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Personal Information ManagementAlexandra Basen, Andrea Gilmer, Elizabeth Legere & Sarah Zimmermann

What is PIM?

The practice and the study of the activities people perform in order to acquire, organize, maintain, retrieve and use information items for everyday use to complete tasks (work-related or not) and fulfill a person’s various roles.

PIM and E-mail

Email has become our primary means of communication. We use our email to schedule appointments, save important memories, and share information with others.

Figure 2 Model of the human brain

Figure 1. Wikipedia page for personal information management…and cat!

Figure 3. Gmail inbox

Figure 4. Comparison of the Apple Newton to the iPhone

PIM Tools

PIM tools are types of applications and software that work like a personal organizer. Types of information managed by PIM tools include journals, address books, e-mail etc. Optimizing human-machine interaction is the main long-term goal of successful PIM tools.

Figure 5. Locked journal – information security

PIM and Security

As our personal information becomes more digitized, we open doors for others to access our information.  This problem with security that we face is difficult to solve since it also ties into privacy laws and what exactly should be protected.

ReferencesClaessens, J. P., Bart; Vandewalle, Joos. (2002). A tangled

World Wide Web of security issues. 1396-0466. Jones, W. (2004). Finders, keepers? The present and future

perfect in support of personal information management. First Monday, 9(3-1).

Jones, W.P. & Teevan, J. (2007). Personal information management. Washington: University of Washington Press.

The Human Brain and PIM

To design effective PIM tools, we must understand how our brains store, process, and retrieve information. Good PIM tools aid knowledge organization by capitalizing on our cognitive strengths.

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Oral History Collections: Organization & Access

Paul Clarke, Lee Ann Fullington & Cassie Mey

LIS 653-03, Professor Pattuelli 4/22/10 Final Project

Rutgers and Brooklyn Historical Society: A

Comparison of Practices 

• Goal of both: to provide at least one access point to oral history projects. BHS also aims to unite audio with transcripts and place collection online

• Internal organization based on existing resources. Rutgers uses collection level MARC; BHS uses Past Perfect museum collection management

• The priority level of OH projects within the institution influences the level of access provided

Dance Oral History, NYPL: Donations, Item Formats and

MARC records  

• Item level MARC records• Donated materials

uncontrolled and in various audio formats and conditions

• Multiple records for one interview, especially post preservation...solution: FRBR?

• Access online records at NYPL catalog and WorldCat using faceted search of spoken word

Our Research and Interview Questions:

1. How are Oral History Archives being organized? 2. What are some of the challenges that OHAs face in organizing the collections?3. What are the access points that OHAs provide to the public? 4. Is it possible to develop a more universal standard for OHA organization and access?

Our Conclusions:  

• Individualized approach: using a mix of cataloging and archival standards

• Budget, staffing capabilities and internal priorities influence access levels

• Material formats and donor rights also determine if and how the interviews are made accessible

• Donated interviews are uncontrolled and can lack proper documentation

  How feasible is a universal standard for the organization and access of 

Oral Histories?

LaGuardia and Wagner Archive: Permissions and Access

 • Item level organization through

specialized enumeration system

• Access point on the web site is through a finding aid

• Donor rights and permissions are key legal components to provide users access to the interviews

• Utilizing new media such as Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube to provide user access in new ways


Grimsley, R.L., & Wynne, S. C. (2009). Creating access to oral histories in academic libraries.     College & Undergraduate Libraries, 16 (4), 278-299.  McKay, N. (2004). Curating oral history: Survey results. Retrieved from Nicolas, Y. (2005). Folklore requirements for bibliographic records: Oral traditions and FRBR.     Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 39 (3/4), 179-195.

Wynne, S. C. (2009). Cataloging oral histories: Creating MARC records for individual oral history interviews.Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 47 (6), 561-582.   

