practice 6

PRACTICE 6 I. VOCABUALRY : 1. The other driver failed to signal his __________ to turn right so I had to brake suddenly. a. purpose c. intention b. idea d. design 2. The patient ______________ to listen to his doctor’s advice. a. refused c. lacked b. hindered d. resigned 3. When he left school, my brother decided to ____ a priest instead of studying languages. a. change to c. train for b. become d. study for 4. You really can’t ______________ a thing the woman says! a. believe c. count b. rely d. imagine 5. She decided to give up her job for the ______________ of her children. a. care c. reason b. sake d. concern 6. The hut was ______________ into three connecting bedrooms. There was no corridor. a. separated c. divided b. split d. cat up 7. He supposed that someone ______________ him from that bedroom. a. kept an eye on c. glanced at b. looked upon d. look care for 8. Despite her undoubted ability at tennis, she never became the __ of the local tennis club. a. member c. champion b. partner d. winner 1

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Page 1: Practice 6


1. The other driver failed to signal his __________ to turn right so I had to brake suddenly.a. purpose c. intentionb. idea d. design

2. The patient ______________ to listen to his doctor’s advice.a. refused c. lackedb. hindered d. resigned

3. When he left school, my brother decided to ____ a priest instead of studying languages.a. change to c. train forb. become d. study for

4. You really can’t ______________ a thing the woman says!a. believe c. countb. rely d. imagine

5. She decided to give up her job for the ______________ of her children.a. care c. reasonb. sake d. concern

6. The hut was ______________ into three connecting bedrooms. There was no corridor.a. separated c. dividedb. split d. cat up

7. He supposed that someone ______________ him from that bedroom.a. kept an eye on c. glanced atb. looked upon d. look care for

8. Despite her undoubted ability at tennis, she never became the __ of the local tennis club.a. member c. championb. partner d. winner

9. When Tommy was ______________ he was thin and not very confident.a. youth c. littleb. baby d. young

10. I decided not to close the restaurant after many customers ______________.a. advised c. complainedb. told d. suggested

11. Many ______________ people never need to go to the doctor.a. wealthy c. strongb. healthy d. active

12. What ______________ are you? I’m a medium.a. cost c. sizeb. fit d. color


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13. They are going to ______________ a film tonight.a. look at c. glanceb. see d. do

14. When I want to ______________ something safe I always put it there.a. hold c. look afterb. take care of d. keep

15. They took ______________ of his hospitality and stayed six months.a. care c. advantageb. pity d. pride


1. She ______________ speak English at work when she was a manager’s secretary.a. used to c. use tob. to use d. uses to

2. What a beautiful ring __________!a. have seen I c. I have seenb. have I seen d. I haven’t seen

3.______________ you discover his weaknesses, the easier you can win him.a. Quicker c. The fastestb. The more quickly d. The easiest

4. They are now staying at a flat which is about ____________ from the safe sandy beach.a. five minutes walking c. five-minute walkb. walk for about five minutes d. five minutes walk

5. Canada is the second biggest country ______________ only to the Soviet Union.a. in size c. with its populationb. by area d. in shape

6. Can you see a man ______________ over there.a. wander c. wanderingb. to wander d. wandered

7. _______ he hasn’t said anything, he seems to be upset about it.A. Because B. Although C. If D. So that

8. I can’t find my passport. I ___________ it at home. A. must have left B. had left C. should have left D. must leave

9. If I _______ him yesterday, I would have to come back tomorrow.A. met B. hadn’t met C. didn’t meet D. have met

10. I missed my flight because when I reached the airport, the plane ______ off.A. had taken B. took C. hadn’t taken D. didn’t take

11. The collector ________ his set by the end of the year.A. will be completingB. has completedC. will have completed


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D. will complete

12. At present, an enquiry is taking place ________ plans to build a resort two miles north of the town.

A. in B. into C. by D. through

13. The economies of several small countries rely heavily ___ the sale of colorful stamps.A. on B. in C. with D. by

.14. Smoking cigarettes often _________ a loss of appetite.A. brings up B. succeeds in C. carries out D. results in

15. . ________ nonsense the newspapers print, some people always believe it.A. Whatever B. However C. Whoever D. Whenever


In 776 B.C. the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of mount Olympus to honor the Greek’s chief god, Zeus. The warm climate for outdoor activities, the need for preparedness in war, and their lifestyle caused the Greeks to create competitive sports. Only the elite and military could participate at first, but later the games were open to all free Greek male who had no criminal record. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, contests in running, jumping, discuss and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally these contests were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. They also helped to strengthen bonds among competitors and the different cities represented.

The Greek attached so much importance to the games that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads,” dating from 776 B.C. the contests coincided with religious festivities and constituted an all-out effort on the part of the participants to please the gods. Any who disobeyed the rules were dismissed and seriously punished. These athletes brought shame not only to themselves, but also to the cities they represented.

