practiques de geografia en llengua anglesa · 2009-03-11 · l’aprenentatge de la geografia fos...


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Page 1: PRACTIQUES DE GEOGRAFIA EN LLENGUA ANGLESA · 2009-03-11 · l’aprenentatge de la geografia fos quelcom atractiu, malgrat les dificultats. TREBALL DUT A TERME DISSENY DEL PLA DE


Núria Bastardas i Rufat Curs 2005-2006


Page 2: PRACTIQUES DE GEOGRAFIA EN LLENGUA ANGLESA · 2009-03-11 · l’aprenentatge de la geografia fos quelcom atractiu, malgrat les dificultats. TREBALL DUT A TERME DISSENY DEL PLA DE

ÍNDEX ÍNDEX.............................................................................................................................. 2 INTRODUCCIÓ............................................................................................................... 3

ANTECEDENTS DEL TEMA OBJECTE DEL TREBALL .................................. 3 EXPLICACIÓ DEL TEMA ..................................................................................... 3 OBJECTIUS I RESULTATS PROPOSATS ........................................................... 4

TREBALL DUT A TERME ............................................................................................ 5 DISSENY DEL PLA DE TREBALL....................................................................... 5 METODOLOGIA EMPRADA ................................................................................ 5 DESCRIPCIÓ DELS RECURSOS UTILITZATS .................................................. 6

RESULTATS OBTINGUTS............................................................................................ 6 PRESENTACIÓ DELS MATERIALS ELABORATS............................................ 6 GUIA PER AL PROFESSORAT............................................................................. 7

MATERIAL PER A L’ALUMNAT .......................................................................... 15 UNIT 1: DIVERSITY ON EARTH: CLIMATES AND BIOMES ........................... 16 UNIT 2: OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT........................................................... 20 UNIT 3: HUMAN ACTIVITY AND ENVIRONMENT .......................................... 24 UNIT 4: THE CITY ................................................................................................... 30 UNIT 5: POPULATION ............................................................................................ 35 UNIT 6: BUILDING A POPULATION PYRAMID................................................. 40 UNIT 7: MIGRATIONS ............................................................................................ 45 UNIT 8: MIGRATION IN CATALONIA ................................................................. 49 UNIT 9: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ............................................................................ 53 UNIT 10: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN CATALONIA............................................. 56 UNIT 11: THE EUROPEAN UNION........................................................................ 59 UNIT 12: SPAIN AND CATALONIA IN THE EUROPEAN UNION.................... 62 UNIT 13: GLOBALISATION AND INEQUALITY ................................................ 66 UNIT 14: A TRIP TO INDIA. Watching Monsoon Wedding................................... 70 UNIT 15: EVALUATION ......................................................................................... 74 VOCABULARY SHEET 1: CLIMATE AND BIOMES .......................................... 78 VOCABULARY SHEET 2: ENVIRONMENT ........................................................ 79 VOCABULARY SHEET 3: DEMOGRAPHY AND POPULATION...................... 80 VOCABULARY SHEET 4: HUMAN ACTIVITY, ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT....................................................................................................... 81 VOCABULARY SHEET 5: CHARTS AND GRAPHS............................................ 82 GENERAL VOCABULARY..................................................................................... 83

CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 90 BIBLIOGRAFIA............................................................................................................ 92

PÀGINES WEB ......................................................................................................... 93


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Molts professors de llengua estrangera d’Ensenyament Secundari hem intentat, durant els anys de docència, buscar nous recursos per aconseguir una millora global en els nivells de competència en llengua estrangera que el nostre alumnat assoleix. La desigual motivació i la diversitat d’interessos i capacitats del nostre alumnat fa que aquesta tasca sigui difícil i, sovint, no estem prou satisfets amb els resultats finals que obtenim i creiem que cal cercar noves vies d’aprenentatge de les llengües estrangeres.

En aquest marc ja fa anys que s’està treballant, a nivell europeu, en la

introducció en l’ensenyament primari i secundari del que anomenem CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), és a dir, intentar aprofundir en el coneixement de la llengua estrangera emprant-la per a l’aprenentatge d’altres matèries. Si som capaços, per exemple, d’ensenyar a l’alumnat de primària a sumar en llengua anglesa, al mateix temps que incorporem una tècnica matemàtica bàsica practiquem àrees de vocabulari i estructures bàsiques de la llengua anglesa. Així, aconseguim convertir la llengua estrangera, en aquest cas l’anglès, en un instrument necessari com el català o el castellà per a l’aprenentatge. L’alumnat deixa de considerar la llengua estrangera com a “una assignatura”, amb una sèrie de continguts que cal memoritzar per a superar-la, i comença a considerar-la com a una llengua, és a dir com a instrument de comunicació i intercanvi d’informació. Aquesta és una diferència bàsica. Perquè les llengües serveixen per comunicar-se i per intercanviar informació i l’aprenentatge de la llengua estrangera no pot quedar limitat, en l’univers del nostre alumnat, a la memorització de cert nombre de paraules i estructures. Saber anglès no és posar do o does en uns espais en blanc sinó accedir a una nova eina de comunicació.

És clar, tanmateix, que la integració del CLIL, a la pràctica, planteja una sèrie de

problemes. A nivell de l’alumnat és evident que caldrà que es realitzi un doble esforç de comprensió, el de la llengua estrangera i el de la matèria que s’imparteix, i que això pot alentir o dificultar el procés d’aprenentatge. Pel professorat, d’altra banda, també es duplica l’esforç ja que ha de fer comprendre nous conceptes a través d’una llengua estrangera. A mesura que la complexitat dels diversos temaris augmenta, aquests problemes es fan més evidents. Per això és important que aquesta metodologia de treball s’introdueixi des de l’ensenyament infantil i primari, i es mantingui en el secundari i universitari, on cada vegada són més necessaris els intercanvis i els programes en llengua estrangera.

En la darrera dècada, l’ús de les TIC i les possibilitats d’accés a la informació a

través d’internet fan que les possibilitats, però també que la necessitat, d’accedir a informació en llengua estrangera es disparin.

EXPLICACIÓ DEL TEMA El treball que presentem vol ser una petita aportació en aquest camp. Consisteix en 15 unitats pràctiques de geografia elaborades en llengua anglesa amb la intenció que


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puguin ser compreses per un alumnat de parla no anglesa de Segon Cicle d’Ensenyament Secundari.

Cada unitat és independent, tret de la darrera que és d’avaluació de les anteriors. Les unitats contenen, quan és necessari, petites explicacions teòriques senzilles i diversos exercicis pràctics de diversos graus de dificultat tant pel que fa a la geografia com al nivell d'anglès necessari. Les unitats van acompanyades d’uns fulls de vocabulari i enllaçades a un diccionari on line. Cada unitat proveeix material per a la realització de pràctiques de, com a mínim, dues hores de durada, de manera que les 30 hores de pràctica permeten que es treballi com a crèdit variable trimestral o com a hora addicional durant un curs. També es pot utilitzar qualsevol de les unitats per a fer una o més pràctiques extraordinàries al llarg del curs.

Les unitats pràctiques estan disponibles en format PDF i en forma de Quaderns

Virtuals. Els arxius PDF poden ser impresos i emprats sense necessitat de suport informàtic constant. Els Quaderns Virtuals, en canvi, ens permeten accedir a tots els avantatges de l’ús de les TIC a l’aula i a tots els recursos de la xarxa sense que es requereixi un tipus de professorat expert en informàtica.

Un Quadern Virtual és un quadern d’exercicis on line i interactiu. Presenta els

següents avantatges:

• Té una presentació atractiva • Permet l’autocorrecció d’alguns exercicis • Permet la introducció de tot tipus d’enllaços a pàgines web • Permet que el professorat que ho desitgi pugui descarregar el Quadern

Virtual i adaptar-lo a les seves necessitats o actualitzar-lo • Permet l’avaluació, correcció i intercanvi d’informació entre professorat

i alumnat en xarxa a través de l’entorn educampus. • Permet el treball en grup amb una pissarra digital i el treball individual

amb l’ús de l’ordinador.


L’objectiu bàsic que ens proposàvem assolir era l’elaboració d’un material que facilités la introducció del CLIL en l’àrea de la Geografia en l’Educació Secundària. Voldríem que fos útil a un col·lectiu de professorat que, tot i conèixer la llengua anglesa, troba difícil d’introduir-la per a impartir una matèria, en aquest cas la geografia. Perquè saber anglès no és suficient per a poder impartir una matèria en anglès. Cal tenir accés a una sèrie de materials que, d’una banda siguin interessants, però, que, d’altra banda, puguin ser comprensibles per un alumnat amb coneixements mitjans de llengua anglesa. Cal també superar la possible reticència d’un grup d’alumnat a qui se li exigeix un esforç considerable. És molt important que tinguem a mà les eines necessàries per a respondre de manera immediata a les probables dificultats de comprensió. No podem permetre de cap manera que aprendre geografia en anglès passi de ser una bona oportunitat d’aprenentatge a ser un càstig per alumnat i professorat.


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Per tot això, l’ambició d’aquest treball es presentar un material atractiu, de fàcil accés, amb eines que en facilitin la comprensió i en un format interactiu. Voldríem facilitar la feina a professorat i alumnat perquè introduir la llengua anglesa per a l’aprenentatge de la geografia fos quelcom atractiu, malgrat les dificultats.


DISSENY DEL PLA DE TREBALL El disseny del pla de treball inicial incloïa cinc fases amb una planificació temporal:

• Primera fase: recollida d’informació i de material gràfic (3 setmanes) • Segona fase: elaboració de les pràctiques i dels exercicis (7 setmanes) • Tercera fase: informatització (6 setmanes) • Quarta fase: elaboració del dossier per al professorat (2 setmanes) • Cinquena fase: revisió del material obtingut (3 setmanes)

La realització pràctica del treball ha respectat bàsicament aquest disseny si bé, per a mi, ha resultat impossible tancar una de les etapes per a començar-ne una de nova. Al llarg del treball, la recollida d’informació és constant i sempre trobes noves informacions o recursos que voldries incloure i, finalment, tot i que cal donar el treball per tancat, és clar que uns quaderns d’aquest tipus han de ser revisats i actualitzats de manera constant. D’altra banda, també la fase d’informatització ha suposat un esforç constant ja que la presentació en format de Quaderns Virtuals no era quelcom que estigués decidit al principi i va suposar una readaptació de les unitats en funció de les possibilitats d’aquest format.

METODOLOGIA EMPRADA Per a la realització de cada una de les unitats, hem plantejat el següent procés:

• En primer lloc cal definir els objectius de la lliçó, allò que volem que el nostre alumnat aprengui i quins aspectes considerem que cal posar de relleu.

• A continuació cal definir els tipus d’exercici que considerem més adients, tot intentant fugir de l’excessiva repetició del mateix model d’exercici en una mateixa unitat. Els exercicis han de combinar el desenvolupament de diversos aspectes d’adquisició d’habilitats lingüístiques amb les pràctiques de geografia.


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• Un cop elaborada la unitat pràctica cal valorar quins aspectes del vocabulari poden implicar més dificultats de comprensió per a l’alumnat i incloure’ls en els fulls de vocabulari.

• També és important incloure, quan es consideri útil, enllaços a recursos de la xarxa que, en un futur, poden resultar molt útils per a l’alumnat (per exemple, conèixer de primera mà la pàgina web de la Unió Europea, de Nacions Unides o de la BBC obre unes possibilitats d’accés a informació immenses).

• Finalment, cal que la unitat sigui revisada a fons i, sempre que sigui possible, resulta molt útil que companys del professorat i potencials usuaris hi tinguin accés i puguin valorar possibles dificultats o mancances.