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LibraryThing and Social Cataloguing

LIS 653 Spring, 2010Corinne NearyMichael HollitscherRicca Gaus

Main Entry: folksonomyPart of Speech: nDefinition: a type of classification system for online content, created by an individual user who tags information with freely chosen keywords; also, the cooperation of a group of people to create such a classification systemEtymology: 2005; folk + taxonomytax·on·o·my[tak-son-uh-mee] –noun1.the science or technique of classification.2.Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms.


Where it works best:Domain

• Large corpus• No formal

categories• Unstable entities• Unrestricted entities• No clear edges

Users• Large corpus• No formal

categories• Unstable entities• Unrestricted entities• No clear edges


Where it works best:Domain

• Small corpus• Formal categories• Stable entities• Restricted entities• Clear edges

Users• Expert catalogers• Authoritative source

of judgment• Coordinated users• Expert users


 -Lawson, K. (2009) Mining Social Tagging Data for Enhanced Subject Access for Readers and Researchers.  The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 25, 574-582.

-Rolla, P. J. (2009) User Tags versus Subject Headings: Can User-Supplied Data Improve Subject Access to Library Collections?  Library Resources & Technical Services, 53(3), 174-184.

-Shirky, Clay. "Ontology is Overrated: Catagories, Links, and Tags." Clay Shirky's Writings About the Internet. 2 Oct. 2009

-Reamy, Tom. "Folksonomy Folktales." 29 Sept. 2009. KM World. 2 Oct. 2009

-Earley, Seth. "Folksonomy versus Taxonomy." Not Otherwise Categorized. 15 Feb. 2007. Earley & Associates. 3 Oct. 2009

Libraries Using LibraryThing

Danbury Public Library

First library to use LTFL in May 2007“Adding tags makes our catalog a win-win situation for everyone - librarians get to keep our subject headings, and patrons get keywords and tags that they understand.” -Merry Uk, Webmaster, Danbury Public Library

Seattle Public Library

Monthly Statistics-14,000+ similar title links clicked through-1,300+ variant edition links clicked on-3,000+ multi-click tag sessions-13,000+ reviews viewed -Lare Mischo, Systems Librarian, Seattle Public Library

LibraryThing and Users

Current Use:User driven content descriptions, classification, reviews, tag clouds, etc.

“People don’t want a library that acts like just a glorified card catalog online. They want a catalog that’s as good as Google or Amazon.” -Gail Richardson, Oakville Public Library (ONT.)

PossibilitiesIncorporation of user-created tags into existing controlled vocabularies.

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Cataloging Body ArtUsing ICONCLASS to classify

0 Abstract, Non-representational 1 Religion and Magic2 Nature3 Human being, Man in general4 Society, Civilization, Culture5 Abstract Ideas and Concepts6 History7 Bible8 Literature9 Classical Mythology and Ancient History

2. Nature 25. Earth, world as celestial body 25F. Animals 25F7. Lower animals 25F71. Anthropods 25F711. Insects 25F711(BUTTERFLY)

Cataloging tattoos

If you have the tattoo artist's actual drawing, then you can classify it as "art original" and give that tattoo artist credit.  You would have a physical object that you could then describe and therefore catalog.

If the tattoo is on the body of a person, a photograph of the tattoo must be made.  The photograph becomes your physical object and you can then catalog it.

Can FRBR be used for tattoos?

Yes, if fully implemented.

Offers a more detailed approach to areas – in this case, culture, specifically art form, i.e. mehndi or henna tattoos.

Different Websites catalog in different ways:

Blogs use tag clouds to organize their entries.

Tattoo design Websites organize their designs according to very broad categories.

Tattoo shop Websites usually group their tattoos by artist. Once you get to that level, you have to scroll to find what you want.

Flickr and other sharing sites group tattoos under tags determined by the users, which doesn’t really provide cohesiveness to searches. They do, however, usually include the stories behind the tattoos.

