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Imputation & Meta-analysis Alexander Teumer OHBM – 26/06/2016

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Imputation & Meta-analysis

Alexander Teumer

OHBM – 26/06/2016

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Why do we impute

To allow comparison with other samples on other chips

To fine map – i.e. run association at variants we have not


To improve call rate – i.e. increase the number of variants

available for poorly genotyped samples (not ideal)

To identify genotyping errors

array system A

array system B

reference panel



recombination hotspots

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A quick conceptual theory of imputation

Start with some genotype data

Using LD the structure within

your data, phase your data

to reconstruct the haplotypes

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A quick conceptual theory of imputation

Compare your phased data to

the references

Use the LD structure to

impute in the missing genotypes

(Marchini, J. and Howie, B. 2010. Nat Rev Genet 11 499-511.)

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Chose Genotyping Array

Ideally use a chip designed for imputation

All chips have data sheets if you are obtaining genotyping make sure you

check the sheet before choosing the chip!

Also look for papers on imputation using your preferred chip and ask

authors who have published using that chip

Check the manifests and make sure your favourite genes are covered!

Some arrays are less suitable for imputation

ExomeChip (almost only exomes covered, most SNPs not in refpanel)

Cardio-MetaboChip (selected regions only)

...but some have tag SNPs added

Illumina HumanCoreExome BeadChip

(Exome+300k genome-wide tag SNPs)

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Easiest (and best) way of imputing

Use the Imputation Servers

Michigan: https://imputationserver.sph.umich.edu/ (Minimac3)

Sanger: https://imputation.sanger.ac.uk/ (PBWT)

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Step 1 – Chose phasing method


Well established method

Phased data not downloadable from imputation server

(cannot be re-used for fast re-imputation with different reference panel)

Eagle v2.0

New algorithm

Very fast and accurate


Available on Michigan server only

No reference-based phasing algorithm

This phasing does not take into account any sources of information

other than the input genotypes, i.e. no family data

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Step 2 – Pick your references


2.4M SNPs

Well imputed and well known set

Good for first imputation run – not commonly used anymore

1KGP aka 1000G

Phase1v3 ~37M SNPs+INDELs of these ~11M will be useable

1,092 individuals

Phase3v5 ~82M SNPs+INDELs of these ~12M will be useable

2,504 individuals

Haplotype reference consortium (HRC)

release 1.1 (full panel only usable through the imputation servers)

39M SNPs (MAC≥5), 32,470 individuals (pan European + 1000G)

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Step 2 – Pick your references

All Ethnicities vs Specific Ethnicity panels

Consider what the consortiums/collaborators you want to

work with want to do

Case by case basis

All ethnicities panels are larger (and slower) – but often

requested by collaborators

Can be more accurate – esp. for a ‘cosmopolitan US’ sample

May not improve imputation for homogeneous populations or

those with strong founder effects

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Main Differences of Imputation Servers

Michigan: Minimac3 very precise

Sanger: PBWT very fast

Chr X imputation coming soon for imputation servers

Durbin et al., Poster 2015

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Genotype data - Make your data clean! Convert to PLINK binary format

Exclude samples with:

Excessive missingness (>5%)

Reported vs. genotyped sex-mismatch

Unusual high/low heterozygosity

Check for ancestry outliers (PCA/MDS) or related/duplicate samples

Exclude SNPs with:

Excessive missingness (>5%)

Monomorphic SNPs (may represent genotyping errors)

Genotyping platform dependent: low MAF (<1%)

i.e. for HumanCoreExome or old array types

HWE violations (~P<10-4)

Mendelian errors (in case of family data available)

Duplicate chromosomal positions

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Align DNA strand to reference panel: usually forward (+) strand

Problem: strand ambiguous snps (AT and CG snps):

Remember: DNA is composed of 2 antiparallel strands the complement of an A is

a T and the complement of a C is G this makes it difficult to work out if the

genotypes are strand aligned to the references.

(+) and (–) strand is an arbitrary construct changes between builds and sources.

Check allele frequency or drop these SNPs and re-impute them…

Align SNP positions to the same genome build

Imputation servers require GRCh37 (hg19)

Convert using Liftover (http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgLiftOver)

Genotype data - Make your data clean!

