practical iridology and sclerology escrito por donald bamer-dr donald bamer

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Mil nal pro gl por ner ell s d _autor

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Neither the author nor the ,p'ubUsher,direcdy or

.ind.~recdy, dispense ,medi,a~ ad,vice, . If y o , o . use the

, inform:ationoonw.nedbereinwithout. th.e advice of your

physician, you afeprcsaiblng fo,ryout'sd£ (whlch is your

constirurional right) ~and ehe anther and publisher

assume no, Jcsponsibility.,

'@ 1 99 6, Don ald. R .8 amel'

ISBN 1..8 ;8S6·1 , (M) r2~8

AU rig:b.ts reserved. No part ,o f th is : hook may be

reproduced by any merhod wltheue the wrltren

pcrmissio ,n, ,of 'the :a.uthoran.d, th e publisher,

WoodJan.d Publishing, Iac,

BO. , B o x : 1 6 0

PleasantGrovc:"Utah 8406.2

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. . . . . '

I N T R O D U C T IO N . . . .

, C h a p t e r I~ ' r i : d o l o g J& ' A p p l ie d H e r b o lo g y 3 . 5

Chapter .2

H , o w ~ r ido logy W ad (s~I , 5 4

Chapter 3

SiGni'ftcant~rtdo[q&yRndh~gs" .. 68

A i,lllar' C h a n : f : - s ' . . "

B ~ HJPo ...c U V le 'S to m a c h ' . .


, 7 0

7 . 2D~Taxlc CoJon . 74

E~ ,Rad ii Sala rls 'ill 76

F~ ,R ,ad JalFU lTD 1W S ,.

r i . , Patasiles ~ j. s o

Mate-rial pfOrgido por derec hos de autor

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8 S ,

J ~ Pro lapsed Colan .

K~H)per~AcldlcT ls s , u , ' fS . .

l · . H ~ f . ' .' l P ,. . ,...:r:..... l i " 3 · · . - · . ," i ' . · n · . - • . I i J . C , · n . · ·· - .·.f"c.-'.."j p . , , - ! : c . ctJ . I I~I; ~ ,:,F1'''I_ , I l ' j I ~I 11 1~!U1:~~ .II!

M . Psposom atic S tress , R ' i n g s

8 8

2 J


97l U l l

;p 103

alVeus: S e n i l i s . .

R. H y p e f - c i u J / ' e s t e ( ' o s i s

5,,- T-"'~"" .G, . ·_~irn~~~~nr~"v· · ; ; V ' : t em '-_-,..' " VA '''', - -J. ,lpU'J.'IU ,./ '--:J'~- '_'_--

L .SCurfllJm i

.• •

, U . , _ Crisis. ,

. '

i I ! I '

Chap t,e r4

M a l i C " O r g a n s ·d. H e a r l :

B ~ l u n & s . .

C llv,et. . .

. D . K i d n e y s 'i •

f. NervO iUS ' Sptem.


Chap t e r S 'S U e ' n t , I n v a d e r s . ' ' .



[ I SLI7


f "1,("lLL..!




L 2 Z

l1 Z


Mate-rial pfOrgido por derec hos de autor

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Chapter ~,

S c le ra l 'C o lo r s ;a n d V e s s e [ s

Reddish S clera s



Blueish T i / J , t ~ 1 ; 5 8

~ellO'wisbTInt .

B r o ;w n t s b T i n ' , t . .

Cloudy or Milky Tint

P a l , I' ~",·t~e'~1i~in~t~.,_~~~-~.,-,. . ~62

Chapter 2S d e r a , [ S ig n s . .

' . , 1 1 6 5

Index V e s s e lS ' . '

V a s c u la r S p i r a : ls . ' ~67

Wand erint:/M eand erifl8 V esse ls 169

,Paralte lBand s. 171, 1 7 3o r c e l a i n Vessels

S tagna'tI'anS tum ps .'

'spindle Vessels' V a s c u l a r P e a r l s


17 7

1 7 8 ,

M a te-r ia l P Q )eo gid o D Q r de rec hQ S d Q autor

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V a s c u l a r Bnlnch

f illlm frU lB f Vessels

Anem:ic VesselsTc r:.-..1J, rauma ' ~Ufl\ ..

Tansenl ' V e s s e l s

1 ! j I ! o 180

l8 J10"L:Q:,,2

1 : , 8 5I'07LQL

. •


(W each sig n (sa . complete explanation of its

ca use a nd specific nu tr iUona l consld era tlons for :its

c : a r r , e c t i o n s l ~ ) '

Ca s e ' .S tu d j~ e s • . In ,', : •. l . . . . Z . . ! I

• . ! ! ! I


Mate-rial pfOrgido por derec hos de autor

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This book has beenwritten with both. the-,j

public and the p.rofess .io .na l in .mind, The ave 'rage

person should be able., after adequate s[,udy ofdte

material contained herein, to id en tify he althy or

unbealthy trends as they occur by moniterlng the

eye. By realizing the si,gnlficance of these

changes, if necessary, he can seek out a.

professional person who has had adequare

training on the human body to help .him return

to a.healmy srate once again 'withoutthe n ee d. ofhospitalization or radical car'e~F'orthe

pr,ofessio.nai."dds book supplies him with a nOD....

invas iv e d iagnos :dc . t001£0 monitord~e ,complete

body of the patient at on« time, :applying hls

knowledge of the various bodysystems-e-

endocrine, circulatory; neurological, ,et,c",-~lndi " 'O , , . : [ - 'r · ' e " I ' - a · ~ ~ i · 'n · ' 8 ' - " ' h - ~• • .s : . e " ' . . . · ' m , ' ~ l '' n " ' - a " t' ~0 ' ' n ' - , findi ' n - . g - ' ' ' ' - 'Ii' 'h i ' I U : ' ~ ' S - :' - ' - - ' . , . . . . ; ' _ _ ! " " " " _ _ "",1,,__ , '~_, __,~,__ '_ A •.. ~;__:".'...__:,-_;,~~"- .__:_ 1 , -, 1 .. , , '_ ' , -~ ~ , . ,: _ ' :1 , - = . : _ I ~ ' ~ , , : : ~ , - - _ " _

enabling him to be able '[0' detect the true cause

ofthe patienr's problems, How to moniror

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healing in the' idswUI also be ex p la in ed alongwith suggested herbal remedies. Inconjuncdon

with this, s : p e c , i f i c charts. of re'nex poin ts:wU l be

shown and e x plain ed . fOFcon jun ctiv e tre atmen e,

This book has further been written f O F the

purpose of l eading people to :a t holistic approach

of health.freating the body n or the sy ,m ,ptom s.

