prabhuji's gifts

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Post on 16-Aug-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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Section I:

Prabhuji’s Gifts About


Our Mission

Prabhuji’s Gifts is a manufacturer and wholesaler of aromatic and spiritual gifts, a company inspired by the message of Prabhuji that aromas can facilitate inner purification, peace of mind, and spiritual elevation. Our mission is:

To spread the power of fragrance along with the beauty of spiritual wisdom for the welfare of all while upholding strict

environmental and socially conscious standards.


Our Story

The history of Prabhuji’s Gifts is so unique that those who purchase our fragrant and meditative products enjoy learning about the people who manufacture them. No ordinary business, Prabhuji’s Gifts was inspired by H. H. Avadhuta Sri Bhaktivedanta Ramakrishnananda Babaji Maharaja, or “Prabhuji,” as he is called out of love and respect.

As a child, Prabhuji loved to quietly watch his shamanic grandmother, to whom he had a deep connection, as she recited prayers, offered incense, and burned herbs. Though he did not understand why she was mixing oils with resins, boiling petals, and lighting candles, the aromatic mixture of the fragrances penetrated his heart. Upon questioning, he learnt that her unusual occupation was to help people with their various needs such as peace, love, friendship, health, and wealth.

Throughout the years, Prabhuji passionately explored the power that fragrances have to materialize intentions, inspire emotions, and improve one’s well-being: the scent of love, the aroma of attraction, the aura of health, the smell of wealth, and more. Later on, when visiting Hindu temples, Prabhuji encountered the captivating aromas of Eastern incense used in devotional rituals. These unique fragrances were more than simply pleasing to the senses: they created the proper environment for heart-lifting and spiritual experiences. Captivated by the yogic path of devotion, or bhakti yoga, he felt the deep divine impact that the magical scent of incense made in his soul. He then decided: One day, I will spread

“the smell of God” all around the world.

Out of a sincere desire in his heart to share, Prabhuji sold incense in his first yoga studio at the same price he himself had bought it, having no business. This act inspired the establishment of Prabhuji’s Gifts that is a manifestation of a loving bridge between Prabhuji’s shamanic roots and Eastern wisdom. On September 2001, a manufacturer and wholesale supply company was incorporated in the United States. Over time, it grew in size, customers, and product variety, while holding onto the same spirit of dedication and service.

Today, mystical aromas fill the New York factory with spiritual vibrations. The company is run by yogis who are passionate to share with others the spiritual benefits of incense, smudging herbs, and attar oils. They infuse sacred mantras into colorful blends of natural resins, herbs, and oils that have been selected to calm the mind, purify the heart, and elevate the soul.

We now sell more than 70 different scents of incense sticks and resins, as well as hand-harvested sage, Vegan Certified perfume attar oils, meditation shawls made from renewable fiber and hand-printed by artisans in India, prayer beads and many other spiritual gift items. New products are continuously being developed and created.

Every blend of incense that we offer first passes Prabhuji’s personal test, ensuring it is beneficial for meditation and spiritual elevation.

Prabhuji’s Gifts is passionate about socially-conscious and environmental-friendly practices. It operates at the highest standards as a gold-level Green America Certified business, gives generously to humanitarian projects, supports the employment of uneducated women in rural villages in India, the traditional Native American, and South American cultures.

When you shop at Prabhuji’s Gifts, you not only get empowering products and

hours of aromatic pleasure, but you also help a community of yogis to

spread the magical power of fragrance along with the beauty of spiritual

wisdom while giving back to society and the environment.


Our Products

The empowering aromas in our products were used by ancient saints of different spiritual traditions who experienced their various qualities. Over centuries, they combined them in numerous ways to create certain atmospheres and moods, optimizing the conditions for inner growth.

Our range of natural products comes from different spiritual origins, including stick incense from Hindu and Buddhist heritages, smudging herbs traditionally used by Native Americans, herbal resin incense blends combined by shamans, pure frankincense and myrrh burnt in Christian churches, and perfume attar oils worn by Sufis during prayer. This variety of sources reflects our message of love and tolerance for all religions and human beings, seeing one Divinity behind all names and forms.

Our products carry a special touch of spiritual energy, which our satisfied customers often testify,

as they are filled with sincere devotion, infused with sacred mantras, and contain aromatic items that are selected individually to calm the mind and purify the heart.

Each product of our wide variety is personally examined by Prabhuji, who carefully tests their effects during meditation, choosing those that are especially beneficial to purify and balance the mind, and create a spiritual environment.

Our aromatic products do more than fill one’s space with alluring scents: they help to fulfill intentions, stimulate energetic centers, evoke romance, uplift moods, facilitate meditation, and inspire devotion. In addition to their exquisite fragrances, many of the natural ingredients in our products have medicinal qualities, enhancing them with vitality and power.


Our Manufacturing Process

At Prabhuji’s Gifts, we believe that our spirit of service and sincere will to share are infused in our products. Furthermore, the products are made amid the energetic vibrations of mantra chanting and spiritual music.


