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For Environment Clearance from MOEF under EIA Notification Dated 14 th September, 2006 as Amended Prefeasibility Report

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Page 1: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

For Environment Clearance from MOEF under EIA

Notification Dated 14th September, 2006 as Amended

Prefeasibility Report

Page 2: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015



-Location: Village - Pampapur


1. -

2. Geographical Co-ordinates LATITUDE

23°11'20.97"N 23°11'20.14"N 23°11'17.59"N 23°11'17.86"N 23°11'21.05"N 23°11'22.13"N 23°11'22.95"N 23°11'22.92"N

River -

Nalla - 1.00 km

Pond - 325 m

Canal - 10.00km

4. -


6. -

7. -

8. -

9. -

10. -

Hilly Land devoid of vegitation

Ordinary stone

Ketka Reserve Forest around 1.00 km (South) from the lease


Name of Reserve Forest(s), Wild Life

Sanctuary/National Park

Altitude - Max. 579 aMSL and Min. 567 aMSL

Surface slope - Towards West

Toposheet No.- 64I/16

Topography of the area

82°50'50.97"E 82°50'51.30"E


Canal towards south-west near

Jagarnathpur village area

Reservoir - 40.00


Hasdeo Bango Reservoir Towards south

- West.

-Name of River/ Nallahs /Tanks /Spring

/ Lakes etc. Sutiya Nalla towards west near

Pampapur village area

Life of Mine

Mining Lease Area & Type of Land

Pond towards north-east


82°50'47.55"E 82°50'44.47"E



Tehsil/Taluka Surajpur

Name of Company/Mine


1.922 / Government Land


82°50'43.63"E 82°50'45.41"E

6.00 km (Rehar river at north-east)


Mineral Reserve (in tons) Geological Reserve - 1020434.75 tons.

Recoverable Reserve - 472641.52 tons.





Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.

Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine

Anand Kumar Singhal



Scientific mining of Ordinary stone for proposed capacity of

maximum 47635.42 MT per year.

Project Proposal

Name of Mineral Mined

Maximum 47635.42 MT/year

10 years for the excavation of recoverable reserve of

472641.52 MT

Rate of Production (in tons)

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 3: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.

11. -

12. -

13. -

14. -

15. 1. 1.922 Hect.

2. 1.467 Hect.

3. 0.455 Hect.

4. 0 Hect.5. 0 Hect.

6. 0 Hect.

1.922 Hect.7. 0.273 Hect.

8. 0.273 Hect.

9. 0.182 Hect.

16. -

17. -

18. -

19. -

20. -

Anand Kumar Singhal

Registered office

S/o. Shri Ratan Lal Agrawal

Ward no. 15, Hospital Colony

Village/Post - Surajpur

Tehsil - Surajpur

District - Surajpur

State - Chhattisgarh

Mine Office Village - PampapurE-MailProspecting Agency

Type of Activity

Mining Method

Unused Area within Lease area

Dumping Area proposed within

proposed Statutory/mine Boundary

Plantation Area proposed over the

dump on dumping area

Break-up of Land Utilization Pattern

Total Area (2+3+4+5+6) =

Any Other (Specify)

Not Applicable

Solid waste/Tailings

Cost of Project (Rs. Lacs) Rs. 4 lacs


Water Requirement & Source Requirement - 6 kilo litre per day, Source - Mine pit/Setting

tank, dug well and tube well of nearby village within

permited limits.

Top Soil & OB - total 3216.54 cum (Maximum yearly

generation @ 1267.88 cum). IBM approval: Date

Total Lease Area

Area proposed under mining pits

Area covered by statuary/mine

Area covered by crusherArea Kept for storage of stone

Natural drainage towards West

No Activity Zone on Mine Boundary as

per MMR 1961

Name and Address of the company /


Ground Water table Intersection


Drainage Pattern/ Water Courses

Yes - Jack hammer drill / low capacity scientific controlled

blast is proposed to be conducted.Open Cast Semi Mechanized

Below 40 meter from surface level


Anand Kumar Singhal

Open Cast Semi Mechanized Ordinary stone Quarry Mining

Not ApplicableNil

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 4: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.

