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  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Common Interview Questions

    Every organization or institution requires good professionals in different fields, who are capable of taking

    the organization forward. So it becomes essentials for every candidate who comes for interview to

    present himself/herself in a professional way in order to become a part of the organization. To be

    successful in an interview needs attire, confidence, poise and excellent communication skills. Most

    interviews are competency based and so candidates are asked to answer a number of questions in order

    to demonstrate their practical knowledge and their ability to tackle adverse situation.

    Apart from doing a little research on the company, it will better to prepare answer to some common

    interview questions the interviewer is likely to ask as such as: tell me about yourself, what are yourstrengths and weakness, why do you want to work here, why should we hire you, etc. Here are a number

    of commonly asked questions that can give you an overall idea about the kind of questions that an

    interviewer asks and surely this will boost your confidence in any interview.

    1. Common Interview Questions - Page 1

    Tell Me a Little About Yourself? Ans - This is the most general and probably the most difficult

    question, as one has to cover up the entire life story within a couple of minutes.

    2. Common Interview Questions - Page 2

    What's Your Biggest Weakness? Ans - This is one of the most common questions that every job

    applicant face and by this, the Interviewer wants to check your challenging ability to face different


    3. Common Interview Questions - Page 3

    What experience do you have in this field? Ans - Mention specific information related to the

    position you are attaining the interview otherwise tell him that you are a fresher and have just

    completed your academics.

    4. Common Interview Questions - Page 4

    Are you a team player? Ans - Working together as a team is the key point in achieving greater

    goal than anyone could have achieved individually.

    5. Common Interview Questions - Page 5

    What irritates you about co-workers? Ans - This is a tricky question but you can answer it

    honestly. Answer anything that really irritates you or disturbs your work.
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    6. Common Interview Questions - Page 6

    Tell me about your ability to work under pressure. Ans - To answer this question give an example

    related to you?re past job and how did you handle it.

    7. Common Interview Questions - Page 7

    What did you hate most on your previous job or organization? Ans - Your answer should be

    something like that you have not find any such thing as an employ should enjoy every part of his


    8. Common Interview Questions - Page 8

    Describe what would be an ideal working environment? Ans - An environment that provides me a

    chance to use and enhance my skills for the betterment of the organization.

    9. Common Interview Questions - Page 9

    What challenges do you think you'll face in this job? Ans - Describe the kinds of challenges you

    came across in your previous company and how you successfully tackled them.10. Common Interview Questions - Page 10

    What have you gained from your work experience? Ans - Pick out one or two work experience

    and explain it in detail and express what you have learnt from your activities.

    11. Common Interview Questions - Page 11

    Do you prefer to work with others or on your own? Ans - You have to first understand the

    requirements of the job and answer should be accordingly to convince the interviewer that you

    are appropriate for the job.

    Question:1. Tell Me a Little About Yourself? Answer: This is the most general and probably the

    most difficult question, as one has to cover up the entire life story within a couple of minutes. But

    if handled well, this can be the best from the candida

    Common Interview Questions Page -1

    Question:1. Tell Me a Little About Yourself?


    This is the most general and probably the most difficult question, as one has to cover up the entire life

    story within a couple of minutes. But if handled well, this can be the best from the candidates point of

    view. There is no need to explain about your childhood, hobbies or schooling. Instead this is an invitation
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    to convince the interviewer what you can offer the company through your education, training or

    experience. Yes, you can describe your co-curricular activities; interest or part time work provided they

    have some relation with the job you are applying for.

    As you have to prove your credibility for the job, it is important to explain how you attracted in this

    particular kind of job, company and your key accomplishments in the previous job. Again the time allotted

    to a particular candidate would be limited and hence one should make most out of it focusing on the

    above-mentioned points.

    Question:2. Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?


