prasna marga - 1

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  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1



    English Translation with Original Text in Devanagari and Notes by


    Editor: The Astrological Magazine

    PART I

    [Chapters I to XVI]

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1




    1. Prayer ... 1

    . !hat Astrology "o#$rehends ... %

    %. !ho can st&dy Astrology' ... (

    ). *&ali+ications o+ an Astrologer ... 11

    ,. Di++erent -inds o+ anitha ... 1)

    /. The 0ive iddhanthas ... 1/

    (. 2eginning the t&dy o+ Astrology ... 1(

    3. 4#$ortance o+ 5araha Mibira ... 16

    6. 7ole o+ 8orosco$y and 8orary ... %19. 4#$ortance o+ M&b&rtha ... ,

    11. i#ilarity between Prasna and ata;a ... 3


    1. Proced&re +or the Astrologer ... %9

    1%. Proced&re +or the *&erist ... %

    1). Proced&re +or Ar&dba ... %)

    1,. Things to be noted at *&ery Ti#e ... %/

    1/. Method o+ 7eading the 7es&its ... %(

    1(. 4ndications +or &ccess ... %6

    13. The Ti#e 0actor ... ),

    16. The Place 0actor ... )3

    9. Exa#ination o+ 2reath ... ,9

    1. The To&ch Analysed ... /(

    . ign occ&$ied by the *&erist ... (%

    %. Direction occ&$ied by the *&erist ... 3%

    ). Prana;shara ... 3)

    ,. The *&erist

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    %1. The Astrologer 11


    %). "ond&cting the Prasna ... 1,

    %/. Pre$aration ... 1,

    %(. The =a#$ and the 0la#e ... 1(

    %3. Drawing the "ircle or "hart ... 1%

    %6. Nat&re o+ the "hart ... 1%)

    )9. 8ow the Priest Draws the "ha;ra ... 1%)

    )1. 2ehavio&r o+ the Agent ... 1%(

    ). 4nvocation to the =ord ... 1)1

    )%. !orshi$$ing the Planets ... 1)

    )). Placing the old Piece ... 1)

    ),. an;al$a ... 1))

    )/. Ashta#angala# ... 1),

    )(. Deter#ining the Ar&dha 7asi ... 1)/

    )3. Thing to be Noted ... 1)3

    )6. "oncl&sion ... 1)6


    ,9. Ti#e o+ *&ery ... 1,9

    ,1. "alc&lation o+ =agna ... 1,9

    ,. "orrection by -&nda ... 1,%

    ,%. The Moon

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    /%. &tras and the 2h&tas ... 13%

    /). The Ti#e 0actor ... 13)

    /,. The Three &tras ... 13,

    //. igni+icance o+ Thris$h&tas ... 133

    /(. Thris$h&ta 4ndicative o+ Death ... 136

    /3. 2eginning o+ Diseases ... 16%

    /6. Thris$h&ta Na;shatra ... 16,

    (9. Thris$h&ta Dasa ... 9/


    (1. Ashta#angala# ... 96

    (. 7es&lts o+ the &n and other Planets ... 11

    (%. E++ects o+

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    6). Deter#ining the =ength o+ =i+e ... /3

    6,. =agna and Ar&dha ... (

    6/. "hatra 7asi ... (,

    6(. igns o+ =ong =i+e ... ((

    63. =ongevity +ro# 2irth "hart ... (6

    66. Bogas and =ongevity ... 31

    199. =ong =i+e Again ... 3/

    191. hort =i+e ... 33


    19. Ti#ing Death ... 6

    19%. Evil Periods ... 6/

    19). -alaC"na;ra Dasas ... 6(

    19,. Niryana at&rn ... 66

    19/. Niryana &$iter ... %9

    19(. Niryana &n ... %9)

    193. Niryana Moon ... %9,

    196. Pra#ana &li;a ... %9/

    119. Death as read by the Planets ... %96

    111. Death Dealing Ascendant ... %1/

    11. Ti#e o+ Death as +ro# Prasna ... %13

    11%. Planetary Positions at Death ... %6


    11). "a&ses o+ Death ... %%

    11,. Nat&re o+ Death ... %)1

    11/. "a&se o+ Death According to Prasna ... %),

    11(. Place o+ Death ... %,,


    113. Diseases and Their "a&se ... %,/

    116. Ty$es o+ Diseases ... %/,

    19. y#$to#s o+ Madness ... %(1

    11. y#$to#s +or E$ile$sy ... %(3

    1. Treat#ent +or E$ile$sy ... %31

    1%. Aberration o+ Mind ... %3)

    1). "o#binations +or Diabetes > %3)


  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    1,. Diseases indicated by Planets ... %3,

    1/. "o#binations +or Diseases ... %61


    1(. 2eginning and Ending o+ Diseases ... %6(

    13. Direction o+ 2egin&ing o+ Disease ... %66

    16. 7ecovery ... )9(

    1%9. "a&ses o+ Diseases ... )1)

    1%1. 7e#edial Meas&res ... )1/

    1%. Mrity&n?aya 8o#a .... )1(


    1%%. 0ixing the Person

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    1,/. 4ntensity o+ Deity

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    136. 2right and Dar; 0&t&re ... ,6/

    169. Means to Ado$t ... ,63

    161. =ocating a Treas&re Trore ... ,66

    16. Nat&re o+ Persons #et with on the !ay ... /91

    16%. "haracteristics o+ 2ride and 2ridegroo# > /9

    16). 7&lers o+ Di++erent Parts o+ Day ... /9,

    16,. "haracteristicis d&e to 0ive Ele#ents ... /93

    16/. =a;shanas iven in other !or;s ... /1

    16(. Danger to the 8o&se ... /1%

    163. =oss o+ Metals ... /1)

    166. 4nter$reting 0irst =etter o+ *&ery ... /1/

    99. Predicting by 2etel =eaves ... /13

    91. AcF&isition o+ Ele$hants ... /

    9. 4ndications +or ic;ness ... /%

    9%. Per+or#ing ObseF&ies ... /%(

    9). 8a$$iness and orrow to Parents ... /%

    9,. A++lictions to 7esidence ... /%)

    9/. Ava;ahada yste# ... /%)

    9(. 2eco#ing the 8ead ... /%6

    93. -alacha;ra or Ti#e "ycle ... /)

    96. tar Positions in -alacha;ra ... /)%

    19. Position o+ Bogini ... /)/

    11. "alc&lating the Bogini ... /)(

    1. 0eat&res o+ Bogini ... /,)

    1%. Move#ents o+ Bogini on !ee;days ... /,,

    1). =ongit&des o+ Bogini and Mrity& ... /,3

    1,. Move#ent o+ Mrity& ... //1

    1/. Bogini Move#ent 5isCaC5is =&nar Days ... //,

    1(. 8ell and 8eaven ... //3

    13. igns o+ -rita B&ga Etc. ... /(9

    16. "oncl&sion ... /(

    9. A$$endices ... /(%

    1. 4ndex o+ Technical Ter#s ... /31

    . anscrit Errata ... (93


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  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1



    The +irst edition $&blished in 1639 has been o&t o+ $rint +or the $ast six years. D&e to #y

    other literary co##it#ents@ $&blishing the second edition had to be delayed@ tho&gh there was

    great de#and +or the boo;.

    4t is #y ho$e that this new edition will aid both the st&dents and savants o+ astrology in

    their st&dies and researches and contrib&te to a better &nderstanding and a$$reciation o+ the

    novel #ethods o+ horosco$ic inter$retation $resented in these $ages.

    Than;s are d&e to the wellC;nown $&blishers Motilal 2anarsidass +or having bro&ght o&t

    this edition attractively.


    6C)C1661 2.5. 7AMAN


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    4t is with ?&sti+iable +eelings o+ $ride and hility that 4 $resent herewith an English

    translation o+ Prasna Marga GPart 4H a celebrated wor; on astrology largely in &se in -erala.

    The idea to bring o&t an English edition o+ Prasna Marga +irst occ&rred to #e in 16)9.

    This was largely d&e to the $ers&asion o+ one Mr. P. @ &brah#anya 4yer@ then wor;ing as an

    assistant in #y o++ice. Mr. 4yer was well versed in astrology besides being a scholar in ans;rit

    and Malayala#. !ith his hel$ and co o$eration a ro&gh or tentative translation was #ade and the

    #atter le+t there. 0or health reasons@ Mr 4yer had to relinF&ish the ?ob in #y o++ice and ret&rn to

     bis native land. 4 +eel indebted to Mr. 4yer +or the initial hel$ given to #e.

    4 sho&ld say that the $eriod between 16) and 16/ was $erha$s the #ost creative $art o+ 

    #y li+e as it was d&ring these years that the greater $art o+ #y intellect&al $rod&ctions in the

    sha$e o+ boo;s were #ade available to the $&blic. 4t was again d&ring these ?ears that 4 was b&sy

     b&ilding &$ T80 AT7O=O4"A= MAAI4NE@ organising research wor; etc.

    8ence it was only in 16/)C/, that the translation o+ Prasna Marga co&ld be co#$letely

    revised and reCwritten with co$io&s notes and ill&strations. 2&t +or vario&s reasons the

    #an&scri$t had to be again ;e$t in cold storage.

    4n 16((@ than;s to the $ers&asion o+ #y son 2. A. -ar 2ab& and da&ghter ayatri

    Devi 5as&dev@ 4 too; &$ the +inal revision o+ Part 4 and co#$leted the notes and the #an&scri$t

    was #ade ready +or the $ress.

    4 do not clai# in+allibility. o#e o+ the stanzas #ay not have been correctly translated or 

    a #eaning given which #ay not have been intended by the original a&thor. 4 a# there+ore o$en

    to correction.

    4t is ho$ed that the boo; will be received with the sa#e war#th by #y ind&lgent readers

    as all #y other $&blications have been received by the#.

    Each $art o+ this great wor; is sel+Ccontained and can be &sed witho&t re+erence to the

    other. 8ence one need not have the a$$rehension that in the absence o+ Part 44@ Part 4 #ay not be


    Tho&gh the title Prasna Marga s&ggests that the boo; deals with Prasna or horary

    astrology@ 4 have to #a;e it clear that the text gives eF&ally val&able in+or#ation bearing on natal

    astrology which can be &sed with advantage.

    The translation o+ Part 44 GAdhvavas 1( to %H is also ready and 4 ho$e to bring it o&t in


    4n bringing the boo; to its +inal shane@ considerable assistance has been given to #e by


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    #y da&ghter ayatri Devi Bas&dev and 4 #&st record #y a$$reciation o+ this hel$.

    My s$ecial than;s are d&e to #y estee#ed +riend and colleag&e Dr. P. . astri who has

    ;indly $re$ared

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    To the ancient astrological literat&re o+ the 8ind&s traced to age Parasara there belong a

    certain nber o+ co#$le#entary wor;s witho&t whose assistance@ the st&dent o+ astrology #ay

    not be able to &nderstand the dee$er i#$lications o+ the s&b?ect. Prasna Marga #ay be

    considered as one s&ch wor;. 4t is an exha&stive treatise on the vario&s as$ects o+ Prasni or 

    8orary astrology.

    This wor; can be considered as o+ exce$tional interest and val&e.

    The a&thorshi$ o+ the wor; is attrib&ted to a Na#boodiri 2rah#in o+ -erala@ written in

    -olla# 3, G1/)6 ADH in a $lace called Eda;ad near Talasseri. 4t a$$ears that at that ti#e o&r 

    a&thor bad an o$$onent by na#e Easwara Dee;shita living in "hola co&ntry. Another great

    disci$le o+ the a&thor was Mochhattiloyit@ a wellC;nown $ersonality in -erala in those days.