Utilities (Power, Water Requirement)

Manpower requirement


S/o. Shri Ratan Lal Agrawal

Ward no. 15, Hospital Colony

Village/Post - Surajpur

Tehsil - Surajpur

District - Surajpur

State - Chhattisgarh

(ii) Brief Description of Nature of the Project

For compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015 proponent was submitted quarry plan before

mining authorities and the plan so submitted has been duly approved by the sanctioning authority

vide letter No. 3457/Khanij/2017 Surajpur, Dated 07/11/2017.

(i) Identification of Project and Project Proponent

18 workers per day

The proposed project is mining activity of Ordinary stone with the name of 'Pampapur Ordinary

Stone Mine' which is situated at Khasra no. 1634 at village Pampapur, tehsil Surajpur and district

Surajpur (C.G.). This site is 3.50 km away from district office Surajpur. The quarry lease of Ordinary

stone mining was sanctioned for Lease period 30 years from the date of first commencement of

lease as per rule 38A of MMR 2015 as ammended to project proponent Anand Kumar Singhal

resident of Surajpur district Surajpur (C.G.). The granted lease area is 1.922 and the proposed

maximum production capacity is 47635.42 t. per annum. The excavation of Ordinary stone will be

done by Open Cast Semi Mechanized method with low level intensity scientific controlled blasting.

Letter of Intent for sanction of quarry lease has been granted by collectorate mining branch vide

Proposed Ordinary stone Deposit is located at village Pampapur, Tehsil Surajpur, District Surajpur and

state Chhattisgarh over an area of 1.922 ha. The proposed capacity of the project is maximum 47635.42

tones/annum. Proposed land is Government non forest revenue land. Open Cast Semi Mechanized with

low level intensity scientific controlled blasting method of mining is the most suitable mining procedure

for this mine. This method of mining is used for highest productivity and the lowest cost of any of the

broadly used mining methods Brief description of the project is described below –

(b) Project Proponent : Anand Kumar Singhal

(c) Postal /Correspondence Address of Project Proponent:

(a) Name of the Project: Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine

Anand Kumar Singhal

Power- 5 HP

Water – 6 KLD for Domestic, Dust Suppression & Plantation


Signature of Project Proponent




Page 5: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.



(v) Demand - Supply Analysis

Exploiting this Ordinary stone deposit is important for the country’s long term economic growth

and regional growth. By mining the deposit, the lessee acts as bridge and fills the gap between

demand and supply of Ordinary stone in the market surrounding the area.

Therefore, a ready market is available for the proposed unit hence looking to the use and demand

of Ordinary stone boulders which exist a good scope for the proposed project.

Chhattisgarh is a developing state in map of India. Considering the growth, State Government has

divided the state in 27 districts out of which 9 are recently declared districts. State Government, is

carrying on various Infrastructure development projects in all districts, like Pachri Nirman, Dams,

Over bridge on rivers/nalla, approach roads etc. in addition to these various power plants, steel

plant and cement plants in private sectors are under implementations, all above civil works require

stone boulders in different sizes which is in huge in demand. However supply of stone boulder &

chip in the above sectors are in huge shortage.

Need for the Project and its Importance to the Country and/or Region

Mineral resources of any country are the “TREASURE-TROVE” of its national economy;

Chhattisgarh is one of the richest states in the country with its sparkling mineral wealth. The

Chhattisgarh State has enormous reserves of stone & its variety of varies grades spread over

mainly in Raipur, Raigarh, Balodabazar-Bhatapara, Janjgir-Champa, Durg, Rajnandgaon, sarguja,

Koriya, Balrampur and Bilaspur districts. Stone is basic material for civil building & civil construction

works. The project shall also provide additional revenue to State Government and create direct

and indirect employment opportunities, which will catalyze overall growth of the State and

improve the quality of life of the people living in the region and transform the region’s economy

from predominantly agricultural to significantly industrial and accelerate the pace of regional

development of region. There is huge demand of stone chip in the region as well as throughout

country for the use in construction of House, Canal, Dam, Pachri and other infrastructure etc.

Therefore application is being filed before jurisdictional DEIAA of district Surajpur for getting

permanent environmental clearance before starting of mining activity on granted lease area.

The proposed project is < 5 hect. Minor mineral and non-coal mining project thus it is classified as

“CATEGORY – B2” project under activity 1(a) of the schedule of EIA notification dated 14th

September 2006 as amended by Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, New Delhi

by S.O. 141(E) dated 15 January 2016, hence it comes under jurisdiction of DEIAA.

