premier spa update documentation

1 Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected] spa 7.3.41 Q1 (2009) update documentation

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Update documentation for the latest version of Premier Spa


Page 1: Premier Spa Update Documentation

1Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]


7.3.41Q1 (2009)

update documentation

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2 Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

If you require assistance, please contact our friendly support team.Between 8:00am – 6:00pm, Monday – Friday.

Premier Software Support

Telephone: 0870 143 1800Email: [email protected] Web:

Please note that this update will NOT work correctly on any computers using Windows ’NT4’, ‘98’ or ‘2000 Professional’. If you are unsure as to what version of Windows is installed, please verify this before attempting to install the new system.

MicrosoftTM Windows Compatibility

To upgrade to the latest version of Premier Style you will require the virtual CD image from our web site or a CD from ourselves. To request a CD or User Guide please contact Premier Software Support.

Need another User guide or CD?

The Premier Software web site is up to date with the latest software updates, device drivers and documents.

Premier Internet Resources

Dependant on the version of software that is currently installed, some updates require files to be installed on each PC (Clients & Server), and some updates require just the update running on the Server (main computer).

Important Note


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3Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

NoteThe icon, title and box colour denotes a helpful hint. Which may save you time in the future.

Warning/ImportantThe icon, title and box colour denotes important information, which MUST be followed to ensure successful operation

Step by Step How ToThe icon, title, and box colour denotes a Step by Step guide

Password is required Do a step once Repeat a Step



document conventions

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4 Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

table of contents

Information 2 Document Conventions 3Table Of Contents 4 New Features 5Installation 6Gift Voucher tracking Configuration of Gift Voucher Settings 8 Creating Gift Vouchers 9 Gift Voucher Search 10 Selling a Gift Voucher 13 Redeeming Gift Vouchers 16 Part Use of Gift Vouchers 18 Diary View Enhanced Diary View 21 Image Capture Interface 23 SMS Automation Enabling SMS Automation 25 Creating an SMS Automation Shortcut 26 Starting SMS Automation 28 Start Up when Switching on the Computer 29 Scheduled Start Up 31 SMS Automation Settings 36 Client SMS Replies 38 SMS Automation Reports 39 Client Card Preview Client card on Arrival 40 Marking Equipment as Inactive 42 Custom Discount Functionality 43 New and Enhanced Features 44 Minor Product Changes 45

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5Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

Gift Voucher TrackingGift Voucher Tracking allows Premier Software to actively logthe processing of a Gift Voucher, from the sale to a client to thefinal redemption. Gift Voucher Tracking has been improved to enable part use of a Gift Voucher. Essentially a client can now use a portion of the voucher value. The remaining value is kept on the gift voucher so that it can be redeemed at a later date.

Enhanced Diary ViewThe diary view has been improved to enable the display of staff photographs at the top of the diary columns. Buttons to access the arrival, departure and till Sale functions, have been added for easy access.

SMS Automation/Client ReplyPremier Software has improved the SMS functionality to automatically text your clients that have booked within a specific date range stated by you. Clients also have the ability to reply to your messages.

Staff Image CaptureFunctionality has been added to enable Staff members to take advantage of the image capture facility. These images will reside on their Staff details, which in turn can be used on the diary view.

new features

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Updating from Premier Spa 4.2.50 - 7.3.41To ensure a successful update you must follow the below process, in the order presented on the page for each computer before continuing onto the next page.

If you have an earlier version of the software than stated above please contact our support team to receive any additional information and documentation.


Installing the System FilesPlease follow the steps below;

Insert the Update CD (if you have not already done so) 1.

Click “Install Premier System Files”(Premier Runtime 9 SP3) 2. on the interactive menu

Please follow the steps below;

Insert the Update CD 1. (if you have not already done so)

Click “Install Premier Reporting System 9 (SP 4)” on the interactive menu2.

Installing the Reporting System

Please close all Applications before continuing!Including; Premier Style, Manager and Config on the current computer

Software Version CheckIf you are prompted during installation of Service Packs this would symbolize that the Service Pack has previously been installed. Therefore there is no need to install again unless otherwise told to do so by Premier Software Support. If you are NOT prompted to “Modify”, “Repair” or “Remove” please continue as normal.

