementat ion:I tell the patient to let

    the amount visitor reduce to one or two

    and inform the visitor about the

    visiting time.

    Date: 6th June 2006

    Time: 1 p m

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    Time: 1 p.m

    Evaluation: Patient verbalized he did not experience chestpain or sign and symptom of chest discomfort after 1hour the nursing intervention given and duringhospitalization.

    Supporting data:

    Patient verbalized that no sign and symptom of chestpain

    Patients vital sign is in normal range as below:

    TO: 36.7OC

    P : 70 bpmR : 20 bpm

    BP : 100/60 mmHg

    Init iated by:STN Low,1686

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    Nursing care plan 4

    Date:6th June2006

    Time: 12 00 noon

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    Time:12.00 noon

    Problem identified: Alteration in sleeping pattern discomfort relate to new

    hospital environment

    Supporting data:

    He complain of chest pain occur on and off at night

    since last two weeks

    He seem fatigue, weak

    Expected outcomes:

    Patient will have undisturbance of sleep at night within 1

    day of nursing interventions

    Nursing interventions:

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    1) Assess patient general condition:

    lethargic signs e.g fatigue, weak, dizzinessRationale:determine sleeping pattern

    level to act as baseline data and plan

    appropriated nursing interventionImplementation: I interview the Mr. S

    about is problem in sleeping disturbance

    and assess sign of lack of sleep

    2) Provide warm drink at night, 2 hours

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    earlier before he sleep

    Rationale: warm drink to induce thepatient to have good sleep and given 2

    hours earlier is to prevent patient wake

    up to pass urine

    Implementat ion:I provide a cup of

    warm Milo to Mr. S 2 hours before he

    sleep and ask him to pass urine before


    3) Provide conducive environment which is

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    quiet, calm and peaceful

    Rationale: enable patient to have goodrest because the noisy environment may

    produce stressful feeling

    Implementat ion: I ensure theenvironment is quiet, peaceful and calm

    as all the patients in the six bedded room

    are sleeping as well

    4) Advise the patient not to having nap

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    ) p g p

    during the day or a short period of nap

    may be acceptable since patient mightfeel tired

    Rationale: Having nap produce excessive

    rest and might change the habit to sleepvery late at night

    Implementat ion:I advise the patient may

    have short period of nap or not to do so ifhe able to manage and admit this one of

    the reason he having difficulty in sleeping

    5) Encourage patient to express his feelingdi t hi bl

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    according to his problem

    Rationale: Express feeling of problemhelp to relieve stress and might promote avery peaceful sleep

    Implementation:I encourage Mr. S to

    voice out his problem and he said healways have chest pain at home duringsleeping, he also anxious about the effectof PTCA since he done the PTCA ispurposely to live longer to take care of hisfamily

    6) Teach patient to use diversional therapy

    l ti th

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    or relaxation therapy

    Rationale: promote relaxation and divertpatient problem to others matters so that

    patient able to sleep well

    Implementation: I teach patient about the

    relaxation therapy such as listening to the

    peaceful songs while patient go to bed

    7) Allow one companion to stay in the

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    7) Allow one companion to stay in the

    hospital at night with the patient e.g family

    memberRationale:Allay patient anxiety and

    promote comfort as family member is with

    patientImplementation:I tell Mr. S may has one

    companion is allow to accompany him at

    night so that he can feel more comfortable

    8) Administer medication as ordered by

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    ) y

    doctor to enable he sleep well e.g ativan

    0.5mg dailyRationale: Ativan assist in relieve

    depression and promote relaxation

    Implementation: The staff nurseadminister ativan as prescribed by doctor

    and follow the 5R, right patient, right drug,

    right route, right dose, right time and tellhim it help to induce sleeping

    Date:8th June2006

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    Time: 12 noon

    Evaluation: Patients sleeping pattern has improved within 1

    day after the nursing intervention given and

    during hospitalization.