Stone Chip is basic raw material of civil construction works likes building, dams, roads, etc. for

construction of walls/base.

Demand - Supply Gap

All the other necessary permission and noc’s has been taken by the proponent. Consent to

establish & operate/Air/Water clearances from CGCECB will also be taken if instructed by

jurisdictional DEIAA.

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 6: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.


a) Direct Employment








The details of the lease area are as under:

The Coordinates of the area are:




BL5 23°11'21.05"NBL6 23°11'22.13"NBL7 23°11'22.95"NBL8 23°11'22.92"N


Labors will be required for various purposes like excavation of stone and loading of stone in

various vehicle, management, maintenance & development of mine, making & maintenance of

ramp, transportation of material and book keeping. Experienced personals will be employed as per

the requirement.

Type of Project (Including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any):


The mining establishment presents opportunities of employment to various posts under various

cedars viz. supervisory, skilled workmen, semiskilled workmen and unskilled workmen beside

casual workmen. However the maximum required labours at the site to justify the production of

stone at applied land are detailed below-

Taking standard O.M.S. to be one the strength of labour, a labour can work for 4 tons of mineral in

one sift of 8 hours a day. Considering this parameter the manpower need for project is –


Chowkidars (Experienced)Total

Indirect employment - Driver, cleaner for loader & dumper are the points were labors are

required. Moreover, manager, accountants will also be appointed as per need.

Employment Generation (direct and indirect) due to the Project

District / State







Mining mate (Qualified)

BL2 82°50'43.63"E

Surajpur / ChhattisgarhSurajpur





No of Workers





23°11'17.59"N 82°50'44.47"E

The proposed project is < 5 hect. Minor mineral and non-coal mining project thus it is classified as

“CATEGORY – B2” project under activity 1(a) of the schedule of EIA notification dated 14th

September 2006 as amended by Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, New Delhi

by S.O. 141(E) dated 15 January 2016, hence it comes under jurisdiction of DEIAA.

Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project boundary & project site

layout) with coordinates.





Skilled labours

23°11'20.97"N 23°11'20.14"N

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 7: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.



Waste in Stone

in cum 1945.11









18895.59 cum





- The proposed heights of working bench will be as tabled below. No Separate bench for soil is

proposed. Bench details and specifications are as under -

The excavation activity will be carried out till the depth of 12 m below general ground level or

occurrence of ground water table at the site which ever encountered earlier.

7.50 m boundary will be left from the lease boundary around 4 sides (N, E, S, W) as barrier for

safety provisions, dumping of top soil & OB and afforestation.


7th Year

8th Year





Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/flow chart showing the project

layout, components of the project etc. should be given)-

Top Soil & OB

in cum

3rd Year


Total 472641.48 t



3216.54 cum

9th Year10th Year

It is proposed to carry out mining operation Open Cast Semi Mechanized method. The

development has been proposed for systematic and scientific mining.



4th Year

5th Year

6th Year

The site can be depicted in the toposheet number 64I/16 of Survey of India. Study area map in

Khasra map, toposheet and site specific surface map is attached as Plate-1, Plate -2 and Plate -4 of

enclosed mine plan respectively.

Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the

environmental considerations gone into should be highlighted:

Production During Plan Period


47319.86 1267.88

Stone (ROM)

in tonne

It is naturally occurring rocks which is site specific due to its geological origin. Mining is site specific

project. This lease is being granted by the state govt., hence alternative site is not applicable.

The total applied lease area is 1.922 hectare and total proposed maximum production capacity will

be 47635.42 TPA through Open Cast Semi Mechanized method of mining with low level intensity

scientific controlled blasting. Proposed production details during lease period are shown in below -

Size or Magnitude of Operation:



2nd Year

1st Year 47266.24




Signature of Project Proponent




Page 8: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.





Mineral Bench

Bench Height

3.00 m3.00 m3.00 m

3rd Quarry Bench

4th Quarry Bench

3.00 m


Overall bench slope will be less than 450 with the horizontal.

Adequate slope and water sump will be gradually developed at the working pit.

Large size of stone boulders will be manually sized in to 10 to 12 inches as per the demand.

Drilling equipment’s to be deployed is as under-

3.00 m

Flow chart of the Project

Loading will be done manually or with the help of excavator and J.C.B and the transporting will be

done by 4.5 tones tractor or 10 tones tippers.