    This is another common question that one can be expect to be asked in almost every interview and its

    answer depends on different circumstances. Possibly there can be three different categories and one has

    to explain it in suitable context. Whatever may be the context but one should stay positive when

    answering this question. You should try to make positive statement about the previous job and company

    that can show your desire for growth, taking responsibilities and facing challenges.

    Here are the three circumstances and some key points to answer these questions:

    Resign for a change Every one wants a new position and takes new challenges just to prove that s/he

    is able to take the next step of his career. So when answering this one never tried to show any kind of

    disregard to your current job instead explain that the next job is more challenging and can be another

    stepping stone in your career.

    You can answer in this way as you are in this current company for two years and no more find the work

    interesting. You want new challenges for learning new things. Point out that there are no advanced

    opportunities in the present company and therefore you decided for a change, which will be helpful in

    your career goal.

    Lay off This is also a very common thing in most of the private sector but the answer should be specific

    with facts and figures behind your lay off. There can be a situation that a company faces bankruptcy and

    so decided to cut the number of employees or even eliminate some departments. Again one can explain

    that position along with his/her group was eliminating as the project on which they were working on was

    cancelled. So its not a big taboo these days and you just have to explain it in a more effective way.

    Get Fired Its becomes a little difficult to answer in this circumstances but one should be honest and

  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    quick while explaining it. Explain frankly whether you have faced any unfair circumstances or did

    something wrong that pushed you under this situation. Neither you have to present your former employer

    in a negative way nor a victim of yourself. Always explain what you have learned from this experience in

    making you stronger.

    Question: 3. What's Your Biggest Weakness? Answer: This is a typical and bit difficult question

    that every job applicant faces. Here are certain tips to tackle interview questions particularly this

    one. Interviewer wants to check your challenging a

    Common Interview Questions Page -2

    Question: 3. What's Your Biggest Weakness?


    This is a typical and bit difficult question that every job applicant faces. Here are certain tips to tackle

    interview questions particularly this one. Interviewer wants to check your challenging ability in facing

    adverse situation. However, the important thing that one should keep in mind that after discussing your

    weakness point always try to mention the measures you have done to overcome it.

    One should not confess something big but should consider a weakness that is real, understandable, work

    related and relatively harmless. The interviewer is always in search for your ability of self-assessment anda commitment and your effort for self-development. Select a weakness that can be seen both in positive

    as well as negative, but should not directly related to the job for which you are being interviewed.

    Examples -

    Procrastinate - I used to have a tendency to procrastinate but now I am prepared to make a strict

    schedule for all my projects even setting up a deadline.

    Time management Because of my busy schedule time management is a problem for me. But I have

    recently purchased a PDA that can help me in keeping better organized.

    Speaking in front of a group I used to get nervous while speaking in front of a group but now taking

    public speaking classes and have become much more comfortable.
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Perfectionist Most of time I focus a little more on my project with intend to be a perfectionist. That brings

    a little more stress but now I when I am working on a project, first I list out all priorities and then started

    work on it.

    Question: 4. Do You Have Any Questions for Me?Answer: This is one of the questions that every interviewer asks at the end but surprisingly the commonanswer is no which shows a wrong attitude. The answer should be yes follow ing a couple of thoughtfulquestions. The questions can be related to the company, the kind of position and even you can ask the

    interviewer about his likes and dislikes about the company.

    Always avoid asking questions on package like salary, vacation as these show that you are much moreinterested about the compensation than the job. You can ask about the kind of projects you have to work

    if you will be selected. Also dont forget to ask the next step in the interview process of the job

    Common Interview Questions Page - 4Posted on: March 25, 2008 at 12:00 AM

    Question: 14. Are you a team player? Answer: Working together as a team is the key point in

    achieving greater goal than anyone could have achieved individually. So, reply quickly with a fine

    example that you are a team player. You can present examples

    Common Interview Questions Page - 4

    Question: 14. Are you a team player?

