preliminary planning and research

OCR Media Studies – AS Level Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media Planning & Research Name: William Hennegan Candidate Number: 3057 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number:35421 Set Brief - Print Music Magazine – Production Preliminary Task Progression and Planning & Research

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Page 1: Preliminary planning and research

OCR Media Studies – AS Level

Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media

Planning & Research

Name: William HenneganCandidate Number: 3057Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number:35421

Set Brief - Print

Music Magazine – Production

Preliminary Task Progression and Planning & Research

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Section 1) – Preliminary Task

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Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceFront CoverStep-by-step

To start, I changed the colour of my background by creating a new shape and using the gradient tool to change the colours at the top of the page to white at the bottom of the page.

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I then added the masthead (Friday Club) and strapline using the text ,resize and colour pallet tool. The font was ‘Market Deco’ and was taken from I then coloured it yellow and added a Black stroke around the outside.

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I then added my main image. I used the quick selection tool to take a basic outline of my subject. I then pressed ‘Q’ and used the brush tool to select a moor accurate outline of my subject to maintain a higher quality image.

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I then created a circle, filled it in yellow, added a black stroke and then added text using ‘Market Deco’ and filling the text in with the same Navy blue used in the background.

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I then created a barcode. I created a white square, filled it in with an image of a barcode. I then added two social media logos after resizing them (Twitter and Instagram). After this I added three text boxes with black text (Issue 1, Dec 11, £3.99). Finally, I added the mast head above the finished barcode, coloured it yellow and added a black stroke.

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I then added a stripe in the header to create a banner and coloured it in the same yellow as the mast head. I added the school logo to the top of the page, using the ruler tool to make sure it was central. Finally I added the Magazine’s URL address to the magazine’s website.

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I then added a slogan to go behind the main image and in line with the masthead. I made the font the same colour as the masthead. I then added a rectangular shape, made it the same colour as the mast head and added a black stroke and the navy blue text expressing “exclusive” and gave it a black stroke.

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I then added a group of cover lines on the left side corresponding with the content expected inside the magazine. I coloured the text in with yellow, gave a select few of the texts black strokes. I then added smaller images relating to these coverlines.

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Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceContents PageStep-by-step

I first started by creating a gradient effect over the background. I then changed the colour to Navy Blue, transitioning to white.

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I then added a mast head by using the font ‘Market Deco’. The text reads “Friday Club Contents”. I filled the text in yellow and added a black stroke effect. I then created my editorial using the shape tool to create a yellow rectangle with a black stroke at it’s edges. I then added my details at the top using the same font as my mast head and it consists of my name, job (Editor), magazine I’m associated with (Friday Club) and my email address. I then added the date of release and the issue number in the same font as the masthead. I then added an image of myself, using the ruler tool to measure were I placed it and then created a short written editorial explaining the purpose of the magazine. Finally, I added my signature. At the bottom after the text.

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I then added the website and social media links at the bottom of the page as well as the page number. I then added another rectangular shape, coloured it yellow and gave it a black stroke so it matched the editorial. I then added another rectangle, coloured it the same navy blue as the background’s upper left-hand corner and with a white stroke. I then duplicated this layer twice and added text boxes, using the Market Deco font and coloured yellow.

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I then filled the yellow bow on the left with the contents of the magazine using the font Market Deco, coloured navy blue. Using the ruler tool, I was able to place this text in line. I then used the same font and colour and added the page numbers using the ruler tool to keep it in line with the previously mentioned text on it’s left. Finally, I added an image of the mast head in the space above the editorial, using the ruler tool and added a black stroke to the out stroke.

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Section 2) – Log Book

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Music Magazine – Genre research2006 – 2017

In the year 2006, 60% magazines are being bought than in 2006. In current years, most music magazines primarily focus on Rock music releases.

However, the popularity of Practical/play and classical magazines have both dropped to 11% of purchases on the ‘magazine market’. Dance has decreased to 8% and the last 5% of the market has been occupied by other genres of music magazines.