Controlled Blasting

Removal of Overburden & Top Soil

Loading by Excavator or Manually

Transportation by Tractor or Tipper

Low level intensity scientific and controlled blasting is proposed to be carried out for production of

Ordinary stone. No deep hole drilling & blasting will be done.

Drilling will be done initially with hand holes and later with the help of jack hammer and

compressed air. Machines specification is given below-

Resizing of stone manually

Drilling and blasting pattern will be d x b x s = depth 1.5m x Burden 1.1m x Spacing 1.2m.

Drilling & Blasting


1st Quarry Bench

3.00 m

Mineral Bench

Mineral Bench

3.00 m

3.00 m

4th Quarry layer

3.00 m

2nd Quarry Bench

3.00 m

3.00 m

Soil LayerSoil + Mineral LayerSoil + Mineral LayerSoil + Mineral Layer

Soil + Mineral Bench

1st Quarry layer

Bench Width along the

periphery of mine

3.00 m3.00 m2nd Quarry layer

3rd Quarry layer

Bench Number Bench Specification

3.00 m3.00 m

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 9: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.

No Make Motive Power

1 Atlas Copco Diesel




Drill Meterage

Special Gelatin

Type Dia of


4-5 ton per Kg47635.42


Broad Blasting Parameters :

Jack Hammer



45 m

The blasting will be conducted on the contract basis through approved blasting contractor,

therefore no need to install magazine at quarry site.

Total Production

32 mm

Raw material/consumables required along with estimated quantity, likely source, marketing

area of final products/s, Mode of transport of raw Material and Finished Product.

Type of explosive:

The excavated mineral will be transported to the destination by tipper/dumper/trucks and broken

Ordinary stone will be loaded manually or by loaders.

It is expected that the total water need is about 6 kilo litre per day in the mine. The details of

water balance of existing / proposed mining project are given below:

Storage of Explosives :

No raw material is required for the mining of Ordinary stone.

Marketing area: Ordinary stone will be used in form of stone chips as building material in civil

constructions activity.

Availability of Water, its source, Energy/power requirement and source should be given -

Ordinary Detonator

Safety Fuse

Water Requirement:

Tonnage per blast hole

Total Blast Hole per day

158.78 t

5.35 MT

Low level intencity, scientific and controlled blasting will be done. The Small blast hole will be

charged with explosives. Details of blasting parameters & blast impact and control measure are

discussed below-

d x b x s = depth 1.5m x Burden 1.1m x Spacing 1.2m.

32 mm

Blast pattern

Dia. of the hole

Powder Factor


32 mm


Daily Production

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 10: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.

Mine Site

Dust Suppression 3.00 KLDGreen Belt 2.00 KLD


Sanitation & Drinking 1.00 KLDTotal 6.00 KLD





S.N. Power requirement

1 5 HP




Energy & Power Requirement and Source

Total (KLD- Kilo Litre Per Day)Process

For Green belt and dust suppression: Water will be made available from quarry mine pit which is

accumulated during the rainy season and shall be collected in settling tank for utilization in green

belt and dust suppression. However, if required, water might be supplied from tube wells .

Domestic usage: Water might be supplied from tube wells.

Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their management/disposal

Fossil Fuels :

Electricity :


Solid Waste:

Top Soil & overburden:

Domestic Purpose

Source of Electricity:

The power requirement for the project will be met by electricity lines of Chhattisgarh State Power

Distribution Copany Limited available at village or nearby site area.

Top soil & OB. 3216.54 cum will be generated in total at the rate of maximum 1267.88 cum per

year for period of approved mine plan.

Electricity will be required for Pumping of water and for administrative building & rest shelters.

The requirement of Power is estimated as under-

Water Balance of Project

Sources of water:

Fuel is to be used in form of diesel for mining operations, compressors and running of tractors and

other transportation vehicles.

Quantity for fuel will depend upon the usage of transportation vehicle and other machineries and

level of achievement of estimated production. Diesel will be outsourced from nearby diesel


Signature of Project Proponent




Page 11: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.






Whatsoever quantity of top soil and overburden generated during the quarrying operation will be

stacked at the periphery of mine along the statutory/mine boundary in such manner that no

stacking will be done at the area of 3 meter from the edge of quarry pit.