DESCRIPCIÓ DELS RECURSOS UTILITZATS Podríem agrupar els recursos utilitzats en quatre grans blocs:

• Recursos bibliogràfics, entre els que cal incloure manuals de geografia, anuaris estadístics, informes d’organismes internacionals, llibres de text en llengües catalana i anglesa, articles especialitzats, bibliografia relacionada amb l’explotació de certs recursos informàtics. (Vegeu l’apartat de bibliografia comentada al final d’aquesta memòria).

• Pàgines web, elaborades amb finalitats pedagògiques, informatives o lúdiques, i realitzades per organismes internacionals, per institucions educatives públiques o privades, per ONG, per institucions científiques, per revistes, diaris, o televisions. (Vegeu l’apartat de bibliografia comentada al final d’aquesta memòria).

• Material audiovisual, pel·lícules, documentals, programes de televisió. • Material informàtic: programes de creació i retoc de gràfics, imatges i textos i

programes de creació d’activitats interactives i de presentació de la informació.


PRESENTACIÓ DELS MATERIALS ELABORATS Els materials elaborats són els següents:

• 15 unitats didàctiques de geografia redactades íntegrament en llengua anglesa presentades en format PDF, d’una banda, i en forma de Quadern Virtual. Entre les dues versions hi pot haver lleugeres diferències per aconseguir més agilitat en l’execució dels exercicis, que no afecten a l’exercici en sí sinó tan sols a la seva presentació. Els Quaderns Virtuals, presenten una sèrie d’avantatges molt importants que comentàvem anteriorment, però exigeixen la connexió on line per a la seva utilització. S’inclouen també les unitats en format PDF per al professorat que es senti més còmode treballant amb aquest suport. Ambdues


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opcions permeten tant l’ús a l’aula amb una Pissarra Digital, com l’ús a l’aula d’informàtica o l’ús en suport paper. Les 15 unitats són les següents:


• Fulls de vocabulari en format PDF creats específicament per a facilitar la comprensió dels continguts de les unitats. Tots els Quaderns Virtuals estan enllaçats a un diccionari on line i a aquests fulls de vocabulari la qual cos n’agilita la seva consulta.

• Un quadern del professor que inclou instruccions per descarregar i usar els Quaderns Virtuals i per gestionar-los a través de l’entorn educampus, una breu explicació sobre el contingut i possibilitats de treball i una clau de resposta per a aquelles preguntes de resposta tancada.

• Es podrà accedir a aquests materials des de la web i als Quaderns Virtuals des de la biblioteca de Quaderns Virtuals Els Quaderns Virtuals es podran descarregar des d’aquesta biblioteca a l’entorn de treball de qualsevol membre del professorat que desitgi gestionar l’activitat amb l’entorn educampus la qual cosa permet la correcció i avaluació on line


LEARNING GEOGRAPHY THROUGH ENGLISH consta de 15 pràctiques de Geografia que formen part del temari del Segon Cicle d’ESO. Les pràctiques estan íntegrament redactades en llengua anglesa, si bé, en la secció de vocabulari, l’alumnat pot trobar la traducció al català de les paraules o expressions que poden causar més dificultats de comprensió. Les 15 unitats contenen exercicis d’una durada mínima de 2 hores, si bé aquesta estimació temporal pot augmentar sensiblement en funció dels coneixements previs de l’alumnat tant pel que fa a Geografia com pel que fa a l’anglès. El professorat pot seleccionar en les diverses unitats els exercicis que cregui més adequats en funció de les


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característiques de l’alumnat o assignar tasques diferents per a tractar la diversitat a l’aula. Per exemple, la unitat 1 conté tres exercicis de descripció d’un hàbitat El primer amb el text redactat i en el qual s’han d’omplir espais escollint dues alternatives, el segon és un exercici d’omplir espais sense respostes alternatives i el tercer és un exercici de redacció lliure a partir dels dos models anteriors. Aquesta seqüenciació permet que l’alumnat realitzi un, dos o tres exercicis en funció de seu nivell d’expressió escrita. La majoria d’unitats contenen una combinació de diversos exercicis pràctics de geografia que impliquen diversos nivells d’expressió i comprensió en llengua anglesa.

Hi ha tres unitats que tenen una estructura diferent a les altres. La unitat 7 està basada en el resum d’un relat d’un immigrant africà. Requereix un bon nivell de comprensió escrita per la qual cosa tal vegada seria convenient que l’alumnat el treballés anteriorment al desenvolupament de l’activitat a l’aula. El text és presenta dividit en 4 parts per oferir la possibilitat de dividir la lectura en petits grups que després resumiran a la resta de l’alumnat el contingut del text. La unitat 11 està íntegrament basada en l’exploració guiada de la pàgina web (o de part de la pàgina web) de la Unió Europea en la seva versió en llengua anglesa. Requereix per part de l’alumnat un esforç de recerca d’informació concreta que va més enllà de la simple còpia de dades. La unitat 14 està basada en el treball de la pel·lícula Monsoon Wedding (Mira Nair 2001). La versió original subtitulada en anglès, que seria la més recomanable per la majoria de l’alumnat de Segon Cicle d’ESO, pot presentar una dificultat afegida quan intervenen personatges que no parlen en llengua anglesa. Si volem dedicar esforços per a que l’alumnat vegi la pel·lícula en versió original subtitulada en anglès, ens caldrà emprar més de dues hores. Tanmateix, Monsoon Wedding aporta molts elements interessants d’anàlisi i pensem que val la pena alterar l’estructura de les altres unitats per treballar-la. Les unitats en format PDF poden ésser impreses i treballades sense suport informàtic constant. Tanmateix, les pràctiques han estat concebudes com a Quaderns Virtuals. Aquests Quaderns Virtuals contenen exercicis que poden ésser corregits de manera automàtica i d’altres que, com que no tenen una resposta tancada i única , no permeten aquest tipus de correcció. Els gràfics han de ser realitzats en un suport apart dels Quaderns Virtuals tant si es fan de manera manual com si es realitzen amb suport informàtic (per exemple amb Microsoft Excel). Els exercicis que l’alumnat realitza amb el Quadern Virtual poden ser corregits i avaluats en xarxa en l’entorn educampus. Recomanem que el professorat que no estigui familiaritzat en el treball en Quaderns Virtuals consulti els materials (curs telemàtic D82). Voldríem subratllar alguns fets bàsics del treball en Quaderns Virtuals.

• Els QV no es poden executar des d’un ordinador no connectat a internet. • Els QV no es poden visionar correctament sense el motor Java que podem

descarregar fàcilment i de manera gratuïta • Si volem realitzar-ne l’avaluació en xarxa caldrà que tant el professorat com

l’alumnat tingui accés a l’entorn educampus i per tant els cal estar donats d’alta com a usuaris i tenir un codi d’accés (gran part de l’alumnat està donat d’alta però cal que ho comprovem). Es pot avaluar en xarxa si editem la proposta des de l’editor de propostes de l’educampus (podeu fer-ho seguint les instruccions que trobareu en els materials abans esmentats)

• El QV es pot modificar si es descarrega a l’espai de treball propi.


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• Els QV es poden imprimir.

CLAU DE CORRECCIÓ DELS QUADERNS VIRTUALS La clau de correcció es basa en l’estructura dels 15 quaderns virtuals. Inclou tan sols les preguntes de resposta única i no aquelles en que l’alumnat ha de realitzar exercicis d’expressió i per tant pot estructurar les seves respostes de diverses maneres correctes.


• Temperate, tropical, mountains, polar, Mediterranean, arid • Latitude, altitude, distance from the sea winds and currents


• Polar • Desert Climate • Tropical • No • June, July and August • Continental

WORKSHEET 3 • Polar, northern, cold, summers, trees • North, largest, high, night


• Dry/ warm/ hot/ mild/ rarely • Evergreen oak (quercus illex), umbrella pine (pinus pinea)

Agriculture, fires

WORKSHEET 2 • Mediterranean climate/ interior climate/ mountain climate • A: mountain climate B: Mediterranean climate C: interior climate • Umbrella pine/ high mountain vegetation

Evergreen oak/ scrub


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• 15.6ºC/ 14.8ºC/ 693/ 350 UNIT 3 WORKSHEET 1

• Increased • Much lower • USA/ Canada/ Russia/ Germany/ Japan South Korea/ United Kingdom/ Italy/

China / India • Industrialization/ development/ population concentration


• The process of deforestation • True/ false/ true • Because forests recycle CO2 into oxygen • It retains heat


• Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some of the heat • Rise of sea level/ more extreme weather and severe flooding/ destruction of

many ecosystems/ rise of temperatures

WORKSHEET 4 Agreements

• Industrialised countries should reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases by about 5% (every country has a specific rate of reduction).

• States that have agreed to these terms will be sanctioned if they fail to reduce their emissions.

Unsolved problems

• States that have not signed the agreement cannot be sanctioned. • Developing countries are not assigned any specific reduction. • Australia and USA have not approved the agreement.


• The percentage of people living in cities is constantly increasing. • Nowadays, almost 50% of the total world population lives in cities. • In search of a job or opportunities to improve their economic situation.


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• In search of services such as hospitals, universities etc. • Europe/ North America/ Oceania • Europe/ North America/ Oceania/ Latin America and the Caribbean • Europe/ North America/ Oceania/ Latin America and the Caribbean/ Africa/



• False/ true/ false • Mainly in developed countries • Mainly in less developed countries


• 173.6/ 57.4/ 33.6 • False/ true • Northern hemisphere/ In Europe and in the South-East of Asia/ Deserts and

polar areas


• 470,580 • 42.9 • 19 • 23.9 • 0.6/ 2.1/ 23.2/ 25 • Nepal and Angola


• True/ false/ true/ true/ false UNIT 6 WORKSHEET 1

• 3.05%/ 4.14%/ 15.8%/ 18.8% 65.4% • True/ true/ false/ false/ true • The Philippines/ Greece/ young/ low/ increase/ older/ higher/ lower/slow



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• Pull factor/ push factor/ push factor/ push factor/ push factor/ push factor/ push factor/ push factor/ push factor/ pull factor

• False/ true/ true/ false/ true/ false

WORKSHEET 2 • 5km/ worked in the fields/ had/ earned a lot of money/ to give his children more



• Less developed countries • Africa • CATALONIA 60.9%






• The rest of Spain


WORKSHEET 1 • First, second and last pictures • Subsistence/ commercial/ nomadic/ sedentary/ intensive/ extensive • Nomadic/ subsistence/ intensive



• Tertiary/ Yes, it is/ No it isn’t


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• Noguera/ Pla d’Urgell/ Garrigues/ Priorat/ Terra Alta/ Montsià

WORKSHEET 2 • Chemical/ food processing/ motor vehicle manufacturing/ metallurgy/ textile/

paper making and graphic arts/ electric and electronic equipment


• Barcelona/ Costa Brava/ Costa Daurada UNIT 11


• 1951 • Belgium/ West Germany/ Luxembourg/ France/ Italy/ The Netherlands • Denmark/ Ireland/ United Kingdom • Greece/ Spain/ Portugal • Sweden/ Finland/ Austria • Cyprus/ Czech Republic/ Estonia/ Hungary/ Latvia/ Lithuania/ Malta/ Poland/

Slovakia/ Slovenia • Romania/ Bulgaria • Turkey/ Croatia


• The single European currency • No • United in Diversity • Which supports cooperation and exchange in higher education • Yes • The People of Europe • They are designated by the Member States • Important/ Luxembourg/ Latvia/ Denmark/ Poland/ migration/ 3.6/ 2.6


• 1986 • For its democratic stability/ For its economic growth/ For its cultural,

technological and educational development • 10.7% / 9%/ 20,900/ 21,400/ 4.41%/ four/ English/ French/ German/ poor/ 72%/

highest WORKSHEET 2


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• Poorer/ Madrid/ Extremadura and Andalusia • 180,000


WORKSHEET 1 • Communication/ Liberalisation of Markets/ Transport • Statements 2, 4 and 5 • Statements 1 and 3 WORKSHEET 3 • Life expectancy/ higher/ Spain


• June/ September/ love/ celebration/ enjoy • Computer software


• A graph showing temperatures and precipitation throughout the year • Mild winters and dry summers • Less developed countries • Developed countries/ less developed countries • Low birth rate/ low or negative rate of natural increase/ high percentage of

adults and elderly people/ ageing population WORKSHEET 2

• False/ true WORKSHEET 3

• Tertiary • An organization of Independent European States • 1986 • No


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UNIT 1: DIVERSITY ON EARTH: CLIMATES AND BIOMES 1.- Look at the climate world map. Label it with the names of the major climate areas on earth.