    -erala 5ar#a was also a great astrologer. -erala 5ar#a

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    As earlier indicated the a&thor o+ Prasna Marga a$$ears to have been a scholar o+ 

    exce$tional #erits not only in di++erent as$ects o+ astrology $ro$er b&t also in s&ch collateral

    s&b?ects as o#ens and #antra sastra. Diagnosing +ro# the horosco$e the nat&re o+ disease and

    the s$irits res$onsible@ and $rescri$tion o+ re#edies are an i#$ortant as$ect o+ Prasna Marga.

    Today so#e #en o+ science #ay s#ile at the a&thor

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    Details +or cond&cting Prasna;riya are ex$lained in the next cha$ter. A lighted =a#$ a

    7asi "ha;ra@ +lowers@ gold $ieces@ betel leaves and n&ts@ +r&its and other si#ilar articles are

    necessary +or divining the +&t&re. The la#$ $lays a very signi+icant role. The sha$e@ the size and

    de$th o+ the +la#e@ the oil and its F&ality@ the wic; and its F&ality as well as the container are all

    ta;en into acco&nt be+ore co#ing to any concl&sion. Next co#es the 7asi "ha;ra. The thic;ness

    or otherwise o+ the lines constit&ting the cha;ra and any articles +o&nd in it are also indicative o+ 

    res&lts. Again there is so#e elaboration on

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    con+ined to a day or a year.

    "ha$ter Eight is co#$rehensive dealing with the e++ects o+ Ar&dha =agna@ Nava#sa

    =agna@ "hatra@ $rishtanga and an#a res&lts de$ending &$on bene+ic or #ale+ic associations to

    which they are s&b?ect. The di++erent avasthas or $lanetary states are ca$able o+ indicating

    di++erent ty$es o+ reactions and states o+ #ind o+ the F&estioner. Pre$o&nderance o+ &li;a

    indicates death. The 3 cardinal $oints beginning +ro# East are signi+ied by Ar&dha and the

    twelve 7asis. Di++erent $lanets r&le di++erent ty$es o+ vegetation which can be #ade &se o+ in

    locating lost articles and #issing $ersons. The lay o+ the gold $iece is again disc&ssed in drawing

    concl&sions. The Nava#sas o+ Mandi@ the Moon and =agna are indicative o+ illness@ death or 

    inc&rable disease de$ending &$on the sign in which they +all. =agna in the 5argas o+ di++erent

     $lanets gives di++erent res&lts. Association o+ "handra Nava#sa 7asi with $lanets gives res&lts

    varying with the nat&re o+ the $lanets. "handra -riya Gsee A$$endixH is also given a $assing


    The longevity o+ a $erson is deter#ined by a consideration o+ the Ar&dha =agna@ the


  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    have to be care+&lly reconciled be+ore $rono&ncing the +inal word on death.

    The nat&re and ca&se o+ death receive s$ecial attention in "ha$ter Eleven. The &n@ the

    Moon@ Mars@ Merc&ry@ &$iter@ 5en&s and at&rn res$ectively in the 3th ho&se ca&se death by

    +ire@ drowning@ wea$ons@ high +ever@ disease@ thirst and h&nger. De$ending &$on the $lanet

    in+l&encing the 3th ho&se and the organ r&led by that sign@ death will be d&e to the dist&rbance o+ 

    the ho&r or dhat& signi+ied by it. The lord o+ the nd dre;;ana $lays a signi+icant role in

    ca&sing death. !hether the end will be $eace+&l or &nha$$y@ is to be gleaned +ro# the nat&re o+ 

    the $lanet in the (th +ro# the Nava#sa occ&$ied by Mandi. "ertain o#ens coinciding with the

    lord o+ Mrity&s$h&ta being a $artic&lar $lanet are also ta;en into acco&nt. An assess#ent o+ the

     $robable ti#e@ $lace and nat&re o+ death can be #ade with acc&racy.

    Diagnosing and $rescri$tion +or sic;ness are dealt with in "ha$ter Twelve. Male+ics in

    ho&ses other than % and 11@ and bene+ics in %@ /@ 1 and 3 indicate bad health. Planets in /@ 3 and

    1 give a cl&e to the disease. The region o+ the a++ection is deter#ined according to the nat&re o+ 

    the =agna. The thridoshas and the seasons r&led by the a++licting $lanet@ etc.@ also give a cl&e to

    the $eriod o+ disease. Diseases are classi+ied into two ty$es J Ni?a or nat&ral and Ag&nta;a or 

    acF&ired. Ni?a ail#ents are divided into sarirotha or those relating to the body and chittotha or 

    #ental a++lictions. arirotha a++lictions arise o&t o+ i#balance in vatha GwindH@ ;a$ha G$hleg#H@

     $itta GbileH or a #ixt&re o+ the three. They are treated besides wellC;nown #ethods o+ Ay&rveda

     by s&$$le#enting the $rescribed +lavo&r or taste in +ood@ viz.@ sweet@ so&r@ bitter@ hot@ salt and

    ;ashaya in di++erent co#binations@ Ag&nta;a diseases are s&bCdivided into Drishtani#itiya or o+ 

    ;nown origin and Adrishtani#itiya or arising o&t o+ &n;nown ca&ses. Ail#ents ca&sed by c&rses@

    incantations and +alls +ro# elevation co#e &nder the +irst. To the second gro&$ belong $roble#s

    o+ a $sychic nat&re incl&ding l&nacy ca&sed by evil s$irits. The ca&ses o+ #adness are

    enerated and a$$ro$riate re#edies Gincl&ding #antrasH s&ggested.

    "ha$ter Thirteen shows how to deter#ine the day on which sic;ness co##enced. The

    co#$&tations are #ostly on the basis o+ the constellation occ&$ied by the Moon@ or the 7asi

    corres$onding to the +irst letter o+ the word &ttered by the #essenger or F&erent. 7ecovery is

     ?&dged by the Moon

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    the age o+ a F&erent on the basis o+ the lord o+ =agna. 2havas are considered as having two

    signi+ications J external and internal@ or the gross and the s&btle. There are 1 conditions listed

    in which a 2hava beco#es wea;. The ;ara;atwa o+ $lanets is also &sed in delineating res&lts

     $ertaining to the concerned 2havas. Planets in di++erent vargas J own@ +riendly@ vargotta#a or 

    ini#ical J also in+l&ence res&lts. The e++ects o+ &li;a and the , $agrahas Gtertiary $lanetsH in

    vario&s 2havas get $ro#inence. The a&thor also shows how the ti#e o+ +r&cti+ication o+ res&lts

    can be ascertained by co#bining the $eriod allotted to a $lanet and the Nava#sa gained by it.

    The e++ects o+ Dasas are attrib&ted to the -ar#a which is o+ two ;inds J Dridha and Adridha.

    Dridha -ar#a is d&e to conscio&s activity J #ental@ verbal or $hysical. Adridha -ar#a is

    ca&sed by &nintentional activity. A $artic&lar tho&ght@ word or deed res&lting in -ar#a is

    deter#ined +ro# whether a #ale+ic is in the ,th@ nd or 19th res$ectively. Then the to$ic o+ 

    i#$rison#ent is abr&$tly ta;en &$. The &n

  • 8/20/2019 Prasna Marga - 1


    7ati -a#a and 8anth& -a#a. Then we are enabled to di++erentiate the ( s$irits. The $osition o+ 

    Ar&dha also hel$s in deter#ining the ho&se o+ har#. This cha$ter next deals with 2ahgrahas

    which tro&ble only children@ who #ay s&++er thro&gh $oison ad#inistered thro&gh +ood. The

     $artic&lar +ood ca&sing the dosha can be #ade o&t +ro# &li;a or 7ah& and Ar&dha =agna.

    Poison #ay be ad#inistered either to har# the victi# or to gain control over hi#. Two ty$es o+ 

    disorders are disc&ssed@ one ca&sed by a disorder o+ the thridoshas and the other@ thro&gh #antric

    s$ells cast by ene#ies. 0inally@ the Parihara or the #ethod o+ destroying the -sh&drabhichara is

    detailed o&t. Di++erent 8o#as and 2alis are $rescribed.

    The last or "ha$ter ixteen begins with how to +ind o&t where the F&estioner Gin cases

    where so#eone else co#es to as; a F&estion on another

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    -alacha;ra@ a diagra# drawn according to s$eci+ication #ar;ing 3 na;shatras in it incl&ding

    Abhi?it. Methods o+ locating the $ositions o+ Bogini and Mrity& in ter#s o+ zodiacal signs and

    constellations are given. Bogini is sy#bolically described as a +ierce #&rdero&s +e#ale entity.

    Altho&gh there is no di++erence o+ o$inion as to the rising o+ Bogini in di++erent wee;Cdays@ there

    is so#e di++erence@ a#ongst astrological a&thors@ as to its $ith. *&estions on ascension to heaven@

    +all to bell or acF&isition o+ wealth can be answered by #a;ing &se o+ % +actors@ viz.@ -anta;aC

    st&na@ 7a;tast&na and t&na. 4+ these st&nas a++lict =agna or Ar&dha =agna@ hell a+ter death or 

    li+e eF&ivalent to death will be the F&erent

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    tanza 1. J 4 o++er #y sincere $rayers to od 5ishn& so that #y #ind #ay beco#e

    enlightened@ extensive and $er+ect.


     No anscrit writer ever co##ences his wor; witho&t +irst invo;ing Divine race. 4n this

    stanza@ the a&thor 8arihara #a;es obeisance to 5ishn& who is re+erred to as D&gdha indh&

    -anyadhava#@ #eaning lord o+ one G=a;sh#iH who was evolved o&t o+ the #il;y ocean. The

    other re+erence is to Madhyatavyadhi$a #eaning lord o+ Madhyataveedhi or

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    tanza /. J ages have classi+ied the great science o+ astrology into six angas@ viz.@

    ata;a@ ola@ Ni#itta@ Prasna@ M&h&rtha and anita.

    tanza (. J anita ;andha deals with ola and anita. 8ora ;andha deals with

    horosco$y@ Prasna@ M&h&rtha and a $art o+ Ni#itta. a#hita ;andha deals elaborately with


    tanza 3. J a#hita also deals with the varying +ort&nes o+ the $eo$le@ changes in

    weather and $rogress o+ the ani#al ;ingdo#. 4t s;etches also the nat&re and sha$e o+ #eteors@

    shooting stars and all the wonder+&l nat&ral $heno#ena.


    That astrology is divided into three $rinci$al sections or $arts@ viz.@ astrono#y@ horosco$y

    and sa#hita is acce$ted by al#ost all great sages. 5araha Mihira endorses this classi+ication

    when he observes th&s in his 2rihat a#hita: G...H #eaning that astrology has several divisions

     b&t can be conveniently bro&ght &nder three s$eci+ic sections o+ anita Gastrono#yH@ 8ora

    Ghorosco$yH and a;ha Gastrological #athe#aticsH.

    The six angas re+erred to in stanza / #ay be de+ined th&s:

    GiH ata;a: Deals with $redictions to be #ade on the basis o+ the rising sign at birth.

    GiiH ola: Deals with $lanetary syste#s@ their nat&re and $ec&liarities and in short with

    s$herical astrono#y.