Repeat the following steps on each computer

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7Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

Please close all Premier Software on all ComputersIncluding; Premier Spa, Manager and Config

Update CompleteOnce you have installed your update please log on to any module of the application (manager, Reception, Configuration) and check your version number. Once this is complete please contact the support desk to update your records with your new version number.

Please contact Premier Software SupportA password is required to contiune

Please follow the steps below;

Insert the Update CD (if not already done so) 1.

Click “Update Premier Spa” on the interactive menu2.

Installing the UpdatePlease note that this only needs to be installed on the main computer (the server), and does not need to be installed on all PCs.

To be carried out on the server/main computer


Repeat the following steps on each computer

Installing Premier SMSPlease follow the steps below;

Insert the Update CD (if you have not already done so) 1.

Click “Premier SMS” 2. on the interactive menu

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Within Spa configuration, under ‘General Menu’ and ‘System set-up’ there is now an additional option in relation to Gift Voucher Tracking.

Step by Step How To

NoteIf you previously have been selling vouchers prior to using Gift Voucher tracking, please ensure that ‘Allow Redemption of Non-Existent Gift Vouchers’ is active (ticked)

gift voucher tracking

Configuration of Gift Voucher SettingsGift Voucher Tracking allows Premier Software to actively log the processing of a Gift Voucher, from the sale to a client to the final redemption. Gift Voucher Tracking has been improved to enable part use of a Gift Voucher. Essentially a client can now use a portion of the voucher value. The remaining value is kept on the gift voucher so that it can be redeemed at a later date.

The ‘auto-generate Gift Voucher numbers’ if ticked, will automatically assign a number to any new Gift Vouchers created within the software. If this is not ticked, you will be required to manually assign numbers to each Gift Voucher produced.

‘Allow Redemption of Nonexistent GVs’ will allow Gift Vouchers that have not been created to be redeemed on a bill (see ‘Redeeming Gift Vouchers’).


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9Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

gift voucher tracking

Gift Vouchers are created within the Manager under ‘non-stock setup’ (although they are a saleable item, they are not considered either stock or treatments).

Creating Gift Vouchers

Step by Step How ToTo be able to sell Gift Vouchers from Premier Spa, you will need to ensure that Gift Voucher types exist.

To create or amend a Gift Voucher, select ‘Non-Stock Setup’ from the main screen of the Manager. This will display a screen similar to the one below;

1stepIf you wish the voucher to always be sold as a particular value, enter that in the ‘price’ box. Please note that if a price is entered you will not be able to amend it on the sale of the voucher. Should you wish to be able to set the Gift Voucher value on it’s sale, leave the price at zero.

Ensure that ‘Type of Item’ is set to ‘Voucher’, and enter the number of months that the Gift Voucher will be valid for into the relevant section.

Once the details have been completed, click onto ‘OK’ to store the information.

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10 Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

This short guide will show you how to search for a Gift Voucher, change the expiry date and how to Void a Gift Voucher.

Gift Voucher Search

Step by Step How ToOnce Gift Voucher Tracking has been installed, an additional button marked ‘Voucher Search’ on the Premier Spa main screen will become activated automatically.

1stepClicking onto the ‘Voucher Search’ button will then display a screen similar to the one on the following page. At this stage you can search for a voucher by surname (of the client holding the voucher) or by the Gift Voucher number. Once you have located the voucher you wish to look at, click onto the item and click onto ‘OK’ to continue.


Clicking onto OK will display the details of the selected Gift Voucher along with three main options.

gift voucher tracking

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‘Change Expiry’ will allow you to modify the expiry date of the selected Gift Voucher.


Clicking onto the ‘Void’ button allows you to mark the selected voucher as being void and will give further options as the action to take.

NotePrepayment will assign the value of the voided Gift Voucher to the client’s • prepayment amount on the client card for later use.

Refund will take you to a bill screen with the value of the Gift Voucher • ready to refund.

No Refund is selected when deleting a voucher the system will • automatically post these funds to a default income centre.

Re-Allocate allows you to void the voucher and reassign it with a new •

gift voucher tracking

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gift voucher tracking


‘Voucher History’ shows what has happened to that voucher and how much has been redeemed and the balance.

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gift voucher tracking

This quick tutorial will guide you through the steps of selling a Gift Voucher using either Client Sale or Till Sale.

Selling a Gift Voucher

NoteUsing “Client Sale” is a better method as it associates the Client with the Gift Voucher and will be easier to track. Whereas using Till Sale this will not be the case.