The useof be :rbaJ Irem .ed ie s is recommended.

because of their purity 9_od effect 'hr·eness. The

herbal recommendations and other treatment

methods mentioned in this hook are those that

have been used! on patiem s in m .y , c l i n i c : or unde rm y direction. 'These reeommendarions are not to

be construed as a specific prescription for any

rspec:ificperso'n 0.[ problem, .I have used the word

"should" In the trearrnerrtseerion forrhe d o c t o r '

,hal .miglIt decide to foUow my procedure: ex actly .

If y ,on fee l you may have .any of the cond ition sIisted or described inthis book:, contact your

doctor, eSEu:ciaUyone;who isa holistic

pr,actir. ionel 'and knowl.edg~ahl.e in this an.alytical


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This hook has beenwritten for the sole

purpo,s,e of helping people understand and

appreciate the ,m agn ifi~ oen ceof rhe human b o d y . ,

God has tIuly provided us with. everything we

need to correcra diseased condinon and or

maintain health,

More and more as I teach natura] healingI " d 'k '·.Lh b'I. ' I ' 'b' Iiasses an .'wor ,'- ,Wlm, ,I, e P - ' , 0 1 ' - ' uc, " i, aecomegreany

~~ L Itr ,J

aw,are of m e ,~ ,a ckof know ledge tha t the majority

0 '£ people have abouttheir bodies iUld suchthings

as health, sickness, how the body works, thehealing power within, bow£hey became il l, an d

what' is n e 1 o e s : s a r y to regain andmainaainhealrh.

God has:truly suppHed us with, everything we'

need to be h:appy, healthy and prosperoua.The

primary problem has been a lack o . f knowledge

on , a gran d scale about these subjects.This book, aswirhall (he books ,I write, is

designed to helpthe reader help .hi.. , s · e m f ,gain

freedom [r,om sickness by understanding the

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"h "d" h n·h ~ ". h.a ll ·h d~ow·an · · . . .w : ' , - y ) - , [I.US re ,mU n,ln g ..' ie .· i[ y and

nondependent on organized health care sys:tems

,tbait prescribe drug u se and surgery.. 'God meant

for us to keep' all of 0,0,1 parts. This is:not a

throw-away body-justa, t :hI,ow-awa.y soclety,

This book, although intended to help people

hielp themselves, is not intended to attempt: to

reach the readier bow to treat ,I.ny specific

condition., Ib~ ieve each pe rson is ·diffefent and

should be: analyzed as such and then pur on a

specific corrective program" by someone who has

athorough understanding of how the bodyfuncri . .dld'l:--' Th hnons ano "ySl;unctlom~ Jhere 8re,_-,OWevCf"

cemmon thing·.- that we ca..D all do to he lp·._'--" I

srrengthen our bodies and correcc many

problems, plus ' prev,enE their recurrence ..

Remember, there are no incurablediseases. If

there were.we would all be dead by now!I am noropposed totheuse of medicines,

provided th'ey are being used ina I ife-saving..." d " d a ~ ~ ~ . b '0srtuanonana not on. a reunnee ..y..t~y .- ;3 8 15 •.Th .. ..1::.0:.. be·· th f rI.....-- f...ere . I S : a .UlU-efence :_etween t .euse '0 ;.w~ ror

emergencies and the treatment of chronic

conditions " profession, in . my

opin ion , has don e: an . o utstan din g job in treating

acute infections andproviding em,ergency

• . . . - : ; t ; . • ·····n-,t··o · - / r , accid en injur ies w · . .rhA , _ i t . ; ha~.ream c__. .(1_ A........ •.• "'. . .11 > . ~ . " " " " . . ' _ _ . ~

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been necessary ' E O Isew -bod,les back rogerher,

reattach l.imbs" finge,[s and' bands", and many

th ' - -hl ' · ' c a I C ' H ' r . wh ,.er remain I, e Burgi,," ,,['eats. r,.owever, W,!"en 1 .£

comes to treating chronic conditions (mnditlons

that people die ,of every day ' bythe thousands),

this is where drugs are ineffective, Medical,recoedssnd rugh deathratesin these areas speak

for themselves in rhar one our: ,of ·ev,ery four

Americans . dies from cancer, heart disease i s : rhe

D umber one killer in this country today, diabetes

has risen from the foutth kiUing posiriontothe

mild ,ki lling position in this ,coun try~ and the listgoes on, N ,aw, I donor reeom raend thatanyone

just up and stop taking any m,edi·ca'do,n or

disr'e'galdtheir doctor", ;advic,ewhen the

medication is ; function ing in a possible : life -and ...

death condition. Wha t I d o , recommend isthat

the pe:rson havea holistie an.aJysls"d.eter .mine~

why' they are having the problem, correct the

problem, and t h u s e l im in a t e t h e need . f O I . r t a k i n gdicati Th b d ~ ,. f he rcanon, ,"he _0 1 ' 1 IS not rgnerant or tne

causes o . f its .illnesses.

God. has given us an accurate analytical tool

whe,f'eby,wi.r.hout inva.dlngt.he blody, 'we can.

;analyze . i t " build . i t : up, strengthen the weakened

areas and p rov id e: rhe body with wna,eitneedsro

operate sarisfacto.r.~y so thatwe are not walking

M u te ri a l proteoldo por dCI C'{; hQ S de autor

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aroundH :te time bombs waiting for somethingto

happen, I haveheard 10 many people say that

their condition suddeolly occarred=-yerthe body

knew' of its exiseenee and. had been struggling

with it .in many cases for seveml years,,, You Jlus:td '~I.- .." d dlaont wake up one meming deadl

Th.e B ible : says; "Y ou w ill k nowthe T ruth and

th e 'Truth will set you. ffee~" 'It is my sincere desir e

that thisboek helps all that it to have 3,

be tte r un derscan ,wR g of hcrw we can use the e y ; e s ,

our God~giv,enwjnd,ows to the body" to

understand ·where. the true problems: lie :an d allowus to tak e correcrive measures ro help ourselves or

at .Ieastwork harmoniously with 0.0[' doctors in

bettering our health. ·condidon.. One thing must

always: berem.embe;r·ed~inth.e en,d,th,e

ind iv idua l .h as th e re spons ib il ity for the problem ,

because it is thar person's problem, Theym:ayseek advice and direction, butche have a

respoasihili tyro do all they can to help

th em 'S - A · I ' v - · - " ' cIL _ J","~ 'I. ,_ ..... ': ~'I'

