preliminary evaluation

Preliminary Evaluatio n

Upload: tallulatzuke

Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Preliminary Evaluation


Page 2: Preliminary Evaluation

What went well?

I think that my group worked well together producing a well thought out preliminary task. We included all the shots that were needed to practice and show our new camera skills. We made our preliminary task interesting and enjoyable to watch. We also added in other extra skills we had learned from previous lessons such as how thrillers use sound to create tension.

Page 3: Preliminary Evaluation

What could have been improved?

If I could have done this again I would have liked to add in more camera shots such as a close up of the main characters feet, this would have added more tension and I believe it would have made it better. I also think that our transition could have been better because it didn't have a complete flow to it. I also think that adding in more sound effects would have made our preliminary scarier. The continuity in our shots could have been improved for example, if we had more time we could have made sure the door opened at the same angle and not half way through opening it.

Page 4: Preliminary Evaluation

What was difficult? The most difficult thing was the editing, this was because

we had filmed the scene so many time because we kept doing it wrong or laughing. This made it hard because we had to find the best clips within our selection that we had filmed and try and make sure that the continuity was still good. Another thing that was difficult was finding a location where we would not get disturbed or distracted. There was also the problem of our opinions on certain things but we all tried to make sure that everyone's ideas were incorporated to make it a group effort rather than one team leader. This was also the first time some of the group had used the technology so it meant we had to go through how to use the camera, this is good because now when it come to doing our real task we all know how to use the cameras.

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What problems can you see happening and how can you over

come them?I think we work well as a group in terms of sharing and using everyone's ideas but I can see problems such as getting all of the group together at one time and trying to get our filming done within an appropriate amount of time because we all participate in outside of school activities so it is hard to find time when we are all free. To over come this we are going to plan date in advance so that nothing can interrupt our filming time and make sure we cancel things that are not important so that we can do well in our thriller film beginning. Also I think another problem is going to be the equipment we have does not communicate with each other very well, this makes it hard to put our clips on the computer. We have decided to use our own equipment from home such as our own mac laptop and own camera so that we can be sure that none of the videos go missing etc.

Page 6: Preliminary Evaluation

How did the story board help you How did the story board help you plan? plan?

• It helped us to have a clear understanding of where and what we would be filming so that when we filmed it we weren't messing around and wasting time o try and figure out what we had to do. It also gave us a visual of what our final film would look like so that if we had things that we didn’t like we could change it there and then rather than later. This helped save time.