Polar Temperate Arid Tropical Mediterranean Mountain 2.- Look carefully at the map above. Try to deduce the main factors affecting climate. Complete the chart by matching each of the factors affecting climate with the corresponding explanation.

• Winds and ocean currents • Distance from the sea • Altitude • Latitude


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It is the biggest influence on global climate. The different parts of the earth receive more or less heat depending on the angle at which sun radiation reaches them. Intertropical areas receive the most heat because sun radiation is almost direct.

The temperature falls the higher you are.

As the sea takes much longer to heat than the land but retains heat longer, the proximity of the sea makes temperatures milder.

Some places at similar latitudes can have differences in climate due to the influence of a prevailing wind or a warm or cold current.

3.- Read the information below and analyse the following climatograms before answering the questions.

A climatogram is a graph with a single horizontal axis, labelled for each month of the year, and two vertical axes, one for precipitation on the left and one for temperature on the right.

a.- Which climatogram shows the lowest average temperatures? b.- Which is the driest climate? c.- Which climate is characterised by having both a dry and a wet season? d.- Does the Mediterranean climate have wet summers? e.- In which months are the average temperatures of the polar climate over 0ºC? f.- Which climatogram corresponds to the information shown in the following chart? Temperatures in ºC

-10 -8 0 5 10 15 19 18 10 4 1 -7

Precipitation (mm)

30 24 24 30 41 48 67 75 70 50 45 25

Months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.


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Climates determine different biomes or habitats on earth with similar types of fauna and flora.

4.- Read the text about the Artic Tundra. The Artic Tundra is a region above the taiga in the _________ Regions of the _________ Hemisphere, including vast areas of Northern Russia, Canada and Alaska. The Artic Tundra is characterized by its cold climate. For most of the year the average monthly temperature is below 0ºC. This freezing climate produces a layer of permanently frozen subsoil called permafrost. __________ are short and warmer but the average monthly temperatures still do not rise above 10ºC. No ________ grow in this area. The only vegetal species are mosses, lichens and small herbs. Animal species are also very limited due to the hard environmental conditions (the caribou, artic fox and snowshoe rabbit can be found in the Artic Tundra). 5.- Fill in the gaps in the following text about the Sahara Desert. The Sahara is a desert in the _______ of Africa, extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. It is the _______ desert in the world, covering an area of about 9,065,000 square kilometres. The Sahara Desert has a population of 2.5 million (0.4 inhabitants per square kilometre), one of the ________ population densities on earth. The USA, which covers a similar area, has more than 250 million inhabitants. The Sahara has one of the hardest climates in the world. Rainfall is extremely scarce; in central areas in some years there may be no rain at all. Daytime temperatures are _______ and can reach 50ºC in summer. Temperatures fall at _______ because the lack of vegetation causes rapid heat loss. Freezing temperatures are not uncommon at night. 6.- Look for information about one of the following biomes. Write a short paragraph about it. OPTION A: The Amazon Rainforest OPTION B: The African Savannah


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UNIT 2: OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 1.- We live in the Mediterranean Area. Complete the following sentences about the main characteristics of the Mediterranean climate: a.- The Mediterranean climate is characterised by dry/wet summers. b.- Summers are cold/warm, especially in inland locations where they can be quite cool/hot. c.- Winters are mild/severe. Average temperatures rarely/often reach freezing (except in the high mountains). 2.- Read the text about the Mediterranean biome and answer the questions. The Mediterranean biome is characterised by evergreen trees, which can grow during the wet season and resist dry summers. Currently, the main tree species are quercus ilex, the evergreen oak, and pinus pinea, the umbrella pine. There are also areas of scrubland, known as garrigue. During the last few centuries some areas of Mediterranean vegetation have been eradicated and replaced by agriculture. Fires, mostly caused by humans, are also changing the landscape (pines, which can regenerate more rapidly, are replacing oaks). a.- What are the most common tree species in the Mediterranean biome? b.- Give two important facts that have altered the Mediterranean landscape during the last hundred years. CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT IN CATALONIA

When we analyse a concrete region or area we discover that, inCatalonia, a relatively small region, there are areas with significantdifferences in temperatures and precipitation: mountain areas, coasts,interior areas and small areas influenced by the Atlantic climate.


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1.- Match the three main climate areas in Catalonia with their characteristics.

• cold winter • cool summer • large amount of

precipitation throughout the year

• dry climate • great difference

between summer and winter temperatures

• warm, dry summer

• mild winter

Interior climate Mediterranean climate Mountain climate


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2.- Look at the chart. It shows data from three meteorological stations in Catalonia. Decide which type of climate these three stations have. Average temp in ºC 3.4 16.5 16.3 Precipitation (mm) 1309 601 339 Mountain climate Mediterranean climate Interior climate 3.- Label the following pictures

Umbrella pine Scrub Evergreen oak High mountain vegetation


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4.- Draw the climatograms for Palafrugell (Baix Empordà) and Lleida (Segrià). Palafrugell temp ºC

8.2 9.4 11.9 14.3 17.8 19.7 23.6 23.4 21 17 11.8 9.5

prec. mm

49 44 55 50 47 31 19 43 71 123 79 82

Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Lleida temp ºC


7.3 10.9 13.8 17.9 21.8 25 24.4 21.2 15.5 9.2 5.2

prec. Mm

18 17 27 42 46 40 17 23 33 33 29 25

Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. a.- What is the average temperature in Palafrugell? b.- What is the average temperature in Lleida? c.- What is the total amount of precipitation throughout the year in Palafrugell? d.- What is the total amount of precipitation throughout the year in Lleida?

5.- Write a short essay describing the climate and vegetation in the area where you live.


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Economic activity can seriously damage the environment and this mayaffect our future health and well-being. Air and water pollution anddeforestation are not only severe threats to some ecosystems but also areal problem for our future development. The emission of certain gasescauses acid rain - which contaminates lakes, rivers and soils - thedepletion of the ozone layer - which increases the risk of some illnesses -,and the greenhouse effect- which may alter the climate on Earth.

1.- Look at the following chart. It shows the evolution of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fuel combustion. Answer the questions.

a.- What situation does this chart represent? b.- Why have CO2 emissions from fuel combustion risen?

c.- What was the CO2 emission level when your grandparents were born?


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2.- Analyse this list of the 10 countries with the highest carbon dioxide emissions: COUNTRY MILLION


USA 5729 19.68 CHINA 3719 2.89 RUSSIA 1527 10.64 JAPAN 1201 9.41 INDIA 1050 0.99 GERMANY 854 10.35 CANADA 553 17.94 UNITED KINGDOM 540 9.10 ITALY 453 7.80 SOUTH KOREA 448 9.36 Source: IEA, State, 2003

a.- Make the list again placing the 10 countries in order according to the tonnes of CO2 emitted per capita. Draw a bar chart. TONES PER CAPITA 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- 5.- 5.- 7.- 8.- 9.- 10.-

b.- Tick the correct options to complete the sentence below. “Carbon dioxide emissions are related to… • climate • political system • industrialization • development • population concentration 3.- Look at the pictures of the Amazon Rainforest below. What do they show?


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a.- It is often difficult for us to imagine how important deforestation is. The following data may help you: ESTIMATED DEFORESTED AREA IN THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON RAINFOREST





Decide whether these statements are true (t) or false (f). • The deforested area of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest is almost 19 times

bigger than Catalonia. • Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest is not important. • The area that has been already deforested is bigger than the entire Iberian

Peninsula. • Forests are not being cut down any more. b.- Why is deforestation important in terms of sustainable development? • Because forests recycle CO2 into oxygen. • Because forests are beautiful places to go on holiday.


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4.- The emission of gases (CO2 and others) and the deforestation of our planet produce an increase in the level of atmospheric gases. Read the following statements and answer the questions. “Increasing atmospheric levels of CO2 is like covering the Earth with a thick blanket” a.- What happens if you cover something or someone with a blanket?

It loses heat and gets colder. It retains heat.

“The greenhouse effect is caused by CO2 and other gases that trap heat close to the Earth’s surface, therefore warming the atmosphere.”

b.- What is a greenhouse? Why do we grow some plants in a greenhouse? “The greenhouse effect causes global warming. Therefore it can cause climate change”. c.- Tick the effects of global warming. • Rise of sea level • More extreme weather and severe flooding • Rise of temperatures • Destruction of many ecosystems


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5.- In 1997 the UN held a conference on climate in Kyoto. Its aim was to stop global warming and climate change. Read the information and place it in the chart. Kyoto conference 1997 Agreements: Unsolved problems: • Industrialised countries should reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases by

about 5% (every country has a specific rate of reduction). • States that have agreed to these terms will be sanctioned if they fail to reduce

their emissions. • States that have not signed the agreement cannot be sanctioned. • Developing countries are not assigned any specific reduction. • Australia and USA have not approved the agreement. 6.- Sustainable development. Read the following paragraph: “...There are too many people on our planet, and most of us want to drive cars and have a house full of electric appliances (...) Until there is a change in culture in rich and poor countries alike, the prospects for real action on climate change seem remote.”

Richard Black, BBC News (5.12.1997) Find a definition of sustainable development.


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7.- Imagine the Earth in the year 2100. What will our planet be like? Write an imaginary letter by a teenager in 2100 who is describing his or her planet to a being from another galaxy. Write about the environment, climate, technology and everyday life (Are there still forests on Earth? Are the rivers polluted? What’s the weather like? Have humans been able to find alternative sources of clean energy?).

14th March 2100 Dear friend, My Grandfather sometimes tells me about the Earth when he was young, at the beginning of the 21st century. Nowadays it is totally different.


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•••• 2 ••••









Although there is no standard international definition for the word city, wecan say that a city is an urban centre relevant not only for its size anddensity but also for its economic, cultural and political activity. The term urban agglomeration is used for a wider metropolitan areaincluding suburban and satellite areas.

.- Look at the following chart and tick the correct statement.

1950 1975 2000 2005 World urban population

29.1% 37.7% 47.1% 49.2%

Source: UN World Population Prospects, 2003

The percentage of people living in cities is constantly increasing. The percentage of people living in cities is constantly decreasing. Nowadays, almost 50% of the total world population lives in cities. In 1950 cities didn’t exist.

.- Tick the main reasons why people move from the country to the city.

In search of a job or opportunities to improve their economic situation. In search of a beautiful place to live in. In search of services such as hospitals, universities etc. In search of a cheap place to live.

.- Analyse the data below and answer the questions:





950 737 29%

32 14.9%

232 16%

280 51%

86 41%

109 63%

7 60%

975 1516 37%

103 25%

574 24%

445 66%

197 61%

179 73%

15 71%

000 2856 47%

295 37%

1366 37%

529 72%

392 75%

249 79%

22 72%

025 4579 58%

654 50%

2439 51%

543 78%

573 83%

338 83%

29 74%

.- In 1950, in which areas was the urban population more than 50% of the total opulation?

