powergrid intranet nr...fatehgarh (tbcb) – fatehgarh-ii 400kv d/c line (765kv line operated at 400...


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Page 1: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765
Page 2: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765
Page 3: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765
Page 4: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765
Page 5: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765


Agenda for 26th Northern Region constituents meeting regarding Connectivity/LTA Applications in NR

1.0 Proposal for grant of Connectivity to the applications received from renewable energy sources

A. Stage-I Connectivity applications

Three nos. of Stage-I Connectivity applications has been received in the month of July 2019 and proposed to be granted as below:

Sl. No.

Application ID

Applicant Project Location

Date of Application

Connectivity Sought (MW)

Nature of Applicant

Proposed location for Connectivity

Dedicated Tr. system

1. 1200002233 Mahindra Susten Private Limited

Jodhpur, Rajasthan

30/07/2019 250 Solar Bhadla-II # Mahindra Susten Solar Power Project – Bhadla-II 220kV S/c line

2. 1200002179

Ayana Renewable Power One Private Limited

Bikaner, Rajasthan

04/07/2019 600 Solar Bikaner Ayana Power One Pvt. Ltd. Project – Bikaner 220 kV D/c line

3. 1200002223 Adani Green Energy Seven Limited

Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

30/07/2019 400 Hybrid

(Solar-400 MW, Wind-100 MW)


Adani Green Energy Seven Ltd. Solar Power Project – Fatehgarh-II 220kV D/c line

# Plant Name as per the application is 250 MW ISTS Project. Applicant may clarify.

It is to mention that the grant of Stage-I Connectivity shall not create any right in favour of the grantee on ISTS infrastructure

including bays. Stage-I Connectivity grantee shall be required to update the development of their generation project and associated

transmission infrastructure as per format RCON-I-M (available on CTU website >> Stage-I / Stage-II Status Monitoring Portal) by

30th day of June and 31st December of each year. Further Stage-I Connectivity grantee is required to secure the Stage-II

Connectivity for physical connectivity with the ISTS grid within 24 months. The Stage-I Connectivity grantees who fail to apply for

Stage-II Connectivity within 24 months from grant of Stage-I Connectivity shall cease to be Stage-I grantee and their Application

fees shall be forfeited.

Grant of Stage-I Connectivity shall not entitle an applicant to inter-change any power with the grid unless it obtains

LTA/MTOA/STOA for power transfer requirements, in case of LTA, it may require further transmission system strengthening.

Page 6: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765

Agenda for 26th meeting of NR for Connectivity & LTA Applications


Therefore, the applicants are advised to apply for Stage-II Connectivity and LTA at the earliest to enable power transfer to its

beneficiaries on long term basis.

Members may deliberate.

B. Stage-II Connectivity applications

Three nos. of Stage-II Connectivity applications has been received in the month of July 2019, details of which are mentioned below:


Sl. No.

Application No.

Applicant Location Date of Application

Quantum of Stage-I Sought/ Granted (MW)

Nature of Applicant

Stage-II Connectivity

Sought (MW)/date

Quantum won / Land & Auditor Basis

Location requested for Grant of Stage-II Connectivity



Ayana Renewable Power One Private Limited

Bikaner, Rajasthan





300/ 01.02.2021



Bikaner P.S (Connectivity sought at 400 kV)



ReNew Solar Energy (Jharkhand Three) Private Limited

Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

26/07/2019 300

(1200002149) Solar

300/ 23.04.2021


Fatehgarh PS (Connectivity sought at 220 kV)

3. 1200002225

Adani Green Energy Seven Limited

Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

30/07/2019 300


Hybrid 300/


SECI (ISTS Hybrid Tranche-II)

Fatehgarh-II PS (Connectivity sought at 220 kV)

M/s ReNew Solar Energy (Jharkhand Three) Private Limited has requested to grant connectivity at 220 kV level at Fatehgarh

Pooling Station. However, 2200 MW LTA has been granted at Fatehgarh PS and margin is not available for additional power

transfer. Accordingly, it is proposed to grant Stage-II Connectivity to above applicants with following details:

Page 7: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765

Agenda for 26th meeting of NR for Connectivity & LTA Applications



Sl. No.

Application No.