    Answer: Working together as a team is the key point in achieving greater goal than anyone could have

    achieved individually. So, reply quickly with a fine example that you are a team player. You can present

    examples of your academics and athletics skills in school or college days. You can mention your previous

    work in which you do assists your colleagues in several team projects as a member or a team leader.

    Question: 15. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

    Answer: Dont specify any particular time period and your answer should reflect that you want to work for
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    a long period provided both the organization and you are happy with the job.

    I am looking for a long-term commitment and so want to work as long as my contribution is recognized.

    Question: 16. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?

    Answer: This is a serious one, as the answer will show your whole organizational responsibility. Your

    answer should be something like that you will like to fire someone when anyones personal ambition or in

    general work comes against the betterment of the organization. When it comes to the organization it is

    the duty of every committed employ to protect the organization.

    Question: 17. What is your philosophy towards work?

    Answer:This doesnt require a philosophical description here. The answer should be sim ple and positive

    that you want to provide the best of your ability for the betterment of the organization.

    Question: 18. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?

    Answer: Since you have to work then it is better to say no with a note that you like to prefer this kind of

    work. But your answer can be yes if you really mean it.

    Question: 19. Have you ever been asked to leave a position?

    Answer: If not then say no but if you have come across such situation then be honest and give a brief

    and never say anything negative about the individual or organization involved.

    Question: 20. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?

    Answer: This question provides you a chance to highlight your positive points relating to your job and

    how you can give benefit to the organization with your effort. Think a little ahead as far as your

    relationship and company is concerned.

    You can also mention that you are looking for the right opportunity to apply your present skills and at the

    same time develop new ones from the experience and that would be an asset to the organization




    like this

    my name is (full name ). i m21 yrs of age . in my family

    my father is a teacher . my

    mother is a housewife and i

    have two elder brothers . i

    have done my schooling from

    C.B.S.E board delhi in 2004. i

    3 Aman Kumar
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    am pursuing graduation from

    delhi unversity .

    about my hobbies i like to play

    cricket and reading the


    (never say your work experiance)

    aman kumar PH:- 9891482040(

    do,t hesitate to ssk more )

    Is This Answer

    Correct ?

    105 Yes

    83 No

    Re: how to say the self introduction



    take a print out better for u n

    every one who have a prob

    in first round.

    well iam ...............

    basically i hail from


    i was born /n /bought up from


    i hold my bachlors/masters


    iam the....... (studnt or

    employee fill in blank)

    prior to that i did my

    intermediate from........

    and i did my s.s.c from.......

    iam persuing my ...............

  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    my father Mr..............

    he is a..........

    my mother she is a........

    i have ... sublings.

    i have 2 brother n 2 sister.



    I am result oridented

    iam dedicated.

    iam optimist.



    I play cricket snnoker

    I listeen to music.



    My short term goal is

    ...............(ex= to complete


    communication skill class with


    my long term goal

    is..........(ex= To work for

    reliance or

    i want to do ms mba or mtec

    from ....)

    My favrouite palce is

    ............(ex= hyderabad,



    thank u sir for giving me a

    wonderfull opertunity to

    introduce my self thank yo.

  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Marketing strategy

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    This article may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia'squality standards.

    You can help. Thediscussion pagemay contain suggestions. (May 2009)


    Key concepts

    Product marketingPricing


    Brand management

    Account-based marketing




    Marketing operations

    Promotional content


    Direct marketingPersonal sales

    Product placementPublicity

    Sales promotionSex in advertising

    Loyalty marketingSMS marketing


    Promotional media


    Out-of-home advertisingInternet
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Point of saleMerchandise

    Digital marketingIn-game advertising

    In-store demonstrationWord-of-mouth

    Brand ambassadorDrip marketingVisual



    Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limitedresources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainablecompetitive




    1Developing a marketing strategy

    2Types of strategies

    3Strategic models

    4Real-life marketing

    5See also


    7Further reading

    [edit] Developing a marketing strategy

    This article needs additionalcitationsforverification. Please helpimprove this articleby

    adding citations toreliable sources. Unsourced material may bechallengedandremoved.