Step by Step How To

1stepAs suggested above the preferable method of selling a Gift Voucher is “Client Sale” therefore, this How To will guide you through how to sell a voucher via “Client Sale”. But you may note the process is the same via “Till

Once “Client Sale” is open we need to search for a client. Please note if “Till Sale” is used you will not be prompted to search for a client. In this scenario we are going to use a client by the name of “Betty Daily”

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gift voucher tracking


Select “Gift Vouchers” (As highlighted in the below figure)


Depending on how you have configured Premier Style you may find you have more vouchers listed in comparison with the below figure. Select the relevent voucher and click “Add”.

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gift voucher tracking


On selecting a voucher you will be presented with the below screen. As you can see the description of the voucher matches the voucher description on previous screens also does the price. The Number field represents the voucher identification number and the Expiry Date identifies when the voucher will expire. As you can see in Figure 13 my voucher expires in six months from today (18/08/08).

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gift voucher tracking

The below How To guide will show you how to redeem a Gift Voucher in three easy steps.

Redeeming Gift Vouchers

Step by Step How ToOnce you have added or amended the required treatments and retail items, select the Gift Voucher button as the payment method.

1stepAs you can see in the below figure the bill total is currently assigned to “Cash” but clicking assigns the bill total to the “Gift Voucher” method

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gift voucher tracking


This will then give you the voucher search screen as shown on the next page. Enter the tracking number for the voucher (if the voucher number has not yet been created within Premier Style, enter a reference for the voucher)


NoteIf the Gift Voucher has not been created in the system previously and ‘Allow Redemption of Non-Existent Gift Vouchers’ has been activated, the software will inform you that the Gift Voucher has not been found and will ask if you would like to create one. Clicking onto ‘Yes’ will then display a further screen similar to the one below.

At this stage you will need to select the type of voucher, a voucher number and an expiry date (if the software has been configured to automatically assign Gift Voucher numbers you will not need to enter a Gift Voucher number). Clicking onto ‘OK’ will confirm the new details and mark the Gift Voucher as active within the software.

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Mrs Finley has a £50 Gift Voucher; today she wishes to use only £30 to pay for her Body Salt Scrub. (Figure 1)

Step by Step How To

Part Use of Gift VouchersEver wanted to use part of a Gift Voucher and not the full amount? We have improved the Gift Voucher functionality to enable users to offer part redemption of Gift Vouchers to clients.

To enable this feature you must open “Style Configuration” and then access the “General Menu”, from here you can click onto “System Setup”. On the “Tilling” tab of tick boxes you will find a new item titled “allow part use of voucher”, check the box and confirm the change with the Green tick to save your changes. You may then leave “Style Configuration”.


gift voucher tracking

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Payment is made in the usual way via the “Payment Methods” screen by clicking the payment method “Voucher”. Search for the Voucher you wish to redeem.


You will now find that you have the option to confirm the amount you would like to use via the “Redemption Value” box.

gift voucher tracking

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The client will clear the entire bill value, up to the maximum value of the voucher, unless the user enters an alternative amount into the “Redemption Value” box.

The client may redeem purchases against the voucher until the initial purchase value is met. Once the Initial purchase value is met, the voucher is flagged as “Used”. Therefore can no longer be used, as all the funds have been utilised.

The usage history of a Gift Voucher is logged and can be accessed from the “Voucher Search” button on the main menu.

gift voucher tracking

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21Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

Enhanced Diary View

Step by Step How ToTo use this feature, you will need to have a webcam and purchase the Image Capture Interface*. If you are currently using a camera to take photo’s of clients from the reception application, and the reception and configuration applications do not reside on the same P.C, then an additional webcam will be required to utilise the new look diary view to take pictures of your staff.

The user is able to capture photos of each staff member and have these images displayed at the top of each column header. Further improvements include quick access buttons to; Till Sale, Arrivals, Departures, Waiting List and Diary View Print

1stepWe now have the option to display staff photographs at the top of the diary columns and we have also added easy access to the arrival, departure and till Sale functions.

gift voucher tracking

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Once you have done this, then enter the diary view in the reception application and you will now see that it looks very different.

diary view


Under the notes and contacts tab in Staff set-up you now have an Image Capture button.