    GiiiH Ni#itta: Ta;es into consideration tat;ali;a la;shanas or what are $o$&larly ;nown as

    o#ens obtaining at a $artic&lar ti#e and #a;es $redictions on certain gest&res.

    GivH Prasna: This re+ers to +orecasts being based &$on the ti#e o+ F&estion.

    GvH M&h&rtha: This has re+erence to +ixing &$ o+ a&s$icio&s ti#es +or s&ccess in religio&s@

    sec&lar and s$irit&al &nderta;ings.

    GviH anita: 2roadly s$ea;ing@ anita re+ers to #athe#atical astrono#y and

    #athe#atical astrology.

    As regards the three #ain sections or s;andhas re+erred to in stanza ,@ ex$lanations as to

    what each o+ these deals with are to be +o&nd in stanzas ( and 3.

    The +ollowing extract +ro# #y English Translation o+ 2rihat a#hita Gin $re$arationH

    will give the reader an idea o+ what a#hita treats o+:

    a#hita deals with the #ove#ents o+ the &n and the $lanetsK their nat&re@ di#ension@

    colo&r@ rays@ brilliancy and sha$eK their risings and settingsK their reg&lar co&rses and deviations

    there+ro#K their retrograde and so#ewhat retrograde #otions@ their con?&nctions with na;shatras@

    and their own $ositions a#ong the other $lanets and constellations.

    a#hita deals with the in+l&ences o+ the #ove#ents o+ Agastya and a$tarishi on

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    di++erent co&ntries corres$onding to di++erent constellations and $lanetsK with stellar divisions

    and s&bstances K with the inter$retation o+ a$$earances $resented by $lanetary #eetingsK with

    raha B&ddha and a#aga#aK with $lanetary yearsK with the nat&re o+ the $regnant clo&dsK with

    7ohini@ wati and Ashadha BogasK with the +orecasting o+ i##ediate rain K with the nat&re o+ the

    +&t&re cro$s by a consideration o+ the Ggrowth o+H +lowers and $lantsK with the $heno#enon o+ 

    halos GParidhi and PariveshaHK with Parigha@ winds@ +all o+ #eteors@ +alse +iresK earth tre#orsK the

    cri#son s;y d&ring twilightK with clo&dCcastles@ d&st stor#s@ th&nderbolts K with trade +orecasts

    and gardening.

    4t treats o+ 4ndradhwa?a@ rainbow@ ho&seCb&ilding or architect&re@ anga vidya K o+ 

     $redicting +ro# the cawing o+ crows@ +ro# zodiacal diagra#sK o+ +&t&re $rediction +ro# certain

     $heno#ena connected with the deer@ horse@ and windK o+ the constr&ction o+ te#$les and $alacesK

    carving o+ i#ages and their installationK o+ aboriChortic&lt&re and &nderCc&rrentsK o+ $redicting

    events +ro# the +light o+ -an?ana and +ro# a$$earance o+ abnor#al $heno#ena K o+ shantis or 

     $ro$itiatory cere#oniesK o+ vario&s $lanetary $heno#ena@ ghritaC;a#bala@ ;hadga and $attiK o+ 

    the +eat&res o+ ;&;;&ta@ crab@ cow. goat@ horse@ ele$hant@ #an rnd wo#an. 4t also deals with

    #atters connected with hare#sK with #oles@ in?&ries to +ootwear and clothes@ cha#ara Ghairy

    +ansH@ danda Gstic;sH@ bedding@ seatsK testing o+ $recio&s stones@ la#$s@ toothCbr&sh and the li;e.


    tanza 6. J Astrology can also be divided into two@ viz.@ Pra#ana and Phala. anita

    ;andha co#es &nder Pra#ana while the other two s;andhas go &nder Phala.


    anita or astrono#y co#es &nder $ra#ana according to which the test o+ tr&th is act&ally

    de#onstrative@ i.e.@ tr&th is $erceived by #eas&re#ents and calc&lations. Phala on the other hand

    is not ca$able o+ i##ediate de#onstration. Phala is based &$on ca&seCe++ect $heno#ena. The

    horosco$e #erely indicates the res&lts o+ one

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     $erson $ossessing all the organs intact b&t witho&t eyesight can have an individ&ality.


    tanzas 19 to 1 stress the i#$ortance o+ astrology. The 5edas have six angas or 

    a&xliaries and astrology is the +irst and +ore#ost as re$resenting the eyes. The other +ive are

    "handas@ 5ya;arana@ -al$a@ i;sha and Nir&;ta re$resenting res$ectively legs or +eet@ +ace@

    hands@ nose and ears res$ectively. "handas sastra treats abo&t 7ishis and "handa Devatas

    #entioned in the 5edas and they +or# the basis GlegsH. 5ya;arana or abda treats abo&t the

    gra##atical $ec&liarities +o&nd in the 5edas. 4t is as it were the +ace o+ the 5edas. -al$a treats

    abo&t the $roced&re to be +ollowed in sacri+ices and the Dhar#as o+ the sacri+icial $riests. 4t

    re$resents the hands. i;sha is concerned with the

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    tanza 1) is #erely a re$rod&ction o+ stanza 1, o+ "ha$ter 44 o+ 2rihat a#hita.

    4t is di++ic&lt to de+ine the ter# Mlechcha. 2&t by a care+&l $er&sal o+ the literat&re

    connected with ancient scienti+ic tho&ght@ 4 wo&ld vent&re to say that the inhabitants o+ 

    A+ghanistan@ Arabia and Persia were $robably intended by the ter# Mlechcha. 4t is not correct to

    s&ggest that #lechcha #eans neecha. On the contrary the ter# #lechcha #eant a $erson

    inhabiting a certain tract o+ land which 4 wo&ld identi+y as the stri$ beginning +ro# A+ghanistan

    and extending &$to and incl&ding #odern 4ran. The Bavanas are@ o+ co&rse@ the ree;s.

    This stanza +&rnishes &s with the cl&e that the ancient 8ind&s had c&lt&ral relations with

    Middle East and o&thern E&ro$ean co&ntries. 4n +act the astrological writings o+ Bavanacharyas

    see# to have been held in s&ch high estee# by a celebrated scientist li;e 5araha Mihira that he

    does not hesitate to give the# the res$ect d&e to a Maharshi. There see#s to have been

    considerable inter#ingling o+ 4ndian@ ree; and Arabian c&lt&res d&ring the ti#e o+ Mihira@

    tho&gh it cannot be denied that all those co&ntries were highly indebted to 4ndia@ the #other o+ 

    all arts and sciences.


    tanza 1,. J That $erson@ who has #astery o+ this science@ who has a good ;nowledge

    o+ #athe#atics who leads a religio&s li+e@ who is tr&th+&l@ who is +ree +ro# conceit and who is

    well versed in the 5edas@ #antras and tantras@ he alone can be called a Daiva?nya or seer.

    tanza 1/. J All the $redictions #ade by s&ch a $erson will co#e tr&e and will never be

    +alse. The learned s&$$ort this state#ent.

    tanza 1(. J The $redictions o+ one who has st&died the ten ;inds o+ $lanetary #otions

    and who has &nderstood the inner $rinci$les o+ astrology will never be +alsi+ied.

    tanza 13. J 8e who has acF&ired a thoro&gh ;nowledge o+ the di++erent 8oras@ who is

    an ade$t in the +ive siddhantas@ who has in+erential ability and who is initiated into a secret

    #antra by a $rece$tor@ can alone ;now horosco$y.


    *&ali+ications o+ an astrologer have been laid down in stanzas 1, to 13. 4n this

    connection@ re+erence #ay also be #ade to si#ilar F&ali+ications laid down by 5arahaCMihira in

    his 2rihat a#hita. One@ who wishes to be a correct $redictor@ sho&ld not only be an ade$t in

    Astrology@ Astrono#y@ 5edas and Mantra astras@ b&t also #&st be a #an o+ character@ religio&s@

    righteo&s and #&st have obtained siddhi o+ certain secret #antras which wo&ld con+er on the

    astrologer the &ncanny $ower o+ correct $redictions.


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    5araha#ihira goes to the extent o+ s&ggesting that the astrologer sho&ld be o+ noble birth@

    and agreeable a$$earance. 8ility #&st characterise his behavio&r. 8is $ersonal habits #&st be

    disci$lined and above o$$robi. 8e sho&ld be well versed in rit&al and ex$iatory cere#onies.

    8e sho&ld be gi+ted to resolve inde$endently any to&gh $roble#s. Disci$lined li+e@ +aith in od@

    a hel$+&l nat&re and scr&$&lo&s adherence to certain ty$es o+ a&sterity wo&ld enable hi# to

    develo$ his $ower o+ int&ition considerably and this wo&ld be a great asset to anyone who

    as$ired to be a s&ccess+&l astrologer.

    The ten ;inds o+ astrological #athe#atics re+erred to in stanza 1( are ex$lained in the

    +ollowing two stanzas. tanza 13 is also to be +o&nd in a slightly varied +or# in atya a#hita.


    tanzas 16 and 9. J -ali day@ #ean $ositions o+ $lanets@ tr&e $ositions o+ $lanets@ solar 

    ecli$ses@ l&nar ecli$ses@ $lanetary +ights@ l&nar con?&nctions co#b&stion@ heliacal risings and

    settings and $lanetary con?&nctions with constellations are the ten ;inds o+ calc&lations.


    As 4 do not $ro$ose to ex$lain the astrono#ical as$ect o+ astrology@ 4 wo&ld re+er the

    readers to s&ch wor;s as &rya iddhanta and iddhanta iro#ani +or the el&cidation o+ the

    astrono#ical re+erences. The astrologer is ex$ected to be thoro&ghly conversant with the #ethod

    o+ calc&lating ecli$ses@ $lanetary longit&des@ heliacal risings and settings and other astrono#ical

     $heno#ena. -ali day is the nber o+ days $assed +ro# the beginning o+ -ali B&ga to the e$och

    in F&estion. The #ean $osition o+ a $lanet is the $osition which it wo&ld have attained at a

    &ni+or# rate o+ #otion and the corrections to be a$$lied in res$ect o+ the eccentricity o+ the orbit

    are not considered. The #ean longit&de is rec;oned on the ass$tion that the orbits o+ $lanets

    are concentric circles. 2eca&se the orbits are elli$tical and not circ&lar@ eF&ations are later on

    a$$lied to the #ean $ositions to get the tr&e longit&des. Two $lanets are said to be in +ight Ggraha

    y&ddhaH when they are in con?&nction and the distance between the# is less than one degree. All

    the $lanets exce$ting the &n and the Moon can enter into < war

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    &$iter 11L

    5en&s 3L

    at&rn 1,L

    0or a +&ller a$$reciation o+ the astrological i#$ortance o+ co#b&stion re+erence #ay be

    #ade to a s$ecial nber Ge$te#ber 16(3H o+ T8E AT7O=O4"A= MAAI4NE devoted

    #ainly to this s&b?ect.

    "handra a#aga#a@ ecli$ses@ etc.@ etc.@ involve elaborate calc&lations. 4 do not $ro$ose

    to disc&ss the# in these notes.

    Modern Na&tical al#anacs give all astrono#ical details reF&ired +or astrological



    tanza 1. J The +ive siddhantas are 2rah#a@ &rya@ 5asishta@ 7o#asa and Po&lasa.

    tanzas and %. J 2rah#a iddhanta is acc&rate. 7o#asa is #ore acc&rate and &rya

    is the #ost acc&rate. 5asishta and Po&lasa are not acc&rate. The +irst three can be relied &$on.