For yearsthere have been political battle'S

between the natural healers and. chose using:

unnaturalmeans, such as drugs and inorganic

sub ."",.." es ·~n . L ~ · C · · · t - - . . . h e 'W ' "·'o·rk"Q4'~Apl"_ u ~ a s · · · · · · . .he 0 '" · · l · d · 1I'_i~ __"I tI~ __,~ . I l = = ~ la~-" __,, U')l,,~ ' _ , _ ' , I , . _ . > ~ _ / _ , _ ~",~~,'R ""'1._-'_· Ul,,__:'__, 1 , . :_ J

Iabe l g iv 'e tl tothose whoused unnatural remedies:

in attemptsto treat people's: aUm!enrs ..About 250

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y - e a r - s age rbere were D :O drugs" n ;or docters using

d IUgS , bur instead aU natural healers using all-

natural remedies In conjuaetion with exercise

and correction of mental attitudes, Hippocrates,

the .father of medicine, ..never used penicillin or

streptomycin, and yet he was k nown as the,gr:eale5t beal ,er ,cxc;ept fo.r Chrisr , 'chat this earth

hasever known. Remember, although he was

namned the "father · 0 ; ' · · f - m ' · 0 ' d e"fin·med i.....n ~.:u' by '[' , , g , .." "" .'" ." " ., 1 """ .""" .'" , " ,,". .. . "I> 1 1 . · " · . · " , , " . ' ",Ii."', " .. "". " ". "....

medica j p ro fe ssio n, (hey pick ed him, Ill, fact" 1

think hev -auld he extremelv :aJ].armed~o aee whae______ w ___ _.""__ "," _y .",_ """ _" """'"

his name is arrachedro in the name of healing.Whe.never people compare modern h.ealth

p ractice s ,of tod ay th.ey eompare them again st the

medieva I 'd ' -r'kl-,,,, -~ 0" · f " Euro p·e 'VIe must thin kenevar ciars ab~":""" .-.",1'.,',"'- WI: .".~ .;;;:,; .•. -,,,,'.,

past Europe to the Greeks,. Romans,Egypdans

and Chinese who were using natural healing

procedures .5,000 ye:ars agotha.t are just

beginningte be used and undersrood Io this

country tod.ay;,and even now on~y by natural


Probably one , efthe mest signifi, and

notable political battles between rhe natural

healers and the medicsl establishment occurred

in England concerning'an herbalist thename of

Henry Box~,(hepersonal physician to the royal

family, 'who wrote a book tideid. The Great Bird

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tha, t S a y ' S O n« U?O"d~QUACK . This: book was

w.riuen about the peesene .medical prccedures in

E.nglandand bo ,w ' the medical profession was

trying to control and stamp out '[be use of

natural remedies .. In t.hle book; Box 'oompares

n atural remed ie s andtheir success tt) themedical

salve s :md podons andtheir lack . ofsuccess, This:

book condudesthat struggle between the narura]

healers and unnatura] healers and resulted

P ae liame nt ste pp in g intothe battle and puttin g

themedjcal p.rofess:ion iln its placev passin g Iaws

preven ring anyone but: Parliament fromGOin troUing natural heale rs, P arliam en t furthe r ser

up a. standardieation and licensing board for

herbslista whicb is stillin .At a Iatee

date S ir ' C harle s again . had to orde r the medica l

p rofession to, k e1 ep the ir hands offthe natural

healers.A,t:on e rim e e:,rc the ouly medicines, In

fact, t~hey are the forerurmers of aU drugs used

today~S ome ex amples of the common d rug ~ use d.

today a nd the ir natura l coun te rparts are :




WHdMex ican .Yam

Vale rian R o ot

Licorice R oot, W ild

Mex icanYam

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A _, .,.'~PJl[ln


Whi le : WtllowB'arkG olden S eal

Rose: Hips

Purp le F ox g lov e

It is ve,ry Inreresting to note that these drugscreate m,any harm ful side : effec.ts: an,d yet rheir

be ,rba l, ,coun te trparts can be us,ed fo,( the same

problem s, gettin g: better results: without the side:

fi'" ,h , - M " " '" , h i - ~ - ' n ' ' - - " ' t 'e. r e c t s :0::[' ta e ~ : ' X , · " p ,iense '.,'_'ran, 1:0 1 1 1 ' 1 5 , " '1 ,0 1 I" , 1 1 1 . n l l - ' · : e - : '... ,'L,,'" " """" Ow, ," • , ,. " " , I I " , " , ' " ' " . . , " , ," , ,

wisdom, decidedif he could isolate theactive

ingredient in herbs.he Gould thenmanufacmrethese sy nthe tically an d produce them in mass

amounts and a£ large pro:fits,. Whale be produced

instead wasahighly radical substance which

produced unpredictable results withm,any

p red ic table side: e ffects .. Thei.rp r.itmary porpoise Is

to a llelJ .ia tt ,s 'Ympto'ms, , ' tJot cur« 0'1' correc t Ilny

p , r o , b ' l e m . 'Herbal medicinesvonthe other hand"

dis pose of the symp1toms hy correcting the

condition, Theyreseore normality and thus allow

th e body to regain Ies normal high resistance level

onceagain~ Herbsare extremely potent, ye ' t ,safeif used oor.recdy.

The' pendulum is swinging back more and

more leach , day to the ' use of natura l rem edie s,

People are sick. of being, tired" and tired of being

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sick. Theyare .D!oW seeking help the natural way

first instead of as :3 . lass resort, as was thecase in .

the past. In. clinical practice, I. have used herbs

and other all-natural procedures ina holistic

ap proach to, sick n .e ssan d ,can hon .e sd y 5:IY that we

have treateda var.i'etyof problems, .from menta]

retardarion to lupus erythematesusvcomplete

blindness, heart disease and total degenerative

conditions, an.d have h a r d remarkable success in

most eases,

Herbs :are~w',ondefful and beautifulplan.ts,.

However~ldo nor ,encourage go intothe field, pick and use an herb for Q .ny reason ..

Wh,ene'ver there has been a case ef a person

having difficulty through the use. of herbs, it i s :

usually beca.use they have gon.e out and

misrakenly picked one herb for another ..This can

easily be done. So, unless you have a Master'sDegree in botany (and especially herbal

medicine), just spenda few dollarsand purchase

preeapsulated herbs: from your dccror or local

d is tr ibu to r.