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image capture

Image Capture Interface (Vista Compatable)

Image Capture has been improved to make it compatible with nearly allof the shelf cameras you may find in your local store or on the Internet.Further to this, support for webcams in Microsoft Windows Vista has been incorporated. (Please note Premier Service Pack 3 MUST BE INSTALLED)


Image capture has not really changed much but since we made it compatable with vista. We thought it would be a good idea to give you a quick How to on how to go about capturing a image.

Step by Step How To

NoteTill Setup has been changed to include three different options for Image Capture. These are; TWAIN, WIA and DirectShow. TWAIN and WIA are denoted to be historic and are included for compatablity with Windows XP or lower. Windows XP and Vista both support DirectShow, we recommend this method to be default.

Select the appropriate method (preferably DirectShow). Then click the green tick to confirm.

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image capture


Just like normal click “Clients” search for a client, then select “Image Capture” as shown below;


Image capture now enables you to select a camera (Video Device) on the same screen compared to the previous versions

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sms automation

Enabling SMS Automation and Client ReplyPremier Software has now added the functionality to automaticallytext your clients that have booked within a specific date range statedby you and also the ability to receive replies from your clients.

Step by Step How ToIncluded in the new update is a application called “SMSAutomation.exe” which is stored within your chase folder.

1stepNoteSMS automation will not operate without an active connection to the internet.

A Broadband connection of at least 512kbps is recommened.• This application is only required to be executed on one Computer this • typically would be the server or the main computer.

To start SMS automation navigate to your “chase” folder which will be found on the C:\ “Local Hard Disk”. Inside the chase folder you should find another folder called “smsautomation”, then doubble click “smsautomation.exe

SMS Account RequiredIf you do not have a SMS account please contact Premier Software Support on +44(0)870 143 1800. For ease please have your email address to hand before calling as this email address will be used for billing purposes by our Third Party SMS provider.

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sms automation

Creating a SMS Automation ShortcutThis quick How To tutorial will guide you through the creation of a shortcut for Premier SMS Automation. Please note the steps may slighty differ depending upon your operating system.

Step by Step How ToIncluded in the new update is a application called “SMSAutomation.exe” which is stored within your chase folder. Which is required to create a shortcut.

1step Navigate to ‘My Computer’, this is typically located on either the ‘Start Menu’ or the “Desktop”


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sms automation


Double Click “Local Disk C:”; please note the drive letter may differ from “C:” depending on your installation.


Using your mouse double click on the “chase” folder


Right click “smsautomation.exe” and then Select “Sent To” then select “Desktop (create shortcut)”.


Using your mouse double click on the “smsautomation” folder

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sms automation

Starting SMS AutomationIt is important to note that SMSAutomation need only run on a single computer or workstation. Depending on the set up of your computers and/or operations there are essentially three ways “smsautomation.exe” can be started:

1. Manual Start Up (Manually)

2. Start Up when switching on the computer (Automatic)

3. Start Up via a Scheduled Task (Automatic)

Automatic start up is usually preferable as this requires no user intervention as the service is started for you. Choosing which method is best for you depends on your operations. If your computers are switched off over night then method 2 is probably right for you. If your computers are left switched on overnight then method 3 probably suits you best. Method 1 is only suitable if you wish to choose when to start the service manually.

Step by Step How ToIf you would prefer you may start the SMSAutomation.exe application manually simply by double clicking the shortcut created on previous How To guide.

NoteShould you close the SMSAutomation.exe application for any reason, you will have to double click the shortcut once again to start the “SMSAutomation.exe” Application.

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sms automation

Start Up when Switching on the ComputerIf you prefer, you may start the SMSAutomation.exe application autmatically, simply by telling to computer to start the application when you start Windows or log on.

Step by Step How ToBefore attempting this guide please ensure that you have created an SMS automation shortcut. A guide to this can be found on previous pages.

1stepLocate the shortcut you created previously. Right click “smsautomation” icon on the desktop and select “Copy”

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sms automation


Click the start menu1.

Click “Run”2.

Type the following into the 3. box (excluding the quotations) “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\”

Right click “Paste” or “Ctrl” + 4. “V”

NoteThe SMS Automation Application will now start with MicrosoftTM Windows, please note as MicrosoftTM Windows Vista slighty differs to MicrosoftTM

Windows XP in the fact that the Automatic start up will only work for the user who created the shortcut. So if you have multiple users on MicrosoftTM

Windows Vista you must repeat this process for evey user.