    And the last two are archaic in character.


    8ind& astrono#y #a;es re+erence to 13 siddhantas@ viz.@ &rya@ Paita#aha@ 5yasa@

    5asishta@ Atri@ Parasara@ -asya$a@ Narada@ arga@ Marichi@ Man&@ Angirasa@ =o#asa@ Pa&lasa@

    Bavana@ "hyavana@ Man& and a&na;a. O+ these@ only +ive see# to have #erited the ad#iration

    o+ 5araha#ihira@ who@ as will be seen s&bseF&ently is generally the so&rce o+ ins$iration +or o&r 

    a&thor. According to this a&thor@ Paita#aha or 2rah#a@ 7o#asa and &rya iddhantas can be

    relied on@ while 5asishta and Pa&lasa@ are not acc&rate. 2&t 5araha#ihira in his PanchaC

    siddhanti;a Gwhich is a s#ary o+ the +ive siddhantas above re+erred toH clearly says that the

    siddhanta #ade by Pa&lasa is acc&rateK near to it stands the siddhanta o+ 7o#a;a and #ore

    acc&rate is the a&ra. And the re#aining two@ viz.@ Paila#aha and 5asishta are +ar +ro# tr&th.

    7o#a;a and &rya are acce$ted as acc&rate by 5araha#ihira even tho&gh $ride o+ $lace is

    invariably given to &rya.


    tanza ). J One sho&ld get initiation into the a$$ro$riate #antra +ro# a F&ali+ied &r&@

    at an a&s$icio&s #o#ent@ and $ro$itiate the #antra devata s&itably. This will enable hi# to


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    #aster all astrological ;nowledge.

    tanza ,. J An intelligent@ cal# and $io&s $erson sho&ld begin st&dy o+ astrology on an

    a&s$icio&s day when &$iter is in =agna and the Moon occ&$ies #rid& Gbene+icH and seeghra

    G+astH vargas.


    Mrid& Gso+tH and seeghra G+astH vargas are inter$reted by so#e as the vargas o+ Merc&ry.

    According to another reading@ #rid& vargas are Mrigasira@ An&radha and 7evati and seeghra

    vargas are Aswini@ 8asta and P&shya#i.

    tanza /. J The st&dy o+ this science sho&ld begin only a+ter worshi$$ing the nine

     $lanets GnavagrahasH and the $rece$tor in the $rescribed +or#.


    A$art +ro# the $lanets being h&ge #asses o+ #atter they are also s&$$osed to have their 

    s&btle or s$irit&al as$ects. The navagraha $&?as are intended to establish so#e sort o+ resonance

     between tho&ghtCvibrations o+ the individ&al and those released +ro# the $lanetary bodies.

    tanza (. J Mantras when $ro$erly $ractised and recited give the desired res&lts. o

    does this science when $ro$erly c&ltivated.


    tanza 3. J 2rihat ata;a by 5araha#ihira@ tho&gh short@ is a very s&ggestive treatise

     $regnant with ideas Tho&gh di++ic&lt to be co#$rehended by even intelligent $ersons@ yet with

    the aid o+ the co##entaries o+ 2hattot$ala and others@ it is $ossible to &nderstand the boo;.

     NOTE "o#$are 5araha#ihira

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    tanza %. J One@ who atte#$ts to $redict witho&t st&dying the Dasadhyayi@ wo&ld be

    li;e a #an trying to cross an ocean witho&t a boat.


    everal co##entaries have been written on 2rihat ata;a@ 2hattot$ala

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    G)H 0ro# this the nber +or

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    an ina&s$icio&s ti#e@ begets evil. 8owever re#ote o&r deeds@ the res&lts are bo&nd to be

    ex$erienced in the +a#ily.


    According to stanza %/ astrology #erely indicates the res&lts o+ $ast -ar#a. Planets are

    only an index o+ things to ha$$en and they do not ca&se the events. The sa#e idea is ex$ressed

     by al#ost all classical writers. This de+inition #&st enable &s to a$$reciate the real signi+icance

    and sco$e o+ astrology and its relation to the theory o+ -ar#a. tanzas %( and %3 re$eat the sa#e

    idea. 4t is also s&ggested in stanza %3 that acc&lated -ar#a d&ring the $ast birth #ay be

    ex$erienced not only by the $erson concerned b&t also by his descendants.

    tanza %6. J The balance o+ good or bad -ar#a bro&ght +orward +ro# the $revio&s birth

    is $rarabdha@ and it is the reading o+ this that goes &nder the na#e o+ ata;a or Astrology.

    tanza )9. J One &ndergoes the conseF&ences o+ one

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    &$$ose we see in a #an

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    tanza 1. J An astrologer sho&ld get &$ early in the #orning@ $ray to the +a#ily Deity@

    cleanse the vario&s $arts o+ the body@ bathe@ do his Nitya -ar#as and $er+or# #antra ?a$a Gby

    invo;ing the $residing Deity according to shastraic in?&nctionH@ st&dy the $lanets with the hel$ o+ 

    an al#anac and re#ain cal# witho&t being r&++led by any anxieties@ ever ex$ecting the visit o+ 

    so#eone anxio&s to have his di++ic&lties solved with the hel$ o+ astrology.


    4n this slo;a@ the a&thor ex$lains what everyone ex$ects o+ an astrologer to do. Obvio&sly

    this cha$ter also gives &s an insight into the social li+e o+ the $eo$le o+ 

    -erala Gin $artic&lar and 4ndia in generalH at the ti#e o+ this a&thor. !e are in+or#ed that

    even now in -erala where this science had develo$ed #&ch@ there are #any +a#ilies which have

    own astrologers to cons&lt with as we +ind elsewhere +a#ily $hysicians attending to the health o+ 

    a +a#ily. The astrologer is called in and as;ed to read @the $ast@ $resent and the +&t&re o+ the

    +a#ily by astha #angala $rasna. The +irst $art o+ this treatise deals with this art and the a&thor 

    has detailed every as$ect o+ it +or the bene+it o+ Daiva?nas GastrologersH. An astrologer is

    ex$ected to be very learned and to lead a godly li+e. The astrologer believes that what he

    +oretells@ will never be satis+actory@ &nless his $rece$tor and his initiated #antra lead hi# on to

    +ind o&t the real tr&th in s$ite o+ the diversity o+ views revealed therein GAshta Mangala PrasnaH.

    tanza . J The astrologer sho&ld always be on the loo;o&t i+ any $erson is a$$roaching

    hi# +or a $rediction. 8e sho&ld care+&lly exa#ine the a$$earance@ dress@ #ove#ents@ actions@

    etc.@ o+ the F&erist. 8e sho&ld also note down any o#ino&s so&nd or indicative sign. =astly@ he

    sho&ld very care+&lly diagnose the nat&re o+ his own breath.


    tanza %. J The F&erist sho&ld select an a&s$icio&s l&nar day@ a +avo&rable constellation

    and a&s$icio&s wee;Cdays. Early in the #orning@ the F&erist sho&ld #eet the astrologer with

    so#e hble $resents and as; his F&estion in a reverential attit&de.


    4n this stanza@ the a&thor ex$lains what a $erson who is anxio&s to ;now his +&t&re sho&ld

    do. The $erson cons&lting is not@ o+ co&rse@ ex$ected to ;now this treatise b&t the details

    +&rnished are +or the in+or#ation o+ the astrologer. 0avo&rable constellations are the nd@ )th@ /th

    and 3th +ro# birth star. at&rday and T&esday are not a&s$icio&s.


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    tanzas )@ , and /. J Only hble reF&ests deserve an answer. No $rediction sho&ld be

    o++ered to any $erson &nas;ed +or@ nor to one who wishes to test an astrologer. 4+ the astrologer 

    atte#$ts to answer hi#@ he will not be able to get at the tr&th. !hether reF&ested or not@ i+ there

    is the desire to ;now the +&t&re@ the astrologer sho&ld give $redictions on the basis o+ =agna@

    -endras and -ona 2havas. As 5asishta says those who have a desire to ;now the +&t&re@

    whether they as; or not@ deserve to be given $redictions on the basis o+ Ar&dha at the ti#e o+ 



    o#e sort o+ a $ro+essional code is laid down in stanzas ) to /. nas;ed +or@ no

     $rediction sho&ld be given. 4+ a $erson co#es to test an astrologer@ no $redictions sho&ld be

    given. 2&t when the #otive is $&re and the $erson is anxio&s to cons&lt the astrologer@ it is

    i##aterial whether or not one ex$resses a desire to cons&lt. &ch a $erson #&st receive the

    attention o+ the astrologer.


    tanzas (@ 3 and 6. J 4n the terrestrial s$here or circle@ Mesha and 5rishabha re$resent

    eastK Mith&na so&thCeastK -ar;ata;a and i#ha so&thK -anya so&thCwestK Th&la and 5rischi;a

    westK Dhan&s northCwestK Ma;ara and -bha northK and Meena northCeast. The Ar&dha 7asi is

    the sign corres$onding to the direction occ&$ied by the F&estioner at the ti#e o+ $&tting the


    tanza 19. J As the sign co#es to be #o&nted &$on by the F&estioner@ it is ter#ed

    ar&dha. A care+&l consideration o+ ar&dha leads to a $ro$er assess#ent o+ the chart concerned.

    tanza 11. J 4n &ncertain cases@ ar&dha is to be +o&nd th&s: A circle is drawn #ar;ing

    the directions and zodiacal signs@ and a+ter d&e invocation@ the F&estioner is as;ed to $lace a

     $iece o+ gold on any $oint and ar&dha is accordingly ascertained.


    Ar&dha is a very i#$ortant +actor in Prasna or 8orary astrology. 4n stanzas ( to 11@ the

    #ethod o+ +inding ar&dha is indicated. The twelve signs are assigned to the eight directions and

    according to the direction held by the $erson cons&lting the astrologer at the ti#e o+ a F&ery@ the

    ar&dha is +o&nd. 4n do&bt+&l cases@ or when a F&estioner being agitated@ wal;ing &$ and down

     $&ts a F&estion@ a diagra##atic re$resentation is #ade and the $erson as;ed to $lace a bit o+ 

    gold or #erely to&ch any $oint. This sign is ta;en as ar&dha.

    4t will be seen that i+ the circle is divided by 3@ each cardinal $oint gets ),L. According to


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    the assign#ent o+ 7asis@ the co##on signs Ge#ini@ 5irgo@ agittari&s and PiscesH get each ),L@

    while the other signs get only 1L. 4+ +or instance the F&estioner stands@ say at a distance o+ 

    %9L towards .E. direction@ the sign will &ndo&btedly be Ta&r&s and this will be the ar&dha. 4t is

     better the astrologer always ;ee$s ready a circle Gsee a$$endixH drawn according to the

    instr&ctions in the above stanzas@ and when a F&estioner co#es@ as; hi# to to&ch a $lace in the

    circle and then note down the ar&dha 7asi. Otherwise the direction where a $erson stands can be

    easily noted and ar&dha =agna deter#ined.


    tanza 1. J !hen a F&ery is $&t@ the astrologer sho&ld ta;e stoc; o+ the exact ti#e

    Gsa#ayaH@ the nat&re o+ the s$ot occ&$ied by the F&estioner GdesaH@ the nat&re o+ his own breath

    Gswaray&H@ his own condition or state GavasthaH@ what the F&erist to&ches Gs$arsaH@ ar&dha 7asi@

    the direction@ the letters o+ the words &ttered G$rasna;sharaH@ de$ort#ent o+ the F&erist GsthitiH@

    #ove#ents GcheshtaH@ #ental attit&de GbhavaH@ his loo;ing at $artic&lar direction or thing

    Gvilo;ananiH@ his dress Gvasana#H@ and o#ino&s so&nds or indicative signs at the ti#e Gni#ittasH.