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Format input file

VCF format required

One file per chr for Michigan, one for all chr for Sanger imputation server

Use PLINK≥1.9 or PSEQ to convert plink files to VCF

Consider sample IDs: FID, IID or both (PLINK)

Ensure chromosomes are numbers 1...22, X, Y (without prefix) (PSEQ)

Match alleles and coordinates to GRCh37 (+) strand, Sanger: match also ref alleles

checkVCF tool, plink: use options --a2-allele and --real-ref-alleles to set reference alleles

Sort SNPs by genomic position (per chromosome)



Genoytpes Info

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Output VCF

Comments, info and genotypes in one file

One line per variant

One column per person

Allele dosage info and genotype probabilities incl.

imputation uncertainties

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But I’m going to assume you have the

time, computational capacity, storage

space and desire to do this yourself…

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Genotypes and reference panel

Sample and SNP QC are the same as for imputation

server approach

Download reference panel

match strand and genome build positions with own genotypes

HapMapII (NCBI build 36 / hg18 coordinates)

HapMapIII (NCBI build 36 / hg18 coordinates)

1000G phase1 release 3 (NCBI build 37 / GRCh37 / hg19)

1000G phase3 release 5 (NCBI build 37 / GRCh37 / hg19)

build your own reference panel...

full HRC panel not publically available for download

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Phase your data

Chose pre-phasing program

ShapeIT http://mathgen.stats.ox.ac.uk/genetics_software/shapeit/shapeit.html

Eagle https://data.broadinstitute.org/alkesgroup/Eagle/

Download genetic map and reference panel

genetic map contains recombination information

appropriate reference panel (optional) improves phasing

(speed + precision)

MaCH http://www.sph.umich.edu/csg/abecasis/MaCH/

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Impute your data

Chose imputation program




Never use PLINK

Similar accuracy, features, time frame

Different output formats & downstream analysis options

Take care of chrX imputation, i.e. for PAR and non-PAR:

specific options (IMPUTE2)

split by sex (Minimac/Minimac3)

Imputation program






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File formats

Different software require different file formats

Tools for conversion available

Software Phasing MaCH Eagle ShapeIT

File format


Output Mach HAPS HAPS

Software Imputing Minimac Minimac3 IMPUTE2

File format




Software GWAS (dosage)



File format



* supports analysis of related samples

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Approaches to GWAS meta-analysis

Fixed effects

Most common - most powerful approach for discovery under the model that the true effect of each risk allele is the same in each data set

Inverse variance weighted most common

N weighted (z-score based) also common

Random effects

Uncommon - more appropriate when the aim is to consider the generalizability of the observed association and estimate the average effect size of the associated variant and its uncertainty across different populations


Very uncommon – mainly MAs from the Welcome Trust

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Quality control of data going into MA is


Exclude rare variants

Typically 1% or 0.5% MAF with large samples (5000+) can

consider going lower

Exclude poorly imputed variants

Imputation accuracy metric depends on the software used

Mach/minimac/QUICKTEST r2

IMPUTE properinfo/info

BEAGLE ovarimp

Typically calculated as observed variance/expected –

can empirically go over 1 usually capped at 1

Threshold ~0.6

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Important considerations for MA

Duplicate QC and meta-analysis sites

Always check the input data

Column header, beta/SE/P-value distribution, allele frequencies,...

Use GWAtoolbox or EasyQC R-packages

Harmonize variant ID CHR:POS:TYPE (SNP/INDEL)

Make sure you double check meta-analysis results

QQ plots

Manhattan plots

Allele frequencies (min/max per SNP)

Heterogeneity (HetPVal / I²)

Compare inverse-variance vs. z-score based meta-analysis results

Consider allowing cohorts to ignore variants with MAF <0.5% and low r² – it will save you a lot of time and save a lot of storage space!

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Input file QC: GWAtoolbox

Checks consistency and distribution of input file columns

Compares beta distribution across cohorts

Harmonizes input files (header + separator)

Corrects for genomic control and calculates effective N

Input script like METAL

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GWAS Meta-Analysis

Most commonly used software for common variant

analysis: METAL

Automatic strand flipping of non-ambiguous SNPs

Calculation of max/min/mean allele frequency

Inverse variance & sample size weightings

Automatic genomic control correction

Heterogeneity tests

Most commonly used software for rare variant analysis:


seqMeta (R-package)

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Documentation can be found at the metal wiki:



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Requires results files

‘Script’ file

Describes the input files

Defines meta-analysis strategy

Name output file

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1. Check format of results files

1. Ensure all necessary columns are available

2. Modify files to include all information

2. Prepare script file

1. Ensure headers match description

2. Crosscheck each results file matches Process name

3. Run metal

1. metal < metal_script_file > metal_run.log

2. Output: result file + info file

3. Check log for errors and warnings

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METAL script file:

SNPID chr position coded_

all noncoded

_all strand_

genome beta SE pval


d_all HWE_pv

al callrate n_total


d used_for_

imp oevar_


rs10 7 92221824 C A + -0.484216 0.240421 0.0440064 0.942 1 1 2004 1 0 0.346707

rs1000000 12 125456933 G A + -0.117195 0.0814519 0.150201 0.7925 0.115932 1 2004 1 0 0.993797