Applicant Location Date of Application

Quantum of Stage-I Sought/ Granted (MW)

Stage-II Connectivity

Sought (MW)/date

Quantum won / Land &

Auditor Basis

Proposed location for

Grant of Stage-II Connectivity

Dedicated Tr. System



Ayana Renewable Power One Private Limited

Bikaner, Rajasthan




300/ 01.02.2021


Bikaner P.S

Ayana Renewable Power One Pvt. Ltd. Plant - Bikaner

Pooling Station 400 kV S/c line – to be implemented by


2. 1200002229

ReNew Solar Energy (Jharkhand Three) Private Limited

Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

26/07/2019 300

(1200002149) 300/

23.04.2021 SECI

(ISTS-IV) Fatehgarh-II (New) PS**

Jaisalmer 3 Plant – Fatehgarh-II 220 kV S/c line–

to be implemented by applicant

3. 1200002225 Adani Green Energy Seven Limited

Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

30/07/2019 300


300 /


SECI (ISTS Hybrid Tranche-II)

Fatehgarh-II (New) PS**

Adani Green energy Seven Ltd. Plant - Fatehgarh-II PS

220kV S/c line – to be implemented by applicant

** For effecting the Connectivity at Fatehgarh-II (New) PS, following ISTS elements is required:

i. Establishment of 1x1500MVA, 765/400kV, Fatehgarh-II Pooling station at suitable location near Fatehgarh.

ii. Establishment of 1x500 MVA, 400/220kV ICT at Fatehgarh-II Pooling station

iii. LILO of Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Bhadla (PG) 765kV D/c line (to be operated at 400kV) at Fatehgarh-II so as to establish

Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line

or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765 kV D/c line.

Considering Right-of-Way constraints near substation for termination of number of 400kV/220 kV dedicated transmission lines, the

lines may be implemented through multi circuit tower near the substation entry for about 2-3 kms stretches. For this, applicants may

coordinate among themselves.

Page 8: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765

Agenda for 26th meeting of NR for Connectivity & LTA Applications


Stage-II Connectivity grantees are required to the sign the Transmission Agreement within 30 days from the date of intimation of

Grant of Stage-II Connectivity and shall furnish the applicable Connectivity Bank Guarantee (Conn-BG). No extension shall be

granted on any ground and in case of failure to sign the Agreement and / or to furnish the Conn-BG, Grant of Stage-II Connectivity

shall be revoked without any prior notice.

The Stage-II Connectivity grantee shall furnish progress of the monitoring parameters on quarterly basis in the format given at

FORMAT-RCON-II-M (available on CTU website >> Stage-I / Stage-II Status Monitoring Portal) by the last day of each quarter.

Failure to update progress of the monitoring parameters shall be considered as adverse progress and in such case CTU shall

approach the Commission for appropriate directions. Further, the Stage-II Connectivity grantees shall be required to complete the

dedicated transmission line(s) and pooling sub-station(s) within 24 months from the date of intimation of bay allocation at existing or

new / under-construction ISTS sub-station. If the grantee fails to complete the dedicated transmission line within the stipulated

period, the Conn-BG of the grantee shall be encashed and Stage-II connectivity shall be revoked.

The wind/solar generation project developers shall meet the requirements stipulated in CEA Technical Standards for Grid

Connectivity, IEGC & other applicable regulations & standards. In addition, progress of the generation project may be intimated on

quarterly basis.

Members may deliberate.

2.0 Proposal for grant of LTA to the applications received from RE Energy Sources Three nos. of LTA application, as given below, have been received during July, 2019. Details are as below:


Sl. No

Application No./Date (Online)

Applicant Connectivity/ Injection Point

Drawl Point LTA (MW)/ Start & End Date




1200002185 (09/07/2019)

Avaada Energy Private Limited

Bikaner P.S Maharashtra, WR (Target)

350 (Start : 25/06/2021 End : 25/06/2046)

Connectivity (1200002125-350 MW, Stage-II) has been granted at 400kV Switchyard of Bikaner PS and same is being considered for present LTA. Applicant may confirm.

Transmission system for Solar energy zones (8.9 GW) in

Page 9: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765

Agenda for 26th meeting of NR for Connectivity & LTA Applications


Sl. No

Application No./Date (Online)

Applicant Connectivity/ Injection Point

Drawl Point LTA (MW)/ Start & End Date



Rajasthan was technically agreed in 2nd

Meeting of Northern Region Standing Committee on Transmission held on 13/11/18 along with the system studies. The required power transfer of 350 MW from NR to WR (target) was envisaged at Bikaner PS under 8.9 GW for inter-regional power transfer.