    0o&rteen ite#s have been listed in this stanza which the a&thor wants an astrologer to

    consider care+&lly when answering a F&ery. 4t is interesting to note that according to this stanza

    every gest&re@ e#otion and s&ggestion@ both o+ the astrologer and the F&erist have their own role

    to $lay in indicating the o&tco#e o+ a F&ery. The a&thor $oses a very intrig&ing $roble# to

    #odern thin;ers@ when he brings together a variety o+ a$$arently &nconnected #atters as having

    a bearing on o&r +&t&re thin;ing and actions. Modern $sychologists and $araC$sychologists will

    do well to +ind why or how the state o+ #ind o+ a $erson@ or the dress he wears or the direction he

    +aces@ give a cl&e to the $attern o+ what is li;ely to ha$$en to hi# in the +&t&re. Prasna ta;es into

    acco&nt not only the external in+l&ences@ the $lanets@ b&t also the internal ones@ the $sychic

    i#$&lses which #o&ld li+e. 4t en?oins a thoro&gh exa#ination o+ the #inds o+ the astrologer and

    the F&erist.


    tanza 1%. J The astrologer sho&ld reveal to the F&erist od

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    starts +ro# the ho&se o+ the native@ when he is on his way to the ho&se@ when he enters his ho&se

    and when the "ha;ra or casting is being $re$ared and on the basis o+ s&tra@ thris$h&ta@

    ashta#angala@ ar&dha@ laying o+ the gold $iece Gs&varnavasthaH a#ongst the +lowers in the

    "ha;ra@ the rising sign@ the $osition o+ the Moon@ $lanetary states at the ti#e and the 2havas in

    the horosco$e o+ the F&estioner.


    This slo;a is not easily a#enable to translation. The a&thor wants the astrologer to +ollow

    a $artic&lar order in answering F&eries. 0irst he sho&ld $redict the leanings o+ od towards the

    native and then give indications o+ any i#$ending tro&bles +ro# ene#ies@ diseases@ etc.@ and

    s&ggest s&itable re#edial #eas&res to co&nteract the evil e++ects. These $redictions sho&ld be

     based on three +actors@ viz.@ GaH the Prasna chart@ GbH the birth chart and GcH Ni#ittas J an allC

    e#bracing s&b?ect@ not ca$able o+ concise de+inition. 4+ the astrologer is invited to the ho&se o+ 

    the F&estioner@ then he sho&ld all the while closely and care+&lly watch all o#ens or other signs

    that he #ay co#e across +ro# the ti#e he starts +ro# his residence to the ti#e o+ his giving the

     $redictions. Nat&re is a so&rce o+ eternal ins$iration +or #an. Pro+. 7ao &sed to tell #e that by a

    certain code o+ inter$retation o+ the so&nds@ gest&res and #ove#ents o+ certain s$ecies o+ 

    ani#als@ the +&t&re co&ld be ascertained with considerable acc&racy. 4 a# not atte#$ting an

    ex$lanation o+ the other technical ter#s &sed in this stanza@ s&ch as thris$h&ta@ etc.@ as the

    #eanings beco#e clear to the reader as he goes thro&gh +&rther cha$ters.

    tanzas 1) and 1,. J 4+ the #ind o+ the astrologer is steady and the $erson to who# the

    +&t&re is read is hble and devo&t in te#$era#ent@ then the reading will be correct and the

    answer to all the F&eries will be invariably good. 4+ the astrologer is cal#@ i+ the F&erent +ra#es

    his F&estion in the $ro$er +or# and i+ anybody tal;s abo&t it or i+ he sees anything connected

    with the to$ic@ then the F&estioner will attain his desired ob?ect. o says a great a&thority.


    tanzas 1/ to 9. J The &n+avo&rable ti#es +or $&tting F&estions are:@ the eleven

    constellations not considered a&s$icio&s +or the +irst +eeding o+ the childK gandantha@ &shna and

    visha na;shatras@ the +o&r evil l&nar days@ vishti and sthira ;aranasK ?&nctions o+ tithi@ na;shatra@

    rasi and a#saK g&li;odaya;ala@ vyathee$atha@ sar$a siras@ ecli$ses and e;argalaK #rity& and

    dagdha yogasK when #ale+ics rise in or as$ect evil signs@ thirteenth l&nar dayK at d&s;K at

    #idnightK when the =agna is as$ected by the &nK at a solar ingress K on a day r&led by the %rd@

    ,th or (th star +ro# the birth star o+ the F&erentK when the =agna o+ F&ery is the 3th +ro# the


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    Monday /

    T&esday 13

    !ednesday 1) /

    Th&rsday 19

    0riday / 13

    at&rday 1)

    4t is this #o#ent that is #eant.

    4. 5yathi$atha: This is an evil Boga $rohibited +or all a&s$icio&s wor;s.

    The #ethod o+ calc&lation o+ 5yathi$atha has been detailed in all 8ind& astrono#ical

    treatises. 7o&ghly 5yathi$atha +alls in the +ollowing asteris#s in the corres$onding solar #onths:

    Aries and =ibra Ma;ha and atabhisha

    Ta&r&s and cor$io ravana and P&shya#i

    e#ini and agittari&s Poorvashadha and Aridra"ancer and "a$ricorn 7ohini and yeshta

    =eo and AF&ari&s 2harani and wati

    5irgo and Pisces 7evati and 8asta

    . Ecli$ses: 0or three days +ro# the ti#e o+ the co##ence#ent o+ solar or l&nar ecli$se@

    the li#e is said to be ina&s$icio&s. 4. ar$asiras: The latter hal+ o+ 5yathi$atha.

    44. E;argala: This yoga is $ower+&l d&ring the dayti#e.

    The +ollowing is a ro&gh #ethod +or calc&lating E;argala:

    &btract the &n

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    5444. 7avi Darshana: !hen the =agna at the ti#e o+ the F&ery is as$ected by the &n.

    According to so#e the (th sign +ro# that occ&$ied by the &n.

    4. an;ranti: At the ti#e o+ the solar ingress into a zodiacal sign. The 1/ ghati;as G/h.

    )#.H both be+ore and a+ter the &n

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    said to last +or )3 #in&tes on the ass$tion that the d&ration o+ day and night is o+ eF&al

     $ro$ortion viz.@ %9 ghatis. i#ilarly the $eriods o+ co##ence#ent and ter#ination o+ the a#rita

    or vishaCghati;as are given on the ass$tion that the d&ration o+ a na;shatra is /9 ghatis.

     No. Asteris# 5ishaC


    2. E.



    2. E.



    2. E.



    1 Aswini ,9 ,) () 1, ) )/ 3

    2harani ) 3 ,, /9 )3 , )

    % -ritti;a %9 %) 1 %9 ,) ,3 1

    ) 7ohini )9 )) ( 1 1, , ,/

    , Mrigasira 1) 13 ,, /9 %3 ) /

    / Aridra 11 1, 1 %9 %, %6 1)

    ( P&narvas& %9 %) ( 1 1, ,) ,3 193 P&shya#i 9 ) ,, /9 )) )3 1/

    6 Aslesha % / 1 %9 ,/ /9 )

    19 Ma;ha %9 %) ( 1 1, ,) ,3 9

    11 P&bba 9 ) ,, /9 )) )3

    1 ttara 13 1 %9 ) )/

    1% 8asta / ( 1 1, ), )6 /

    1) "hitta 9 ) ,, /9 )) )3 %9

    1, wati 1) 13 1 %9 %3 ) %3

    1/ 5isa;ha 1) 13 1 3 %3 ) %3

    1( An&radha 19 1) , /9 3 %) %/13 yeshta 1) 13 9 %9 %3 ) %)

    16 Moola 9 ) 1 3 )) )3 %

    9 Poorvashadha ) 3 , /9 )3 , )

    1 ttarashadha 9 ) 9 %9 )) )3 ))

    ravana 19 1) 1 3 %) %3 )/

    % Dhanishta 19 1) , /9 %) %3 )3

    ) atabhisha 13 9 %9 ) )/ ,9

    , Poorvabhadra 1/ 9 1 3 )9 )) ,

    / ttarabhadra ) 3 , /9 )3 , ,

    ( 7evati %9 %) 9 %9 ,) ,3 ,)

    Q2 stands +or 2eginning and E@ +or EndR

    0or exa#$le: in Aslesha 5ishaghati;as co##ence at % ghatis and end at / ghatis. The

    shnasi;ha in Aslesha begins at 1 ghatis and goes on &$to %9 ghatis. The A#ritaghati;as in

    Aslesha are between ,/ and /9 ghatis. The Mrity&bhaga or +atal degrees o+ Aslesha are those in

    the )th ghati.



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    tanzas to ,. J !hen the s$ot where the F&estion is $&t is the +ollowing@ the


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    The great a&thor has ex$lained in the above stanzas the #ethod o+ $rediction by

    exa#ining the nat&re o+ one

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    To avert this@ =ord 4swara sho&ld be $ro$itiated. 4+ it is airy@ there will be@ +ear +ro# thieves@

    +light +ro# one

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    will live K otherwise not.


    4n -erala@ there a$$ears to have been a c&sto# o+ sending a #essenger to ta;e the

    astrologer ho#e and do Prasna b&siness in the ho&se o+ the sic; #an. 8ence +reF&ent re+erence

    to d&ta or #essenger.

    tanza )(. J 4+ the F&ery is #ade when the Moon is waxing Gs&;la $a;shaH@ the

    #essenger or F&erist standing in +ront or in a raised $lace or on the le+t side and the astrologer

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    reaches the battlegro&nd when his breath is on the right@ and i+ his ene#y stands on that side

    where he has no breath@ then he will s&rely de+eat his o$$onent. The reverse will be the e++ect in

    reverse $osition.