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Established Magazine for my Research

Mast head: the magazine’s, official title. Usually placed at the top of the page.

Sub Headings: larger titles that are eye catching and appealing to the target audience.

cover lines: smaller titles that connote the content inside of the magazine.

Main image: the image in the centre of the magazine. Usually a medium, close-up shot.

Barcode: includes the price, issue number, serial number and a specific barcode

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Target Audience – this magazine is aimed towards capturing people in their mid twenties to thirties, who recognize the artist on the front cover. The genders of those who buy can be either as Noel Gallagher was a part of oasis, a band with multiple men and women following their influence. The people who purchase this issue are assumed to be from the UK as although oasis was famous, the majority of there recognition comes from English fans. These features are under Hartley's seven subjectivities, these are seven key factors that can determine who will read the magazine.

The magazine informs its readers that oasis or Noel Gallagher is still active and that they are being interview or mentioned in this edition. personal indication. The magazine cover can show the target audience what they want to see, creating a distraction for the reader and giving them comfort and more reason to purchase the issue. The reader builds a personal relationship with the audience and makes them more likely to purchase the magazine. These features are known under Katz’ uses and gratification theory, these determine the priorities or personality of the target audience. The fans and target audience are assumed to be “explorers” rather than care givers or survivors, although, the indie rock scene has had performers and artists who were considered “social climbers”. These features are known as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, these are used to create a stereotype for the company to follow and market to.

Target audience

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USP The USP is the unique selling point, this is the main factor that decides whether or not someone purchases your magazine, it

also decides what makes it stand out from the other magazines of the same genre. For example: Q magazine’s Noel Gallagher's cover showing a well recognized icon to attract target audience

members. The colour scheme is also effective, the calm blue mixed with bold reds and black create a specific, abstract

atmosphere and style to the front cover. There is also a small icon saying that there is another cover for collectors to purchase. This adds another unique selling point as fans of the magazines may attempt to purchase more than one copy of the magazine,

increasing profits.

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Publisher research

A commonly recycled quote on the website is “Q is the ultimate guide to modern music, distilling it down to the good stuff. Well respected by artists and labels, we have unrivalled access to modern music’s biggest names.”

Readership profile of the magazine – C1 (supervises, nurses, etc.), C2 (manual workers blue collar and maintenance) and D (semi-skilled and unskilled workers). Noel Gallagher is also featured on the front of the magazine in a mediums shot, attracting more oasis fans and perhaps younger high flying birds fans.

Their magazine is featured in most good corner shops and news stands, however, these retailors are unspecified.

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Conventions of a Music MagazineMast head: the magazine’s, official title. Usually placed at the top of the page.

cover lines: smaller titles that connote the content inside of the magazine.

Interview: a celebrity or artist is questioned by the editor and is transcribed for readers.

Exclusives: exclusive content to this issue of the magazine. Content other magazines wouldn’t have at the time.

Main image: the image in the centre of the magazine. Usually a medium, close-up shot.

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The magazine I am studying is uncut and the cover features Kurt Cobain. The assumed age of the target audience are late teen agers and adults through there twenties, majority male, C2 D and E class. The target audience are assumed to wear vintage style clothing and charity finds.

The USP on this cover is the photograph of Kurt Cobain, because he is so well known amongst rock and grunge fans and became the face of rock in the nineties it will attract fans of the genre to buy the magazine.

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Publisher research

The publisher for this magazine was time ink UK industry that focus primarily on uncut magazine and the head of publishing was Mr Jo Smalley. Their slogan is: the home of great, timeless rock music.

The assumed Socio-economical status of the target audience is C2 (blue collar workers and) at the most, D (low pay) and E (unemployed and students).

Current global offices are stationed in: New York city Metro, Amsterdam, Bangalore, Birmingham, Chicago, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Seattle, SF Bay Area, Stamford, Tampa and Farnborough to name the highest prioritized offices.