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b.- Nowadays, in which areas is the urban population more than 50% of the total population? c.- In 2025, in which areas will the urban population represent 50% or more of the total population?

4.- Compare the urban population growth in more developed countries and in less developed countries (in millions of inhabitants).

More developed countries Less developed countries 1950 426 306 1975 703 812 2000 882 1974 2025 995 3583 Decide whether the following statements are true or false. • Urban population growth is faster in more developed countries. • The urban population in less developed countries is growing dramatically. • More developed countries and less developed countries follow the same patterns

of urban population growth.

5.- Compare these lists of the 20 most populated cities in the world in 1950 and in 2005. Place the 5 most populated cities on the map (use blue for the 1950 list and red for the 2005 list).

1950 Mill. 2005 Mill. New York London Tokyo Paris Shanghai Buenos Aires Chicago Moscow Calcutta Los Angeles Beijing Osaka Milan Mexico City Philadelphia Bombay Rio de Janeiro Detroit Naples Saint Petersburg

12.3 8.7 6.7 5.4 5.3 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.4 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.6 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.6

Tokyo Mexico City New York Mumbai (Bombay) Sao Paulo Delhi Calcutta Buenos Aires Jakarta Shanghai Dhaka Los Angeles Karachi Rio de Janeiro Osaka Cairo Lagos Beijing Metro Manila Moscow

35.5 19 18.4 18.3 18.3 15.3 14.2 13.3 13.1 12.6 12.5 12.1 11.8 11.4 11.2 11.1 11.1 10.8 10.6 10.6


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a.- In which countries were the largest cities found in 1950? b.- In which countries are the largest cities found nowadays? c.- Are most of these cities in more developed or less developed countries? 5.- Compare Lagos, in Nigeria, and Paris, in France. Look at the information below and make a bar chart. Draw a bar for every city and divide it into two parts, one for the population in 1950 and the other for the population in 2005. 1950 2005 Paris 5,424,000 9,854,000 Lagos 288,000 11,135,000


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6.- Imagine the possible problems that these enormous cities have to face. Remember that Barcelona, for example, has a population of “only” 1.3 million inhabitants and Catalonia has a population of “only” 7 million inhabitants. Look at the pictures and try to make a list of the most important problems that big cities need to solve.


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7.- Choose a city from the list below. Look for information about it and complete the text. Tokyo Buenos Aires Cairo Moscow

_____________ is a city situated ___________________. It has a population of about __________________. I think this city is attractive and worth visiting because __________________________________________________________________________________________. However, ___________ also has negative aspects such as _________________________________________________________. I would/wouldn’t like to visit this city because ___________________________ ____________________________________________.


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1.- J

2.- L


The world population is increasing. During the last 250 years there hasbeen an extraordinary demographic explosion. By 2005 the world had apopulation of 6.5 billion inhabitants, 380 million more than in the year2000. By 2050 the world population is expected to reach 9.1 billioninhabitants. Population is not distributed evenly on Earth. There are areas that aredensely populated while others are almost unpopulated. Natural andhistorical factors affect population density. Demographic dynamics are not the same all over the world. Nowadays,the population is hardly growing in developed countries yet it continuesto increase in less developed countries.

oin the dots to see the population growth throughout history.

ook at the picture below. Do you think this area is densely populated? Why?

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3.- Population density is calculated by dividing the number of people by the area in square kilometres. Calculate the population density of the following countries: Switzerland 41,284 sq km 7,169,000 inhabitants Iraq 438,317 sq km 25,175,000 inhabitants Cameroon 475,442 sq km 16,018,000 inhabitants Decide if these statements are TRUE or FALSE. a.- The larger the country, the higher the population density. b.- The population density does not only depend on the area of a country. 3.- Look at the map and answer the questions below.

a.- Which hemisphere is more densely populated? b.- In which continents can we find the highest population concentrations? c.- Which are the least populated areas on Earth? 4.- The Natural Increase of population is the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths. Demographers normally use birth rates, death rates and rates of natural increase to compare the demographic dynamics of different countries or areas. The rate is calculated per 1,000 inhabitants. a.- Calculate the Natural Increase of Mozambique:

Number of births: 843,123 Number of deaths: 372,543 The Natural Increase of Mozambique is ____________.


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b.- To turn these numbers into rates we have to know the total population. Calculate the birth rate of Mozambique multiplying the number of births by 1,000 and dividing the result by the total population. Population of Mozambique: 19,607,519 The birth rate of Mozambique is: _________%o. c.- Calculate the death rate following the same steps. The death rate of Mozambique is: _________%o. d.- The difference between the birth rate and the death rate is the Natural Rate of Increase. The Natural Rate of Increase of Mozambique is _________%o. 5.- Calculate the Natural Rates of Increase of Great Britain, Norway, Nepal and Angola. In which countries is the population growing fastest? Great Britain: Birth rate 11%o Death rate 10.4%o Norway: Birth rate 12%o. Death rate 9.9%o Nepal: Birth rate 32.9%o Death rate 9.7%o Angola: Birth rate 50%o Death rate 25%o 5.- Other useful concepts for analysing demographic dynamics are: Fertility Rate: number of children per woman Life Expectancy: average number of years a person lives Infant Mortality: number of infants who die before one year old (per 10,000 births) Analyse the charts below and decide if the following sentences are true or false.


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Bulgaria 1.1 Leetonia 1.1 Russia 1.14 Slovenia 1.14 Spain 1.15


Niger 8 Somalia 7.25 Angola 7.2 Guinea Bissau 7.1 Uganda 7.1


Zambia 32.4 Zimbabwe 33.1 Sierra Leone 34.2 Swaziland 34.4 Lesotho 35.1


Japan 81.6 Sweden 80.1 Iceland 79.8 Spain 79.3 Canada 79.3

INFANT MORTALITY RATE Developed countries 7.5 Less developed countries 60.9 a.- In developed countries people live longer. b.- In developed countries women tend to have more children. c.- If you are born in one of the least developed countries in the world you are expected to live about 45 years less than a person born in a developed country. d.- In the future there will be many elderly people in developed countries. e.- Infant mortality rates are the same all over the world.


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6.- The following three countries could be examples of the different demographic dynamics in the world. The first, Italy, is a developed country; the second, Morocco, is less developed; the third, Democratic Republic of Congo, is one of the least developed countries in the world. Compare the data below and discuss in class. Italy Morocco D.R of CongoPopulation 54.4

million 30.5 million 52.7 million

Urban Population

67% 56% 30%

Age structure -15 years old 15-65 years old + 65 years old

14.3% 67.7% 18.1%

32.9% 62.8% 4.3%

46.8% 50.6% 2.6%

Birth Rate 8.8%o 23.2%o 50.2%o Death Rate 10.9%o 6%o 21.4%o Infant Mortality Rate

5.4 42.1 119.6

Life expectancy Male: 75.5 Female: 81.9

Male: 66.8 Female: 70.5

Male: 40.8 Female: 42.8


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A population pyramid displays the age and sex distribution of a particular group at a specific point in time. It is a very useful tool for demographers because, by analysing the characteristics of a group, they can predict its demographic evolution and, therefore, its future needs or problems. A population pyramid reflects long term trends but also the effects of wars, epidemics, baby booms or migration waves.

1.- Look carefully at the data and the corresponding population pyramid for the United Kingdom.

Age Range

Total Males Females

0 - 4 3486253 1785688 1700565 5 - 9 3738042 1914727 1823315 10 14 3880557 1987606 1892951 15 19 3663782 1870508 1793274 20 24 3545984 1765257 1780727 25 29 3867015 1895469 1971546 30 34 4493532 2199767 2293765 35 39 4625777 2277678 2348099 40 44 4151613 2056545 2095068 45 49 3735986 1851391 1884595 50 54 4040576 2003158 2037418 55 59 3339004 1651396 1687608 60 64 2880074 1409684 1470390 65 69 2596939 1241382 1355557 70 74 2339319 1059156 1280163 75 79 1967088 817738 1149350 80 84 1313592 482707 830885 85 89 752035 226520 525515 90 and over

372026 83492 288534

Totals 58789194 28579869 30209325


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Source: National Statistics website:

Make the following calculations: a.- The percentage of women aged between 15 and 19 is _________. b.- The percentage of people aged over 80 is _________. c.- The percentage of people of retirement age is _________. d.- The percentage of young people (from 0 to14 years old) is___________. e.- The percentage of adults (from 15 to 64 years old) is ___________.


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2.- Look at these population pyramids for developed countries, less developed countries and least developed countries in 2000 and in 2050. Decide whether the statements below are true or false.

Source: The Sex and Age Distribution of the World Populations: 1998 Revision, Volume II: Sex and Age (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.99.XIII.8), medium variant projections.


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a.- Developed countries may have a large proportion of retired people in 2050. b.- The populations of less developed countries and the least developed countries will continue to grow. c.- The fertility rate is higher in developed countries. d.- Life expectancy is lower in developed countries. e.- In developed countries there will be a great demand for geriatric services in the future. 3.- These are the population pyramids for the Philippines and Greece. Look at their different shapes.

Complete: a.- ________ ‘s graph has a pyramid shape. b.- ________’s graph has a pillar-like shape. Choose the most suitable adjective to complete the following sentences. When a population pyramid has a classic pyramid shape, it indicates that the population is young/old. It also shows a high/low life expectancy. Less developed and least developed countries usually have this population structure. In the future, their population will increase/decrease. When a population pyramid has a pillar-like shape or square shape it shows that the population is older/younger. Life expectancy is higher/lower and the fertility rate is higher/lower. More developed countries usually have this population structure. Its growth is rapid/slow. 4.- Analyse the population pyramid for Qatar. What do you notice? Think of a possible explanation for the asymmetric sex structure.


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5.- We are going to draw a population pyramid from the data below. (You can use Microsoft excel or any other computer programme if you want).

Japan/2000 POPULATION MALE FEMALE PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT MALE FEMALE Total 126,699,784 61,978,729 64,721,055 100.0 100.0 100.0 0- 4 6,035,511 3,094,852 2,940,659 4.8 5.0 4.5 5- 9 6,100,763 3,128,318 2,972,445 4.8 5.0 4.6 10- 14 6,553,847 3,357,976 3,195,871 5.2 5.4 4.9 15- 19 7,503,757 3,839,396 3,664,361 5.9 6.2 5.7 20- 24 8,597,928 4,400,742 4,197,186 6.8 7.1 6.5 25- 29 9,982,386 5,101,482 4,880,904 7.9 8.2 7.5 30- 34 8,774,012 4,454,280 4,319,732 6.9 7.2 6.7 35- 39 8,002,033 4,040,162 3,961,871 6.3 6.5 6.1 40- 44 7,765,437 3,904,964 3,860,473 6.1 6.3 6.0 45- 49 9,023,401 4,515,593 4,507,808 7.1 7.3 7.0 50- 54 10,287,052 5,124,748 5,162,304 8.1 8.3 8.0 55- 59 8,753,265 4,292,718 4,460,547 6.9 6.9 6.9 60- 64 7,649,816 3,697,993 3,951,823 6.0 6.0 6.1 65- 69 7,025,307 3,305,011 3,720,296 5.5 5.3 5.7 70- 74 5,827,146 2,621,874 3,205,272 4.6 4.2 5.0 75- 79 4,057,307 1,572,488 2,484,819 3.2 2.5 3.8 80+ 4,760,816 1,526,132 3,234,684 3.8 2.5 5.0

Source: US Census Bureau, International Data Base 6.- Now we are going to write a report about the demographic characteristics of


Pyramid shape: Age and sex groups: Females: young Males: young adult adult old old Total: young adult old Demographic characteristics: Demographic future:


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Migrations are movements of people, especially groups, from one region or country to another. Humans have migrated throughout all periods of history and for different reasons. Migration is often analysed in terms of “push and pull” factors. Push factors are those that make people leave their countries – poverty, unemployment, lack of economic and social prospects, political or religious persecution, wars or natural disasters. Pull factors are those that attract people to new regions or countries –economic, social and political stability, well-being, the search for new opportunities or the chance of a new way of life.