    Supporting data:

    Patient verbalised he is able to sleep well

    Initated by: STN Low

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    Nursing plan 5

    Date : 8th June 2006


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    Problem identified:

    Knowledge deficit related to home care management ofIschemic heart disease

    Support data:

    Mr. S ask me about method of prevention as hedischarge

    Mr. S seem to ask me a lot of question about his disease

    He seem anxious of home care as he go home

    Expected outcome: Patients knowledge about home care will be improved

    within 1 hour as the nursing interventions given

    Nursing intervention:

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    1) Assess patients general condition: facial

    expression and patients complaintRationale: Obtain general information fro

    patient due to his problem of home care

    deficitImplementation: I assess patients

    general condition: Facial expression, ask

    for his concern. He complain he is worryabout the name care at home.

    2) Assess patients level of knowledge or

    d t di f hi di d th d

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    understanding of his disease and method

    of care should be taken

    Rationale: Determine patients

    knowledge of his disease and step of

    care for himself at home

    Implementat ion: I assess his education

    level by ask for his occupation,

    knowledge of medical term or any

    information in ischemic heart disease

    3)Inform the sources or causes, sign andt f hi h t i h

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    symptom of his chest pain such as

    palpitation and short of breath, fatigueRationale:enable patient to has

    awareness over the cause of chestdiscomfort so that he can avoid these


    Implementation:I inform the patient thatthe cause that triggers the chest pain e.g

    exertion activity and it normally will occurfatigue and short of breath as symptoms

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    5) Encourage patient to do regularly

    exercise start with gradually exercise

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    exercise start with gradually exercise

    Rationale:Gradually exercise is aneffective may burn the fat being store

    and enable heart workload increase

    slowly in acceptable range

    Implementat ion:I always encourage the

    patient to do gradual exercise by

    walking for short distance and gradually

    increase to jogging if persist

    6) Advise patient to have rest between the

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    stressful activity e.g exercise or even

    after meal Rationale: reduce oxygen demand in

    stressful environment to prevent chest

    pain occur because cardiac workloadincrease

    Implementat ion: I advise Mr. S to rest

    as he feel stress or tired to relive chestdiscomfort

    7) Advise patient to change his eating habitby changing not to take supper

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    by changing not to take supperespecially oily food and reduce eating of

    red meat e.g mutton as well as consumecaffeine drink

    Rationale:reduce the risk factor of

    increase atherosclerosis by modify theeating unhealthy habit

    Implementat ion: I advise him to changehis unhealthy eating habit: not to take

    supper, can has 1/2 of mutton and do notconsume coffee

    8)Maintain the level of blood glucose by

    d l di t t k di ti

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    reduce low sugar diet, take medication

    prescribed by doctorRationale:to monitor the glucose in blood

    to reduce risk of complication occur from

    ischemic heart disease such asmyocardial infarction

    Implementation: I reinforce patient to

    maintain the level of blood glucose by

    taken right mediaction and reduce sugar

    intake, fruit e.g durian

    9)Advise patient ot do self-administer mediaction

    as orderd by doctor e g Lipitor Aspirin Herbresser

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    as orderd by doctor e.g Lipitor, Aspirin, Herbresser


    Rationale:Lipitor user to maintain cholesterol

    level whereas aspirin is assist in prevent blood

    clot formation in the coronary artery stent.

    Hebresser may reduce hypertension andangina pain as well as Imdur. Overall patients

    condition is controlled by these medication

    Implementat ion: I advise patient to take the

    medication on time, to maintain his severity of

    his disease become worse.

    Date: 8th June 2006

    Time: 10 00a m

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    Evaluat ion: Patients has improving his knowledgeregarding to the home care deficit in management of the

    ischemic hear disease after 1 hour the nursing

    intervention given.

    Suppo rt ing data:

    Patient verbalized that he is more confident to take care

    of himself at home

    Patient appreciated my lessons on him and he evenwish to try the steps as soon as possible.