    A soldier starting when breathing thro&gh his le+t nostril and reaching the battle+ield

    when he is breathing thro&gh the right nostril will be victorio&sK while@ i+ he starts with his breath

    in his right nostril and reaches the battle+ield when his breath is in the le+t nostril@ he is li;ely to

     be vanF&ished@ however $ower+&l. 4n either case@ the ene#y sho&ld be standing on the side

    where the soldier has no breath.

    tanza ,). J !henever thieves@ ene#ies@ ;ings or those in a&thority@ saints@ his brotherC

    ga#blers with who# he $lays and his rivals in litigation@ are $&t on that side o+ his nostril

    thro&gh which breath does not $ass@ they will be &tterly $owerless to do hi# any har#. 2&t on

    the other side@ they will in+lict de+eat on hi#.

    tanza ,,. J 7ight breath is +avo&rable at the ti#e o+ bathing@ eating@ cohabitation@

    transacting b&siness@ debating@ ga#bling and +ighting. 4t is also good when yo& are in +ear or 

    disa$$oint#ent in anything.

    tanza ,/. J =e+t side breath is good +or travel@ $&tting on new dress or orna#ents@

    #arriage@ bringing abo&t reconciliation@ #a;ing a gi+t and entering the $resence o+ another.

    tanza ,(. J !hen yo& see a $regnant wo#an at the ti#e when yo& breathe thro&gh the

    right@ then $redict that the child is #aleK i+ thro&gh le+t say it is +e#ale. 4+ it is in s&shna@

     $redict that she will give birth to a li+eless child.

    tanza ,3. J &$$ose a $regnant wo#an as;s an astrologer

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    will be de+eated when he #oves on with the breath in the sa#e nostril. 4n s&ch a contingency he

    sho&ld resort to the East or North o+ the ring in order to avoid de+eat.

    tanza /). J 4n a F&estion $ertaining to birth o+ iss&e@ when the astrologer

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     NorthCwest Ass Ar#s@ hands

     North Ele$hant "hest@ breast

     NorthCeast "row =egs

    tanza (1. J 4+ the F&estioner stands in the east and to&ches his own head@ then $redict

    #onetary gainsK his #o&th@ gain o+ cowsK his nec;@ gi+t o+ vehiclesK chest@ gi+t o+ orna#ents. 4+ 

    the F&estioner stands in so&th and to&ches his +ace or #o&th@ destr&ction o+ ene#iesK nec;@

    #onetary gainsK chest@ begetting good childrenK head@ arrival o+ relatives.

    tanza (. J 4+ the F&estioner stands in the west and to&ches his head@ gain o+ 

    ;nowledgeK #o&th@ acF&isition o+ +riendsK nec;@ gi+t o+ cowsK chest@ gain o+ vehicles. 4+ the

    F&estioner stands in the north and to&ches his head@ orna#entsK #o&th@ good +riendsK nec;@ good

    childrenK chest@ acF&isition o+ ele$hants or ele$hantCride.

    tanza (%. J 4+ the F&estioner stands in so&theast and to&ches his nose@ danger to li+eKeyes and ears@ +ear o+ tro&blesK ar#s@ brea;ing o+ vowsK and legs@ r&in o+ one

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    tanza 39. J 4+ the &n@ then disting&ished $ersonages or o++icialsK i+ the Moon or 5en&s@

    then a wo#an. 4+ the Moon and at&rn are together there@ he #ight have seen bad wo#enK i+ 

    5en&s Gwitho&t any evil $lanetsH@ chaste wo#en.

    tanza 31. J The nat&re o+ the $eo$le he has #et on the way de$ends on the association

    or as$ects o+ evil or good $lanets. 0&rther@ $redictions will have to be #ade +ro# the direction o+ 

    F&erent and his gestic&lations.

    tanza 3. J 4+ the &n occ&$ies the eighth ho&se +ro# the Ar&dha@ then $redict royal

    dis$leas&re or tro&ble +ro# the ar#y and this #&st have ha$$ened on the $revio&s &nday. 4+ he

    occ&$ies iva Nava#sa@ then say it was the r&ler hi#sel+. Predict also so#e loss be+itting the

     Nava#sa the &n occ&$ies J Dhat&@ eeva or Moola G#ineral@ vegetable or ani#alH.


    4n odd signs GAries@ e#ini@ =eo@ etc.H the 1st@ )th and (th Nava#sas re+er to Dhat&

    G#ineralH@ the nd@ ,th and 3th re+er to Moola Gani#alH and the %rd@ /th and 6th re+er to eeva

    GvegetableH. 4n even signs GTa&r&s@ "ancer@ 5irgo@ etc.H the 1st@ )th and (th re+er to eeva

    GvegetableH@ the nd@ ,th and 3th to Moola Gani#alH and the %rd@ /th and 6th to Dhat& G#ineralH.

    4n 39 st. has been translated as disting&ished $ersonality or o++icer.

    tanza 3%. J 4+ the Moon occ&$ies the eighth ho&se@ then say that the F&erist had to

    starve on the $revio&s Monday or he had to live on #ere riceCwater.


    According to the co##entator@ i+ the Moon was strong then the F&erist wo&ld have lived

    on riceCwater.

    tanzas 3) and 3,. J 4+ Mars is in the 3th@ then the F&estioner had a +all. Mars with

    &li;a reveals that the $erson was wo&nded severely. According as Mars occ&$ying a dhat&@

    #oola or ?eeva or sarisri$a Nava#sa@ the F&erist was h&rt by so#e wea$on@ lacerated by thorns@

    scratched or wo&nded by nail or teeth or was bitten by a sna;e or scor$ion@ on the $revio&s



    arisri$a Nava#sas are "ancer@ cor$io and Pisces.

    tanzas 3/ and 3(. J 4+ Merc&ry occ&$ies the 3th +ro# Ar&dha =agna@ the F&estioner 

    was obstr&cted in his wor; the $revio&s !ednesday. According as Merc&ry is in Moola@ Dhat& or 

    eeva Nava#sa@ the F&estioner had to lose or be witho&t betel leaves and n&ts@ or was sic;@ or 

    had to exchange harsh words or be witho&t ch&na# Gli#eH.

    tanzas 33 to 6. J 4+ &$iter stands on the eighth@ say on the last Th&rsday his

     $er+or#ance o+ daily religio&s d&ties was delayed Gin the case o+ twiceCbornH or there was loss o+ 


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    articles. 4+ 5en&s is in the 3th ho&se@ he had se$aration +ro# his beloved or loss o+ clothes or his

    clothes were soiled by dirt. 4+ he is in Moola Nava#sa@ his clothes were torn by thorns. 4+ he

    occ&$ies eeva Nava#sa@ they were torn by his +inger nails or he gave the# away as gi+ts. 4+ he

    occ&$ies arisri$a Nava#sa@ his clothes were bitten by #ice or eaten away by white ants on the

     $revio&s 0riday. 4+ at&rn stands on the eighth +ro# Ar&dha@ say that he had to ta;e +ood very

    late or had to +ace a great danger on at&rday last.

    tanzas 6%@ 6) and 6,. J 4+ 7ah& stands on the eighth@ say that his legs were a++ected by

    so#e $ain on the way. 4+ he stands on dhat& Nava#sa@ say it was ca&sed by stones. 4+ he stands

    in #oola Nava#sa@ so#e thorns $ierced into his +eet. 4+ he is in eeva nava#sa@ the F&erist was

     bitten by a ser$ent on the $revio&s at&rday. 4+ -eth& stands on the eighth ho&se@ say that his

    legs dashed against roc;s last T&esday. 4+ he is with &li;a@ then $redict that his legs were very

    #&ch wo&nded.

    tanza 6/. J 4+ evil $lanets occ&$y the third ho&se +ro# Ar&dha@ then the F&estioner had

    to +ast on the days governed by s&ch $lanets.

    tanza 6(. J The third@ sixth and twel+th ho&ses are also evil as eighth ho&se. 8ence

     $redict evil to have ha$$ened last wee; allotting s&itable days to those $lanets that occ&$y the

    above ho&ses.


    These stanzas are clear eno&gh and they do not need any ex$lanations. The sit&ation@ o+ 

    the di++erent $lanets in the %rd@ /th@ 3th and 1th ho&ses +ro# Ar&dha =agna and in certain

     Nava#sas indicate the ha$$enings J so#e trivial J on certain wee;Cdays@ $ertaining to the

     $lanets concerned. 7eaders #ay test these $rinci$les and +ind o&t +or the#selves@ the &se+&lness

    o+ these co#binations in the #odern age.


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    !e can ill&strate with a chart here.

    &$$ose at the ti#e o+ F&ery AF&ari&s is the Ar&dha =agna.

    Sun 4Merc. 19Venus 16

    Ketu 14-32

    Jup. 5Moon 6

    Saturn Rahu






    Saturn 2-52 Sun

    Rahu 14-32 Mercur#

    MoonJup$ter Ketu


    7ah& is in the 3th in 7asi and in Ta&r&s Nava#sa which is the ,th Nava#sa. 5irgo being

    an even sign@ the ,th Nava#sa wo&ld belong to Moola or vegetable.

    o@ the F&erent can be ex$ected to have trodden over thorns which #&st have $ierced

    thro&gh his soles while on his way to the astrologer.

    tanza 63. J &$$ose $lanets occ&$y +avo&rable ho&ses@ then $redict good as having

    ha$$ened on the days governed by the occ&$ants. These $redictions can also be #ade +ro#

    dayalagna@ in which case@ $redict good or bad on the ens&ing wee;days.

    tanza 66. J 4n Prasna 2hasha it is stated th&s : 4+ there are strong #ale+ics in the (th

    +ro# the Ar&dha o+ the #essenger or F&ery@ he #&st have had bad o#ensK i+ bene+ics@ good ones.

    The sa#e res&lts can be read +ro# $lanets in the )th and 19th +ro# Ar&dha. The o#ens at a

     ?o&rney can be read +ro# the Ascendant at the ti#e o+ starting and the )th and the 19th

    there+ro#. The sa#e res&lts can be read +ro# $lanets in the )th and 19th +ro# Ar&dha.

    tanza 199. J 4+ the &n and Mars occ&$y 1@ )@ ( and 19@ then say he has #et so#e

    F&adr&$eds li;e ele$hants or cows as indicative signs on his way. Merc&ry and at&rn are birdC

     $lanets and indicate birds li;e cha;oras. The Moon indicates ser$ents or scor$ions and 7ah&@



    4t #&st be noted that i+ &$iter or 5en&s occ&$ies s&ch a $osition@ the F&estioner #&sthave co#e across so#e han being.


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    tanza 191. J 4+ at&rn@ 7ah&@ -et& or &li;a occ&$ies 1@ )@ (@ 19@ say he #et lowCcaste

     $eo$le on his way. 4+ the Moon and 5en&s occ&$y the above ho&ses@ say that he has #et wo#en

    on the way. 4+ it is Merc&ry@ say he #et. learned #en. 4+ it is &$iter@ he #et $io&s 2rah#ins.

    Mars indicates soldiers. The &n re$resents #en o+ distinction.


    tanza 19. J 4+ the #essenger $&ts in his F&estion +ro# east@ so&th@ west or north@ it is

    good. 4+ he occ&$ies so&thCeast@ so&thCwest@ northCwest or northCeast@ it is bad. This a$$lies to

    #en only. The reverse holds good +or wo#en.

    tanza 19%. J 4+ the F&estioner +aces or stands in the so&th@ it indicates evil es$ecially

    regarding the F&estion o+ longevity.


    tanza 19). J 4+ the +irst syllable or ana o+ the words &ttered by the F&erent ha$$ens to

     be one owned by any o+ the 2h&tas J A;asa@ 5ay&@ Agni@ A$a and Prithvi@ the e++ect o+ the

    F&ery will not be ha$$y.


    ana is a ter# &sed in $+rosody@ where there are 3 syllable gro&$s@ viz.@ G1H Ma@ GH Ba@

    G%H 7a@ G) a@ G,H Ta. G/H a@ G(H 2ha and G3H Na.

    tanza 19,. J The al$habet is divided &nder two heads@ viz.@ the vowels headed by Aa

    G%+H and the consonants headed by the g&tterals G...H incl&ding the liF&ids@ se#iCvowels and

    sibilants. The vowels constit&te the

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    The +ive vargas or gro&$s o+ consonants are : J

    -avarga: G&tteralsH -a@ -ha@ a@ ha@ na "havarga : G=abialsH "ha@ "hcha@ a@ ha@


    Pavarga: GPalatalsH Pa@ Pha@ 2a@ 2ha@ Ma

    Tavarga: GDentalsH Ta@ Tta@ Da@ Dda@ Na

    Thavarga: G=ing&alsH Ta@ Tha@ Da@ Dha@ Na

    4n each varga@ the +irst to last syllable is $resided over res$ectively by 5ay& GairH@ Agni

    G+ireH@ 4ndra@ ala GwaterH and Na$sa;a Ge&n&chH. T+ +or instance@ yo& ta;e -avarga@ the letters

    -a@ -ha@ a@ ha and na are r&led by Air@ 0ire@ Tndra@ !ater and Na$sa;a res$ectively.

