pr 324 communication audit

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  • 7/29/2019 PR 324 Communication Audit



    Sundale Nursing home is a facility that is dedicated to helping elderly patients return to

    their home as soon as possible or to at least maintain a normal daily level of functioning. Sundale

    provides rehabilitation and nursing care for elderly patients. Its clients include mainly elderly

    people. Sundale has been in operations since 1958. The nursing home facility used to be in an

    old house on Van Vorris Road but a new center was built on JD Anderson Drive. Sundale has

    recently opened a palliative care center which primarily focuses on end of life care. Tennant

    states from the article that "It doesn't mean your life is over," she said. "It means we're going to

    make those last months as wonderful and comfortable as they can be."

    The organization primarily gets fundraising from donations from other groups and also

    gets funding by residents living there. With the recent construction of the new wing a lot of

    funding came in the form of donations and bonds. Sundale is a local non-profit agency and was

    originally established by the Monongalia County Commission as a non-profit organization.

    Sundale has the highest population of Hospice patients of any stand-alone nursing facility in

    West Virginia. (OAMB)

    Sundales current needs are updating its website with new information that is up-to-date.

    Ms. Tennant states that time is very limited and sometimes the website never is updated. This is

    one task she has asked us to complete. Sundale currently has no social media platforms such as

    Twitter and Facebook. The reason for this according to Tennant is because she is afraid of the

    comments people may post about the nursing home such as my mom was never turned etc.

    Tennant believes there would be more negative comments than positive comments which is true

    across the social media platform as many people do use social media to voice their opinions

    about a product or service. She strongly feels one day they will be forced to move into social

  • 7/29/2019 PR 324 Communication Audit


    media but at this current moment they are very comfortable where they are at. Tennant believes

    communication with local media could also use improvement. She wants more publications on

    what Sundale already does. Currently Blaine Turner has created a brochure for Sundale that

    Donna wants us to possibly redesign. The main issue with the current brochure is particular

    wordings. Also she would like to see the donation cards also redesigned. The nursing home

    already puts on many events for its clients. We recommended holding another fashion show and

    that we would love to help with it. Tennant stated this would be great and even showed pictures

    of last years fashion show where they used trash bags to dress up.

  • 7/29/2019 PR 324 Communication Audit


    Product/Service Description

    The product Sundale currently provides to its residents is nursing and palliative care.

    Sundale is a non-profit organization and relies on funding from fundraising and public resources.

    Fundraising will be a vital part of our campaign with Tennant. Sundale will be having a Vera

    Bradley Longaberger Bingo game on April 28th

    and needs sponsors for the gift bags. We will

    seek these sponsors from the community. Our target audience will be primarily older individuals

    such as children of parents who are now getting aged. Also another audience will be the

    healthcare audience. The image we want to convey for Sundale is that it is a nursing home that

    wants to treat its clients as if they were truly home.

  • 7/29/2019 PR 324 Communication Audit


    SWOT Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

    Sundale has much strength in that it is a nonprofit organization and is able to provide

    affordable long term care for its clients. Another strength of the organization is its professionally

    designed website and with our help it will become fully updated. Another strength Sundale has is

    it is an assisted living care facility which differentiates itself from the nearby independent living

    center. Tennant states if there was a fire itd be her responsibly to make sure every patient got

    out safely whereas in the independent care center the responsibility lies on the client to remove

    themselves from the facility in the case of fire. Sundale also now has a state of art palliative care

    center with fifteen rooms.

    There are weaknesses that Sundale must address. The first weakness is while the website

    is very professional looking there are many things on the site that need to be updated.

    Communication with funeral homes when it comes to where to send donations Tennant would

    like to see the donations be encouraged to be sent to Sundale as Sundale was the place they spent

    their last few years and is a nonprofit organization. Sundale also faces another weakness in that it

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    does rely on fundraising to provide the services it does. Tennant states fundraising is imperative

    to receive for Sundale. Another weakness is that Sundale does not want to enter the world of

    social media just yet. There are many positives to social media. Twitter may work best for

    Sundale since its really not a forum on Sundale but people who follow Sundale on Twitter could

    keep up to date on events and activities going on at Sundale.