The E y e s a re the W ind ow s to ' the Rody

The scriptures have :always told us thar the

"eye isthe windew ·tothe sour' and we know that

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it is also, very re flective of the mood, , o f a peaon. ,

'W e ~can ten ifrhey are ap athe ric , sad , o;r jusr d on 't

fee l w ell. There are many " man ,}" thi,n gs we can

tell about hlow a pe,rson feels j l u s : t by loolcing at

rheir 'eyesi

O n - hundred ': f if f." -'-ea r" ,- - - : ,-Germ-""'~I

docrors_e _ ..c .... '., __

u.y __., ago"-\Il~._!IOUI!" .". ., .. ,. .'11.'. , ', '

began co reafize rhat the eyes were also. a

diagn,Qsdc window into the physlcal eenditions

exis,ting in a pers(J iI l~sbod y. T he origimJ, emphasis

w a s on the back of the eye"the portion called the

retina ..The retina Is dlagnostic-s-we can see

i n . rd',I·~~I,[~~,-,~ t h - :'= ,- :'. , ', ' . f , I p ' . ' " a s s i b l e d I s bet " e ', . ~ m e I H t ,I , U " ' 5 · . · ' .~\O.<A: ,&uO., "ere 0 ,~OS, II 3_ lloooJ ,., _ _ .1 __.,_' .

(sugar diabe[es) ,possibl :e braie tumors, block in g

of the arte rie s and so forth., ,Many things can be

seen in the: retina, but doctors realized that

althoughthe retina told somethings about the

body (more than they knew before'),cbe retina.

a lso h:ad i'tsshofc 'com ing ,s because the

informarionIr provided was limired, This led

them to continue their search, Asth.e researchers

anaJyzedrhe ' e y , e , more and more they began to

apprecl ate and seethe patterns and rhe

corre ladon berween the blood vessels which were

occurring on the sclera (th e white of tbeeye)' and

what wasoccurring on the back andthe iris of

the , e y e . In .fac,t,astheb research eonrinnedthey

even found the iris I(thecolored part) had specifi.c

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patternsand changes. that toldthem stillmore~L h ~ ·..L·· £ h ' A_:wout w :· at was gOlllgeo W ltD ln ...,-_ .Cperson,~..lU

they wen t .further' an d further th.qr l leaJizedthat

th e w h o : l e : eye ,repr:esented the whole: body and.

tha 'l t the ttuewaY I :.oan~ .yze Il . peirson h o . l i s t i c a . U y

thr ,,..,~h ana l" .f f b i hole . d ·as :_ I~ J .oU !B '~_ ~ .e_ __l~_y s J S : O__ l_ e~ w _ :.'o _e: e y e . a n . u s

relationship rJ61he body.

W h a t t h e ' , E ) ' f s S h o w

Through the various patterns and colors rhar

appear In. the iris" il' is pcssible ro dletectunderactive organs 'or tissuesand overactive

d • · T h -. h rh · h · 1 1organs an ·tlssues.· ae eyes ,S ow lep,rO lG :m

regardless of what ,st;ageittis in; even from l~

pre~p'to.matic phase.Likea cavity in . a tooth, it

is detectable: v e r y , e a r l y , . but if :aJlowedto p.fog.ress:,

can create q ui.!f: a p 'loblem ..The human body is a hig;hlysop.histicated

piece of .mach1 .neQ ', far superior to "Data" on Star

TRk.We are ext remely computerized with .maD.,.

remote test and treatmentpoints ..O'u.r'feet,

bands, ears and eyes are ex trem ely disgnostlc an d.

excellent bodytreatment outlets..To treat the

body through he teet we use foot reflexo.logy,.to

treat the body through t.hehand we use hand

re.fle~ology,totreae the body throughthe ear we

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use: ear r,e tlexol.ogyl auriculo[he:rapy~ ,Although the;

body can beereaeedrhroughrhe eyeS' , the eyes are

normally reserved for biological, an:aly,sis,.'The

body runs onelectriciryand each organ and

tissue has a specific vibration-c-normal,

underactive, overactive and degenerative, 'Thefibers of the iris are sensitive ro the changing

vibEadonsof rhese rissues and organs ..Although

irid.oJ,ogyand s i c l e : £ - o l o g y seemmi~gic.aJ",tbeyare

based upon s : o H d principles. This is truly sp,ace~'~:' I' ~I I Iage mew,C ID .e~ . 1 : 1 5 nor usuanynecessarym cut,

poke and draw blood to understandwhat is:causing a person's problems. The Chinese

funcaioned quitewell f O ' f over 2.,000 years:

witbou.t, eve r d isse ,cdng or invading theoody in ,

anyway to analyze a health problem, In fact:"

their belief wastha tyou couilld only truly

understand a person's by evaluating

h h i • - I -h- ' ~ d I -h '.t. _em WI,eE -.ey were .mtact an lDE rer r•en .Vl fonme 'n t ..

There are over ninety different organs and

tissues represented in . the eye~The eye patterns

are5,0 spe..

cific foreach individual th,ey are

believed. to be far moreaccurate and permanent

than 'even Iridology, Iike many

things that were d iscove re d y 'e ar,sa g'o and used

successfuUy for hundreds of years, is just now

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beIng understood. Not because it has chan ged ,

bur hecause' we have chaaged=-changedin OUl'

open,-mind.ednes.senoughtoaccelpt something

thatwo,r,ks even i fweca,n"c completely

unders tand it. Our un derstan din g ofthe e n e r , B Y

systems, meridians and. nervous system hasopened our eyes to the oomplex iE y of the human

body .. A lthough j,rj,d 'oJogy asa science has O'nly

been in this country fi~tyt,osixty years:, its

accuracy 'and simplicity ,of use has accelerat-ed it

to the forefron rofnarural alternative health

analysis, Reflex testing, including muscler,espo,ns,e testing, cannot reveal th e depth of a

problem, its cause or even what else maybe

involved, Onlythe complete eye-body analysis

can g ive this m formadon .. M uscle reflex testing in

con junction 'w irh the iris analysis is beneficial in

se lecting herbal or othe r namraJp'roduccs.