1. Which of the following is not true?(A) winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads(B) the games were held in Greece every four years(C) battles were interrupted to participate in the game(D) poems glorified the winners in song

2. The word “elite” in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) aristocracy(B) brave(C) intellectuals(D) muscular

3. Why were the Olympic Games held?(A) to stop wars(B) to honor Zeus(C) to crown the best athletes(D) to sing songs about the athletes


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4. Approximately how many years ago did these games originate?(A) 800 years(B) 1,200 years(C) 2,300 years(D) 2,800 years

5. What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?(A) they were pacifists(B) they believed athletic events were important(C) they were simple(D) they couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiad” for dates


In the United States, presidential election are held in years evenly divisible by four (1884, 1900, 1964, etc.). Since 1840, American presidents elected in years ending with zero have died in office, with one exception. William h. Harrison, the man who served the shortest term, died of pneumonia only several weeks after his inauguration.

Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who were assassinated. He was elected in 1860, and his untimely death came just five year later. James A. Garfield, a former union army general from Ohio, was shot during his first year in office (1881) by a man to whom he wouldn’t give a job. While in his second term of office (1901), William McKinley, another Ohioan, attended the pan – American exposition in buffalo, New York. During the reception, he was assassinated while shaking hands with some of the guest. John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 in Dallas only three years after his election.

Three years after his election in 1920, warren g. Harding died in office. Although it was never proved, many believe he was poisoned. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944), the only man to serve so long a term. He had contracted polio in 1921 and eventually died of the illness in 1945.

Ronald Reagan, who was elected in 1890 and re-elected four years later, suffered an assassination attempt but did not succumb to the assassin’s bullets. He was the first to break the long chain of unfortunate events. Will the candidate in the election of 200 also be as lucky?

1. All of the following were election year EXCEPT(A) 1960(B) 1930(C) 1888(D) 1824

2. Which president served the shortest term in office?(A) Abraham Lincoln(B) Warren G. Harding(C) William McKinley(D) William H. Harrison

3. Which of the following is true?(A) all presidents elected in years ending in zero have died in office(B) only presidents from Ohio have died in office(C) Franklin D. Roosevelt completed four terms as president(D) four American presidents have been assassinated

4. How many presidents elected in years ending in zero since 1840 have died in office?(A) 7(B) 5


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(C) 4(D) 3

5. The word “inauguration” in line 5 means most nearly the same as(A) election(B) acceptance speech(C) swearing-in ceremony(D) campaign


(1) ______ three fourths of the Earth’s surface is covered (2) ______ water. Perhaps the most important liquid in the world, water is usually easy to get (3) ______ rain, springs, wells, streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes. It (4) ______ the vast ocean beds. (5) _______ vapor, water is also present in the air, (6) _____ it often condenses into clouds. The bodies of most living (7) _____ contain a large proportion of water. For example, water (8) ______ about 60 percent of the weight of the human body.

Water is (9) _____ for life. Millions of years ago the first (10) ______ of life on earth grew in the sea. Although today many plants and animals are (11) ______ to live on land, they still need water. This life-sustaining makes up (12) _____ of the animal blood or plant sap (13) _____ nourishes living tissues.

Used (14) ______ never used up, water constantly circulates throughout the world. A person taking a drink of (15) _______ today may be drinking the same water that gave refreshment to a Stone Age man.

1. A.most B. nearly C. more D. each2. A. with B. in C. on D. without3. A. for B. rather than C. from D. by4. A. fills with B. is full of C. fills D. is filled5. A. As B. Unlike C. Onto D. In6. A. which B. where C. who D. whose7. A. plants B. animals C. things D. items8. A. includes B. consists of C. accounts D. comprises9. A. useless B. urgent C. going D. necessary10. A. forms B. pictures C. images D. shadows11. A. can B. able C. about D. happy12. A. nearly B. all C. most D. almost13. A. what B. who C. that is D. that14. A. however B. but C. nor D. except15. A. water B. the air C. beer D. wine


1. Fungi are the most important decomposers of forest soil just like bacteria are the


chief decomposers of grassland soil.


2. Halifax Harbor in Nova Scotia is one of the most safe harbors in the world.


3. Ballpoint pens require a tiny, perfectly round ball for its tips.


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4. Since the 1930s, the archaeology has become a precise science with strict rules


and procedures.

5. Interstate Highway 80 is so an important road that it is sometimes referred to as


“America’s Main Street.”

6. John Jay, a diplomat and statesman, first entered public live in 1773.


7. Mount Hood in Oregon is a center for alpine sports such as skiing, climbing, and hikes.


8. The chameleon’s able to change color to match its surroundings is shared by


quite a few lizards.


9. Florence Sabin is recognized not only for her theoretical research in anatomy and


physiology and for her work in public health.


10. The top layer of the ocean stores as much heat as does all the gases in the atmosphere.


11. Almost lemons grown in the United States come from farms in Florida and California.


12. Hair is made of the same basic material as both the nails, claws, and hooves of


mammals are made of.