    (June 2008)

    Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning ofmarketing plans

    designed to fillmarket needs and reachmarketingobjectives.[2]Plans and objectives are generally tested for

    measurable results. Commonly, marketing strategies are developed as multi-year plans, with a

    tactical plan detailing specific actions to be accomplished in the current year. Time horizons

    covered by themarketing planvary by company, by industry, and by nation, however, timehorizons are becoming shorter as the speed of change in the environment increases .[3]Marketing

    strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are partially planned and partially unplanned. See

    strategy dynamics.
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Marketing strategy involves careful scanning of the internal and external environments.[4]

    Internal environmental factors include themarketing mix, plus performance analysis and strategicconstraints.[5]External environmental factors include customer analysis,competitor analysis,

    target marketanalysis, as well as evaluation of any elements of the technological, economic,

    cultural or political/legal environment likely to impact success.[3][6]

    A key component of

    marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a company's overarchingmissionstatement.[7]Besides SWOT analysis, portfolio analyses such as the GE/McKinsey matrix[8]or

    COPE analysis[9]

    can be performed to determine the strategic focus.

    Once a thorough environmental scan is complete, astrategic plancan be constructed to identify

    business alternatives, establish challenging goals, determine the optimal marketing mix to attainthese goals, and detail implementation.[3]A final step in developing a marketing strategy is to

    create a plan to monitor progress and a set of contingencies if problems arise in the

    implementation of the plan.

    [edit] Types of strategies

    This article needs additionalcitationsforverification. Please helpimprove this articleby

    adding citations toreliable sources. Unsourced material may bechallengedandremoved.

    (June 2008)

    Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual business.However there are a number of ways of categorizing some generic strategies. A brief description

    of the most common categorizing schemes is presented below:

    Strategies based onmarket dominance- In this scheme, firms are classified based on their marketshare or dominance of an industry. Typically there are four types of market dominance strategies:

    o Leader

    o Challenger

    o Follower

    o Nicher

    Porter generic strategies- strategy on the dimensions of strategic scope and strategic strength.

    Strategic scope refers to the market penetration while strategic strength refers to the firms

    sustainable competitive advantage. The generic strategy framework (porter 1984) comprises two

    alternatives each with two alternative scopes. These are Differentiation and low-cost leadership

    each with a dimension ofFocus-broad or narrow.

    o Product differentiation(broad)

    o Cost leadership(broad)

    o Market segmentation(narrow)

    Innovation strategies This deals with the firm's rate of the new product development and

    business model innovation. It asks whether the company is on the cutting edge of technology and

    business innovation. There are three types:

    o Pioneers

    o Close followers

    o Late followers
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Growth strategies In this scheme we ask the question, How should the firm grow?. There are a

    number of different ways of answering that question, but the most common gives four answers:

    o Horizontal integrationo Vertical integrationo Diversification

    o Intensification

    A more detailed scheme uses the categories[10]:





    Marketing warfare strategies- This scheme draws parallels between marketing strategies and

    military strategies.

    [edit] Strategic models

    This article needs additionalcitationsforverification. Please helpimprove this articleby

    adding citations toreliable sources. Unsourced material may bechallengedandremoved.

    (June 2008)

    Marketing participants often employ strategic models and tools to analyze marketing decisions.

    When beginning a strategic analysis, the3Cscan be employed to get a broad understanding of

    the strategic environment. An Ansoff Matrix is also often used to convey an organization'sstrategic positioning of theirmarketing mix. The4Pscan then be utilized to form a marketing

    plan to pursue a defined strategy.

    There are many companies especially those in the Consumer Package Goods (CPG) market that

    adopt the theory of running their business centered around Consumer, Shopper & Retailer needs.