Elissa Hunter, Gretchen King, Kay Menick, Keisha Miller

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Cultural Heritage: Access and Digitization in the Modern WorldAriella Feller & Elisabeth Gattullo


-World Wide Web Consortium that develops standards for the web

-Ultimate goal is to provide long-term web growth


-Goal of the project is to develop technical solutions and integrated systems for the digital preservation of audio-visual material


-Developed for ordinary citizens to access cultural heritage services

-Interested in providing access on a local level

Questions Raised 1. What types of programs are in place to secure the protection of cultural heritage items?2. Do countries have a duty to protect cultural materials? 3. Does the move to digitization help or hinder the overall purpose of cultural heritage preservation?

Dr. Pattuelli LIS 653-03

Preserving Offensive Images

-Are cultures obligated to preserve materials that have affected them if they find the materials offensive?

Ex: Danish cartoons and Islamic cultural institutions

ConclusionsCultural artifacts remain a vitally important part of any society’s history and as such must be preserved for the study of future generations.

Using new digitization technologies, librarians the world over, help keep cultural heritage relevant and accessible.


Access to Native American Culture

-Who really owns American Indian Culture?

-What is the best way to preserve and protect culture while leaving it accessible to the society it comes from?

Cultural Heritage and War

-Cultural heritage artifacts are almost always a casualty of war

-Iraq and the destruction of the national archives

ReferencesCloonan, M. V. (2007) The Paradox of preservation. Library Trends, 56 (1), 133-47.

Fischer, A. (2008) Pride, preservation, progress: native rights advocate speaks on cultural heritage. Library of Congress Information Bulletin, 67(12), 229.

Frank, R. (2005) Jerusalem conference on the digitisation of cultural heritage. Library Hi Tech News, 22(1), 10-11.

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WHAT IS SUBJECT ACCESS (SA)?“If the focus of the bibliographic description is the artifact

—the precise capture of its physical and textual facts—the focus of subject headings work is the library user and his or her content-related needs and expectations.”

- Jeffrey Garrett, “Subject Headings in Full-Text Environments”

SA, Artwork, and ARTstorIconography complicates the issue of

creating subject access for a work of art, such as a digital image of an artwork as one would find in ARTstor. In order to create strong subject terms, image catalogers must be aware of the point at which they make the transition from a factual reading to an interpretive reading.

ARTstor uses VRA Core 4.0 to create metadata for its images, but the fact that the ‘subject’ element in this schema is optional, combined with the individualized methodology of ARTstor’s many contributors, means that subject access in ARTstor’s collection is highly irregular at best.

Figure 1. The value of subject headings in the OPAC. From T. Gross & A. G. Taylor, “What Have We Got to Lose?”

LIS 653-02

Figure 3. ARTstor metadata for George Bellows, Pennsylvania Excavation (1907-1909)


Subject access in maps rests largely on geographic expanse, however there is some dispute as to whether that is considered a subject heading or not. The cataloger must make a careful assessment to determine whether map labeling is correct or not. Library of Congress is currently working to revise the genre/form headings for cartographic materials, but it will likely be a challenge for libraries to implement those revisions.

Figure 4. Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division

ReferencesGarrett, J. (2007). Subject headings in full-text

environments: The ECCO experiment. College & Research Libraries, 68(1), 69-81.

Gross, T., & Taylor, A. (2005). What have we got to lose? The effect of controlled vocabulary on keyword searching results. College & Research Libraries, 66(3), 212-30.

Jesperson, H.P. & Jesperson, J.K. (2004). The problem of subject access to visual materials. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 42(1), 37-48.

Library of Congress. (1991). Map cataloging manual. Washington, D.C.: Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress.

In 1876, Charles Cutter first proposed the function of subject access in the library catalog, revolutionizing the discovery of available resources by information seekers. Today, even with the luxury of keyword and cross-field OPAC searches, subject headings still provide that crucial third discovery point: succinct assessment of the topic or aboutness of an item. Subject heading terminology often provides the most relevant or the only hits in a keyword search.

Conceptual analysis presents challenges even for traditional print materials, but image catalogers face a number of unique issues and challenges in trying to determine and describe the subject of visual materials.

Figure 2. ARTstor metadata for C. Y. A. Azaglo, Untitled (1964)


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