Mine/Statutory boundary is 7.50 m wide in order to comply the rules of MMR1961. Out of this

mine/statutory boundary 3.0 m wide area from the edge of mine pit is proposed to left to comply

the provisions of MMR1961. Dumping area is proposed on balance outer 4.50 m wide area of

mine/statutory boundary i.e. after 3.0 m of no activity zone. Threfore saperate dumping area in

the mine is not proposed. Rather outer 4.50 meter wide area under mine/statutory boundary is

itself considered as dumping area. plantation is also proposed on the same dumping area over the

dump. Roads within mine area is also proposed to be constructed within mine boundary only.

Mining Loss or Unusefull Waste Material:

Liquid Effluent:

Selection of Dumping Site:

No sub-grade mineral will be generated during excavation of stone. All ROM mineral will be used.

Only domestic effluent is expected to be generated which will be treated through septic tank

followed by soak pits.

Sub grade material:

All ROM mineral is useful and saleable. 18895.59 cum material may be generated or could not be

recovered as unusefull waste material or mining loss respectivelly during the plan period.

Further if the area for dumping of OB gets short then the land (adjoining or nearby the mine)

owned or controlled by the lessee will be utilised with due permission of district mining office for

dumping of excess OB. Such excess OB dump will be utilised in priority for reclamation at the time

of reclalation of mine.

Sub grade material:

Top Soil & overburden:


No mining waste except from mining losses & OB will be generated during excavation of Ordinary

stone. All ROM mineral will be used. Ordinary stone is usable as building material hence saleable

therefore no mineral waste will be generated which requires their due management.

No sub-grade mineral will be generated during excavation of Ordinary stone. All ROM mineral will

be used. Ordinary stone is usable as building material hence saleable therefore no mineral reject

will be generated which requires their due management.

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 12: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.

a) Top Soil & Overburden :

b) Waste & Subgrade Material :

4. SITE ANALYSISConnectivity


Form & Use : Hilly, Non Forest, Revenue land.

Ownership : Government land.

Forest - Nil Area (ha)- Nil 1.922 Area





No need of planing for dumping management of waste and subgrade material as all ROM is

saleable except Top Soil and Overburden.

Existing land use pattern: Existing land use pattern of the proposed mining area is given in below


(i) waste land

(ii) grazing land,

Manner of waste disposal & configuration:

The climate of Surajpur district in general and the Surajpur in particular is characterized by a hot

summer and a well-distributed rainfall during the southwestern monsoon season extending from

end of June to October. The area has 4 well-defined seasons in a year. The winter season

commences from early December and continues up to the end of February, summer season

extends from March to early June, rainy season generally from mid-June to September and the

post-monsoon season from October to November.

Climate Data from Secondary Sources:

Top Soil initially removed will be temprerorly stacked on mine boundary or other location within

lease area. Then whatsoever quantity of overburden & unusefull waste generated during the

quarrying operation will be spread at the periphery of mine along the mine boundary on specified

dumping areas. After proper dumping of OB and unusefull waste on mine boundary the preserved

Top Soil will be spreyed over the OB and/or unsuefull waste dump. Stack of dump OB, waste & Top

soil so developed is proposed to be stabilized the by grass plantation or cutting of local bushes and

dence plantation on it as per plantation programme so that spillage of dump does not occur in the


Further if the area for dumping of OB gets short then the land (adjoining or nearby the mine)

owned or controlled by the lessee will be utilised with due permission of district mining office for

dumping of excess OB. Such excess OB dump will be utilised in priority for reclamation at the time

of reclalation of mine.

Land form, Land Use & Land Ownership

(iii) Agriculture land,

(iv) others (specify)

The area is approachable from district office Surajpur by fair weather road. The area is 3.50 km

from Surajpur. The applied area is 3.50km away from Surajpur bus stand. Hospital is available at

Pampapur at 500 m/Surajpur at 3.50 km distance. The nearest railway station is at Surajpur

(11.50km) (S.E.C.RLY) and Nearest active airport is Raipur (250.00 km).

Forest Area Non-forest Area

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 13: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.





Proposed Land Use Pattern of Proposed Quarry Lease Area

1. 1.922 Hect.

2. 1.467 Hect.

3. 0.455 Hect.

4. 0 Hect.

5. 0 Hect.

6. 0 Hect.

1.922 Hect.

7. 0.273 Hect.

8. 0.273 Hect.

9. 0.182 Hect.

