prepare eoy2017 final · § fbt employee for payment summary § missing employee tfn, dob, full...

4/4/17 1 Welcome End of Year Preparation Tuesday 4 th April, 2017 and Thursday 6 th April, 2017

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Page 1: Prepare EOY2017 FINAL · § FBT Employee for Payment Summary § Missing Employee TFN, DOB, Full Name and Address, Super choice form, Fair Work Information Statement § Check registration




End of Year Preparation

Tuesday4th April,2017and

Thursday6th April,2017

Page 2: Prepare EOY2017 FINAL · § FBT Employee for Payment Summary § Missing Employee TFN, DOB, Full Name and Address, Super choice form, Fair Work Information Statement § Check registration



Deborah Thompson Pauline Walton

Your Presenters



§ Sound will be through your computer’s speakers§ You should be able to hear me now?????§ If NOT please check your sound is on

§ During the presentation we will mute§ This avoids background noise

Page 3: Prepare EOY2017 FINAL · § FBT Employee for Payment Summary § Missing Employee TFN, DOB, Full Name and Address, Super choice form, Fair Work Information Statement § Check registration



Ask Questions

Interact with US!!We would like to interact more with you so we will be selecting members questions for a chat§ We still want you to type your question so we can

capture all!!

§ If you would like to interact please raise your hand in you panel and we can then check at Question time

§ If you don’t have a microphone on your computer you can change to phone audio

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Changing to Audio

§ Select to change to phone call§ Dial in as per your info below§ Enter the code and pin as

shown (this is different each time and for each person

Agenda§ Bookkeeper End of Year Plan§ Bookkeeper EOY Business Review

– Financials– Payroll– Customers– Suppliers – BAS

§ Business Owner – Communication§ Bookkeeper – Implementing Change

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Bookkeeper –End of Year Project Plan

Bookkeeper – EOY Timeline

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Bookkeeper – EOY Plan


•Review End of Month Checklist•Reconcile ALL Balance Sheet accounts •Prepare and lodge March BAS and finalise ALL figures to end of March•Provide Business Owner March financials to discuss with Accountant prior to EOY•Send Business Owner letter or email re various End of Year Considerations•Prepare employees' details for Payment Summaries, (e.g. TFN, DOB, address, etc)


• List your Clients and EOY project/tasks• Review timeline for Project/Tasks and lodgements• Information required for each business


• Schedule Clients in diary• Email Clients for information required to complete EOY, e.g., lease documents, asset sale, verification

of June bank balances etc


• Prepare or obtain stocktake value as at 30 June• Reconcile EOY file• Prepare TASKS - Payment Summaries, Payroll Tax, TPAR, BAS


• Receive signed authorisation for each form to be lodged• Lodge EMPDUPE, Payroll Tax, TPAR, BAS• Email client receipt of lodgements


• Meeting with Client re the Business year• Prepare and send information for Accountant• Provide accounting file or access to online file for Accountant

Bookkeeper – EOY Plan


• Review End of Month Checklist• Reconcile ALL Balance Sheet accounts • Prepare and lodge March BAS and finalise ALL figures to end of March• Provide Business Owner March financials to discuss with Accountant prior to EOY• Send Business Owner letter or email re various End of Year Considerations• Prepare employees' details for Payment Summaries, (e.g. TFN, DOB, address, etc)


• List your Clients and EOY project/tasks• Review timeline for Project/Tasks and lodgements• Information required for each business


• Schedule Clients in diary• Email Clients for information required to complete EOY, e.g.,

lease documents, asset sale, verification of June bank balances etc

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Bookkeeper – EOY Plan Spreadsheet

Understanding Workflow

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Bookkeeper-Understanding Workflow

State of financials - understanding work load§ Use Dashboards to review all clients progress

§ Last Reconciliation§ Last BAS lodged§ Outstanding Debtors and Creditors§ Cash at Bank§ Documents Received

Dashboard – Gov Reports

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Dashboard – MYOB Software

Dashboard – Xero Software

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Dashboard – Xero Software

Dashboard – Intuit QBO Software

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Bookkeeper – EOY Business Review

End of Year Includes






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EOY Business Review - Financials

Financials§ Finalise Financials to end of March – EOY Considerations

§ Reconcile ATO Running Balance§ Check all Balances on Balance Sheet

§ Assets – Banks, Debtors, Prepayments, Petty Cash, Stock and Assets

§ Liabilities – Prepayments, GST, Payroll, Vouchers, Loans, Creditors and Directors Loan/Drawings

§ Check Last Year Financials are finalised§ Are accountant’s adjustments are entered

Financials - Last Year FinalisedEnsure last year is finalised:§ Last year tax return is lodged and you have a copy

§ Are all adjustments from last year processed?