    Their Marketing departments spend quality time looking for "Growth Opportunities" in theircategories by identifying relevant insights (both mindsets and behaviors) on their target

    Consumers, Shoppers and retail partners. These Growth Opportunities emerge from changes in

    market trends, segment dynamics changing and also internal brand or operational businesschallenges.The Marketing team can then prioritize these Growth Opportunities and begin to

    develop strategies to exploit the opportunities that could include new or adapted products,

    services as well as changes to the 7Ps.

    [edit] Real-life marketing

    Real-life marketing primarily revolves around the application of a great deal of common-sense;dealing with a limited number of factors, in an environment of imperfect information and limited

    resources complicated by uncertainty and tight timescales. Use of classical marketing techniques,

    in these circumstances, is inevitably partial and uneven.
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Thus, for example, many new products will emerge from irrational processes and the rational

    development process may be used (if at all) to screen out the worst non-runners. The design ofthe advertising, and the packaging, will be the output of the creative minds employed; which

    management will then screen, often by 'gut-reaction', to ensure that it is reasonable.

    For most of their time, marketing managers use intuition and experience to analyze and handlethe complex, and unique, situations being faced; without easy reference to theory. This will often

    be 'flying by the seat of the pants', or 'gut-reaction'; where the overall strategy, coupled with theknowledge of the customer which has been absorbed almost by a process of osmosis, will

    determine the quality of the marketing employed. This, almost instinctive management, is what

    is sometimes called 'coarse marketing'; to distinguish it from the refined, aesthetically pleasing,form favored by the theorists.

    [edit] See also

    Business model

    Customer engagement Market segmentation

    Pricing strategies

    [edit] References

    1. ^Baker, Michael The Strategic Marketing Plan Audit2008.ISBN 1902433998. p.3

    2. ^Marketing basicsMarketing strategy based on market needs, targets and goals.

    3. ^abcAaker, David Strategic Market Management2008.ISBN 97804700562334. ^Hausman Marketing Letter Definition of Marketing Series5. ^Aaker, David Strategic Market Management2008.ISBN 9780470056233.

    6. ^ MarketingThatWorks.TV

    Marketing Strategy.

    7. ^Baker, Michael The Strategic Marketing Plan Audit2008.ISBN 1902433998. p. 278. ^[1]9. ^COPE analysis explained10.^Miles, Raymond (2003). Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process. Stanford: Stanford

    University Press.ISBN0804748403.

    [edit] Further reading

    Laermer, Richard; Simmons, Mark, Punk Marketing, New York : Harper Collins, 2007ISBN 978-0-06-115110-1(Review of the book by Marilyn Scrizzi, inJournal of Consumer Marketing 24(7),


  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    The management process through which goods and services move from concept

    to the customer. As a practice, it consists in coordination of four elements called

    4P's: (1) identification, selection, and development of a product, (2)

    determination of its price, (3) selection of a distribution channel to reach the

    customer's place, and (4) development and implementation of a promotional


    As a philosophy, marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of

    customer needs and their satisfaction. Marketing differs from selling because (in

    the words ofHarvard Business School's emeritus professor of marketing

    Theodore C. Levitt) "Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of

    getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with

    the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketinginvariably does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly

    integrated effort to discover, create, arouse, and satisfy customer needs."

    Q: What is a brand?A: Any brand is a set of perceptions and images that represent a company, product or service.While many people refer to a brand as a logo, tag line or audio jingle, a brand is actually muchlarger. A brand is the essence or promise of what will be delivered or experienced.Importantly, brands enable a buyer to easily identify the offerings of a particular company. Brandsare generally developed over time through:

    Advertisements containing consistent messaging Recommendations from friends, family members or colleagues Interactions with a company and its representatives Real-life experiences using a product or service (generally considered the most important

    element of establishing a brand)

    Once developed, brands provide an umbrella under which many different products can be offered-

    -providing a company tremendous economic leverage and strategic advantage in generating

    awareness of their offerings in the marketplace.

    What Does Brand EquityMean?