(iii) Assessment of infrastructure demand (physical and social)

Total Area (2+3+4+5+6) =

The project is very small in magnitude. The project will employ most of the workers from nearby

villages. There will not be any increase in population of the area due to the establishment of

project. However, few people from other area may migrate in this area for business opportunities.

Planning concept (type of industries, facilities, transportation etc.) Town and country

Planning/Development authority Classification-

Area covered by crusher

No Activity Zone on Mine Boundary as per MMR


Area Kept for storage of stone

The road facility is already available which shall be used and properly maintained. Preference will

be given to local labor from nearby villages. Other requisite infrastructure as transport of mine

labors is available by way of jeep, two-wheeler. Medical facility is available for first aid at project


Unused Area within Lease area

Dumping Area proposed within proposed

Statutory/mine BoundaryPlantation Area proposed over the dump on

dumping area

Total Lease Area

Area proposed under mining pits

Area covered by statuary/mine boundary

Proposed Land Use Planning

Planning concept: It is a Ordinary stone mining project, for safe, scientific & systematic working to

follow the principles of safety & conservation of human health & mineral the planning for mining

of stone shall be governed by the approved Quarry Plan under Chhattisgarh Minor Mineral Rules,

2015 vide letter No. 3457/Khanij/2017 Surajpur, Dated 07/11/2017.

Population projection:

The study area consists of essentially Hilly land with a very small pit.The general slope is towards

West. Maximum Altitude of the applied area is 579m AMSL at North-Eastern part while lowest side

is 567m AMSL at Western part of lease area .


Social Infrastructure Available

Power line, telephone line, school, bank, govt. office, Hospital, Police station etc. at Surajpur.

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 14: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.


(i) Industrial Area (Processing Area)

Not Applicable



Under the afforestation plan, plantation in nearby villages and connecting roads be undertaken.

The implementation for development of greenbelt will be of paramount importance as it will not

only add up as an aesthetic feature but will also act as a pollution sink. The species to be grown in

the areas should be dust tolerant and fast growing species so that a permanent greenbelt is

created. Plantation in the barrier zone and roads is necessary as these areas will contain fine

particulates resulting from mining operation and vehicle movement Plantation will also be carried

out as social forestry programme in village, school and the areas allocated by the Panchayat/State

authorities. Native plants like Neem, Peepal, Khejri and other local species will be planted. A

suitable combination of trees that can grow fast and also have good leaf cover shall be adopted to

develop the greenbelt.

Site services are required per the statutory provisions i.e rest shelters, toilets, drinking water

facilities, safety appliances, and regular medical checkup facilities are suitably needs to be

provided for labors and their families. The health and safety of the employees is required to be

given first priority during the mining operation. Training program organize for first aid.

Amenities / Facilities:

The road facility is already available around 480 m from the site which shall be used and properly


Apart from indirect manpower requirement for Driver, cleaner for loader & dumper, manager,

accountants; approx. 18 labours will be required directly for mining operation.

Other requisite infrastructure: Transport of mine labors is available by way of jeep, two-wheeler.

Medical facility is available for first aid at project site.

Power line, telephone line, school, bank, govt. office, Hospital, Police station etc. are the other

requisites needed for mine operation and social facilitation.

Residential Area (Non Processing Area)

Specified first Aid station is needed to be maintained at the site office and the rest shelter as per

applicable statutory provision.

First aid:

Office and stores:

No residential area is proposed for the project except temporary rest shelters proposed for labors.

Site Services:

Specific amenities / facilities are not required in this mining project. However the same can be

provided as per prescribed instructions.

Road & Connectivity:

Manpower Requirement:

Office and stores is needed to be provided as per applicable statutory provision.

Green belt

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 15: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.




Occupational Health and Safety works as follow-







Yearwise plantation will be done on Nearby area of the School, at the govt. waste land provided by

the Govt., at Own Private Land and nearby State Highway road and district or public roads etc.

Drinking water is available in dug well and tube well at nearby village of the applied area which is

portable, pure and clean. It is also proposed to provide hand pump if needed in the lease area for

mitigating of drinking water, such hand pump will be arranged after taking statutory permission.

Sewerage System: No construction or sewage waste is expected from the mining process.

However the domestic waste from the toilets shall be given treatment through septic tank and

soak pit arrangement.

1st Year


Along boundary of quarry area 160

Develop and implement training sessions for management, supervisors and workers on

health and safety practices and legislation;

Awareness program be conducted about likely occupational health hazards so as to have

preventive action in place.