Add itiona l Benefits of I r idol ,ogy and


I . . Show weak ar-eas2. Reveallnftammation,. acuteand chronic

3., R eveal degenersdon

4. Show healing-help evaluat-ea health


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. 5 ' . Show hidden causes to sy.mptoms

6.. Show interrelationship between body


7 .. S how the: brain and . higher thought centers

8 .. U sed for prevention-e-stop the i l lness before it

starts9.. S how food :aUer,gies

lO .Show diverticuli/bowel pocke ts

11..S how ph imbalan ce

12 .,S how ar thr itics igns

l3,.Show heredity tendencies

m 4 . , S h o w diabetic patterns'1~5.~S howitamin/minera l defic iencies

l6..Show possible yeas t overgrowth

17 ..S how pos sib le p ar as itic infecrion

Of coursevthere are many other possible

diagnostic capahil iries that irido]ogy and

sde , [ology offel~

Unfortuna;cely" manywho practice holistic

health and holis tic forms of analysis often

approach the body very"mainly

because they bavent had the training necessary to

d d h ~ ki d Inderstanc the inner wor: lngs an mrer-

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relationships lof the signs: of the eye.s and the

actual body conditions, Thus"dtey are unable to

putth,e piecesrogech'er' completely and

unde rstand the subde bits of in fonnatiQ Q and the

true significance of what the eye is saying and

what signs are actually being represented,

This book bas beenespecia l ly wri.ttento help

the reader correlate the inforrnatlon and puc:

these .pieoe~Si(ogeit·be["Asyou read" rem ember that

the human body is one piecem.ade of many

d.iffiel:en£ p'art1l:.. Thererore',what affects one part

oft:en :affecrs many others at the same time .. W eare going to look :ataU the partsand put all the

pieces of information togetherto come ro and

analyticalconclusion, not aname/diagnosis. We

are not interested inthe name of m e condition,

but in its: cause and correction,

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P A R"· · · T = - 0 ' - " N " ' E "' I ..


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I r i d o l o g y

' ( , o d ' ) • tb . ..JL - ';1.,.In:.:0DIg ) " IS "e scIence mat 'UKSuie,

.. '. f' .h .. . . d· , I II.f.lS O~ t ~ . e 'i:'yc:t,o _ . l a g , n o s e : a,Q,q

.. • h- h,monnor rrssue e ,ang;es t~=at areoccurring o.r have occurred w lc:bin ,

me: body.

"The .Doc[D, r of the inure w m g i , v e


medicine, bu,[:win inreresrhis• . " h - ' e h - hpatients ~n t·e care O'if t, C . ruman

f l a m e B e : i n d i e ' c a u s e . a n d . p l i e V C 1 1 d o n

f _j'" n10 , u . l ! S e a s c . _ .

''rL.:.~.,.......".c."I1.~:-,". 1 . - fJ.fl''I'~' ~""

D ,p, Donald 'Iili'l'_""'f' 'B S - ' D - ' ' C · · · ', ,~ . _ __ : . _ :_ - : il J ,! - D~~~'~~!I .. _--Ii, -i), .-~'-:_


T u l s a " 'O 'k i a h o m a ,

M a te rl al D - o1 c g id o IJQr de rec hos d e au to r

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The colorof a person's eyes: depends maln~y

upon his or her generic con fig urarion . T he re ere

severaltheories about color andtlre number of

basic. colors, Some ,say there are but two basic

colors blue and brown-e-while others felelthath,- ze ] ,(,:,- - amb ina rion of b - th) sh · 0 ' - : ' ild be_a ,_ c., " .·a com_ ",na,, , , , ,on 0 ._0,_. ~~L_ u _ _ e

iuc~uded.Forthe purpos:e of our studies it is more

important to concern. ourselves with. the l a y e r 1 i

which are pigmented and iris: c o lo r , c l , ) , t t 1 '1 ; g c Jrarher

thanthe number of basic colors. As will be seen

later, it is not uncommon for a patien t th:at

appears to have brown , eyes change eye color

while nnd,ergoing treatment ..

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Special Termino logy o f

Ana tomy as I t Correlates

to I r ido logy

I) The collareeee corresponds to the autonomic

2) Tb'e sphincter pupillae corresp.onds to the

stomach rin ,g~

3) The Fuchscrypes corresponds to closed


4) The contraction furrows correspond to nerve

rin gs /psy cholog ical stre ss: ,rin:gslpsychosomaric:, .

stre ss r,ln g s.

5) The neurasthenic dug: is the pupillary pigmenc

border ,6) The freckle or psoric spors are called

pigme·nted. nervi/drug spots/ mineral

deposjtslpa[ho~ogical polycheomia,

7) The: Wolffian bodies corresporid jro the

lymp.badc,rolphilpsoric spots/ sectoral


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l r ido logy andApp lied Herbo lo g y

It bas been said that the eyes are the

windows to the' sou], bur within the htst150years i t t : has been realizedthat the eyes are alsothe

windows to the body. Indianmedicine men have

been known to sit and study the eyes of their., t: I ,. d f ' ' . b , CpatJl,ent.sror ,o,ngp'erIo-,s'erore

prescribing herbs or other remedies: for their .

ailmen ts. S hepherds would study the eyes of the ir

sheep to te ll when , theseanimals were be gin nin g

d ') ia l bl d d .'.,.~ ;: ,'" ,:',;- ,- - :,,- ~ '- '. '· " 'IJ ,'- · -: 'I'I- il:_ - 1 -: ,-= ,1 ,,: I-~ :. :" - :- '1 -1 - ~ ,.-~ ._ .- :- -1 '-1 I---,~-I- ' : , - - , ~ - " - - ' i l - - : - ' - , - " - : , -tneve op pot,en .tt, , P,lO ems an, nee _,vanous

remedies, One particularsignthey looked ,for is

an iris sign we can "Radii Solaris." The:

Cauldeans are known to have s,tu,died :andd d - ch . 'h - ' ~ 0; f thei t: 0; d drecor ea c anges Inti ..emses OJtheir trren as an.

re latives aslong ago as 3.000 ye:ats , bel ievingthese

changes [0have an astronomical cause and


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Hippocrates 'was probablythe first to realizemat there was a, definire link between ,signs: in the

eyes and changes in th e b O l d y . 'H e concentrated

his ,effi:utson the posterior aspect of the eyeand

estahlished the beginnin;g ofwbaE we use today as

a t 'basicophthalmic exam.

A I·' fh .' .' d b-. na YSiS 0 rr e poste,r,l,or eye remame, . the

significant area, of examination up to I'he mid ...

