predicting enterprise cyber incidents using social network …ssarka18/cyber_cycon.pdf ·...

Predicting enterprise cyber incidents using social network analysis on the darwkeb hacker forums Soumajyoti Sarkar, Mohammad Almukaynizi, Jana Shakarian, Paulo Shakarian Department of Computer Science Arizona State University

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Predicting enterprise cyber incidents using social network analysis on the darwkeb

hacker forums

Soumajyoti Sarkar, Mohammad Almukaynizi, Jana Shakarian, Paulo Shakarian

Department of Computer Science

Arizona State University

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Cyber Attack Prediction with Unconventional Signals1. “When” will the cyber attack happen?

2. “What” are the indicators of the attack?

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Cyber Attack Prediction with Unconventional SignalsFeature extraction periodvuln. Feature extractionSocial signal extraction

Attack ML chain

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Cyber Attack Prediction with Unconventional SignalsSocial signal extraction

1. Use social network analysis on hacker forum discussions

2. Enterprise specific trained models

Interaction patternsfrom darkweb forums

ML model

Predict future attacks

Attack ML chain

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Dataset-Enterprise attacks❑ Data available from a research program** that provided cyber

attack incidents from Armstrong corporation.

❑ Period of April 2016 to September 2017.

❑ Two kinds of attacks reported in the Ground Truth data from Armstrong:

❑ Malicious Email: an email contains a malicious email attachment to a known malicious destination.

❑ Endpoint malware: malware discovered on an endpoint device


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Dataset-Darkweb forums & CVE❑ Use the SDK provided by a commercial entity, that provides structured forum data in a given time frame.

– Attributes: content, user id, post time, forum id

❑ Filter out forums based on a threshold number of posts

– timeframe of January 2016 to September 2017

– 53 forums considered in our study

❑ Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures- maintained on a platform operated by the MITRE corporation

❑ vulnerabilities mentioned in the forums in the period from January 2016 to October 2017.

❑ The total number of unique CVE mentions – 3553 across all forums

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Prediction task

Machine Learning models that input these time series and outputs incident chances

Use the time series of features to predict the time series of the attacks

2 hyperparameters: ηand δ


Daily attacks



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Networks for time series features


t1 t2 tn

Need to compute features from networks analyzing interactions in each forum on a daily basis

[t1 - ∆, t1 - ∆+T]


Daily Directed Networks• Nodes: Users

• Edges: Thread replies


Assess streaming interaction patterns between users as signals

Filter out edges✓ Filter out nodes

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Networks for time series features


t1 t2 tn

Assess interaction patterns between experts and daily users as signals

Need to compute features from networks analyzing interactions in each forum on a daily basis

[t1 - ∆, t1 - ∆+T]


Daily Directed Networks• Nodes: Users

• Edges: Thread replies


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Networks for time series features


t1 t2 tn

Need to compute features from networks analyzing interactions in each forum on a daily basis

[t1 - ∆, t1 - ∆+T]


2 steps1. Extract experts from this historical network

2. Curate features analyzing interactions between experts

and daily users

Daily Directed Networks• Nodes: Users

• Edges: Thread replies


Assess interaction patterns between experts and daily users as signals

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Expert usersExtract set of users with credible knowledge about CVEs from the historical reply networks

induced in T

1. Mentioned CVE at least once in the time period T in their posts

2. At least one CVE mentioned should be in the top software groups during T

3. The in-degree of the users should cross a threshold

1. An expert – mentions important CVEs in its posts and which

also receive higher # replies

2. Attention broadcast from these experts leveraged as

indicators for a correlating cyber attack

expert users

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Hypothesis of experts❑ Time periods of 3 widely known security breaches: the Wannacry ransomware attack, the Petya

cyber attack and the Equifax breach attack

❑ Statistical Testing❑ Null hypothesis: Experts interact less than regular posters with CVE mentions prior to important security breaches

❑ Alternate hypothesis: Experts interact more than regular posters with CVE mentions

❑ Conduct a 2 sample t-test by randomly picking 4 weeks from the datasetThe null hypothesis is rejected at α = 0.01 with p value of 0.7e-4.

The null hypothesis is not rejected at α = 0.01 with p value of 0.05.

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Hypothesis of experts❑ Time periods of 3 widely known security breaches: the Wannacry ransomware attack, the Petya

cyber attack and the Equifax breach attack

❑ Statistical Testing❑ Null hypothesis: Experts interact less than regular posters with CVE mentions prior to important security breaches

❑ Alternate hypothesis: Experts interact more than regular posters with CVE mentions

❑ Conduct a 2 sample t-test by randomly picking 4 weeks from the datasetThe null hypothesis is rejected at α = 0.01 with p value of 0.7e-4.

The null hypothesis is not rejected at α = 0.01 with p value of 0.05.

Suggests that during important security breaches

1. experts tend to interact more prior to than other users who

randomly post CVEs

2. interactions with these experts are more correlated with an important cyber security event.

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Measuring impact of interactions - evolving networks

❑ Try to analyze the path structure between experts and regular posters

❑ See if posts that get attention from experts can be used as markers for attack prediction



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Features for the prediction task

Feature Group Feature Brief description

Expert Centric

Graph Conductance

Path structure between the experts and the daily users assessing information flow,

shortest paths and the community structures

Shortest Path

Expert Replies

Common Communities

Forum/User metadata

# threads

Metadata about the forums and the experts

# users

# expert threads

# CVE mentions

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Path structure measures

Shortest Paths

experts non-experts

Graph Conductance

Probability of random walks originating from experts to the rest of the interaction graph

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Hyper parameter settings❑ We consider a span of 1 week time window η while keeping δ = 8 days.

❑ Class imbalance issue❑ for malicious-email, out of 335 days considered in the dataset, there have been reported attacks

on 97 days which constitutes a positive class ratio of around 29%.

❑ for endpoint-malware the total number of attack days are 31 out of 306 days of considered span in the training dataset which constitutes a positive class ratio of around 10%

❑ Training – Test split❑ 70%-30% averaged to the nearest month separately for each event-type❑ October 2016 to May 2017 (8 months) – training data ❑ June 2017 to August 2017 (3 months) – test data malicious-email

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Results – Longitudinal Logistic regression

❑ Graph conductance (GC) with a precision of 0.44, recall of 0.65 and an F1 score of 0.53

❑ # threads – precision 0.43, recall 0.59 and F1 score of 0.5 against random guess F1 of 0.34

❑ Random guess over the days – F1 score of 0.34

Malicious email



# threads


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Prediction in high activity weeksMalicious email

❑ Communities feature having a precision of 0.7 and a recall of 0.63 and an F1 score of 0.67 ❑ #times CVE mentioned with a precision of 0.51 and recall of 0.82 and an F1 score of 0.62❑ random (no priors) F1 score of 0.48

❑ Unlike the results over all the days, for these specific weeks, the model achieves high precision while maintaining comparable recall

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Results – Feature CombinationMalicious email

❑ Training the model with all features over windowed time points would require regularization (p ≈ n)

❑ Use L1, L2 and Group Lasso regularization

❑ The F1 score obtained at η=7 days and δ=8 days: 0.56 against the single GC feature having F1 score: 0.53.

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Results – Comparison with network centralities

❑ We obtain an F1 score of 0.41 from the outdegree and betweenness metrics ❑ Additionally, filtering users creating posts with CVE mentions does not help much.

❑ Computing node significance measures alone does not help much in prediction

Malicious email