    &$$ose the +irst letter o+ a certain F&ery co##ences with the letter #a@ the res&lt will be

    har#+&l as the syllable is $resided over by Na$sa;a or e&n&ch. 4n this way@ other syllables

    sho&ld be inter$reted. The syllables ya@ ra@ la@ va@ sa@ sha@ sa@ ha@ la and ;sha have si#ilar lords as

    #entioned above.

    Assign short vowels G...H to 4ndra 2h&ta and G...H to ala 2h&ta.

    tanza 193.

    Ga'as Pres()('* De(t(es E++e,ts

    hagana G& J &H The &n G&ryaH 4ncrease o+ illness

    agana G& & J H Air G5ay&H oing to another co&ntry

    2hagana G J &&H The Moon G"handraH !orldCwide renown

    Magana G CCCCCCCCC H Earth G2hooraiH Pros$erity

    7agana G J & J H 0ire GAgniH Death

    Thagana G CCCCCC &H Ether GA;asaH E#$tiness or $overty

    Bagana G& CCCCC H !atar GalaH Exce$tional $ros$erity

     Nagana G&&&H 8eaven GwargaH =ong =i+e


    This slo;a is +ro# the An&shtana$addhati.

    =etters are divided into hard Gg&r&H and so+t Glagh&H ones. =ong ones are said to be hard

    and short ones so+t. 4n the word &ttered by the F&estioner@ the +irst three letters #a;e &$ a gana.

    anas are divided into eight on the basis o+ so+t and hard ores. 0or instance in stanza 193@ 1st

    line o+ the three letters constit&ting hagana@ the +irst G&H is lagh& or so+t@ the second is g&r& or 

    hard and the third is lagh& the whole hagana being r&led by the Deity &n. =i;ewise in the

    agana the +irst letters G& &H are so+t and the third G J H hard. 4n Magana all the three letters

    GCCCCCCCCCCH are hard Gg&r&H. 4n the words &ttered by the F&estioner@ ta;e the +irst three letters and

    +it the# to the above classi+ication o+ ganas and then give a$$ro$riate $rediction.

    !ith d&e de+erence to the a&thor and his e#inent disci$les 4 #&st con+ess that the #ethod


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    given in stanza 193 is not easily a$$licable in act&al $ractice.

    tanza 196. J 4+ the F&estioner &tters words that are very $leasing to the ears@ a&s$icio&s

    coherent and ex$ressive@ $redict s&ccess o+ his &nderta;ingK otherwise not. 4+ his sentence closes

    with a 5isarga@ then too the e++ect will be &n+avo&rable.

    tanza 119. J Moreover +ind o&t the =agna +ro# the +irst letter o+ the F&erent

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    di++erent ways. Mr. P. . . 4yer who assisted #e in translating this wor; and who was well

    versed in Malayala# and anscrit@ thin;s that by ta;ing the +irst word in the F&ery and tracing it

    to the varga concerned and thence to the $lanet@ the =agna sho&ld be +o&nd o&t. &$$ose the +irst

    word o+ a F&ery co##ences with Aa GUH: the $residing $lanet being the &n@ the =agna wo&ld be

    =eo. 4n regard to two signs owned by a $lanet@ the odd or even $osition o+ the +irst letter in the

    a$$ro$riate varga sho&ld be ta;en. &$$ose a F&ery co##ences with ba GUHK it is the third letter 

    in Pavarga : $resided over by at&rn. ince % is an odd nber@ yo& #&st ta;e AF&ari&s@ the odd

    sign@ as =agna. 4+ instead@ the F&ery co##ences with bha GUH: This is the )th letter and ) being an

    even nber@ the =agna will be "a$ricorn@ the even sign owned by at&rn.

    This #ethod o+ ascertaining =agna sho&ld be resorted to in the absence o+ Ar&dha or 

    daya =agnas or when a nber o+ F&eries are $&t si#&ltaneo&sly.

    tanzas 11 to 11) are ta;en +ro# Prasna nana o+ 2hattot$ala.


    tanza 11,. J !atch the F&estioner as to how he stands. 4+ he $&ts his le+t +oot in +ront@

    then $redict it to be goodK i+ he $laces his right +oot in +ront@ it is bad. 4+ he sha;es his leg@ it is

     $rod&ctive o+ evil only. 4+ he stands +ir#ly@ it is wholeso#e.

    tanza 11/. J 4+ he sits at ease@ straight@ +acing the astrologer in an elevated $lace and on

    a good seat@ it is good. 4+ he sits in a low $lace on a bad seat@ then it is bad.

    tanza 11(. J 4+ the F&erist $&ts a F&estion seated@ then stands &$ or #a;es the F&ery

    standing and then sits down@ the res&lts will be good.

    tanza 113. J &$$ose the F&estioner having co#e within the orbit o+ the astrologer

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     $redict death. The e++ect is the sa#e when there is a tho&ght@ sight or news o+ indications o+ 


    tanza 1. J &$$ose he +eels slee$y or is &nclean@ or is wee$ing@ or has his hair 

    dishevelled or has his +ace c&t or has head shaved clean or stands na;ed or be#oans his +ate or is

    engaged in c&tting or +lees in +ear or $er+or#s his 8o#a to Agni or ties &$ so#ething ro&nd his

    legs or hands@ or +reF&ently r&bs his eyes with his hands or +eels des$ondent or is seen tra#$ling

    on a $iece o+ wood or a b&nch o+ grass@ then ;now that the e++ects will be evil.

    tanza 1%. J 4+ the F&estioner is +o&nd engaged in twisting a ro$e@ #ar;ing the gro&nd

    with his nails@ is +orced to change his $lace or is obstr&cted@ has his body s#eared with oil@

    engaged in carrying ashes or bones@ lead or d&ng@ or discovered to be sic;ly K has a cloth wo&nd

    &$ ro&nd his nec;K has his body $ainted with #&d: is +o&nd &ttering &n$leasant and harsh so&nds

    or wordsK is +o&nd $er+or#ing raddhaK then yo& can very well co&nt that yo& have nothing good

    to $redict.

    tanza 1). J &$$ose he has with hi# a ;ni+e or a sword@ a b&ndle o+ hay@ net@ cha++@

    shoes@ $eacoc; +eathers@ leather@ decorations o+ dead body@ horn@ broo#@ winnowing bas;et@

    ro$es@ $estles@ or he is +o&nd to be starving or is cri$$led@ then also $redict evil.


    tanza 1,. J 4+ he has his +ace distorted either by anger or sorrow or exertion@ or i+ his

    #ind is #&ch worried@ then also e++ects will be bad.

    tanza 1/. J 4+ the #essenger or F&estioner is handso#e@ healthy and #odest@ has the

    #ar; o+ nob

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    will be good.

    tanza 16. J 4+ the F&estioner co#es with any a&s$icio&s things in his hand@ then

     $redict good. 4+ he co#es with nothing or with any ina&s$icio&s things as broo#@ etc.@ then

     $redict evil e++ects.


    tanza 1%9. J 4+ at the ti#e o+ F&ery@ the astrologer is +ree +ro# all anxieties@ and i+ the


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    yo&r #idst or anything b&rning brilliantly@ say that the $regnant wo#an in F&estion will have


    tanzas 1%6 and 1)9. J 4n a B&ddha Prasna@ the +ollowing are considered as +avo&rable

    signs: a $erson standing on his right leg or sha;ing his wea$ons $ressing his right handK a

     b&rning +ire or a disting&ished@ a&g&st or cal# $ersonage.

    tanzas 1)1 and 1). J A $erson standing +ir#ly on his le+t leg@ a $erson shedding tears

    or s$ea;ing in a +altering voice@ a dirty $erson and one sheathing his sword: these sights indicate

    de+eat in a +ight.

    tanza 1)%. J 4n a F&ery $ertaining to an enter$rise@ the sight o+ a $iece o+ gold or so#e

    +r&its s&ggests +inancial gain.

    tanzas 1)) and 1),. J 4n a F&ery bearing on disease@ the sight o+ a living being or 

     $erson on horsebac; or on an ele$hant $ortends i##ediate c&re o+ the disease. 2&t standing on a

    li+eless ob?ect will bring abo&t the death o+ the F&estioner.

    tanzas 1)/ and 1)(. J 0lowers +or +&neral rites@ sesa# seeds@ b&rning cinder@

    &nwashed clothes@ darbha grass G;&sa grassH@ c&rd@ all things &sed in obseF&ies J b&rial or 

    cre#ation J these when seen indicate the death o+ the sic; #an.

    tanzas 1)3 and 1)6. J 4n a F&estion $ertaining to travel@ i+ the #essenger sits down or 

    lies down a+ter the F&estion is $&t@ then yo& can say that so#e obstr&ctions will i#$ede his tri$.

    4+ he gets &$ on one leg and ;ee$s standing on the other and contracts the#@ so#e delay will be

    ca&sed in his tri$s. 4+ he gets &$ or wal;s &$ as soon as the F&ery is #ade@ $redict that the

    intended tri$ will ta;e $lace soon.

    tanza 1,9. J 4+ yo& chance to #eet two $ersons with their hands clas$ed or i+ yo& +ind

    a stranger wal;ing towards yo&@ then a dis$&te will end in co#$ro#ise. e$arations@ brea;s@ etc.@

    lead to the obstr&ction o+ $eace.

    tanza 1,1. J The +ollowing are considered as evil o#ens indicating +ail&re: J 

    4nter#ittent cries o+ OhV OhV J sni++ing so&nds@ the +alling o+ the +lagC$ost or the +a#ily tree o+ 

    worshi$@ clothes@ brella@ or shoes getting s$oiled or words connoting r&in or loss heard +ro#

    all directions@ or bad birds or cr&el ani#als #a;ing &n$leasant cries@ light being exting&ished

    &nex$ectedly J any vessel +&ll o+ water or so +ir#ly +ixed that it tbles down.

    tanza 1,. J At the ti#e o+ $rasna@ i+ yo& see on yo&r le+t@ cats@ owls@ a ;ind o+ sna;e@

    or odha it is considered badK i+ yo& hear the cry o+ a lizard on the le+t side@ the e++ect is the

    sa#e. neezing o+ $ersons to the right side also is har#+&l.

    tanzas 1,% and 1,). J 4+ yo& hear anybody &ttering the na#es o+ hogs@ ser$ents@ hare@

    odha@ etc.@ it is good. 2&t to see these or hear their cries is bad. To see or to hear the cries o+ the


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    #on;ey and the bear is good. 2&t to hear their na#es &ttered is bad. To see or to hear the cries o+ 

    an ele$hant@ a horse@ or an ox is also good.

    tanza 1,,. J A veena@ +l&te@ dr@ conch@ J the so&nds o+ these instrents are

    a&s$icio&s. eneral #&sic@ $leasant ob?ects and bea&ti+&l wo#en@ dancing girls@ $ot o+ c&rd@

    colo&red rice@ s&garcane@ D&rva grass@ sandal $aste@ $ot +illed with water@ +lowers and garlands@

    +r&its and virgins@ bells@ lights and lot&s +lowers J all these are a&s$icio&s both +or hearing and


    tanza 1,/. J #brella@ arches@ agreeable $alanF&ins or carriages@ hy#ns o+ $rayer@ or 

    &tterances o+ the 5edas@ a cow tied with a ro$e@ a b&ll@ a #o&nted #irror@ gold@ a cow and its cal+@

    eatables@ +resh #&d@ or a learned $andit@ are good. 4n brie+@ all those things which are agreeable

    to o&r ears and which are $leasant to o&r eyes can be considered as good o#ens at a F&ery.

    tanzas 1,( and 1,3. J Other signs and o#ens sho&ld be learnt +ro# other treatises on

    the s&b?ect or &nder the g&idance o+ a &r& or according to the code o+ cond&ct s;etched by

    learned #en. 0or general g&idance@ it #ay be ta;en as granted that whatever things or signs that

    hel$ &s to attain o&r ob?ects@ are good and all those things that are ina&s$icio&s indicate the

    contrary res&lts. -nowing bene+ic or #ale+ic nat&re o+ the o#ens@ it is $ossible to #a;e

    a$$ro$riate $redictions.

