ppt philosophy


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Introduction to PhilosophyPHILOSOPHY AND LIFE


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What is philosophy?

Philosophy is the study that seeks to understand the mysteries of existence and reality.

It tries to discover the nature of truth and knowledge and to find what is of basic value and importance in life.

It also examines the relationship between humanity and nature and between the individual and society.

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Philosophy arises out of wonder, curiosity and the desire to know and understand.

The term philosophy cannot be defined precisely because the subject is so complex.

Different philosophers have different views of the nature, methods and range of philosophy.

The term philosophy itself comes from the Greek philosophia, which means love for wisdom.

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Philosophical thought is an inescapable part of human existence

Almost everyone has been puzzled from time to time by such essentially philosophic question as

“What does life means?” “Did I have any existence before I was

born?” and “Is there life after death?”

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Most people also have some kind of philosophy in the sense of a personal outlook on life.

Even a person who claims that considering philosophic question is a waste of time is expressing what is important and valuable.

A rejection of all philosophy is in itself philosophy

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Philosophy and life

Philosophy has had enormous influence on our everyday lives.

The every language we speak uses classifications derived from philosophy.

For example, the classifications of noun and verb involve the philosophic idea that there is a difference between things and actions.

If we ask what the difference is, we are starting a philosophic inquiry.

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The normal day-to-day problems tackled in philosophy are mostly connected to the mind, knowledge, existence,

values and language among others as human beings interact with each other and with other things in their environment


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Philosophy is a major concept divided into several branches to cover all spheres in life.

The branches include: Epistemology, logic, metaphysics, moral and political philosophy, aesthetics and the specialized branches

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Epistemology deals with the scope and the nature of knowledge

It covers various relationships and can be used in life to analyze relationships such as: relation ships between truth, relationship between belief and the theories of justification. It helps us to think critically.

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Logic on the other hand deals with the study of principles of correct reasoning and inferences that are valid

This is very important in life as it enables human beings to make the decisions they do after analysing various situations

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Metaphysics involves studying general features of reality

Such features include: processes, events, objects as well as their properties, time, existence, relationship between the body and the mind among others

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Moral and Political Philosophy

Moral philosophy, also known as ethics, majorly deals with how best we should live and interact with each other is society

political philosophy which is they study of government and how we relate to communities and helps human beings to put ethics that are right to the laws that govern us.

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Aesthetics and The specialized branches of philosophy

Aesthetics influences how we view beauty, art, sentiments and tastes and our perceptions, enjoyment. It helps us appreciate accomplishments of various artistes whose works we come across

The specialized branches of philosophy that play a major role in our everyday life include: Philosophy of science, religion, mind, law and language.

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These determine our perceptions and understanding of these fields.

Philosophy plays an important role in our lives and decision making

Philosophy is thus very important in everyday life as it influences everything we do as human beings in our environment