If you are unsure about the setup, of the automation process. Please contact our support team.


Click the start menu1.

Type “Run” into the search 2. box and hit Return

Type the following into 3. the box (excluding the quotations) “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”

Right click “Paste” or “Ctrl” 4. + “V”

Windows VistaWindows XP

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sms automation

Scheduled Start UpThis tutorial will guide you through the steps of creating a Scheduled task within either Windows XP Professional or Windows Vista Business/Ultimate.

Step by Step How ToAs the procedure for creating a scheduled task in Windows Vista differs from Windows XP the page will be split for ease. Windows XP on the left and Windows Vista on the right.

1step 1step

Click “Control Panel” from the start menu as shown below;

Windows VistaWindows XP

Click “Control Panel” from the start menu as shown below;

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sms automation


Windows VistaWindows XP


Select “Scheduled Tasks” Select “Administrator Tools”



Select “Task Scheduler”



Select “Create Basic Task”

Select “Add Scheduled Task”

Select “Next >”

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sms automation



Click browse, then navigate to “C:\chase\smsautomation” then double click SMSAutomation.exe



The Program name should equal “smsautomation”. You must now select the how frequent you would like this task to run.

Type into the “Name” field “Premier SMS Automation”

Select how frequent you would like the SMS Automation to run

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sms automation



The summary of the setup of the scheduled task is shown at the end of the wizard to either review or change any detail you can tick the box “Open advanced properties for this task when I click finish”

Select how frequently you would like the SMS Automation


Enter the date you would like the SMS Automation Application to start and how often you would like the task to recur.

Your DoneThe step by step how to guide for Windows XP is now complete. However if you are following the Windows Vista guide continue with the guide on the right.


Select “Start a program”

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sms automation

10Click “Browse” then navigate to C:\chase\smsautomation\



Confirm the details and click “Finish”

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36 Premier Software Solutions Telephone: +44(0)870 143 1800 Email: [email protected]

sms automation

SMS Automation SettingsThis tutorial will guide you through the SMS Automation settings and how to change each element to reflect your business operations.

Step by Step How ToBefore attempting to complete this tutorial please ensure that you have completed the previous tutorial regarding the setup of a SMS Automation shortcut.

Double click “smsautomation.exe” on the Desktop


Click “File” then select “Settings”

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sms automation


You can see from the below, that you can select the days that you would like to confirm appointments for automatically, how often you would like the system to send and receive new messages and set the time to automatically shut the service down. We would recommend that you set send and receive messages for every 2 hours as the automation log will appear on the screen every time messages have been received.

Click on O.K to confirm your settings. You can then minimise the smsautomation

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sms automation

Client SMS RepliesWhen a client receives a text message alert from you, they have the ability to reply to this message. These replies are shown within the SMSAutomation.exe Application.

NoteThe replied message will show the following detail;

The clients name•

The appointment type•

The appointment date•

The appointment time•

The staff member conducting the appointment•

The clients mobile number•

The message that the client responded with•

This can also be viewed via the “Recent SMS Replies” which can be found in the next tutorial.

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sms automation

There are four reports avalable from the SMS Analysis Report screen as shown above;

Recent SMS Replies • Shows a break down of each reply and by which client

SMS Replies by Date • Shows a breaks down of each reply and by which client, ascending by date

Reminders Sent by Status • Shows a break down Reminders sent, ascending by status

Reminders Sent by Date • Shows a break down Reminders sent, ascending by date

SMS Automation ReportsThis brief guide will show you how to use the reporting facilities for SMS Automation.

The image below shows the four reports available to you for reporting SMS Automation.

Step by Step How To


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client card

Preview Client Card on ArrivalPreviously when using the “Print Client Card On Arrival” option for an appointment the print out would be sent direct to the printer when the client was arrived via Reception.

It is now possible to “Preview Client Card Print On Arrival”. This allows the user to visually confirm, on screen, what will be printed prior to sending to the printer. If a copy is not required on this occasion then the user can cancel the print out.

