ppt time value of money (ii)

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  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Obvio usly, Rs.10 ,000 tod ayRs.10 ,000 tod ay.

    You alrea dy re cogniz e that there is TIME TIME VALUE TO MONEY VALUE TO MONEY !!

    Wh ich wo uld you pre f er Rs.10 ,000Rs.10 ,000tod ay tod ay or Rs.10 ,000 in 5 year sRs.10 ,000 in 5 year s?

    The Interest Rate

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    TIMETIMEallows you the opportunity to

    pos tpon e cons ump t ion and ear nINTERESTINTEREST.

    Why is TIMETIMEsuch an impo rta n t ele me n t

    in your de cision ?

    W hy Time?

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Types of InterestTypes of Interest

    yy Compo und In tere stCompo und In tere st

    Intere st pa id (ear ne d) on any pre vious intere st ear ne d , as well as on the princip al bo rrow e d(lent ).

    S imple InterestS imple Interest

    Interest paid (earned) on only t h e originalamount, or principal borrowed (lent).

    Types of Interests

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Assume that you de posi t Rs.1 ,000Rs.1 ,000 at a compo und in tere st rate of 7% for 2 year s2 year s.

    0 1 22

    Rs. 1 ,000Rs. 1 ,000FVFV22


    F uture Value Single Deposite

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    FVFV11 = PP00 (1+i)1 = Rs.1 ,000Rs.1 ,000 (1.07 )= Rs.1 ,070Rs.1 ,070

    Compo und In tere st You ear ne d Rs.70 in tere st on your Rs.1 ,000

    de posi t over the first year .

    Th is is the same amo unt of in tere st you wo uldear n und er simp le intere st .

    S ingle Value Deposite Formula

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    FVFV11 = PP00 (1+i)1 = Rs.1 ,000Rs.1 ,000 (1.07 )= Rs.1 ,070Rs.1 ,070

    FVFV22 = FV1 (1+i)1

    = PP00 (1+i)(1+i) = Rs1 ,000s1 ,000 (1.07 )(1.07 ) =PP00 (1+i)2 = Rs.1 ,000Rs.1 ,000 (1.07 )2

    = Rs.1 ,144.90Rs.1 ,144.90You ear ne d an EXTRA Rs.4.90Rs.4.90 in Year 2 wi th

    compo und ov er simp le intere st .

    Fu tu re Val u e Single Deposite

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    FVIFFVIF i,n is found at t h e end of t h ebook.

    Valuation Using Table IValuation Using Table I

    Period 6% 7% 8%1 1. 6 1. 7 1. 82 1.124 1.145 1.166

    3 1.191 1.225 1.26

    4 1.262 1.311 1.365 1.338 1.4 3 1.469

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    FVFV11 = P0(1i)1

    FVFV22 = P0(1+i)2

    Ge neral Future Value Future Value Formula:FVFVnn = P0 (1+i)n

    or FVFVnn = P0 (FVIFFVIFi,n) -- See Tabl e ISee Tabl e I


    General Future Value Formula

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    See ma wants to know how lar ge her de posi t of Rs.10 ,000Rs.10 ,000tod ay will be com e at a compo und ann ual intere st rate of

    10% for 5 year s5 year s.

    0 1 2 3 4 55

    Rs. 10,000Rs. 10,000

    FVFV 55


    Ex amples

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    y Calculat ion b ase d on Tab le I:FVFV55 = Rs.10 ,000 (FVIFFVIF10% , 5)

    = Rs.10 ,000 (1.611)= Rs.16 ,110Rs.16 ,110 [D ue to Rounding ]

    C alculation based on general formula:FVFVnn = 0 (1+ i)n

    FVFV55 = Rs. 10,000 (1+ 0.10)5

    = Rs. 16 ,105 .10Rs. 16 ,105 .10

    roblem S olution

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Assume that you nee d Rs.1 ,000Rs.1 ,000 in 2 year s.2 year s. Let sexa min e the proce ss to d eter min e how m uch you nee d to d e posi t tod ay at a disco un t rate of 7%compo und e d ann ually .

    0 1 22

    Rs. 1 ,000Rs. 1 ,000


    P V1P VP V00

    P resent Value S ingle Deposite

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    PVPV00 = FVFV22 / (1+ i)2 = Rs.1 ,000Rs.1 ,000 / (1 .07 )2 = FVFV22/ (1+ i)2 = Rs.873.44Rs.873.44

    0 1 22

    Rs. 1 ,000Rs. 1 ,000


    P VP V00

    P resent Value S ingle Deposite(Formula)

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    PVPV00 = FVFV11 / (1+ i)1

    PVPV00 = FVFV22 / (1+ i)2

    Ge neral Pre se n t Value Pre se n t Value Formula:PVPV00 = FVFVnn / (1+ i)n

    or PVPV00 = FVFVnn (PVIFPVIFi,n) -- See Tabl e IISee Tabl e II


    General P resent Value Formula

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    P VIFP VIFi,n is found at t h e end of t h ebook.