Occupational Health and Safety are important. Periodic assessment of it will be useful. Identifying

workplace hazards, assessing risks to employee health and safety, are important. Health and Safety

points are also important in many of the environmental aspects of the workplace.

Drinking Water Management (source & supply of water):

Afforestation program shall be started with the commencement of mining operation with

simultaneous clearing of land by spreading of clay lumps along barrier of lease boundary. 2.5m X

2.5m spacing with 0.6m depth have been suggested for sapling pits on which local species i.e.

Pipal, Neen, Aam, Arjun, Jamun, Imli, Sirus, Sisu, Karanj will be planted as the following manner-


Except dust generation there is no source which can show a probability for health related

diseases and proper dust suppression will control dust generation and dispersion.

Promote occupational health and safety within workers in mine and develop safer and

healthier ways of working;

Seesam, Bargad, Neem, Aam,

Pipal, etc.

For the social developmental program on the need base assessment some development program

will be undertaken by the project proponent i.e. development of or maintenance of urinals, toilets,

safety appliances & training program, confirming availability of pure and clean drinking water,

periodic health checkup program, transportation facility to labours and their children’s to schools


Social infrastructure


Signature of Project Proponent




Page 16: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.





S.N. Power requirement

1 5 HP





The proposed mining project will be started after obtaining Environmental Clearance of quarry

lease and order to enter in lease area by District Collector (Mining Branch). Consent to establish &

operate from CGCECB will also be taken if instructed by DEIAA.

Effect on Flora & Fauna:

Mining is restricted to very small area. No study have been conducted or record found on effect on

Floora & Fauna for mine area. However mining activity causes impact on flora and fauna due to

land degradation/deforestation etc.,

Likely date of start construction and likely date of completion (time schedule for project) –

Fossil Fuels :

Electricity :


Domestic Purpose

Source of Electricity:

Fuel is to be used in form of diesel for mining operations and running of ractors and other

transportation vehicles. Quantity for fuel will depend upon the usage of transportation vehicle and

other machineries and level of achievement of estimated production. Diesel will be outsourced

from nearby diesel pumps.

The power requirement for the project will be met by electricity lines of Chhattisgarh State Power

Distribution Copany Limited available at village or nearby site area.

No R&R plan is required as the mine area does not cover any habitation. Hence the mining activity

does not involve any displacement of human settlement. No public buildings, places, monuments

etc. exist within the lease area or in the vicinity of the mine lease area. The mining operation will

not disturb/ relocate any village or need resettlement. Thus no adverse impact is anticipated.

Impact of the stone mining will be positive, as it will upgrade the socio-economic status of local

inhabitants in the nearby areas by giving employments to poor people of nearby villages. Due to

this positive impact the living standard will increase and will lead to educational upliftment.

Power requirement & supply/source:

Electricity will be required for Pumping of water and for administrative building & rest shelters.

The requirement of Power is estimated as under-

Industrial waste management: No industrial waste will be generated.

Signature of Project Proponent




Page 17: Prefeasibility Report - compliance of Rule 24 and 63 to 66 of MMR 2015

Pre - Feasibility ReportFor Pampapur Ordinary Stone Mine at Village - Pampapur

Tehsil- Surajpur & District- Surajpur, State- Chhattisgarh.

B) Estimated project cost of the project -

S.N. Amount in Lacs

1 -

2 1.00

3 1.00

4 1.00

5 1.00








Date : / /2017

Place : Surajpur

Anand Kumar Singhal

The Project is viable and environmental friendly as it’s a development project for the State &


Increased financial benefits accruing to state and central agencies by ways of taxes, royalties,

cesses etc.

Signature of the applicant

Mining Machineries & Equipment’s

Land Development & Establishment cost


Total Cost of Project :

The Proposal is for the Environment Clearance of the Proposed Mine.

The quarry project will create local employment to the villagers and they will get employment in

nonagricultural season.

The Proposal does not require further Infrastructure facilities other than few Mining


In any human activity there are always possibilities of finding various options. Project proponent has

decided to examine and adopt one such option that will be both environment friendly and best suited

for Ordinary stone production. Various alternatives in terms of site, technology, and equipment are

considered. A final selection is thus arrived–"


Land Cost (Government land)

Administrative Building & Rest Shelters

Signature of Project Proponent

