powerpoint obesity factors in humans

Obesity Factors in Humans A presentation by Jonathan S. Weis

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Obesity Factors in Humans

A presentation by

Jonathan S. Weis

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Some statistics from 2007• Globally on this earth are over 1 Billion Over weight Humanoid adults

• Not including those 1 billion there are at least 300 million obese adults

• The United States is the worlds fattest county with the adult population 30%+ obese and 50%+ overweight.

• Mexico comes in second at 24%+ of adults overweight.

• United Kingdom has the third highest at 23% of adults overweight.

• About 90 million obese Americans are paying 50% more for their health coverage (insurance) than the healthy patients do.

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Self history• From the time I was born, to the age of 8 years old my body

was in peak condition. I used my body for everything I did. My lifestyle was very active, as a child I was always on the move. Also I was cared for by my parents who paid attention to me.

• Sometime after the age of 8 I was enrolled into the Waitsburg elementary school. My body was engaged in different activities than previously experienced, thusly changed to fit my activeness.

• My body also took in new substances, known as school food. Where I was responsible for my own eating.

• This was the start to my childhood obesity.

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Changes come to pass

• In basic terms - previously I spent my afternoons outside being active. My body took in substance that were provided to me by either Mother or Father adults.

• So, there are 2 things that changed in my life due to being placed in the ownership of other humanoids. First off, my substance intake was highly changed, the matter that my body was becoming was different than I was before. Also, my physical activities were changed, I was using different parts of my body in different amounts.

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Getting physical

• You may or may not know, but our bodies are 100% made of the things we put in. The Solids you eat, the Liquids you drink, and the Gases you Inhale are what compose our bodies physical matter.

• The reason for eating or drinking is to replace/repair your body’s old and worn out parts. We are constantly rebuilding on the inside.

• Most of the human body is made of water, only liquids and gas can move in nature. Really the human body is a composure of solid matter, and liquid matter in compounds that we use our organs to keep making more of yourself out of the matter you take in. Hope I’m making sense.

• We can obtain both solid and liquid matter in food, most foods have some liquids in them, otherwise they would be hard and not move easily.

• Gases that we inhale don’t give us nutrients, but carbon and solid matter floating in gas is absorbed and caught inside the lungs where we obtain small amounts of useable matter.

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Simple scenario• Anything you eat, gets broken down into simple substances, amino

acids, fatty acids, proteins, glucose, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, starch, and so on.

• So, say you have a slab of pork chops (or any meat) about 3 oz. for breakfast (first meal of your day). Guess what happens? You body will digest it and turn it into what muscle is made of. So your intestines are absorbing broken down proteins and fats. Now you have the building blocks to a pork muscle in your blood stream where it travels throughout your body.

• Now, is it a good thing that you are running off the energy of muscle? Its the same energy you would absorb if you stopped eating and your body salvaged your own muscles for energy. The human body needs a balanced diet with many different sources of energy, this makes a variety of nutrients being absorbed at a rate known as, healthy.

• Also, bet you didn't think about it specificity, when you eat food, it goes into your blood stream and travels through your body. Now thinking of that, what would it be like having broken down junk food going though your whole body (capillaries, veins, all organs.)

• That is a major reason why people need balanced nutrition, because then your body has the correct amount of the resources you need for homeostasis.

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Managing what goes where

• Our bodies are fueled by the foods we have inside of our digestive tract which breaks substance down into matter useable for cells. The matter (recourses) are then spread throughout the body where your body knows it’s needed. This is the process of your blood supplying your tissue with the things your cells need for function.

• So any material you ingest is slowly broken down and spread throughout your insides depending on how nourished you are at that moment, and what your body has digesting inside you. The brain (as a whole) is what decides what chemicals are released, how fast things happen inside of you (processes), and your rate of energy consumption.

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Chemicals inside• Healthy energy.

• For healthy function the body needs to be supplied with balanced nutrients through the digestive system so when the body is making actions it has the resources it needs – one of those, is ATP.