1800s~This began to change when a boy named

Ignatz Peczely noticed thatwhen an owl he was

playing, with becameinjured, amark suddenlydl th ·.· r of b . 1 1 1 1 1 d h

appeare . in the in s 0, tne OW,~s eye an , o ',n ehe. f - . .. -id - .' ··T-- h dl fame SI 'Ie of the IDU-7 · h " - , ' . . L · - ' 1 : :_ : II '- '~ '~ II- -- - - -- - - - - - - [- - - -~-J-- , ry . , _ _us was t _ e _ Isoov:ery 0 .

at phenemenonwe now call Op tha lm ici ..Somatic

Analys,is Uddology ) ~

,AI[.houghcom,pie'tely unaware of the

h L bservi h ' • d' enomenon he was 0 .'s:ervlng, .,eremame ..very

curious of his fiDding~.'This led him into medicalschool and eventually intO' a, hospital i.n

Budapest where be furthe.r ,ed:. h-is kn-~-· t ; .e d . ~ - : · , 1. . · Ic

. . . " . . . , . . . . - . . . . - - .L ow_e~e In

this new' phenomenon, Here he was able ro

observe and examine all patients as they were

admitted and discharged. Upon their admission,

Dr.. Peczely would study their ease histories andhei ... ~1_! a: dr ~ 1t. err lnses,ta&1ng great ertortstodraw In COior.a

picture of their irises in exact detail, He would0, d .' f ' hei .. lrgain araw a picture 0,;.' tneir inses as tr ey were

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n;:le~.ased~Heno,[ic,e,d that a pattern was

developing and it was very consiseent, As anle. wh h d I" _]~. ..xampe, W..'ena person na < ,·a nver condmon it

:aJ .waysshowed ate ight o'c lock in the ; r igbt ids.

He was constantly being exposedto a large

'variety of patients and complaints, thus enablinghi b" £ • b ~ h ,. f " hrm to ,-egln rormmg :Q : -iastC ,-Ian" map' ortne

Iristhat corresponded tome loca.don of organs

an d. tissues, (S e e figure tA ..)

W hil.e : con tin uin g to im prove : and update the

chart, he wrote the first book on Irldology,

DI~s:c(}:t)ery in th,e .Realm of Nature an'J th~A:rt of'Heeli ng.H]s bo o.ks o cxcited rhe medi cal

pr(lfess.~.o.n. in Ge, rmany thatcher beganwri t ins

ahourhim :and hisdiscovery;

Some of the othergrea,[ peoplei.nrbe

historical deve~ I0 'Pmen tof Ir idology were i D r ..

NUs : L iliq u ist, : 9 l Swedi sh Home:op 'Qtbwhowork ed 'w irh t,o:xicappearances in rhe ids from

vaccinations and was firs[l!o bring lridology to

America inthe ,ear ly 19005; Dr..J~ HaskellKrirser M D v. whc wrote e text book. Iris'_ '",.1 ,. I J. ,., . ;t;~ _"_ •• j, _ _ L . . •• ' • ',. ~_ '. ' jf' .. ' - .

.D ',iagno 'sis l1.'n'fi Gu;'tle in neatm,tnt~~r~H,enry

LlncUar,.M6D ... Cbicagp; and Dr. Henry Lahn,

M,.DI . . . Austria" Each :addled significantly to the

research and development of this: phenomenon,

For many years what was tau,g:ht in. this

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country was the infcum.arionrhat 'W : a 8 oftiginaUy

broughtover by Dr.. Liliquist and later' updated,

arleastro rhe point of that time" by Dr, L ah n

and Dr., Lindler, However, in Germany a more

in-depth research program had begun and is still

in p t O , g r e s s today~This; research began to discover

the~signifi,cance of the whole eye , not just the

iris, That researchincluded the re tina), scle ra and

scleralvessels, iris, palpabrae, a.nd even the

cornuncle, for each of these structures i s : unique,

Their main sl ign itfi.canoe i,s their correlative abiUty),

givIng morethan just' one sign tor ,3 " problemarea. Because ofthe use (i)fthewh;Q,leeyc"the

G,er.m.anshave renamed this science Opthalm: ic -

S 0 1 1 l l l t i c A . 7 1 a ! y ! i j ~ instead , o f J u s c . i ir isanalysis, . .

Ophthalmic ..Somatic Analysis now became

the .key diagnostic science and as Iaeeas 1979

new research marerial was: m.adeavail .abl!e fr'O.mwhich €be most up·to i.ridQllogy chart now been produced. (Seefigur-e lA.)

Just being: able to id.e:ndfy a problem area is

notenough, We must also know bowro treat the'

patient's condition .holisdcallyw:ith herbs and

monitor m e ; healiln.grhrough theeye,

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h ;, dp() er

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Herbal Medicines

Once anarea has been identified as being

in need of fortification,regardless of w hat reason,

it is important to use something that will he

effect ' I · ' , V : ,e-..,...... •· ' n l , Q , .n-texie - a ' ' t - ' th - -- -'", tim , c · . ' 1 , ' , [ 1,[[i\.." " ,'_'_ AJlI",___ __ ,',--, _,, __,A,,__ ....'.. i ! . _ ,C sa,me ,.'"", .. ''''''

many cases animal g~anduJar products are used

andare ofieneffecrive, but the true medicines

that nature has provided for our use arethe

herbs. " 'Andchc ' fruit the reof shall be formea[

a,D,d the leaf for medicine" (Ezekiel 47: 12).

Hippocrates ~ the father of medicine, was an

herbalisr . He sup pose dly said that he could cure:any of man 's aftli,ctionswith just fo,rty herbs,

Hippocrates w a s rhe g re ate st he ale r theworld has

everknown.It is strange thar he was rhe farher of

modern medicine, yet never ,gav,e a shot' of

penicillin, streptomycin, or even an inorganic

salve,Herbs are effective becauserhey are,

electrcmagnetically atrracted to the or,gan. or

tissue they are known to affecr. ,0nee atthe

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desired site" they supply thet~jssuewith cellular

nutrition complete wirhrh.eir own e:llzymies~OO~

enzymes, vitamins" minerals, trace substances,

and anything andeve,rytbing: needed by the body.