    The value premium that a company realizes from a product with a recognizable name ascompared to its generic equivalent. Companies can create brand equity for their products by

    making them memorable, easily recognizable and superior in quality and reliability. Massmarketing campaigns can also help to create brand equity. If consumers are willing to pay more

    for a generic product than for a branded one, however, the brand is said to have negative brand

    equity. This might happen if a company had a major product recall or caused a widely publicizedenvironmental disaster.
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Investopedia explains Brand Equity

    The additional money that consumers are willing to spend to buy Coca Cola rather than the store brand ofsoda is an example of brand equity.

    One situation when brand equity is important is when a company wants to expand its product line. If the

    brand's equity is positive, the company can increase the likelihood that customers will buy its new product

    by associating the new product with an existing, successful brand. For example, if Campbells releases a

    new soup, it would likely keep it under the same brand name, rather than inventing a new brand. The

    positive associations customers already have with Campbells would make the new product more enticing

    than if the soup had an unfamiliar brand name.

    Read more:

    Brand Loyalty

    What Does Brand LoyaltyMean?

    When consumers become committed to your brand and make repeat purchases over time. Brand loyalty

    is a result of consumer behavior and is affected by a persons preferences. Loyal customers will

    consistently purchase products from their preferred brands, regardless of convenience or price.

    Companies will often use different marketing strategies to cultivate loyal customers, be it is through loyalty

    programs (i.e. rewards programs) or trials and incentives (ex. samples and free gifts).

    Investopedia explains Brand Loyalty

    Companies that successfully cultivate loyal customers also develop brand ambassadors consumers

    that will market a certain brand and talk positively about it among their friends. This is free word-of-mouth

    marketing for the company and is often very effective.

    Read more:
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    Measure ofbrand loyalty in which a consumer will choose a particular brand in presence

    ofcompeting brands, but will accept substitutes if that brand is not available.

    Re: why should i select you?


    i feel iam efficient for thispost as i can implement my

    skills and knowledge very

    effectively. And i have good

    learnin g capability.

    Re: why should i select you?



    i am a very talented guy

    and i can share my


    effectively and i will workhard for

    the development of your


    Re: why should i select you?



    I can contribut my knowlege

    with ur company as well as i

    feel if u realy want someone

    who is aggressive towards

    hardwork, leadership qualityand honest in all, you met


    right person.

    Re: why should i select you?



    i am very good hardworker i can

    work for a company at any

    situation so ican put my maximum

    effort to work in ur

    companyRe: how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"






    also leave my impression
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    where ever i go, by my nature n

    by my qualities.I can put

    all my efforts to create high

    performance.I like to

    interact with different people.

    My strength is self-confidence n my mom. My weakness

    is i get easily motivated

    by the person.n one thing I AM MY

    FAVOURITE n rest u can



    i have good interpersonal skills, and i have


    leadership qualities,for example in my U.G i am

    the class strengh is good programming

    language, i

    can understand any problem given to me weakness

    is , when i am doing some work ,if anybody ask

    to me do

    this means i will help to us immediately

    without finishing

    my jobs,but some persons are misusing this.

    Re: how to answer freshers "tell me aboutyour self?"



    My name is Saba and I am Post

    Graduate with an additional

    Iata Certified Course.I am a

    goal oriented person an would

    use all my abilities to achive

    my target.I have good

    communication skills with

    effective leadership

    qulities.Iam really proud of my self and

    believe in making my company

    proud too.

    Re: how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"

    Answer i am vidhya(b.e electrical and
  • 8/2/2019 pramod uniyal


    #6 electronics engineering)2007 native is namakkal.i

    did my schooling in my

    native itself.i am a school first

    student in 10,12.i did my

    graduation in pgpcet.namakkal.i ama active person.i have

    good leadership qualities.i am a

    athletic player..too i won

    district level prizes.i did

    electrical based project in

    final year.project

    hobbies are playing


    positive points making friends

    easily..negative i dontknow..