• Food substance which is broken down into glucose, sugars, and carbohydrates are used in the formation of ATP.

• Water substance is also used as it is in all functions of the body.

• Oxygen is also used in the making of ATP• ATP is what muscles and organs use for fuel.

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• Body Reasons- Being fat isn't the “bad” outcome of eating, its what you have done storing up your extra resources as adipose tissue (body fat) and water. Even though fat is unhealthy, its not “bad”.

• And when people have very stocked, or full supplies of fat energy, they can become unhealthy from too much substance in their bloodstream all the time. Also, when you eat fat, and digest it, some goes directly into your blood, and in obese people, that fat can be seen in blood extracted from an obese person who is digesting a fast food, or greasy meal.

• Body fat is obviously your bodies backup supply of energy, and water. Essentially the human body has barely evolved since the stone age.

• Most everyone went through famine sometime in their lives. Its not until about 300 years ago that the people who were rich weren't the only fatties.

• A key factor of this ability is we can binge eat when there is a supplies of food, then go for some time with out eating because our body stores it.

• Before the world shared its food through port, most people were skinny because food was either scarce, expensive, or not readily available.

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What is the human body made of then?

• 65%-90% of the human body weight is pure water “H2O” (depending on how hydrated you are.)

• 99% of our body’s mass is made of 6 elements.

Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, and Phosphorus.

• The rest of the elements are non-essentials that we can have inside of us, but we don’t use them, or have little use for them.

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Experiencing food

• A big part of food is why we want it. (brain body connection)• The body is in need of food for function• Because its something to do (boredom)• Our external clock says its time to eat (breakfast 6 am, lunch 12 pm,

dinner 6 pm. (even if we aren't really hungry)• Our body is in need of energy and tells our brain to eat.• We feel hungry for a certain food (by smell or crave)• How nourished your body is from previous meals also effects


• Most people don't realize it, but when we eat, unlike other animals, we feed our minds too. The food gives us more of an experience that satisfies our body, and feeds our mental hunger. (which is taste and crave oriented)

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How to lose unwanted body mass

• First off, It takes the realization that everything eaten is what you break down to replace body parts with. So, the thought process about eating must be changed. Do you want to absorb this? Or that? Do you really need it?

• Second, intake as much H2O (water) or liquids as you can, this supplies your body with more mass to move around causing you to burn more calories just in digesting water and releasing water with unneeded substances your body is filtering out in urine.

• Third, Intake proper amounts of food, mostly vegetation that is green or rich in nutrients. Don’t stop eating junk foods and things you like to eat, that’s the wrong way to diet. Just eat less of the high calorie foods you enjoy.

• Forth, use your body. Do some kind of physical movement that will make every muscle in your body be in use. Walking, or aerobics, something that is a light work out for you.

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My story of how I lost the weightBack in January of 2010, I was peaked at 265 lbs. Mostly

water and stored body fat.

Then, suddenly I started to drink water regularly throughout the day. From morning to night I was drinking water and eating way less than I was previously.

My physical activities did not change, I never once went on a run, or lifting weights or trying to burn calories. All I did was fast, and didn't eat unless I needed to.

As the weeks went by, my weight slowly dropped as my body wasn’t storing excess glucose and water in my flesh. Instead my body was taking away from my fat reserves.

Now here I am 70 pounds lighter at 195lbs. and all I had to do was eat less, drink more, and wait…

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Credits• This is the list of websites that I used for research, viewing and images.

• http://fantasyartdesign.com/free-wallpapers/imgs• www.myspace.com/profiles• www.facebook.com/photos• www.google.com• www.ask.com• www.bing.com• http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity• http://www.nationmaster.com• http://www.annecollins.com/food-digestion-guide.htm• http://www.obesity.org• http://www.diversityinc.com/article• http://www.melslife.com• http://clinicaltrials.gov• http://www.obesityinamerica.org/understandingObesity• http://www.csun.edu• http://tuberose.com/Digestion.html