1.- Divide the factors in the list below into push and pull factors: democracy lack of respect for human rights floods overpopulation dictatorship earthquakes economic difficulties lack of employment opportunities religious intolerance good universities PUSH FACTORS PULL FACTORS

2.- Where do emigrants go? Decide whether these statements are true or false. a.- Most emigrants go from the city to the country. b.- Most emigrants go from the country to the city. c.- People usually migrate from poorer to richer areas. d.- People usually migrate from richer to poorer areas. e.- People run away from instability to stability. f.- People run away from stability to instability.


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3.- Read this true story of a person who decided to migrate to Europe:


It has always been my dream to go Europe.

When I was a young boy, Africans living in Europe would visit us wearing their fancy clothes and flashing their money around. We also knew some French people, who told us how wonderful France was and that Father Christmas lived there. Growing up in the Fouta Djalon region of Guinea, life was extremely tough. I had to walk 5km to and from school every day and then work in the fields for three or four hours. When I was 22, we moved to the Senegalese capital, Dakar, where I found work helping out in the main hospital. I got some training and became a nurse. I stayed there for 17 years and got a medal for my long service. Although I had a job, I could never look after my wife Idiatou and my baby daughter as I would have wished on my meagre salary of $130. I wanted to have my own house and give my children the good start in life I never had. Going to Europe seemed to be the best way to achieve these goals. Many of my friends had emigrated - I felt I was being left behind.

I had heard that travelling overland was much cheaper than flying - and you didn't need a visa. I was also told it would take a week to reach Spain. Little did I know how wrong that was. I left Dakar in November 1999, hoping to be in Europe for the millennium.

Chose the correct option and complete the sentences below. a.- When he was a child, Mamadou had to walk 1km/5km a day to go to school. b.- When he came back from school he had time to rest/worked in the fields. c.- Mamoadou Saliou had/didn’t have a job in Dakar. d.- He thought that Africans who went to Europe earned a lot of money/had a lot of difficulties. e.- He decided to leave Senegal to give his children more opportunities/to go to university.


In Mali, I met people from across Africa - they were all trying to reach Europe. Speaking to them opened my eyes for the first time to the true dangers of the overland trip. I heard about many people who had died trying to cross the Sahara and met some people who had decided to return home rather than risk losing their lives. I also heard about armed robbers who would rob migrants of all their money and leave them for dead in the desert.

It took a week to cross the Sahara before we reached Tindouf in Algeria. There we were stopped by the police. Our driver was arrested and the police beat us up. I have still got the scars on my back. After two days of walking, 11 of us reached a village, where we got a bus to Casablanca. In Casablanca, three of us boarded a bus for Tangier, where we found a hotel full of migrants, all trying to reach Europe. At midnight a taxi would pick three of us up, along with seven others, to take us to the forest near the border with Ceuta.

The conditions there are terrible - there's no water, so you can't even wash yourself after you go the toilet. Diseases spread really quickly. Every night, people try to climb over the twin barbed wire fence that separates Morocco from Ceuta. Many of them are caught. After two weeks, a Moroccan man showed us a tunnel that had been dug underneath the fence. We tried to get through, but when we were just 200m from the tunnel, we heard the sound of heavy boots running towards us. The police started beating us


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with their rifle butts - one knocked my front tooth out and I fell down unconscious. That was when I reached the point of no return - I was determined to reach Europe or die trying. After everything I had gone through, I didn't care any more.

A week passed before our next chance came. The guide who had been with us since Casablanca took us to the coast and showed us an inflatable raft. We all got in and lay on the floor, while he rowed, staying close to the shore, where the shade of trees would stop us being picked out by the searchlights. I was the only one there who knew how to swim. We arrived on Spanish territory two hours later. Luckily, we avoided the police and made it to the Calamocarro Red Cross camp in Ceuta.

a.- Which countries did he cross before getting to Spain? b.- What happened to Mamadou in Tindouf? c.- Was it easy for him to enter Spain?


I was a refugee from Rwanda and asked for political asylum. If I had said I was from Guinea or Senegal, they would have sent me back home. That night I slept on a clean and comfortable mattress for the first time in four months - it was now March 2000. After three weeks, I was given a residence permit and put on a boat to the Spanish mainland. I worked in the fields for a month to earn enough to buy a train ticket to Italy, where I was planning to join one of my cousins.

I was devastated when I got to my final destination, Brescia, six months after I had left Dakar. The phone number my cousin had given was no longer in use.

At the station, I met two Senegalese men who took me to a hostel. There were 15 immigrants living in a single room and there was no room for me. In the end, I found some space on the floor of the cellar, even if it was filthy. I couldn't believe that after everything I had gone through to reach Europe, this was what the life of an immigrant was like.

I spent a year living on that filthy floor and selling African trinkets, lighters and bracelets. Then, a friend who had managed to do well as a businessman gave me his work permit. We looked quite similar and I was able to get a job in a factory making agricultural tools.

a.- Why did he say he was from Rwanda? b.- Why did he want to go to Italy? c.- Did he meet his cousin in Italy?


Last year, the Italian government announced that they would give residence and work permits to illegal immigrants who had a job. I got my papers in May 2003 and immediately thought of my family back


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home. Now that I was legal, I was free to go and see them for the first time in four years.

I was desperate to see Idiatou again - she had been through so much, bringing up our three children on her own. Our youngest daughter Aissatou was just one when I left and she thought that one of my cousins who was living with them was her dad, not me. I was able to go back home last December and it was truly amazing to see my family again.

Life is tough in Brescia - I'm still sharing a single room with 11 others - but it's better than what I went through on my journey. Although I don't earn that much, I am able to send enough money home every month to look after my wife, children, mum, dad and other relatives who are living at home. I have also bought a plot of land, where I hope to build my own house when I earn enough money. My children are going to a good private school, so they already have a better start in life than I had.

I went through hell to reach Italy and would never have left if I had known what the journey really entailed. But I don't regret it now because I can look after my family far better than when I was working as a nurse in Dakar. If I had to do it again, I would have waited until I had enough money to buy a plane ticket to Europe and got a visa somehow.

Mamadou Saliou, 41 years old.

Source: (summary)

a.- Does Mamadou regret having left Africa? b.- What would he do if he had to do it again?


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1 F








Rest o








Rest o


C a



During the 20th century 3 million people came to Catalonia. Most of those immigrants were people from the rest of Spain who came to Catalonia between 1950 and 1970. Nowadays, foreign immigration is more important. Between 1990 and 2005, Catalonia received about 500,000 new foreign residents.

.- Study the data below

oreign residents in Catalonia in 2004

any 10910 Argentina 13286

m 2842 Colombia 21513

e 12642 Cuba 5537

17708 Ecuador 35522

rlands 4509 USA 2574

gal 4157 Peru 22886

8639 Dominican Republic 12286

f European Union 3673 Rest of America 22374

EU 65080 Total America 135978

e (except EU) 39775 Philippines 6922

Europe 104855 Pakistan 11096

a 4940 China 22960

ia 10872 Rest of Asia 10332

co 135976 Total Asia 51310

al 6590 Total Oceania 255

f Africa 11124 -

Africa 169502 Unknown country 146

Total 462046

Source: Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya

hoose the correct option

.- Most foreign immigrants come from developed countries/less developed countries.

.- Africa/America is the continent with the largest number of emigrants in Catalonia.

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2.- Draw a graph from the chart below that shows the growth in the number of foreign residents in Catalonia.

FOREIGN IMMIGRANTS IN CATALONIA 1991 60,800 1995 106,809 2000 214,996 2004 462,046 2006 603,636

Sources: Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales Institut Català d’Estadítica

3.- The following chart shows the birthplace of the inhabitants of Badalona in the

90s. Put the birthplaces in order (from the place that represents the highest percentage to the place that represents the lowest percentage).





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4.- Show these data in a pie chart. Divide the population into three groups: people

born in Catalonia, people born in the rest of Spain and people born in a foreign country (use excel if you would like).

5.- Complete the following sentence: Most immigrants living in Badalona in the 90s were from a foreign country/the

rest of Spain. 6.- Why do you think there were so many immigrants in Badalona in the 90s? 4.- In the last decade the situation described in the previous exercise has changed a

lot. According to El Periódico (9/2/2005), foreign immigrants in Badalona now account for almost 10% of the population. In Hospitalet de Llobregat, foreign immigrants account for more than 20% of the inhabitants and in Santa Coloma almost 12%.

Work group (4 or 5 students per group).

Make a list of possible difficulties that a person coming from another country might have. Next, make three lists of possible solutions: 1.- Things that the government or other public institutions should do.


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2.- Things that the citizens from the recipient countries should do. 3.- Things that immigrants should do.

4.- Imagine you had left your country and moved to Japan. Look for information about this country: language, food and drink, climate, religion, traditions, etc. Write a letter to a friend telling him or her about your new life in Japan. Mention good and bad aspects and the things that you miss the most.

Tokyo, 24 April 2006


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Geographers classify the activities of creating products or servicesinto three groups. Primary industries are those which use naturalresources, such as farming or fishing. Secondary industries use rawmaterials to produce manufactured goods. The tertiary industry is theservice sector including health, education, finance, transport, sales,entertainment and information. In developed countries the tertiary sector is the most important areaof the economy and employs most of the workforce.

.- Which pictures show primary sector activities?

.- Types of farming. Complete the chart below.

Producing for yourself or for your own family Producing to sell Moving from one place to another Farming in one place High production from a relatively small area Low production from a relatively large area


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3.- Read the following paragraphs and fill in the gaps with one of the words you learned in exercise 2.

Many people in central Africa are poor and have to farm to produce the food they eat. The Masai tribe of the Kenyan Serengeti practise _________ farming, a traditional method of farming which has the environmental benefit of allowing vegetation to recover from animal grazing whenever the farmers move on to another area.


Indigenous people have lived in the Amazon for thousands of years. For most of that time, they hunted, fished, and grew a variety of crops in small gardens. Their lifestyle was called ___________, because they hunted and grew only what they needed to survive. They practised a kind of agriculture called slash and burn.

Over the last century, _________ agriculture spread rapidly throughout the world with the introduction of farm machines and the availability of commercially produced fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.

4.- Secondary industry has been in decline in the developed world in recent decades due to the relocation of secondary industries to other parts of the world where manufacturing costs are lower. Look for information about this in newspapers or on the internet. Write the names of factories that have relocated from your country to another. Analyse the reasons behind these processes and their consequences.


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5.- The tertiary sector has a growing importance in the world, especially in developed countries. Look at the data about the changes of industrial structure in Japan from 1950 to 2000. Draw a graph using these data to show the evolution of the three sectors.