    Sundale has many opportunities that we will address in our campaign. We plan to work

    hard with the Dominion Post and media outlets to better publicize events that Sundale does

    especially the Hoodie Hoo day which sounds very entertaining as many of us dont like the

    coldness of Winter. Tennant also would like us to work on an article for the Dominion Post about

    the new chapel. Redesigning the brochure with better wording will allow for better meaning to

    be sent across. There will also be different activities we will help organize for Sundales clients.

    Sundale does have some threats as an organization. The threat of other nursing homes

    coming into Morgantown would have some effect on Sundale. There are also many privacy

    concerns when it does come to healthcare in any form.

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    Helping Sundale achieve its fundraising goals. We will also be helping Sundale achieve

    its marketing plans when it comes to brochures. By updating the website viewers will know the

    company is on top of things. It is also very important for Sundale to achieve better

    communication with the publics through different mediums. Hopefully Sundale can eventually

    see the benefits to social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Sundale may be more fit for

    Twitter right now since there is no wall and you can choose who to follow and etc. Twitter

    would also be great for providing updates to activities.

    Sundales website has been professionally designed. However, due

    to the busy nature of the business keeping the website updated has

    been a chore for Tennant. This is one aspect of our campaign that

    we will assist Sundale with in getting current news on the website

    and auditing the entire website for out of date information.

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    Implementation Methods

    We will most likely use past methods to implement our plans. We will have to work more

    with the Dominion Post to make sure articles do get posted in the newspaper that gives the

    community updates and information on what Sundale is doing both for the community and for

    the clients it serves. Using the West Virginia University Perley Isaac Reed Journalism computer

    lab we will be able to make revisions to the brochures and donations card. We do have the

    resources to use to be able to provide these public relation services to Sundale.

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    Evaluation Strategies

    Past communications show that Sundale has received media attention. Because Sundale is

    a nonprofit organization and because Tennant is a very busy person its always hard to get an

    article written up for the newspaper. Tennant is focused on fundraising and the administrative

    functions of Sundale. It is very important that we meet each one of our goals set by our campaign

    so Sundale can better manage its Public Relations. We also have to show that we can perform

    better as students than the firm Sundale has hired for most of its Public Relations.

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    Sundale Brochure

    Donna Tennant

    Sundale Website 501c & 1099 information

  • 7/29/2019 PR 324 Communication Audit



    For this semester Sundale should focus on its continued fundraising. Fundraising is

    extremely important for the successful operation of the nursing home. We will be able to help

    Sundale achieve maximum fundraising this quarter with the implementation of our objectives

    and goals. Also continuing to put on activities and events for its client will also be a focus.

    Communicating with the media more effectively will hopefully allow more media coverage to be

    provided to Sundale. I believe the media strategy will be very important for us in our project with

    Sundale. Positive media coverage will only help Sundale excel further in the community

    especially when it comes to fundraising and getting the word out.

    Auditing the website so that more current information is listed will also be very important

    towards Sundale. Tennant would like to see us develop a current news section on the website.

    Tennant also wants articles to be submitted to the Dominion Post for publishing about the new

    Chapel. Also we will be seeking financial donors for the Longaberger basket bingo which will be

    held on April 28th

    at the Elks Lodge. Working with funeral homes to try to encourage families to

    leave donations to Sundale will be beneficial. It will be imperative to remind the funeral homes

    that Sundale is a nonprofit organization and donations and fundraising is what keeps Sundale


    A few fun projects will be Hoodie-Hoo-Day where the nursing home residents will try to

    scare winter away then go have cake and ice cream. Also assisting with the Secret Valentine

    Project will be very popular among the nursing home residents.