Accordingly, it is proposed to grant LTA to M/s Avaada Energy Pvt. Ltd. for 350 MW from Bikaner PS to WR (Target) from

25/06/2021 to 25/06/2046 subject to commissioning of ISTS system mentioned at Annexure-I.


1200002232 (29/07/2019)

ReNew Solar Energy

(Jharkhand Three) Private


Fatehgarh-II (new) PS

WR (Target)

300 (Start : 23/04/2021 End : 22/04/2046)

Connectivity (1200002229-300 MW, Stage-II) is under consideration in the present meeting. The same is being considered for present LTA. Applicant may confirm.

Transmission system for Solar energy zones (8.9 GW) in Rajasthan was technically agreed in 2

nd Meeting of Northern

Region Standing Committee on Transmission held on 13/11/18 along with the system studies. The required power transfer of 390 MW from NR to WR (target) was envisaged at Bikaner PS under 8.9 GW for inter-regional power transfer.

Accordingly, it is proposed to grant LTA to M/s ReNew Solar Energy (Jharkhand Three) Pvt. Ltd. (Jaisalmer 3 Plant) for 300

MW from Fatehgarh-II (new) PS to WR (Target) from 23/04/2021 to 22/04/2046 subject to commissioning of ISTS system mentioned at Annexure-II.

Page 10: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765

Agenda for 26th meeting of NR for Connectivity & LTA Applications


Sl. No

Application No./Date (Online)

Applicant Connectivity/ Injection Point

Drawl Point LTA (MW)/ Start & End Date



3. 1200000913 (01.12.2017)

Rajasthan Solarpark Development Company Ltd. (RSDCL)-SPPD

Bhadla-II (new) PS

NR (Target) 980

(Start : 30/11/2019* End : 29/11/2044)

Connectivity (1200002151-980 MW, Stage-II) has been agreed for grant at 220kV Switchyard of Bhadla-II PS and same is being considered for present LTA. Applicant may confirm.

Transmission system for Solar energy zones (8.9 GW) in Rajasthan was technically agreed in 2

nd Meeting of Northern

Region Standing Committee on Transmission held on 13/11/18 along with the system studies. The required power transfer of 980 MW to NR (target) was envisaged at Bhadla-II PS under 8.9 GW for inter-regional power transfer.

Accordingly, it is proposed to grant LTA to M/s RSDCL (Nokh Solar park) for 980 MW from Bhadla-II PS to NR (Target)

subject to commissioning of ISTS system mentioned at Annexure-III.

*Start date of LTA may be confirmed by the applicant The LTA grantees are required to the sign the Long Term Access Agreement within 30 days from the date of intimation of Grant of

LTA and shall furnish the applicable Construction phase Bank Guarantee (CBG), no extension shall be granted on any ground and

in case of failure to sign the Agreement and / or to furnish the CBG, Grant of LTA shall be revoked without any prior notice. The

transmission charges shall be applicable from the date of commissioning of ISTS, irrespective of the status of commissioning of

generation project.

The wind/solar generation project developers shall meet the requirements stipulated in CEA Technical Standards for Grid

Connectivity, IEGC & other applicable regulations & standards. In addition, progress of the generation project may be intimated on

quarterly basis.

Members may deliberate.

---------------------- xxxxx -----------------------

Page 11: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765

Agenda for 26th meeting of NR for Connectivity & LTA Applications



Tr. System for LTA applications at Bikaner (PG)

1) Establishment of 765/400kV, 2x1500 MVA S/s at suitable location near Khetri

2) Bikaner(PG) – Khetri 765kV D/c line

3) Khetri – Jhatikara 765kV D/c line

4) Khetri – Sikar (PG) 400kV D/c line (twin HTLS)

5) Ajmer (PG) – Phagi 765kV D/c line

6) Augmentation with 765/400kV, 1x1000MVA transformer (3rd) at Bhiwani (PG)

7) 1x125 MVAr (420kV), 2x240 MVAr (765kV) Bus Reactor each at Khetri Substation

8) 1x240 MVAr Switchable line reactor for each circuit at each end of Bikaner – Khetri 765kV D/c line