SNPID chr position coded_

all noncoded

_all strand_

genome beta SE pval


d_all HWE_pv

al callrate n_total


d used_for_

imp oevar_


rs10 7 92221824 C A + -0.484216 0.240421 0.0440064 0.942 1 1 2004 1 0 0.346707

rs1000000 12 125456933 G A + -0.117195 0.0814519 0.150201 0.7925 0.115932 1 2004 1 0 0.993797



ALLELE coded_all noncoded_all




FREQLABEL AF_coded_all



ADDFILTER pval > 0




LABEL TotalSampleSize as n_total

OUTFILE Meta-results_invvar .txt

PROCESS results1.txt

PROCESS results2.txt


Running METAL

# define column names

# set genomic control on/off

# filter result file lines

# set weights to inverse-variance

# define input file separator

# add custom variable to calculate N total

# set prefix of output filename

# define input files

# start meta-analysis and calc heterogeneity

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Output # This file contains a short description of the columns in the

# meta-analysis summary file, named ' Meta-results_invvar1.txt'

# Marker - this is the marker name

# Allele1 - the first allele for this marker in the first file where it occurs

# Allele2 - the second allele for this marker in the first file where it occurs

# Freq1 - weighted average of frequency for allele 1 across all studies

# FreqSE - corresponding standard error for allele frequency estimate

# Effect - overall estimated effect size for allele1

# StdErr - overall standard error for effect size estimate

# P-value - meta-analysis p-value

# Direction - summary of effect direction for each study, with one '+' or '-' per study

# HetChiSq - chi-squared statistic in simple test of heterogeneity

# df - degrees of freedom for heterogeneity statistic

# HetPVal - P-value for heterogeneity statistic

# TotalSampleSize - custom variable 1

# Input for this meta-analysis was stored in the files:

# --> Input File 1 : results1.txt

# --> Input File 2 : results2.txt

MarkerName Allele1 Allele2 Freq1 FreqSE Effect StdErr P-value Direction HetChiSq HetDf HetPVal TotalSamp


rs2326918 a g 0.8545 0.0053 0.0638 0.091 0.4836 +- 0.483 1 0.4873 2412

rs10760160 a c 0.5164 0.006 -0.0492 0.0625 0.431 -- 0.007 1 0.9324 2412

SNP1-152986 a c 0.3796 0 -0.147 0.3169 0.6427 ?- 0 0 1 408


info file:

result file:

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Common Errors


## Processing file 'results3.txt'

## WARNING: Bad alleles for marker '5:92717972:SNP', expecting 'a/g' found 'c/g'

## WARNING: Bad alleles for marker '9:110286832:SNP', expecting 'a/g' found 'a/c'

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GWAS Catalog: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/home

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Phase your data - Details

Phasing programs “use a hidden Markov model (HMM) to

model the haplotypes underlying G as an imperfect

mosaic of haplotypes in the set H. Compatible haplotypes

are sampled for G using the forward-backward algorithm

for HMMs”

Problem: complexity is quadratic and scales with sample

size and Nsnps O(MK2) Delaneau, O. et al. 2013. Nat Meth 10 5-6.

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Phase your data

Currently best program for phasing is SHAPEIT2

Delaneau, O., Zagury, J.-F. et al. 2013. Nat Meth 10 5-6.

Avoids the quadratic bottle neck by:

“collapsing all K haplotypes in H into a graph structure, Hg, and

then carrying out the HMM calculations on this graph.”

Sampling pairs of haplotypes

Transition accuracy is improved by drawing on surrogate

family members

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Phase your data


Transition accuracy is improved by drawing on surrogate

family members

restricts each phasing update to a set of k template haplotypes

chosen separately for each individual at each iteration

The k templates are chosen by computing Hamming distances

between an individual's current sampled haplotypes and each

possible template haplotype.

the k templates with the smallest distances are refereed to as

“surrogate family members”

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Can multi-thread

Note: this is a genetic map based on recombination (cM) not a

physical map (BP)!

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lower memory and more computationally efficient


References are in a custom format (m3vcf) that can handle

very large references with lower memory

Can read in the SHAPEIT2 references

Output is vcf format

Includes both SNP and individuals IDs – safest format to avoid


Downstream analysis with RAREMETALWORKER or other vcf

input tools

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vcf format

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Imputing in minimac3

Can impute X

Impute Males & Females together for the pseudo Autosomal

region (PAR)

Separately for the non-PAR

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Comments, info and genotypes in a single file

One line per variant

One column per person

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The comments

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The info

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The genotypes

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A practical example


post-mortem gene expression in ‘brain’ tissue


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Chromosome 22 only – HapMapII- b36r22

MaCH phasing

(In real life with a sample this size include the reference

in the phasing)

Minimac Imputation

Run twice

Once without stand alignment (badImp)

Once with strand alignment (goodImp)

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How do we know there was no

strand alignment from the output?