Step by Step How ToThis How To guide will show you how to enable “Preview Client Card on Arrival”

1stepNavigate to Premier Configuration, enter your password and then select General Menu, then from here select “System Setup”

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When arriving a client you will now be displayed with a Preview of the printable client card

client card


Tick the “Preview Client Card Print on Arrival”, then click O.K


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Marking Equipment as InactiveWhen marking items of equipment inactive you are made aware of appointment codes that have that piece of equipment allocated.

You can see from the screen shot below that it will not let you inactivate this piece of equipment without de-allocating it from the appointment codes first.

Step by Step How ToWe have improved the way you inactivate equipment therefore we thought it would be a good idea to show you how it works...

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custom discount

Custom Discount FunctionalityYou are now able to add an addtional “Custom” discount rate to the “Discount All” and Single “Bill Line” discount menus. A suggested use for this may be to pass on the 2.13% VAT reduction.

Step by Step How ToThe custom discount rate is applied through “Configuration”. You must ensure when you have applied the discount rate to exit out of the Spa application then re-open spa.

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The Appointment Audit now includes when the appointment has been • moved to the clipboard and back to the diary.

After booking appointments through repeat bookings, the diary date • returns to today’s date rather than the date of the last repeat booking.

You are now able to add a Custom Discount; this will enable you to • specify a discount, which is not specified by default in the Discount/Discount All box. (A method of passing on the 2.5% VAT Cut)

New Features

Enhanced FeaturesYou can now drag unavailable time upwards at the end of the day without • unblocking from the staff column from midnight.

If a password profile only lets you merge clients and not delete them • and vice versa, the system will allow you to now only do the one action. Previously you needed to have both delete and merge in your profile to do either action.

If an end date is entered to an appointment code you can now book that • appointment in the diary up to the date stated.

The audit log has been enhanced to track a room change when • appointments are moved via the clipboard and the original room is not available.

Amendments to the clients account limit are now included in the Audit • Log

Functionality has been added to support the Epson Receipt printer • header and footer image using the new drivers.

You are now able to sell a gift voucher even if a client is in departures•

If a client card is selected other than “- None -” you are required to enter • an expiry date

Improvements have been made to the “Staff Overview - Business • Report”

Selection of appointments in marketing has been reviewed and improved •

Till screens have been improved to prevent the sale of a zero value (0.00) • gift voucher

The lyalty points history screen failed to show loyalty point redemptions • this has now been resolved.

The “print” button within “Departures” is now disabled is there are no • appointments in the list.

The width of diary columns has been reduced on the enhanced diary view • to avoid grey space to right hand side.

Validation (Checks) have been added to the Non-Stock setup screen to • ensure the same barcode is not used twice.

new and enhanced features

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minor product changes

Minor Product EnhancementsAmendments have been made to “Staff Setup” so that when “Column • Required” is un-ticked, the system checks if any appointments are booked for that member of staff. If any are found, a report is processed showing future appointments for the staff member in question.

The account limit field is disabled if the account facilities are not in use.•

Improvements have been made to ensure single Appointments do not appear • duplicated on the clients history tab when paying on account.

The “Staff Set-Up” screen has been improved in Configuration, so that if the • “Create New” button is clicked and then “Cancel” is clicked, the “Holidays and Sickness” and “Default Weeks” tabs are enabled again.

You are no longer able to create an appointment in error without assigning a • client.

The till-setup information is not lost when updating•

Improvements have been made to the calculation of loyalty points•

The system no longer produces an error when using a serial (RS232) printer.•

Improvements have been made for compatibility between the Diary View and • Windows Vista.

If a product has previously been sold, then inactivated, It would not show on • the client’s product history. This has now been amended

You are no longer able to Amend a Bill which has a payment method of a Gift • Voucher.

When arriving a client that is already in the departures list, the person is now • listed in the arrivals list but the user receives a message saying that the client cannot be arrived until they are departed first.

You are no longer able to add a gift voucher via barcode search in till screen. • You must click Gift vouchers instead

Loyalty points are now correctly printed on receipts for redemptions of • courses.

The width of the number fields in “Staff Allocation Analysis - Business” and • “Staff Allocation Analysis Summary - Business” have been increased.

There was a problem with the till screen. Clicking between course and value • in the price box corrupts the number of course items remaining. This has also now been corrected.

There was a problem with the till screen. Clicking between value and loyalty • on the price box corrupts loyalty points value. This has now been corrected.

The diary view screen has been amended so that the system does not attempt • to proceed with a booking if the column heading is clicked.

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