9) Suitable bus splitting arrangement at 765/400/220 kV Moga S/s

Page 12: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765

Agenda for 26th meeting of NR for Connectivity & LTA Applications


Annexure-II Transmission system for LTA applications at Fatehgarh-II S/s

1) Establishment of 765/400kV, 3X1500MVA ICT (2nd, 3rd & 4th), pooling station at suitable location near Fatehgarh (Fatehgarh-II PS)

2) Establishment of 400/220kV, 3X500MVA (3rd & 4th), ICT at Fatehgarh-II Pooling station

3) Establishment of 765/400kV, 2x1500MVA pooling station at suitable location near Phalodi/ Bhadla in Jodhpur (Bhadla-II PS)

4) Establishment of 765/400kV, 2x1500 MVA S/s at suitable location near Khetri

5) Charging of Fatehgarh-II PS–Bhadla section at 765kV level

6) LILO of both ckts of 765kV Ajmer – Bikaner D/c line at Bhadla-II PS

7) Fatehgarh-II PS – Bhadla -II PS 765kV D/c line

8) Bhadla-II PS – Bhadla (PG) 400kV D/c Line (Twin HTLS)

9) Bikaner(PG) – Khetri S/s 765kV D/c line

10) Khetri – Jhatikara 765kV D/c line

11) Khetri – Sikar (PG) 400kV D/c line (twin AL59)

12) Augmentation with 1x1000MVA,765/400kV transformer (3rd) at Bhiwani (PG)

13) Ajmer (PG)– Phagi 765kV D/c line

14) 1x125 MVAr (420kV), 2x240 MVAr (765kV) Bus Reactor each at Fatehgarh-II PS, Bhadla-II PS & Khetri Substation

15) 1x240 MVAR Switchable Line reactors for each circuit at Jhatikara end of Khetri – Jhatikara 765kV D/c line

16) 1x240 MVAr Switchable line reactor for each circuit at each end of Bikaner – Khetri 765kV D/c line

17) 1x330 MVAr Switchable line reactor for each circuit at Bhadla-II PS end for Ajmer - Bhadla-II PS 765kV line (after LILO)

18) 1x240 MVAr Switchable line reactor for each circuit at Bhadla-II PS end for Bikaner-Bhadla-II PS 765kV line (after LILO)

19) Suitable bus splitting arrangement at 765/400/220 kV Moga S/s

In addition to following Transmission System for Connectivity, shall also be required:

1) Establishment of 1x1500MVA, 765/400kV, Fatehgarh-II Pooling station at suitable location near Fatehgarh.

2) Establishment of 1x500 MVA, 400/220kV ICT at Fatehgarh-II Pooling station

3) LILO of Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Bhadla (PG) 765kV D/c line (to be operated at 400kV) at Fatehgarh-II so as to establish

Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or

Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765 kV D/c line.

Page 13: POWERGRID INTRANET NR...Fatehgarh (TBCB) – Fatehgarh-II 400kV D/c line (765kV line operated at 400 kV) and Fatehgarh-II - Bhadla 765kV D/c line or Fatehgarh-II – Bhadla-II 765

Agenda for 26th meeting of NR for Connectivity & LTA Applications


Annexure-III Transmission system for LTA applications at Bhadla-II S/s

1) Bhadla-II PS – Bhadla (PG) 400kV D/c Line (Twin HTLS)

2) Bikaner(PG) – Khetri S/s 765kV D/c line

3) Khetri – Jhatikara 765kV D/c line

4) Khetri – Sikar (PG) 400kV D/c line (twin AL59)

5) Augmentation with 1x1000MVA,765/400kV transformer (3rd) at Bhiwani (PG)

6) Ajmer (PG)– Phagi 765kV D/c line

7) 1x125 MVAr (420kV), 2x240 MVAr (765kV) Bus Reactor each at Fatehgarh-II PS, Bhadla-II PS & Khetri Substation

8) 1x240 MVAR Switchable Line reactors for each circuit at Jhatikara end of Khetri – Jhatikara 765kV D/c line

9) 1x240 MVAr Switchable line reactor for each circuit at each end of Bikaner – Khetri 765kV D/c line

10) 1x330 MVAr Switchable line reactor for each circuit at Bhadla-II PS end for Ajmer - Bhadla-II PS 765kV line (after LILO)

11) 1x240 MVAr Switchable line reactor for each circuit at Bhadla-II PS end for Bikaner-Bhadla-II PS 765kV line (after LILO)

12) Suitable bus splitting arrangement at 765/400/220 kV Moga S/s