No way of telling from the phasing log

B/c we didn’t include a reference

Imputation log is FULL of errors

rs915677-T rs915677-R rs9617528-T rs9617528-R

A 0 .08 .72 0

C .91 0 0 .17

G 0 .92 .28 0

T .09 0 0 .83

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Plot the r2 for the 2 imputation runs

How do they compare?

badImp 17,908/39905 with r2 >=.6

goodImp 24,685/39905 with r2 >=.6

still quite bad b/c of small N

Should have compensated by including ref data

in the phasing step

In a QIMR dataset N=19k 32296/33815

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GENOTYPES!!!!!! Analyse the dosage or probabilities as this will account

for the imputation uncertainty

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Simple phenotype file formats

Can account for relatedness & twins

Can use GRM to account for relatedness (memory+++)

Ped file

(no header)

Dat file

raremetalworker --ped your.ped --dat your.dat --vcf your.vcf.gz --

prefix example

raremetalworker --ped your.ped --dat your.dat --vcf your.vcf.gz --

kinPedigree --prefix example

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Files to practice with

Detailed cookbooks are available:

Minimac http://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/Minimac:_GIANT_1000_Genomes_Imputation_Cookbook

Minimac3 http://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/Minimac3_Imputation_Cookbook

Impute2 http://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/Impute2:_GIANT_1000_Genomes_Imputation_Cookbook

But really and truly consider using the Imputation Servers

so that you can access the HRC references!



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Setting up a Meta-analysis

Managing the personal and social connections is extremely important

meta-analyses are usually unfunded

Time line is too short and budget is too small for a grant

Meta-analyses do not work top down – to be successful they MUST be led by analysts who know what they are doing

Evangelou, E. 2013. Nat Rev Genet 14 379-389.

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Columns METAL uses


Effect allele & non-effect allele

Frequency of effect allele


SE [for standard error meta-analysis]

P-value [for Z-score meta-analysis]

IMPORTANT – you can not use FDR controlled or adaptively

permuted P values!

N/weight column [for Z-score meta-analysis]

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Effect allele

Differs for different programs and analysis options

Minor/major allele


1st listed



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Genomic control

λ (lambda)

Median test statistic/ expected median test stat

Should be one

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Strand Ambiguous SNPs

When you get data from different studies is not always

aligned the same way

Remember A<>T & C<>G

If a SNP is A/C or then the reverse strand is T/G

No ambiguity, regardless of strand we know which allele is


A/G, T/C & T/G also non ambiguous

METAL can align you non ambiguous SNPs

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Strand Ambiguous SNPs

Remember A<>T & C<>G

If a SNP is A/T then the reverse strand is T/A

AMBIGUOUS!!! Need to check allele freq to make sure

samples are aligned

C/G SNPs are also ambiguous!

METAL can not align ambiguous SNPs

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Meta-analysis running

We will run meta-analysis based on effect size and on test


For the weights of test statistic, I’ve assumed that the

sample sizes are the same

METAL defaults to weight of 1 when no weight column is


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Step 2: script file: meta_run_file

# PERFORM META-ANALYSIS based on effect size and on test statistic # Loading in the input files with results from the participating samples # Note: Order of samples is …[sample size, alphabetic order,..] # Phenotype is .. # MB March 2013 MARKER SNP ALLELE A1 A2 PVALUE P EFFECT log(OR) STDERR SE specifies column names PROCESS results1.txt PROCESS results2.txt processes two results files OUTFILE meta_res_Z .txt Output file naming ANALYZE Conducts Z-based meta-analysis from test statistic CLEAR Clears workspace SCHEME STDERR Changes meta-analysis scheme to beta + SE PROCESS results1.txt PROCESS results2.txt processes two results files OUTFILE meta_res_SE .txt Output file naming ANALYZE Conducts effect size meta-analysis

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Larger Consortia # PERFORM META-ANALYSIS on P-values

module load metal

metal << EOT

# Loading in the inputfiles with results from the participating samples

# Note: Order of samples is alpahabetic

# Phenotype is WB



ALLELE coded_all noncoded_all



WEIGHT n_total






ALLELE coded_all noncoded_all



WEIGHT n_total




AND SO ON (in this case 40 files)

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Running metal

metal < metal_run_file > metal_run.log

metal is the command

metal_run_file is the script file

This will output information on the running of METAL things to

standard out [the terminal]

It will spawn 4 files:

2 results files: meta_res_Z1.txt + meta_res_SE1.txt

2 info files: meta_res_Z1.txt.info + meta_res_SE1.txt.info

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Output you’ll see

Overview of METAL commands

Any errors

And your best hit from meta-analysis

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Don’t ask for stuff you don’t need (Its annoying & adding extra columns*30M lines is a waste of


You need:

SNP, CHR:BP, EffectAllele, NonEffectAllele, EA_Freq, Ntotal,

Beta, SE, P, Rsq


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Part of the slides are by courtesy of Sarah Medland