The body is able eo use these produces

immediately to help rhetissue restore no['m,ality~

The medicines used today are derivatives of

medicin al p lan ts, but because of man's g,reed and

Insistence upon p~ayingrhe chemical g~e) these

products now are syntheticand toxic to our

bodies. Their purpose is to alleviate symptoms,

not to correct or cure: anycondrtions. Herbalmedicines, on the other hand, dispose of the

symp~,omsby curing the: condition. They restore

normali tyand thus: allow the body to regain

homeostasis once again.

A prim e ex ample : ofthe effe ,ctivenes;s of herbs

can be seen in r hean ima l kingdom, An injured.or sick. animal will seek out and ear or otherwise

U8!ethe herbs that 'will restore l tsheal th,

In .many parts of the Orient, there is an

overabundance .of a large"".r,hick snake the

natives can "baht). "These: habos he, so

numerous: that the island government be;gp.nto

import the famous mongoose -a natural ene ,m .y

[0poisonous snak es, The islande 'i's will often . put

on disphly .figh.ts inlhe center of the viUa,,ge

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between the habo and. themongoose. Once the

fighl starts it Is notlong und~. the mongoose has

its teeth clenched in the back of r,hehabo~sneek

and from then O,D, it is just amarter of time..

.A lthoug b. there bave· been a few occasions where

the habc bit the mongocse.there is only onedocumented case of the mongoose dlylog from

this bite" and that was because [he: animal was

kep t captive and not allowed toseek out the

herbs rhar w ould save it..

P rev iously " an y time a . mongoose had been

bitten, itwoulds,eek out the herb t'moss" andbegin immediately rolling thearea of 'the' h~te:in

the moss undl rhe juice of the moss bad all

adequall.echance to soak into '[he bitten area..The

moss does several thingsv First, It acts as an

astringentand causes localized vaso-consrricdon,

whi:cb stops thespread of the' toxins, Second , it

cleans and washes out the area.. Third, it

neutralizes the toxins'.. Fourth, it supplies large

quantides of nurrition at rhe sire of injury"rhu5

immensely enhancing the repairprocess,

During the years: of my practice, Ihave used

herbs in conjuncrionwith spinal. manipulation to

treat and cure everything from "pink e y e , U blood

poisoning, lupus ,erythema.losis,and complete

bUn:dnesst:o canceralmcstanywhere in th e body .

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Herbs are potent, yet V"ery safe if used

correctlyBefcre we:go a ny further, Lwould Iike

it made completelj' clear that I am nor

encouraging to :go in to the fi,dds to pick

and. 'Use:any herhs fo,r' any reason ..If there is:ever a

case of a person baving 'a difficulty with herbs, itis usually 'because they have misrsken one herb

for another, This can ,easily bedone. So unless

h - · · M · · · · · · · · · · · ~- D ~ " ··'8 ( dyou tavea .•.••asters Degree in Botany Iand• ' 1 1 1 1 ' ~ h b I I d .,0, ,). d Ce s , p - .,ecl:aIV..- ~ n i ,el " - :a medicine), s,pen. a. rew

: " . J _L J Il" l ,J . , ' •• 'j IJ ·'···'·-'-'······"'~"-·-·~·.r,.' _,' ',- .. ---. -- _"_' '--

dollars andpur,chase.rhenecessarypre .capsulared

h ''t_

c. d I a l d i · "b - ',

erbsrrom your '.:ector or ..ocal "•.Istrl't1to.r~

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H ow Ir id o lo g y C an Help

Y o u .

L H,t)w lridolliogy C 'an 'Help Y ou

A . lrido,log }' show s major and minor ar-easI~nflammarion

a, Chronic

b, Acute

2,. Poor elimination

3" . Acidity lAUm lin ity

4 ,., 'H y po ...unctioning organs5. 'H yper- fun ction ing organ s

6~ A reas of ischem ia

7. Areas: of anemia

8~ Under l y ing causes ofsymptoms

9~Inherent weaknesses

lO f Acquired w eak nesses

11~D ivertieulitis

12~ Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

13, . ,POOl' assimilation

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I] and Neurology of the Eye Motor

1. Oculomoter, inferior and superior

a, S uperior bran ch

b.Jnferior b h~:n_error!canC_1

2 . , Trochle ar IV 'C .ran ial. Ne rve

3.AJbducens VI 'Cranial Nerve

B ,. A uton om ie n ervous: system.

C·. .Sympathet ic Innervation comes via the

superiorcervical ganglion,.

D~ Parasympathetic innervation comes via the

the cranial nerve (Edin:ger-WestphaJ nucleus and

,ciHary ganglion) ..E. Both the sphincter and dilater muscles

have 9l sympathetjc and parasympatheric


IILBlood Supp ly

A.,Opthalmic .Artery

1. 'Origin: from internal carotid artery at

the end of cavernous sinus

2 . . Branches:

a..In orbitto surrounding pans

b..In orbh to eyeball

BiCenera lAr re ry

1. Eyebal l

2 . , Macula

C~Venous drainage of eyeball

M ateri al proteoido par derec has de autor

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I~Retina drained by veins that

accompany branches and trunk. of€ " R ! D t ' '1 , _ , 1 1 .. " rreries"'" " - " ; : ' " , 1 , 3 1 . "',11.,. _.. --,_,I~

2..Outer coats drained by vorticose veins

in outer layer of choroid. Th,es:e

oonv ,e rg e and draininto the superiorophth alm ic v ein .

N ..Accessory I tem s of the Anterior ,Eye

A., Selerar The sc,~e[a/wbi.te of the eye is

s:ign i6 .can t for two reasons; (1 ) It is an

area where muchplsquing occurs both

yellow a nd white, These are secondaryIndica rions of ,~ , ipidIchol esrerol

mersbolic problems within the body. It

often points toa ,~iv:erdysfunction. 1 ( 2 )

Scleral vessels are verysignificant as'

indicators pointing to a problem area

in the body . There are vessels which

ind ic ate a . back -p re ssure in th e v ascula r

system such as:would be found with


B . , PalpabraerThe inferior palpabrae/

eyelid often, shows pigmentationchanges such as liver spots when there

is a liver dysfuncdou .. 'This is a good

confirmarion test. The palpebrae,

because of irs rich b l o , o d . s U P ' . P ' ~ Y , ' is an .