Our Artists

In-house and Indian artists paint the devotional art that you find on our packages. This art has been practiced for centuries and passed along for generations from master to disciple. We are pleased to preserve and spread the beauty of Indian devotional art through our products.


Our Premises

This is our warehouse, or perhaps it’s better to say, our second home. It is located in the quaint town of Saugerties, in Upstate NY, USA. It seems like just yesterday when we were storing incense in our attic. Now when we look at the warehouse, we cannot believe how the business grew so much and so fast.

We believe that a product is not only made of the matter it contains, but the energy of the people who made it. The intention and devotion put into the manufacturing processes are intangible yet part, if not perhaps

the main aspect, of the products.

Words containing spiritual wisdom, such as a recorded lecture of Prabhuji, narra-tions of the sacred scriptures or devotional music are always playing in the back-ground at the warehouse. In this spirit, we package your orders. We hope some of these spiritual vibrations are captured in the boxes and reach you.


Section II:

Our Natural and Social Practices


Our Values

Our efforts to maintain natural products and support eco-friendly communities are part of our spiritual values, as we see it as another expression of service, love and respect to God and humanity. We strongly believe that as we create harmony with our environment, we find peace and balance in ourselves. As Prabhuji once said:

“When we cut down forests, contaminate water sources and destroy the ozone layer, we are actually damaging ourselves by incurring an imbalance in the cosmic body, of which we are an inseparable part. The fact cannot be ignored that one who alters the cosmic order will sooner or later be affected himself, because damage to nature is damage to ourselves.” Prabhuji


Our rigorous environmental and social standards have earned Prabhuji’s Gifts Gold-Level Green America Certification. U.S.-based Green America certifies businesses that help to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. When you purchase our products, you are supporting social and environmental responsibility!

Green America Gold Level Certified

After rigorously checking our business practices and advertising material, the Better Business Bureau has awarded Prabhuji’s Gifts the highest-level rating: A+. The BBB is an organization that set its goal to develop “an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can trust each other.”

We are BBB Certified Business

Natural Ingredients The ingredients of our aromatic products come from hand-harvested herbs and flowers. Numerous spices, essential oils, and natural resins are also hand harvested and blended into our fragrances according to ancient traditions. Prabhuji’s Gifts has signed a pledge to follow the Natural Ingredient Resource Center’s criteria for labeling natural ingredients and products, and we are holding ourselves accountable.

Our products are natural, non-toxic, not tested on animals and use no animal byproducts.. We have started certifying our products with Vegan Action, which promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle providing numerous benefits to animals’ lives, to the environment, and to people’s health through a healthy and natural diet.

Find the distinctive logo on many of our labels.

Certified Vegan -No Animal Testing


In our U.S. warehouse, production facility and office, we use energy-efficient appliances and maintain the policy to save as much energy as possible. Our environmentally conscious staff constantly endeavors to find ways to recycle packing materials and reduce energy consumption.

Energy Efficiency

We reduce our waste by recycling and reusing our shipping material so trees are not unnecessarily cut down in order to ship our orders. We hope you will enjoy receiving our products packed in used boxes that are perfect condition yet do not overuse our Earth’s natural resources. Look for our distinctive sticker that shows our certifications and explains our values on your next package.

We recycle our shipping material

Our manufacturing process uses minimal to no waste, being handmade in the traditional methods that have been passed down through the generations of holistic and ancient cultures like the Shamanic and the Vedic traditions, which worship nature as a manifestation of God. Therefore, respect of nature is deeply rooted in their values as well as ours.

We minimize waste

On our labels, we put a logo that aims to remind our customers to recycle, reduce, and reuse our packaging materials.

Being passionate about environmental consciousness and aspiring to raise awareness for the art of upcycling, we demonstrate ways for our creative and earth-friendly customers to upcycle our colorful and artistic packages.

We invite customers to join us


Socially Conscious

In addition to the articulate attention that we give to the spiritual qualities and benefits of our products, it is important to us that we ensure the manufacturing process is in harmony with the society and environment in which they are produced. Therefore, we maintain rigorous standards. We partner with rural manufacturing outlets in India and the U.S.A. run by artisans who make their living from traditional crafts and harvests. These rural locations provide much-needed employment in these areas while supporting traditional cultures. For example, our incense manufacturing outlets in India employ illiterate village women who would otherwise be

unemployed, providing them with a protective and supportive working environment. In many cases, they also receive help in the form of education for themselves and their children, which in turn improves their quality of life.

We ensure there is no child labor involved in the process, and that the rights and welfare of the workers are taken care of at the workplace.

Our sage and other smudging herbs are hand-harvested in U.S.A. in the traditional Native American method, helping to preserve that culture and provide employment.


Humanitarian Projects

Prabhuji’s Gifts donates much of its profits to a New-York based non-profit organization, which provides selfless service to others, by conducting spiritual seminars and workshops, offering free community yoga classes, and operating various humanitarian projects, such as: Prabhuji Food and Clothes Distribution Program and Prabhuji Toy distribution Program.

When you buy our wide range of aromatic and spiritual products, you help us spread the message of higher consciousness, peace, and tolerance

in the present world.