INDUSTRY (%) 1950 48.5 21.8 29.61955 41.1 23.4 35.51960 32.7 29.1 38.21965 24.7 31.5 43.71970 19.3 34.0 46.61975 13.8 34.1 51.81980 10.9 33.6 55.41985 9.3 33.1 57.31990 7.1 33.3 59.01995 6.0 31.6 61.82000 5.0 29.5 64.3

Source: Statistics Bureau MIC; Cabinet Office 6.- Analyse the percentage of the workforce in agriculture, industry and services in the EU in 2003. Make a pie chart. Services 69.2 % Industry 25.5% Agriculture 5.2%


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UNIT 10: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN CATALONIA 1.- Look at this pie chart showing the percentage of the workforce in Catalonia employed in primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Answer the questions below.



primary sectror


tertiary sector

Source: Anuari estadístic de Catalunya 2005

Which is the most important sector in Catalonia? Is this type of distribution characteristic of developed countries?

Is the primary sector important in Catalonia?

2.- The primary sector accounts for 2.5% of Catalan GDP. Tick the areas in which the percentage of primary sector workers is higher. Look for information about these places to find out why.


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3.- Although textiles used to be the largest industry in Catalonia, nowadays other activities in the secondary sector are more important. Put the following types of industry in order according to their importance in the Catalan economy:

Food processing Papermaking and graphic arts Metallurgy Textile Motor vehicle manufacturing Electrical and electronic equipment Chemical

4.- Labour costs in the new member states in the EU are on average 3.47 euros per hour. In Spain, this figure is 14.22 euros per hour. What do these data say about the competitiveness of the secondary sector in Catalonia? 5.- The tertiary sector is growing in Catalonia. One of the most significant activities is tourism. Read the following paragraph

Its history and tradition make Catalonia one of the richest tourist destinations in terms of cultural resources, with a rich, attractive monumental heritage offering visitors endless opportunities to enjoy art from many different periods.

Catalonia offers many possibilities for those who seek active tourist experiences based on sport. Such visitors will find excellent facilities assuring them a splendid holiday all over the country. Just choose your favourite sport and find all the different products and facilities available.

Nature-lovers will discover not only a pleasant, temperate Mediterranean climate, but also a wealth of landscapes and rich diversity in Catalonia. From steep, rocky coasts to gently sloping sandy beaches, from inland plains and wooded mountains to deep Pyrenean valleys and snow-capped peaks, the opportunities to enjoy nature are endless here.

Tourism can have a calm and peaceful side based on rest, relaxation and leisure activities. Catalonia offers numerous opportunities for enjoying experiences full of peace and pleasant sensations

Catalonia is a country with an industrial history going back many years, as well as having an active, enterprising population. The country's vast experience as a popular tourist destination also makes it an ideal location for business and working meetings. In Catalonia, excellent trade fair facilities and convention centres are combined with matchless complementary leisure amenities for those moments of relaxation between deals.



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From the information given in the text, state five things that a visitor coming to Catalonia may enjoy.

6.- Try to guess which are the three most visited areas in Catalonia. 7.- Write a letter to a friend from a foreign country who is planning to visit you. Tell him or her about Catalonia, the places you can visit and the activities on offer.

8.- GROUP WORK. According to reports made by the European Commission, Catalonia faces two important problems:

The disparities between the urban, industrialised areas and its rural hinterland. The damage to both the urban and natural environment.

Discuss these statements in groups of 4 or 5 students and try to think of some examples of these problems.


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The European Union (EU) is an organisation for internationalcooperation. Its members are independent, democratic European states.It has its roots after the Second World War when six countries signedan agreement to cooperate in trade and economy. Nowadays, the EU has25 members. It has a common single market, common policies onagriculture and fisheries, common foreign and security policies and acommon currency in 12 countries. The EU also carries out research,education, environmental and health programmes. However, the futureof the European Union continues to be the subject of politicalcontroversy and it is not easy to define the roles of the EU and its 25independent states.

1.- We are going to surf the internet to look for accurate information on the European Union. The European Gateway provides extensive information about this organisation. Click on the UE at a glance for quick, general information. Explore the information on this site. Answer the questions below. a.- When was the EU created? b.- Which six countries created it? c.- In 1973 four countries joined the EU. Which countries were they? d.- Which countries joined the EU in 1981 and 1986? e.- Which three countries joined in 1995? f.- In 2004 ten new countries joined the European Union? Which ones? g.- Which two countries are supposed to join the EU in 2007? h.- Which three countries are negotiating their integration into the EU? i.- What is the euro? j.- Do adult European citizens need a passport to travel to another European country?


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k.- What is the motto of the EU? l.- What is the Erasmus program? m.- Does the EU have a specific budget to stimulate the economy in disadvantaged regions? n.- Who elects the members of the European Parliament? o.- How are the members of the Council of Europe designated?

2.- Complete the following map with the names of the 25 members of the EU in their correct locations.



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3.- Now explore the section keys facts and figures and complete the following sentences. - The GDP (gross domestic product) per country in the EU shows

important/insignificant differences among the member states of the EU. - _________ has the highest GDP per inhabitant in the EU. - ___________ has the lowest GDP per inhabitant in the EU.

- The statistics on public spending in education show that __________ is the

country which spends the highest percentage of its wealth on education.

- ___________ has the highest unemployment rate in the EU.

- ___________ has the lowest unemployment rate in the EU.

- Most population growth in the EU is due to ___________.

- Europeans are getting older. In 2003 _____ % of European citizens were aged over 80. In 1983 only _____% of European citizens were aged over 80.

4.- Read the information on the BBC website about the European Constitution. Make a short summary.


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UNIT 12: SPAIN AND CATALONIA IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 1.- When did Spain join the EU? • In 1976 • In 1992 • In 1986 2.- Why was this important for Spain? • For its democratic stability • For its economic growth • For its cultural, technological and educational development 3.- Compare Spain with the rest of the member states. Analyse the data on Spain and Europe at • The unemployment rate in Spain is _____________. The unemployment rate in

the EU is ___________. • The GDP per capita in Spain in 2003 was ____________. The average GDP per

capita in the EU was _____________. • Total public spending on education as a percentage of GDP in Spain is

___________. ________ countries in the EU-25 spend a lower percentage.

• The statistics on the knowledge of foreign languages show that 18% of Spanish people speak _________ as a foreign language, 7% speak _________ and 1% speak ________. The knowledge of foreign languages in Spain is ____________.

• _____ % of Spanish citizens support Spanish membership of the EU.

• Spain is one of the countries in the EU with the __________ levels of CO2 emissions.


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4.- Summarise the main ideas from the data studied in exercise 3.

5.- Over 35% of the EU budget is used to reduce regional disparities and strengthen cohesion. Spain, especially the less developed autonomous regions, has received structural funds from the EU. Study the map and answer the following questions.

a.- Are the new members of the EU richer or poorer than the members of EU-15? b.- Which autonomous community in Spain has the highest GDP? c.- Which are the least wealthy communities in Spain? 5.- How many Spanish students do you think have taken part in EU educational programmes such as Erasmus or Lingua. • 12,000 students • 70,000 students


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• 180,000 students 6.- The European Social Fund for training and employment has allowed about 16 million of people in Spain to improve their labour training. Look for information about any course in your town, city or area financed by this fund and note it down. Course: Duration: Objective: Place:

7.- Catalonia, as you can see from the map above, is not eligible for funds as a less developed region, but it does receive structural funds as a region experiencing reconversion difficulties and other funding for certain projects. Read the following text about a project in Barcelona financed by the EU (50%) and answer the questions below. “February 2004: A former dormitory area brought to life by advanced technologies. Designed in the1960s as a dormitory area the Nou Barris district was totally devoid of infrastructure which would encourage economic development. This suburban area has been rehabilitated. There is now an innovative Business Centre, where 42 business are established, meeting and conference rooms for 3,000 annual users and the “Cybernarium”, whose numerous areas are aimed at demonstrating the possibilities offered by new telematic technologies.”

Source: European Commission a.- What is a dormitory area? When and why was it built? b.- Did Nou Barris have the infrastructure to encourage new business before the project began? c.- Why do the EU and Barcelona City Council finance these kinds of projects?


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8.- Although the EU has a growing impact on our lives and future development, there is still a lack of knowledge about it. We are going to use a small questionnaire to find out how far this is true. Interview a group of students in your High School and analyse their answers in class.

1.- How many countries are members of the EU? 2.- Which of the following countries are member states of the EU? Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Cyprus, Norway, Denmark, Bosnia,

Slovenia, Rumania, United Kingdom, Portugal, Hungary, 3.- Which countries use the euro as their official currency? 4.- What do you know about the Erasmus programme? 5.- Do adult citizens in Spain need their passport to travel to

Luxembourg? 6.- Does Spain receive funds from the EU?

7.- How many official languages are there in the EU? 8.- Are Turkey and Croatia members of the EU? 9.- Do Spanish citizens need special permission to live and work in

Italy? 10.- Do you think it is positive for Spain to be an EU member state?


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The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Technologicaladvances and the liberalisation of markets have accelerated economicand cultural exchange all over the world. This process is calledglobalisation. However, the gap between the poorest and richest countries iswidening. This is why some people say that since globalisation operatesin the interest of the richest countries and multinational companies, itwill not bring social justice.

1.- Complete the chart with the correct explanations for these factors affecting globalisation.




Access to information and the exchange of opinions are now faster thanks to TV, telephones and the Internet. Nowadays we can easily contact people from different parts of the planet via e-mail or watch a football match that is taking place on another continent.

Trade between different parts of the world is increasing and foreign investment is growing.


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People and products travel from one country to another more quickly and transport is cheaper.

2.- Click on the negative effects that globalisation may have: • Mass media make people aware of things that are happening in different parts of

the world. • Globalisation may be a threat to cultural diversity. Many traditions, languages or

local industries may disappear. The capitalist way of life of the western world is spreading.

• Investment by multinational companies creates jobs and opportunities for local people in developing countries.

• Multinational companies impose poor working conditions in developing countries (low salaries, risks with safety at work, pollution).

• The richest countries dominate world trade. They take all the important decisions while poorer countries provide cheap raw materials and cheap labour.

3.- Click on the positive effects that globalisation may have:

• Mass media make people aware of things that are happening in different parts of

the world. • Globalisation may be a threat to cultural diversity. Many traditions, languages or

local industries may disappear. The capitalist way of life of the western world is spreading.

• Investment by multinational companies creates jobs and opportunities for local people in developing countries.

• Multinational companies impose poor working conditions in the developing countries (low salaries, risks with safety at work, pollution).

• The richest countries dominate world trade. They take all the important decisions while poorer countries provide cheap raw materials and cheap labour.

4.- Some NGOs are promoting Fair Trade as an alternative. Look for a definition of fair trade and some further information about it.


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5.- Look in your wardrobe. Make a list of your different items of clothing and your shoes or trainers. Write down the name of the country where they are made. Now check where the company is from and try to find some information about it on the internet.

6.- The United Nations publishes an annual report on Human Development. The HDI (Human Development Index) is an index that combines indicators of economic power, education and health in different countries to measure their respective levels of development. The country with the highest HDI in 2005 was Norway (1); the country with the lowest HDI was Niger (177). Spain is 21st in the HDI ranking.

Look at the following chart. Draw three bar charts: the first one comparing life expectancy in the four countries, the second one comparing adult literacy and the third one comparing GPD.

HDI rank HDI Life expectancy Adult literacy GDP per capitaSpain (21) 0.928 79.5 97.7% 22391$ Brazil (63) 0.792 70.5 88.4% 7790$ Indonesia (110) 0.697 66.8 87.9% 3361$ Zambia (166) 0.394 37.5 67.9% 877$

Complete the sentences below.

a.- If you live in Zambia, your ________________ is more than 30 years lower than if you live in Spain.