    Valuation Using Table IIValuation Using Table II

    P eriod 6% 7% 8%1 .943 .935 .9262 .89 .873 .8573 .84 .816 .794

    4 .792 .763 .7355 .747 .713 .681

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    P VP V22 = Rs. 1 ,000Rs. 1 ,000 (P VIF7% ,2)= Rs. 1 ,000Rs. 1 ,000 (. 73 )= Rs. 73Rs. 73 [Due to Rounding]

    Using Present Value TablesUsing Present Value Tables

    P eriod % 7% 8%1 .943 .935 .9262 .890 . .8573 .840 .816 .794

    4 .792 .763 .7355 .747 .713 .681

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Mo ha n w an ts to know how lar ge of a de posi t tomake so that the mon ey will grow to Rs.10 ,000Rs.10 ,000 in5 year s5 year s at a disco un t rate of 10%.

    0 1 2 3 4 55

    Rs. 10,000Rs. 10,000P VP V00


    Ex ample

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    y Calculat ion b ase d on g e neral formula:PVPV00 = FVFVnn / (1+ i)n

    PVPV00 = Rs.10 ,000Rs.10 ,000 / (1+ 0.10 )5= Rs.6 ,209.21Rs.6 ,209.21

    y Calculat ion b ase d on Tab le I:

    PVPV00 = Rs.10 ,000Rs.10 ,000 (PVIFPVIF10% , 5)= Rs.10 ,000Rs.10 ,000 (.621)= Rs.6 ,210.00Rs.6 ,210.00 [D ue to Rounding ]

    S olution

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    yy Ordin ary Annu ityOrdin ary Annu ity : Payme nts o r re ce ipts occ ur at the e nd of ea ch per iod.

    yy Annu ity DueAnnu ity Due : Pay me nts o r re ce ipts occ ur at the be ginning of ea ch per iod.

    An Annuity An Annuity represents a series of equalpayments (or receipts) occurring over aspecified number of equidistant periods.

    Types of Annuities

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Ex amples of Annuities

    Stu de n t Loan Payme n ts

    Car Loan Payme n tsInsura nce Pre miumsMo rt gage Payme n ts

    Ret ire me n t Savings

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Parts of an AnnuityParts of an Annuity

    0 1 2 3

    Rs. 100 s. 100 Rs. 100

    (Ordinary Annuity)EndEnd of

    P eriod 1EndEnd of

    P eriod 2

    Today EqualEqual C as h Flows


    1 P eriod Apart

    EndEnd of P eriod 3

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Parts of an AnnuityParts of an Annuity

    0 1 2 3

    Rs. 100 Rs. 100 Rs. 100

    (Annuity Due)BeginningBeginning of

    P eriod 1BeginningBeginning of

    P eriod 2

    Today EqualEqual C as h FlowsEac h 1 P eriod Apart

    BeginningBeginning of P eriod 3

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    FVAFVAnn = R (FVAIF i% ,n)FVAFVA 33 = Rs. 1 ,000 (FVAIF 7% ,3)

    = Rs. 1 ,000 (3 .21 5 ) = Rs. 3 ,21 5Rs. 3 ,21 5

    Valuation Using Annuity TableValuation Using Annuity Table

    Pe ri % 7% %1 1.000 1.000 1.0002 2.060 2.070 2.0803 3.184 3 .215 3.246

    4 4.375 4.440 4.5065 5.637 5.751 5.867

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    1. Rea d p rob lem th oroughly2. Deter min e if it is a PV or FV prob lem

    3. Deter min e if so lut ion invo lve s a sing le CF, ann u ity strea m(s) , or mixed f low4. So lve the prob lem5. Che ck wi th financial calculat or (op t ion al)

    S teps to solve T imeValue of Money P roblems

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    Mo ha n wi ll re ce ive the set of cash f lowsbelow. What is the Pre se n t Value Pre se n t Value at a

    disco un t rate of 10%10%?

    0 1 2 3 4 55

    Rs. 600 Rs. 600 Rs.400Rs. 600 Rs. 600 Rs.400Rs.400 Rs. 100Rs.400 Rs. 100P VP V00


    M ix ed Flows Ex ample

  • 8/8/2019 Ppt Time Value of Money (II)


    1. So lve a pi ece pi ece- - a t a t -- aa -- tim etim e by

    disco un t ing ea ch pi ece

    pi ece

    back to t=0.2. So lve a groupgroup -- a t a t -- aa -- tim etim e by first

    brea king p rob lem in to g roups of ann u itystrea ms and any sing le cash f low g roup.The n disco un t ea ch groupgroup back to t=0.

    H ow to S olve?