    Init iated by:STN Low,1686

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    Health education

    On 8th June2006, I have teach Mr. S about

    the health education in the morning before

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    the health education in the morning before

    he proceed his discharged. I given thehealth education as stated below:


    Medication Exercise

    Risk factor

    Life style

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    Date:8thJune 2006

    Ti 12

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD



    TTA: Aspirin 150mg, BD

    Plavix 1/1 BD

    Lipitor 1omg dailyImdur 90mg daily

    Herbresser 30mg


    Diamicron 40mg daily

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    Follow up

    Date: 20thJune 2006 Dr. S has seen Mr. S. Doctor evaluate his

    condition that it is now improving of recovery

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    condition that it is now improving of recovery.

    Dr. S also stated the patient his is showing agood sign after post PTCA and no complicationof the PTCA is identified.

    Dr. S also had assess his blood pressure andthe result is 110/80 mmHg

    TTA: Zocor 40mg, Daily

    Aspirin 150 mg, BDPlavix 1/1, BD

    Herbresser 30mg, Daily

    Imdur 30mg, Daily

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    Mr. S was admitted to JSH for PTCA. Actually, he hasdeveloped chest pain on and off after 2 years ago. Thenhe felt chest pain is became severe and intolerance.

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    Hence a few investigation was done when he admittedon 30/O6/06. An angiogram is performed, the findingsare single vessel disease of right coronary artery 40%mild stenosis, 90% thigh stenosis of left circumflex arteryand thigh 90% of the first diagonal of left anteriordescending artery. He had done a PTCA on 3O/6/O6

    However he still experience chest pain after the PTCA,thus he decreased to do second PTCA to dilate thenarrow distal of the right coronary artery.

    During his admission, he came from Dr. Ts clinic to the

    ward, he looked fatigue. He complained of chest pain on

    and off since two weeks ago He had normal Dr T had

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    and off since two weeks ago. He had normal Dr. T had

    decided to perform the PTCA on4.00p.m

    Value of haemodynamic accept his heart rate was

    bradycardia, 47beats per minute. Dr. T seen had him

    and decided to perform the PTCA on 4.00 pm. Doctor

    also had prescribed the drugs for him as below:Aspirin 150mg, BD

    Plavix 1/1, BD

    Lipitor 10mg, Daily

    Ativan 0.5mg Daily

    After the PTCA was completed, the patient

    was sent to the High Dependcence Unit

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    was sent to the High Dependcence Unit,

    HDU on 7.40p.m for close monitoring. Hecame out from the cardiac catheterization

    laboratory with femoral dressing is dry and

    intact. Close observation is and potential

    of bleeding was monitored beside assessfor complication

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD



    1)C. Smeltzer S. ,Bare B.July2003(tenth edition) Brunner and

    Suddarths Medical Surgical Nursing, Coronary Artery Disease

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    Suddarth sMedical Surgical Nursing, Coronary Artery Disease

    2) Wange A,Grant A 2001 (ninth edition)Ross and Wilson, anatomy and

    Physiology Inhealth and Illness, Cardiovascular System3) Ignatavicius D.D, Bayne M.V, Medical Surgical Nursing Coronary

    Artery Disease)

    4) Walsh W. 2006 (Sixth Edition)Watsons Clinical Nursing and

    Related Sciences, Disorders of myocardial blood supply

    5) Lemone P, Burke K, (Third edition), Medical Surgical Nursing,

    Coronary Heart Disease6) Skidmore-roth L., (2004), Mosbys Nursing Drug Reference

    (102nd Edition 2005), MIMS

    8) Martin E.A, (2005), Dictionary Nursing Malaysian Edition

    9) http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/nhlb/contact/index.htm

    10) www.heart.com11) www.heartonline.com

    12) www.healthcentral.com

  • 8/11/2019 Power Point IHD


    Thank You