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b.- The percentage of adult literacy is _________ in richer countries. c.- The GDP per capita in ________ is more than 25 times the GDP of Zambia

7.- Read the following statements and translate them into your language. “The world has the knowledge, resources and technology to end extreme poverty, but time is running out” – Kemal Dervis a UN Development programme administrator. (BBC 7/9/2005) The world’s richest 500 individuals have a combined income greater than the poorest 416 million – (HDI 2005 report). The trade policies of rich countries continue to deny poor people a fair share of global prosperity – (HDI 2005 report). The report shows that 18 of the world’s poorest countries are doing worse in most areas than they were in 1990 – (HDI 2005 report). Violent conflicts and the effect of AIDS are affecting the process of development, especially in sub-Saharan Africa – (HDI 2005 report).


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UNIT 14: A TRIP TO INDIA. Watching Monsoon Wedding 1.- Locate India on the map below

2.- India is a fascinating country. Visit its official website If you want to get some general information you can first visit . Complete the chart below: NAME REPUBLIC OF INDIA POPULATION








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2.- Most parts of India have a tropical monsoon climate. The film we are going to watch takes place during monsoon season, when many regions of India receive a large amount of rain within a short period. Complete the following paragraph:

Monsoon season in India begins in __________ and finishes by __________. The monsoon is important for Indian people because it brings life. Heavy rains cool the region and clean its cities. People ________ the monsoon and welcome it with a __________. Children especially ___________ monsoon season. It is said that monsoon season is magical and that anything can happen during this period.

3.- Although India belongs to the group of Less Economically Developed Countries (about 25% of its population is below the poverty line), some branches of its economy are very developed.

While several multinational companies have entered the Indian market, some Indian companies have also begun to gain international recognition. In the field of computer software, India is among the major exporting nations with an overflow of scientists in the field.


Which field is particularly important in the Indian economy?


Monsoon wedding was filmed in New Delhi in September 2000. Itsdirector, Mira Nair, was born in India but lives in the USA. The filmportrays contemporary India, where ancient traditions and modernitycoexist in harmony. A Punjabi family reunites to celebrate thearranged marriage of Aditi. The wedding preparations show thefamily’s hopes, problems and secrets. P. K Dubey, the professional incharge of organising the celebration, introduces us to the emergingurban middle class in India.


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Answer the following questions: 1.- What languages are spoken by the characters of the film? 2.- Which language do the elderly people speak (for example, Aditi’s grandmother)? 3.- Which language do the servants speak? 4.- Which language do the upper-class characters speak? 5.- Many of the characters in Monsoon Wedding do not live in India. Where do they live? Why? 6.- What is Delhi like? 7.- What is the weather like? Are people upset because of the heavy rain? 8.- New technology, such as the use of mobile phones or e-mails, appears in the film. Who uses these things? 9.- Where are Aditi and Hemant going to live? Why does she accept an arranged marriage? 10.- What sport does Adit’s father play? GROUP WORK. Groups of 3 or 4 students choose section a, b or c (they should then share their work with the rest of the class). a.- Make a list of the traditional aspects of Indian life that are shown in the film. b.- Make a list of aspects that show the influence of Western culture and fashion. c.- Analyse the main characters of the film:

Lalit Verma and his wife Pimmi Aditi, her lover and her future husband Hemant Ria, Aditi’s cousin Dubey, his mother and Alice, the woman he falls in love with


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WRITING: Option A: Summarise the film and give your opinion of it. Option B: Describe one of the characters in Monsoon Wedding.


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UNIT 15: EVALUATION 1.- What is a climatogram? • A graph showing temperatures and precipitation throughout a year • A scientist who studies climates on Earth • A theory about climate change 2.- What are the main characteristics of the Mediterranean Climate? • Wet summers and cold, dry winters • Mild winters and dry summers • Heavy rain from June to September • High temperatures throughout the year 3.- “Spain, far from the Kyoto objectives”. According to El Pais de los Estudiantes

(8/5/2006), the emissions of greenhouse gases in Spain have increased 52.8% in the last 15 years. It also states that the average temperature in Spain is 1.5 ºC higher than in 1970. Are these data related? Why?

4.- In which countries has urban growth been more important in the last 50 years? • More developed countries • Less developed countries 5.- Complete the chart below with the characteristics of demographic dynamics in developed countries and less developed countries.


• Low rate of natural increase


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• High rate of natural increase • High life expectancy • Low life expectancy • High infant mortality rate • Low infant mortality rate • Young population structure • Old population structure

6.- Analyse the following population pyramid and tick the characteristics of the German population.

The German population structure has the following characteristics: a.- Low birth rate b.- High fertility rate c.- High percentage of young people d.- High percentage of adults and elderly people e.- High rate of natural increase f.- Low or negative rate of natural increase g.- Ageing population h.- Young population 7.- Read the text below and decide whether the following statements are true or false:

I confess I am one of those fiercely patriotic but sadly realistic Nigerians. I loved my country and would have preferred to stay there for the rest of my life. But I realised that I could not achieve my full academic potential if I stayed in Nigeria with its present vulnerable academic conditions. So when I had the opportunity to emigrate and study at Oxford, I took due advantage of it. I suppose that living in a foreign country has made me realise just how similar we human beings are and has destroyed any possible stereotypes I may have possessed about the British. Having said that, I am always saddened by the anti-immigrant/asylum seeker rants one seems to hear everyday. We are accused of trying to 'take over' the country! Strange to say the least. TJ, UK



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a.- TJ left Nigeria because he didn’t like it. b.- He emigrated to the USA. c.- TJ emigrated because he was poor. d.- He emigrated to study in Oxford. e.- He thinks Nigerian people are better than European people. f.- He is worried about anti-immigrant groups. g.- TJ thinks that all human being are similar. 8.- Look for information about your town or city. How many immigrants live there? Where do they come from? What kind of jobs do they do? Write a short report.

9.- Why is Secondary Industry becoming less important in developed countries? 10.- What is the most important industry sector in Catalonia? • Primary • Secondary • Tertiary 11.- What is the European Union? • An independent state • An organization of European Independent States • A confederation of States 12.- When did Spain join the EU? Why was this important? 13.- Is the process of globalisation bringing wealth to the poorest countries?


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• Yes • No 14.- Composition: “The Internet in a global village” (60 words)


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WEATHER- temps (meteorològic)

HOT- calorós COLD- fred COOL- fresc WARM - càlid DRY- sec WET- humit, plujós MILD- suau, benigne RAINY- plujós WINDY- amb vent SNOWY- amb neu

TEMPERATURE- temperatura

FREEZING- per sota els 0ªC, gèlida HIGH- alta LOW- baixa


HEAVY- abundant, intensa SCARCE- escassa

ALTITUDE - alçada

HEAT- calor (substantiu) LANDSCAPE- paisatge LATITUDE- latitud SEA CURRENTS- corrents marítims WIND- vent SEASONS- estacions (de l’any)

SUMMER- estiu AUTUMN- tardor SPRING- primavera WINTER- hivern

VEGETATION- vegetació

EVERGREEN TREES- arbres de fulla perenne EVERGREEN OAK- alzina

MOSSES- molses LICHENS- líquens SCRUB- arbusts, garriga


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VOCABULARY SHEET 2: ENVIRONMENT ACID RAIN- pluja àcida CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS- emissions de biòxid de carboni CONTAMINATION- contaminació DEFORESTATION- desforestació DEVELOPMENT- desenvolupament ECOSYSTEM- ecosistema ENVIRONMENT- medi ambient GLOBAL WARNING- escalfament global GREENHOUSE EFFECT- efecte hivernacle HEALTH- salut OZONE LAYER- capa d’ozó SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT- desenvolupament sostenible WELL-BEING- benestar


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INCREASE- augmentar RISE- pujar DECREASE- disminuir

POPULATION DENSITY- densitat de població POPULATION GROWTH- creixement de la població POPULATION PYRAMID – piràmide de població o piràmide d’edats CLASSIC SHAPE- forma clàssica PILLAR-LIKE SHAPE- forma de pilar o forma d’envelat URBAN/RURAL POPULATION- població urbana/rural OVERPOPULATED AREAS- àrees superpoblades UNPOPULATED AREAS- àrees deshabitades INHABITANTS- habitants RATE- taxes HIGH - alta LOW- baixa BIRTH RATE- taxa de naixement DEATH RATE- taxa de mortalitat RATE OF NATURAL INCREASE- taxa de creixement natural FERTILITY RATE- taxa de fertilitat INFANT MORTALITY- mortalitat infantil LIFE EXPECTANCY- esperança de vida AGE- edat ADULT- adult

YOUNG- jove OLD OR ELDERLY- vell o d’edat avançada

BABY BOOM- explosió demogràfica causada per augment del nombre de

naixements MIGRATION WAVE- onada migratòria RETIREMENT- jubilació


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BUDGET- pressupost DEVELOPMENT- desenvolupament DEVELOPED COUNTRIES- països desenvolupats

LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES- països poc desenvolupats o en vies de desenvolupament LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES- grup dels països menys desenvolupats del món

FARMING: agricultura i ramaderia, activitats de granja GDP (Gross Domestic Product)- PIB (Producte Interior Brut) HDI (Human Development Index)- IDH (Índex de desenvolupament humà) NGO (Non Governmental Organisation)- Organització No Governamental (ONG) POVERTY- pobresa TRADE- comerç WEALTH- riquesa WEALTHY- ric/a WORKFORCE- força de treball


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DATA- dades GRAPH- gràfic CHART- taula, quadre o gràfic AVERAGE- mitja/ana PERCENTAGE- percentatge PIE CHART (OR PIE GRAPH)- gràfic circular o sectorial

BAR CHART OR BAR GRAPH- gràfic de barres

LINE GRAPH (OR LINE CHART)- gràfic de corbes d’evolució


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above: de sobre, anterior (en referència e alguna cosa que s’ha escrit o mostrat abans). according: segons, d’acord amb achieve: aconseguir advantage: avantatge age: edat agreement: acord AIDS: SIDA aim: objectiu, finalitat almost: gairebé altitude: altitud amenity: comoditat amount: quantitat appliance: aparell availability: disponibilitat average: mitjà/ana avoid: evitar aware: conscient o assabentat de axis: eix bar: barra barbed: amb punxes beat up: pegar become: esdevenir behind: darrera belong: pertànyer below: de sota, posterior (en referència a alguna cosa que es mostra a continuació) biome: bioma birth: naixement birthplace: lloc de naixement blanket: manta border: frontera budget: pressupost burn: cremar caribou: caribú chance: oportunitat


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chart: taula o gràfic cheap: barat check: comprovar, examinar child: nen citizen: ciutadà climatogram: climograma cold: fred (substantiu i adjectiu) council: ajuntament country: país, camp (per contraposició a ciutat) crops: productes que es cultiven, collita cross: creuar currency: moneda, sistema monetari d’un estat o grup d’estats current: actual damage: fer malbé, dany data: dades deal: tracte, tractar death: mort decrease: disminuir deforestation: desforestació density: densitat deny: denegar depletion: reducció developed: desenvolupat developing: en desenvolupament development: desenvolupament devoid: mancat de die: morir diseases: malalties disparity: disparitat display: mostrar dot: punt dream: somni, somniar dry: sec dig: cavar earn: guanyar (diners, un salari) earth: terra (referit al nostre planeta) earthquake: terratrèmol ecosystem: ecosistema elderly: adjectiu aplicat a una persona d’edat avançada encourage: encoratjar endless: sense fi


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entertainment: oci, entreteniment environment: medi ambient evergreen oak: alzina explanation: explicació factory: fàbrica fail: fracassar fancy: (com a adjectiu aplicat a la roba), extravagant farming: agricultura i ramaderia fashion: moda fast: ràpid fence: tanca fertility: fertilitat field: camp figure: xifra, dada flood: inundació foreign: estranger forest: selva, bosc former: anterior fox: guineu freezing: gèlid/a fund: fons (quantitat de diners destinats a una finalitat concreta) gateway: porta d’entrada GDP (Gross Domestic Product): PIB (Producte Interior Brut) gently: suaument glance: cop d’ull graph: gràfic greenhouse: hivernacle grow: créixer growth: creixement guess: endevinar habitat: hàbitat hard: dur/a hardly: a penes health: salut heat: calor heavy: pesat/ada, intens/a herb: herba high: alt/a hinterland: territori interior hunt: caçar income: ingressos


