powerpoint: problem of evil

The Battle at Kruger What is your reaction to this? What kind of “evil” is this? Explain who might use this as evidence for the non- existence of God? http:// www.youtube.com/watch? v=u2wOhlWeYpY Watch the recording!

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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The Battle at Kruger

What is your reaction to this?

What kind of “evil” is this?

Explain who might use this as evidence for the non-existence of God?


Watch the recording!

The Problem of Evil

How is the Problem of Evil a challenge to the existence of God?

Learning Objectives – write ONE

(Padawans – aiming for AO1 and AO2 band 3)Explain how the Problem of Evil challenges the existence of God and identify some responses.(Knights – aiming for AO1 and AO2 band 4)Justify the various presentations of the problem of evil and summarise the responses.(Masters – aiming for AO1 and AO2 band 5)Critically evaluate the argument against God based on the Problem of Evil.

Look at your last assessment. What grade are you working at?

A-B you’re a MasterC you’re a KnightD-E you’re a Padawan

Philosophy Taboo

K: What is your reaction to this?

U: What kind of “evil” is this?

E: Explain who might use this as evidence for the non-existence of God?

This work is as “A Team”


Research your sources!

Take ONE of the sources.Source 1,2,3,4

All MUSTRead through and discuss the “discussion points”.

Most SHOULDComplete the written tasks.

Some COULDComplete the 4th source.

ExtensionAdd the sources to your essay plan.


Work in…

Summarising the facts

K: Describe what the article is about.

U: Explain how it challenged the existence of God.

E: Offer your own responses to the challenge.

ExtensionFew might: Note on your essay plan how you would use these sources.

In your hand-outs, find the 3 QUESTIONS page.

With your group, try to answer these questions.

This work is as “A Team”

Change groupsShare with others

All must: share what you have recorded on your summary sheet.

Most should: Complete the grid with the other sources.

Some could: Make a comparison and make a note on the mini-white-board for discussion.


Peer assessing

ExtensionFew might: start adding to your essay plan.

Types of Evil!

K: Match the image with the type of evil.

U: Discuss the question with each type of evil.

E: Attempt to defend God in each case writing your point on a mini-white-board.

Work in…

Mini Plenary:Triangulation on problem of evil

All must: briefly summarise what topic areas you have covered on this topic.

Most should: briefly summarise what homework assignments you have completed on this topic.

Some could: identify areas where you need to do your own research to support your learning.

ExtensionFew might: add to your essay plan. What unique learning can you add.

You are working “Solo”

Homework assignment and Independent study:Don’t forget to SQuIRT!

Scholars Who said it?Quotes What did they say?Information What is it all about?Readings Where is it all written?Terms What words matter?

Independent Study:Complete a FORCE field on Theodicies (in hand-out)

Homework assignment: Complete an essay on the Problem of Evil for peer assessment next lesson.

Responses to the Problem of Evil

I will go through four scholar’s cases for/against the need of a theodicy to defend God in the light of the problem of Evil.

Based on your objective, summarise one part of it.

Pay attention!

Gottfried Leibniz

Leibniz argued that this was the best of all possible worlds.

God’s omni-qualities demanded that this be the best world that ever could be made.

Thus, evil was part of God’s plan for perfection.

Anders Nygren

The Bible tells us that God saw the world and it was ‘good’.

We are mere mortals:1.We can’t attempt to justify God.2.We can’t know God’s intention in his Creation.3.We can’t question God’s will.

We should be like Job and accept that there are some things that are beyond us.

John Hick

Evil is necessary for us to develop our souls.

We should attempt to understand evil and suffering without blaming God.

Evil is an integral part of our faith: sin, redemption and Christ as saviour. Without understanding sin we can’t understand Jesus’ role as saviour.

Bertrand Russell

There is no reason to question the existence of evil and suffering.

There is no logical reason to postulate the existence of a good God, so there is no need to attempt to justify God.

"No one can believe in a good God if they've sat at the bedside of a dying child”

Responses to theProblem of Evil

Read the extracts on the responses to the problem of evil and complete the tasks aimed at your objective.

All must: have summary of each scholar’s view.Most should: explain each response to problem of evil for use in essay plan.Some could: add the scholars to essay plan.ExtensionFew might: use FORCE field on Hebblethwaite’s response.

This work is as “A Team”


3 Questions

K: What have I learned?

U: What more do I need to know to answer a question on Problem of Evil?

E: Evaluate how this lesson has helped me in my life.