    Thus concludes the 3rd chapter of Prasha Marga.


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    tanza 1. J !hen the astrologer sets o&t to the ho&se o+ a $erson whose +&t&re he has to

    read@ he #&st recall all those@ o#ino&s indications which he noted when the F&erent a$$roached

    hi#. 8e #&st a$$ly now the sa#e r&les and start at an a&s$icio&s ti#e to the ho&se o+ the

    F&erent. The -alahora o+ bene+ics is $artic&larly good.

    tanza . J All those good and bad o#ens s&ggested +or the ti#e o+ $&tting a F&ery in

    the last cha$ter #ay be a$$lied now when the astrologer sets o&t to the ho&se o+ the F&erist.

    tanzas %@ ) and ,. J The astrologer

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    go ro&nd the di++erent directions in the order o+ east@ so&thCeast@ so&th@ so&thCwest@ west@ northC

    west@ north and northCeast res$ectively@ staying in each direction +or 1 ghatis or three ho&rs.

    0ro# s&nrise to say abo&t 6 a.#. the &n will be in the east. D&ring these three ho&rs@ the east

    goes &nder the na#e o+ dee$tha or ablaze. The F&arter le+t@ viz.@ so&thCeast is angara or b&rning

    and the F&arter to s&cceed@ i.e.@ so&thCeast is dhni or s#o;y. The rest@ viz.@ so&th@ so&thCwest@

    west@ northCwest and north are santha or tranF&il. Three ho&rs a+ter s&nrise@ 8ie &n stays in .E.

    Then this F&arter or direction beco#es dee$tha. The $receding one GeastH and the s&cceeding one

    Gso&thH beco#e angara and dhni res$ectively K and the other directions J so&thCwest to northC

    east rec;oned in cloc;wise order beco#e santha.

    ix ho&rs a+ter s&nrise the $osition is shi+ted to the so&th@ which beco#es dce$tha@ so&thC

    east and so&thCwest going &nder the na#e o+ angara and dhni res$ectively. 4n this way note

    the $osition o+ the &n and deter#ine the nat&re o+ the directions. Angara re+ers to the $ast@

    dee$tha re+ers to the $resent and dha re+ers to the +&t&re. The +ollowing diagra# will also be

    &se+&l in &nderstanding the above two stanzas : J 


    % a.#.

    to / a.#.


    / a.#.

    to 6. a.#.


    6 a.#.

    to 1 noon


    1 #idnightto % a.#.

    &nrise / a.#.


    1 noonto % $.#.


    6 $.#.

    to 1 #idnight


    / $.#.

    to 6 $.#.


    % $.#.

    to / $.#.

    &$$ose at 19C9 $.#. the nat&re o+ the di;s or directions is to be ascertained. The &n

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    in ti#eCe++ect. 4t has already been s&ggested that the direction@ the &n is in@ is dee$tha G$resentH

    and the $receding and the s&cceeding ones are res$ectively angara G$astH and dhni G+&t&reH.

    &$$ose the &n is in east direction G/ a.#. to 6 a.#.H and an o#en is sighted in northCwest@ its

    e++ect will be +elt only in the +&t&re@ beca&se it is the +i+th +ro# so&thCeast which is dhni

    G+&t&reH. 7egarding the e++ects o+ the so&th and north@ the +irst hal+ will corres$ond to the

     $revio&s direction and the second hal+ to the next F&arter. Th&s the +irst hal+ o+ so&th indicates

    +&t&re and the second $art@ the $resent. The +irst hal+ o+ north re+ers to +&t&re and the next hal+ to


     N. E. E. . E.

    % a.#.

    to / a.#.

    Angora Past

    / a.#.

    to 6. a.#.

    NDee$tha Present

    6 a.#.

    to 1 noon

    Dhni 0&t&re


    WC%9 a.#.

    to % a.#.&nrise / a.#.

    1 noon

    to 1C%9 $.#. W

    WC1 #idnight

    to 1C%9 a.#.

    W 1C%9 $.#.

    to % $.#.

    6 $.#.

    to 1 #idnight


    / $.#.

    to 6 $.#.

    % $.#.

    to / $.#.

     N. !. !. . !.

    tanza 1%. J The eight F&arters@ beginning +ro# east to west in the cloc;wise order@

    signi+y res$ectively a ;ing@ an heir a$$arent@ a co##anderCinCchie+@ a #essenger@ a learned #an@

    a s$y@ a $riest@ and a controller o+ ele$hants. Again@ the east@ so&th@ west and north res$ectively

    signi+y a -shatriya@ a 5aisya@ a &dra and a 2rah#in.

    tanza 1). J O#ens seen in the vario&s directions by the astrologer standing or wal;ing

    indicate contact with the class o+ $eo$le #entioned in stanza 1%.

    tanza 1,. J &$$ose an o#en is noti+ied in the east@ then asse that yo& will #eet

    with a royal $ersonageK in so&thCeast@ a $rince and so on.

    tanza 1/. J 4+ the #essenger be o+ the sa#e caste@ etc.@ the ob?ect o+ the F&ery will be

    realised. 4+ not@ the e++ects will be adverse.


    The above stanzas are F&ite clear and they do not reF&ire an ex$lanation. The eight

    cardinal $oints beginning +ro# the east are held to signi+y a ;ing@ an heir a$$arent@ etc.@ and an


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    o#en seen in a $artic&lar direction signi+ies #eeting with the class o+ $eo$le according to the

    above allocation.

    tanza 1(. J "otton@ #edicines@ blac;Cgra#@ salt@ net@ tra$@ and other destr&ctive

    a$$liances@ ashes@ b&rning cinder@ iron@ b&tter#il;@ ser$ents@ +o&lCs#elling things as han

    re+&se@ or vo#itted dirt@ #ad #an@ a sic; #an@ an idiot@ a blind #an@ a #&te@ a dea+ #an@ a

    e&n&ch@ an ascetic J in brie+ all those things which are re$&gnant to the eye or #ind@ are all evil



    Meeting any o+ these on his way is considered bad.

    tanza 13. J 4+ a ser$ent@ a cat@ a godha Ga ;ind o+ alligatorH@ a #ongoose or a #on;ey

    crosses yo&r $ath@ so#ething bad is s&re to ha$$en The sight o+ #&stard seed@ +&el@ stone@ grass@

    is also bad.

    tanza 16. J 7aw +lesh@ liF&or@ honey@ ghee@ white clothes@ white oint#ent@ ?ewels@

    ele$hant@ birds@ horse@ ;ing@ a $ros$ero&s +a#ilyC#an@ deities in $rocession@ white chowries@

    delicio&s +ood or drin;s@ dead body@ 2rah#ins co#ing in twos@ and b&rning +ire@ are good o#ens.

    tanza 9. J 2irds and ani#als going cloc;wise@ ?ac;al and dog #oving antiCcloc;wise@

    and good ani#als +o&nd in odd nbers@ indicate good.

    tanza 1. J The sight o+ wild crow@ 2hasa and 2hardwa?a birds@ #ongoose@ goats@

     $eacoc;@ is good besides what is ex$ressed in the slo;a@ #atsya& ghati@ etc.


    The slo;a re+erred to here is +ro# 5araha#ihira

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    tranF&il are +avo&rable. The o#ens seen in these F&arters also yield si#ilar e++ects.


    &$$ose the &n is in the eastern F&arter G/ a.#. to 6 a.#.H. Then the northCeast@ east and

    so&thCeast directions go &nder the na#e o+ dee$tha. The other +ive directions are santha. An

    o#en seen in a dee$tha F&arter indicates evil res&lts and that sighted in a santha F&arter denotes

    +avo&rable ha$$enings.

    tanzas / to 3. J "o##encing +ro# an ho&r and a hal+ be+ore s&nrise the &n travels

    thro&gh the 3 directions d&ring the 3 ya#as o+ the day. The na#es o+ the 3 F&arters are ?wala

    G+la#eH@ dha Gs#o;eH@ chaya GshadowH@ #ritti;a G#&dH@ ?ala GwaterH@ bhi GearthH@ bhas#a

    GashesH and angara GcharcoalH. The three F&arters +ro# angara are ter#ed dee$tha or blazing and

    the three +ro# #ritti;a@ santhd or tranF&il. The +irst hal+ o+ chaya and the last hal+ o+ bhas#a are

    good. The other halves are bad.


    8ere the allocation o+ the &n

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    tanza %9. J !hen the astrologer enters the ho&se@ he sho&ld ta;e stoc; o+ all the e++ects

    o+ the indicative signs and o#ens occ&rring at the ti#e o+ starting@ going along the way and

    entering the ho&se@ and a$$ly their e++ects.

    tanza %1. J As the astrologer enters the $lace@ i+ so#e other $erson iss&es o&t thro&gh

    the sa#e gate@ then the $atient will die. On the contrary@ i+ another $erson enters the $lace Gwith

    the astrologerH the sic; #an will soon i#$rove. o a# 4 ta&ght by #y &r&.

    tanza %. J 4+ a wo#an in #enses@ carrying +r&its and roots iss&es o&t o+ the ho&se

    which the astrologer enters@ it #ay sa+ely be $redicted that the F&erist

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    tanza 1. J 4n this cha$ter is ex$lained how $rasna ;riya is to be cond&cted and how the

    +&t&re can be divined on the basis o+ certain indications given in sastras.


    4n -erala@ it see#s $eo$le generally as; astrologers to do ashta#angala $rasna and have

    their varying +ort&nes &n+olded to the#. 4t is said that #ost +a#ily $eo$le too; $art in it and in

    +act@ the daily ro&tine o+ so#e +a#ilies was reg&lated by these Prasni;as. 7e#edial #eas&res

    were ta;en to alleviate the s&++erings ca&sed by their $revie&s evil actions. 8ence the a&thor has

    ta;en great $ains to detail how this Prasna #&st be cond&cted. The +irst three cha$ters cover the

    +irst stage in dealing with Prasna. 4n this cha$ter@ the a&thor ex$lains +&rther how the +&t&re can

     be divined by Ti#e with the hel$ o+ od@ o#ens@ signs and signi+ications.


    tanza . J A+ter ta;ing a clean bath@ dressing hi#sel+ in tidy neat robes and wearing

    sacred ashes@ the astrologer seated at ease #&st o$en the -riya with great devotion to od and

    &r& +acing east@ and observing care+&lly all aro&nd@ noting o#ens i+ any.

    tanza %. J The ti#e +or this #&st be neither too early in the #orning nor too advanced

    in the #idday. 4t #&st be done when the &n is bright and $leasing.