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increase: augmentar infant mortality: mortalitat infantil inhabitants: habitants investment: inversió join: unir-se knowledge: coneixement label: etiqueta, etiquetar labour training: formació laboral lack: manca de land: terra landscape: paisatge large: gran latitude: latitud layer: capa least (superlatiu de little): el/la menys less (comparatiu de little): menys level: nivell lichen: líquen life expectancy: esperança de vida literacy: capacitat de llegir i escriure, alfabetització loss: pèrdua low: baix/a main: principal marriage: casament, matrimoni mass media: mitjans de comunicació de masses matchless meagre: escàs, miserable mild: suau, no extrem mortality: mortalitat moss: molsa motto: lema, màxima move: traslladar-se NGO (Non Governmental Organisation): Organització No Governamental

(ONG) nowadays: actualment, avui en dia old: vell/a pattern: esquema, pauta percentage: percentatge permafrost: permafrost pesticides: pesticides pie chart: gràfic circular


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pillar-like: en forma de pilar place: lloc pollution: polució poor: pobre populated: poblat/ada population: població portray: retratar poverty: pobresa power: (substantiu) poder precipitation: precipitació pull: estrirar. Pull factors son els factors que atreuen a l’immigrant cap a un determinat destí push: empènyer. Push factors són els factors que empenyen l’immigrant a abandonar el seu lloc d’origen raft: matalàs inflable rain: pluja rainfall: precipitació rainforest: bosc tropical humit rate: taxa raw materials: matèria primera reach: arribar a, assolir realise: adonar-se recipient: receptor, destinatari regret: lamentar relocation: deslocalització report: informe research: recerca, investigació resources: recursos retired: jubilat/ada retirement: jubilació rich: ric/a rise: pujar, ascendir, augmentar role: paper, funció root: arrel, origen row: remar safety: seguretat sales: vendes sandy: ple de sorra savannah: sabana scar: cicatriu scrub: matoll


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search: cerca, cercar searchlights: reflector, focus de vigilància season: estació de l’any, temporada seek: buscar shade: ombra shape: forma share: compartir shore: costa, riba side: costat, aspecte slash and burn: talar i cremar (tipus d’agricultura també anomenat

“agricultura itinerant per cremació”) sloping: inclinat slow: lent/a soils: sòls solve: resoldre, solucionar spend: gastar o passar temps spread: estendre square: quadrat statement: afirmació steep: abrupte, escarpat step: pas strengthen: enfortir summary: resum summer: estiu sustainable: sostenible teenager: adolescent threat: amenaça, amenaçar throughout: durant tot (un període) tick: marcar, assenyalar tool: eina tough: dur trade: comerç trend: tendència trip: viatge underneath: per sota unemployment: atur unpopulated: despoblat/ada upper-class: de classe alta upset: disgustar, disgustat/ada useful: útil wardrobe: armari de roba


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warm: càlid, escalfar warming: escalfament wave: onada wealth: riquesa wealthy: ric weather: temps (meteorològic) wedding: casament well-being: benestar wet: humit, mullat wide: ample widen: ampliar wife: esposa wind: vent wire: filferro workforce: força de treball world: món young: jove


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CONCLUSIONS Després d’aquests mesos de treball, voldria assenyalar els següents aspectes:

• En primer lloc, he pogut constatar que la tasca que suposa per a qualsevol membre del professorat introduir l’anglès, o qualsevol altra llengua estrangera, com a llengua única de comunicació és complicada. L’esforç de preparació passa no només per l’elaboració i revisió dels continguts en funció del nou ritme de treball que imposa l’ús d’una llengua estrangera, sinó també per la reflexió prèvia sobre el vocabulari i les estructures gramaticals que caldrà emprar per a aconseguir fer el discurs comprensible i eficaç. No és suficient tenir un bon nivell d’anglès per a poder impartir una matèria de la pròpia àrea en llengua anglesa. Cal analitzar la capacitat de comprensió de l’alumnat al qual ens dirigim de manera molt acurada si volem tenir èxit. Per això la dificultat a la qual s’ha d’enfrontar el professorat és enorme i serà necessari que rebi màxim suport del propi Centre Educatiu i de l’Administració.

• El nostre alumnat sovint no se sent preparat per a rebre classes d’una matèria en

anglès. Si preguntem a un membre de l’alumnat de Segon Cicle d’ESO que li semblaria rebre classes en anglès, sovint li sembla que això augmenta la dificultat innecessàriament. Encara no som prou conscients de la importància que la llengua estrangera té en la nostra formació ni en les nostres perspectives de futur. Caldrà, també aquí, un esforç col·lectiu per a poder transmetre la idea que accedir a l’aprenentatge d’una matèria a través d’una llengua estrangera és un privilegi que, si bé requereix un esforç addicional, suposa una gran oportunitat de millora de la competència lingüística en aquesta llengua. Per una persona que hagi rebut matèries en llengua anglesa durant la seva trajectòria en l’Ensenyament Primari i Secundari, serà, sens dubte, menys difícil i més atractiu incorporar-se a programes d’intercanvi en el món universitari o laboral.

• Un dels objectius del treball que presentem era facilitar la feina, tant al

professorat com a l’alumnat, per a què l’accés al CLIL no requerís un esforç tant gran. Després de mesos de treball, estic encara més convençuda que necessitem materials de suport, pensats específicament per al nostre alumnat, de parla no anglesa i de cultura no anglosaxona. No podem emprar tan sols material didàctic de països de parla anglesa. Tampoc podem crear aquests materials dia a dia, en el marc de l’activitat docent. Per això crec que donar temps i possibilitats, ja sigui a través de llicències retribuïdes o per altres mitjans, per a què el professorat pugui elaborar o adaptar els materials per introduir el CLIL és imprescindible. Tal vegada, si els materials són atractius i de fàcil maneig, el nostre alumnat es sentirà més capaç de seguir les explicacions del professorat en llengua anglesa. Llavors, les reticències inicials, poden convertir-se en satisfacció íntima per haver aconseguit un objectiu difícil.

• En resum, doncs, voldria posar de relleu, en aquestes consideracions finals, que

cal la implicació de tots els estaments educatius per impulsar el Content and Language Integrated Learning i fer que la introducció de la llengua anglesa en l’ensenyament d’altres matèries no quedi reduïda a uns pocs centres educatius ni limitada pel nivell sòciocultural de l’alumnat. Cal aprofitar l’esforç que molts


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estem dedicant a generar materials en aquest camp i cercar estratègies que estimulin i il·lusionin professorat i alumnat. L’experiència d’altres països en aquest camp ens mostra que el CLIL pot contribuir a la millora dels nivells de competència en llengua estrangera del nostre alumnat. Qualsevol esforç en aquest sentit és imprescindible i urgent.


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BIBLIOGRAFIA El treball que presentem no és un treball d’investigació en l’àrea de la Geografia. El seu objectiu és crear una aplicació didàctica informatitzada que combini els avantatges de l’ús de les TIC a l’aula amb la possibilitat de la introducció del CLIL a Segon Cicle de Secundària. És per això que els nostres esforços s’han centrat, d’una banda, en l’exploració dels recursos en llengua anglesa que ofereix la xarxa, i, d’altra banda, en la selecció i adaptació d’aquest recursos a la realitat d’un alumnat que es troba en fase d’aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa. La bibliografia emprada, repassa manuals clàssics de Geografia, llibres de text de Secundària, i treballs sobre el CLIL, la seva importància i les seves perspectives de futur a nivell europeu.

• ALBET i MAS, Abel; BENEJAM ARGUIMBAU, Pilar: Una geografía humana renovada: lugares y regiones en un mundo global. Barcelona: Ed. Vicens Vives, 2000.

• CARRERAS i VERDAGUER, Carles: Geografia Humana. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 1998.

• COMES, P- PONS, J: Geografia de Catalunya, Barcelona, Ed. Vicens Vives, 1991

• CLAVAL, Paul Geografía humana y económica contemporánea. Madrid: Ed. Akal, 1987.

• DE JOUVENEL, H- ROQUE, M.A. Catalunya a l’horitzó 2010. Prospectiva mediterrània. Barcelona, Institut Català d’Estudis Mediterranis, 1995

• DERRUAU, Max, Geografia Humana. Barcelona: Ed. Vicens Vives, 1985.

• PANAREDA, Josep M. Resum de geografia humana de Catalunya. Barcelona: Eumo Editorial, 1997.

• PIRLA, M: Espais, cultures i migracions en el món d’avui, Barcelona, Ed. Columna, 1996.

• ROMERO GONZÁLEZ, Juan, i d’altres. Geografía Humana. Barcelona: Ed. Ariel, 2004.

• SMITH, David M. Geografía Humana. Barcelona: Oikos-Tau, 1980. • LÁZARO,N-SANTOLARIA,F: Fem mapes, Casals, Barcelona, 1997. • VV.AA: El Estado del mundo, Akal, 2005. • VV.AA: Marca , Vicens-Vives, Barcelona, 2003 • VV.AA : Materials de Formació 2004, Subdirecció General de

Tecnologies de la Informació, Barcelona. • VV.AA : España en Cifras 2005, Madrid, Instituto Nacional de

Esradística, 2005 • VV.AA: La immigració estrangera a Catalunya, Barcelona, Institut

Català d’Estudis Mediterranis, 1992 • VALERA, J.M: Recursos para la producción multimedia, UNED,

Madrid, 2000.


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• Kroschewski, Schuenemann, Wolff A Resource Base for Bilingual Educators Multilingual bibliography of research and teaching materials for CLIL. ,1998

• Marsh, Marsland (eds.) CLIL Initiatives for the Millenium: report on the CEILINK Think-Thank , 1999

• Marsh, Marsland, Maljrs (eds.) Future Scenarios in Content and Language Integrated Learning,16 visions of the potential development of CLIL across Europe, 1999

• Mehrsprachigkei Marsh, Ennser, Sygmund Pursuing Plurilingualism; Vers le Pluriliguisme; Unterrichtsziel A brief introduction to CLIL in English, French & German,1999

PÀGINES WEB Web de la BBC. Conté informes exhaustius sobre temes d’actualitat, inclou testimonis i correus dels usuaris. Hi ha un apartat dirigit especialment a les escoles Diccionari on line. http://www.census.govl Permet veure piràmides d’edat de molts països i la seva evolució. Portal de la Unió Europea. Informació exhaustiva i enllaços a informes. Informació clara i sintètica amb possibilitat d’aprofundir-hi posteriorment Permet accedir a gràfics amb les dades de la UE referides a població, migracions, salut. Definicions bàsiques amb un llenguatge senzill i assequible. Per a estudiants. Conceptes bàsics de demografia i migracions. Pàgina de l’Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya. Permet l’accés a les dades de l’anuari. Pàgina oficial del govern de l’Índia. Les pàgines oficials quasi tots els països tenen una versió en llengua anglesa que permet l’accés a dades bàsiques a l’hora d’iniciar-ne un estudi


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95 (informe HDI) (informe sobre migracions) Recursos per a infants. Molt clar. Permet descarregar mapes, alguns de manera lliure. Pàgina de A. Guiu. Conté una relació exhaustiva de recursos de la xarxa per a l’ensenyament de les Ciències Socials. Articles i bibliografia sobre la implantació del CLIL.