13. Not until geologists began to study exposed rocks in ravines and on mountainsides


they did discover many of the earth’s secrets.


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14. The water of the Gulf Stream may be as much as 20 percentage warmer than the


surrounding water.


15. Insects appeared on earth before long the earliest mammals.



1. My brother hasn't drunk beer for 2 years. A. My brother gave up drinking for 2 years. B. My brother gave up drinking for 2 years ago. C. My brother gave up drinking 2 years ago. D. My brother gave up drink 2 years ago.

2. It was such a boring film that she fell asleep. A. The film was such boring that she fell asleep. B. The film was so boring to she fell asleep. C. The film was so that she fell asleep. D. The film was so boring that she fell asleep.

3. He is too young to understand the problem. A. He isn't young enough to understand the problem. B. He is old enough to understand the problem. C. He isn't old enough for understanding the problem. D. He isn't old enough to understand the problem.

4. Mr. Brown is going to the cinema tonight. So are his children. A. Mr. Brown, with his children, is going to the cinema tonight. B. Neither Mr. Brown nor his children are going to the cinema tonight. C. Either Mr. Brown or his children are going to the cinema tonight. D. Mr. Brown or his children is going to the cinema tonight.

5. She graduated three years ago.A. It’s been three years since she graduated.B. It’s she who graduated three years ago.C. It’s three years since she graduated from this university.D. It’s such a long time since she graduated.

6. I had to wait so long that I got tired and left.A. I had to wait for such long that I got tired and left.B. I had to wait for such a long time that I got tired and left.C. I had to wait for such a long time before I got home.D. I had to wait for such long time before I got home because of being tired.

7. They showed his photograph on television.A. On television his photograph was shown.B. His photograph was shown on television.


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C. They were shown his photograph on television.D. His photograph was being shown on television.

8. They made me wait for a long time.A. I have to wait for a long time.B. I was made to wait for a long time.C. I have been waiting for a long time.D. I had been made to wait so long here.

9. He sings well and plays the guitar well.A. Not only sings he well, but plays the guitar well.B. Not only do he sing well, but he plays the guitar well.C. Not only does he sing well, but he also plays the guitar wellD. Not only did he sing well, but he also played the guitar well.

10. They came to the concert late, so they didn’t have good seatsA. If they come to the concert late, they will have good seats.B. If they came to the concert late, they would have good seats.C. If they hadn’t come to the concert late, they would have had good seats.D. If they had come to the concert late, they would have good seats.

11. They believe that the novel was written by a very young writer.A. The novel is written by a young writer.B. The novel is believed to have been written by a very young writerC. The novel was believed written by a young writer.D. The novel was believed to be written by a young writer.

12.I don’t want you to tell him what I told you.A. I’d rather you didn’t tell him what I told you.B. You didn’t tell him what I told you I’d rather you.C. I’d rather you not tell him what I told you.D. I’d rather you wouldn’t tell him what I told you.

13.The rate of inflation has decreased considerably in the past week.A. There was a considerable decrease in the rate of inflation in the past week.B. There was a considerably decrease in the rate of inflation in the past week.C. There has been a considerable decrease in the rate of inflation in the past week.D. In the past week there was a considerable decrease in the rate of inflation.

14.People don’t talk so loudly while I’m studying.A. I’d rather you don’t talk so loudly while I’m studying.B. I’d rather you didn’t talk so loudly while I’m studying.C. I wanted you don’t talk so loudly while I’m studying.D. I’d rather you not talk so loudly while I’m studying.

15.May I borrow your car tonight, dad?A. Would you mind borrowing me your car tonight, Dad?B. Would you mind to lend me your car tonight, Dad?C. Would you mind borrow me your car tonight, Dad?D. Would you mind lending me your car tonight, Dad?


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1. this / lovely cottage / be / 500 years / old /

…………………………………………………………………..2. it / be / country / one mile / village of Parkham Cross /

……………………………………………………………….3. there / be / post office / small shop /

………………………………………………………………4. there / be / some good pubs / restaurants / area / too /

…………………………………………………………………….5. cottage / have / big garden / flowers / trees/


6. there / be / two / double bed roomS / bathroom / toilet /


7. living room / have / traditional /antique / furniture /


8. Paul / Jenny / want / rent / cottage /


9. children / llike / garden / very much /


10. they / plan / stay / there / summer holiday /



1. Sự gia tăng nhanh chóng về dân số đã dẫn đến những vấn đề nghiêm trọng như tệ nạn xã

hội, thiếu lương thực và ô nhiễm.

2. Chính phủ cần có những biện pháp tích cực để tránh khủng hoảng kinh tế và duy trì sự

phát triển bền vững.

3. Người ta lo ngại về vấn đề sống thử trước hôn nhân trong thế hệ trẻ ngày nay.

4. Du học ở nước ngoài là một xu thế khá phổ biến ngày nay mặc dù nó đem lại cả thuận

lợi và bất thuận lợi.

The end !