M a te ri a l proteoldo por dCI C 'G hQ S de autor

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excell C ,Q tarea to deteet systemic

a n em ia - U n d e r these c o n d i tio n s rh e

palpabrae appears very whire and

bleached our,

C~Pu.pil lary re sp on se : T he pupil is form,ed

bytwo ,mosc, les,dnato,r pupillae and

sphincter pupillae, The expansion and

conrraction of the pupil is an excellent

w:ayro evaluate the sphincter control

throughout thewhole body~The pupil

isalsoa viery good ind~cal!orof adrenal

dysfunction. A wide pupil indicatesad re .nal 7-ca' .,.1.. n ess and ' p - , - "O - · ,S > ; 8 i~e, ,...., na w eK__ __ .__ , _ ._.. _

exhaustion. ,A ,very right p upil indicates

hyper ...adrenalisrn.thus overactiviry,

T ' - h .ci.~-,-verv .'c i ., - : ' . ' .n i f ir a n r s i'O ' ,n b e c a u s e_8 _8 a V-"'1 s _ g _ - - _ _!l.- --- -- -t:)- -- --- ,

the adren als are rhe gI,an ds of'stress and

pi,ay a, major role in eommonplathologicalcondidons of today such

as bypoglycemia and diabetesmellitus .

.D ..C a run cle : T he caruncle, 'the little falty

hall n a ssl-ward inthe comer of the eye ,

tends to attract much t r i g i y c e r , i : d , e and

cholesterol pla.quing: and will begin

showing signs on'len long: beforeany

other part' of the anterior eye ,

M ateri al proteoido par del C 'C has de autor

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S ; : :a a . ' li \ I c m c u ;s i S i i n u s

o f , S d hlr ;mm )



' ~ !!- . , ~

: ~ ~ : ; ;~~~~:.,.'p..A ' - m - · - 0 · · · ·A ' S P C R E " C C : - ' 1 " ' 1 0 · • • N · · ~ O ~ c F L . . . l l T I D · 'l1i." ., -.~ .·r' . ~ " " _i,11 "_'-, ..1 " '" , ," _ '. ._ "

M a te r ia l po1egido per derec ha s de au tor

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.~.. . . . . . . .---. . . } ,~ .

-- -


liEd. m.

.I I I I ! ! ! ! I I I '~'.

~1'_' .... 1IIIiiiijI; ~~lill!!!!!!l"~.--

•I 'Yibeot;JJ

t bodyI



L un hltl cdbosa of Sel~l1I, M _1a lutr:a (with

: f o v e a eenu;alb)

M u ter i u l p otcgido por dC I C 'C hos de autor

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Ciliary body


'Vi:treous, body

Hyaloid canal

Material p otegido por derechos d autor

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i I

, . " l e of iris








, Of iris

D ilator m , .1 1



, I

~-----Pectinate tdocomea] angle

Suspensory lig. ,--...,





Fibers, of



Ciliary body

M ateri al proteoido par del C 'C has de autor

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PRAC TIC AL IIUO '010G ;Y AND SC,lER0100V 5 :3

Iris layers

The iriais composed of four separate layers"

but only three are considered significant. Tbey~ . ~

are, rrom anterior to posrenor:

1. Ante,rior Bordes Layer

This laye,r i t s a modification of the m iddIe

stromalilyer of the iris, It is composed oftwo latyer,s: an aateriorfibro blastic layer

and 3 1 posterior pig,menl:e,d laye:r.T'his

,postedor p i g _ _ m e n t e , d layer lstbe layer thathas: a great deal to do. with the :a .c tual,iris


2 . . St romal Layer

,3 ,..PQ s te rior Ep ithe lium Laye, [

Itis the posterior ephkhelium layer [hat is

heavily pigmen ted w ith black and brown

gEanu~:es .

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How Ir id o lo g y Wo r k s

H "QW Do e s This Phenorn ,enon W o rk?

' W " " ' h - '· 1 - . , , h - I - ) - 1 " b b I ., ' " , . ' - _ ' ' I I ' ~ , , ' , - : ~ , ' . , ~ , , ' 'I', I ' , r~' .,', "', ' , ! , ( II , - 1 _ '_ , 1,ellD, t"e ,m,ater,n,a, uterus, OP,[ "a,m.!c

development Degi,ns from,th.e' frontallobe of m eb 'O T h . , I I h . , . h . h_'[,aln., The e y e : , . especratly rhe lrls,,~_asa rrch

supply of neuro-ecrodermal tissee, The iris has

been estimated to 'contain over 2 8 ~OOO individual

nerve fibers mingled with stromal fibers, (This

cornhination is: extremely sensitive to nerve

impulses from the automaticnervous 5yst,em,.)

Sincethe brain is the ulrimate control of the

body, it must know (and does know) the

complete condition Q f aU organs and tissues ofh b d ,- 1 1 1 1 '. ' 'T C 'h · · I'·h d bne 1 _ , 0 c"yataL t- Im es. :..:us IS accom pn s __ .~ "oy

'consrant flow of both affer,en[ a,nd efferent

impulses to and from ~aUparts ofthe body .

M ateri al proteoido par del C'{; has de autor

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ICertain neuron cells (or~~te o . f cdls), inthe b ~ d conti I . . .1 : . . , . , ' Ie ,-f;ain respond continuous I yro rhese impulses

Fro,m the areas they con trol. T hese im pulse sare

carried v ia theauronomic nervous system., both

sympatheticand parasympathet iccThis system£

d d O ' , '1 '., hei '., .. th H 'd 'l'"ee · '. S •mrect y mto tne rrrs via tne , I :/cJ .D ger, ...

Westphal nucleus (parasympathetic) and via the

sympath.edc gang~ion in the upper thceaeicspine,

S ince <the iris has such :3 . rich supply of hi:gbly

sensitive neuro-ecrodermal fi~be~r8,t:he Iris

ii-" ,.. lik I ~.. bUf tcuo .O.S ..I~ 3ea remof ie te" .ev .IS .l ,on . prcture tute,

givin g us a comple te n eufolog j,ca lp ,iaure : . o f the

body at all rimes byrhe reflex of neurological

im pulse s .. T he sign .i:6 can .ce of these im ,p ,tl lses to

the examiner is that they are ala f requency that

corresponds to their health condition or any one

of fau,I" s tages of in flam .m .adon : acultc', subacute"chron ic , an d degenerative,

In terpreting , Ir is , S l g n s

The interpretation is done by noting two things:

1..,A pi :gnu~ ntat: ion change2 . . .A patter.n, change

The pigmentation changes correspond tostages

f ,. f lammarltm __mmatlon.

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$18 .95

The ,ey ;- iL _ win dow 't,o tl1 le I .od,r aQ,d I,Qtg'l!- Tbi ' OLsc'l"v,atio1l

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