§ Have you adjusted the data file for any impact of the end of the FBT year?

§ Have you adjusted the data file for any adjustments by the accountant?

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Financials – EOY ConsiderationsFinancials - End of Year Considerations

§ Bad Debts§ Credits on Suppliers§ Unpresented deposits and payments§ Purchase and Sale of Assets§ Stock and Inventory§ Private Expenses Adjustments§ High Profit – Additional Deductions

Financials – EOY Considerations

Stock and Inventory§ Review stock list in detail including when the item last

sold and at what price

§ Consider selling dead stock, at a discount

§ Write off the value of stock that won’t sell

§ Require stock report at 30 June and entered through Inventory

§ Enter adjustment as required before sending reports to accountant

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Financials – EOY ConsiderationsPlant and Equipment§ Obtain the list of assets the accountant uses to calculate

depreciation§ Review the list and remove items that no longer exist or are


§ Highlight any items sold - to the accountant§ Businesses are permitted to write off Plant and Equipment

that cost less than $100 (incl. GST)§ Business with turnover less than $2m using Small Business

Entity Concessions; write off assets that cost less than $20,000 (excl GST)

Financials – EOY ConsiderationsPlant and Equipment – Small AssetsBetween 13/5/15 and 30/6/17 Capital Assets purchased

under $20,000.00 ex GST - Claimed immediately§ Motor Vehicles

§ Office Equipment

§ Office Furniture

§ Electronic Equipment

§ Computers

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Financials – EOY ConsiderationsPrivate ExpensesThis can be an accountants area – however identify

private expenses for accountant

§ The ATO allows a ‘once a year’ adjustment to reduce the GST claimed for private expenses.

§ If you have $1100 of private expenses, then reduce your next GST claim by $1100/11 = $100.

§ You do not have to inform the ATO, just keep the records

Financials – EOY ConsiderationsAdditional Deductions if Cash Flow is good:§ Get the cars serviced and replace tyres

§ Service Equipment

§ Pay the membership fees, subscriptions

§ Pay the insurance bills etc

§ Get a discount on rent by prepaying for a period

§ Pay yourself additional wages and superannuation

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End of Year Includes






End of Year Review - PayrollPayroll

§ Payment Summaries Requirements § FBT Employee for Payment Summary§ Missing Employee TFN, DOB, Full Name and Address, Super

choice form, Fair Work Information Statement§ Check registration and additional payment summary for Working

Holiday Makers§ Software Compatibility for version EMPDUPE if required § How and Authority to Lodge§ Authority to Email Payments Summaries

§ Check Wages YTD – Payroll Tax Threshold§ Check Superannuation Threshold

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Payroll – Payroll Tax Threshold

Payroll - Payroll Tax Threshold

Check all relevant wages, contractors, directors and superannuation is included in calculation for the year – See ICB Resource

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Payroll - Superannuation Threshold

Payroll - Superannuation Threshold

Unused concessional cap carry forward 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

General Contributions Cap $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000

Total unused available cap accrued

Not applicable $0 $22,000 $44,000 $69,000

Maximum cap available $25,000 $25,000 $47,000 $25,000 $94,000

Superannuation balance 30 June prior year

Not applicable $480,000 $490,000 $505,000 $490,000

Concessional contributions $nil $3,000 $3,000 nil nil

Unused concessional cap amount accrued in the relevant financial year

$0 $22,000 $22,000 $25,000 $25,000

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End of Year Includes






End of Year Review - Customers

Checklist§ Check Returns and Credits§ Check for Bad Debts§ Check Outstanding Orders§ Marry Prepaid Deposits on Orders/Events§ Review Retentions

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Customers - Receivables

Review the Receivables report:§ Validate all are still outstanding

§ Check report reconciles, if not:– Check for predated payments– Check audit log for any changes– If unable to determine advise accountant

report is correct for them to adjust at EOY.

Customers - Bad Debts

§ Check outstanding debtor has not been paid elsewhere ie. Cash, Contra

§ Review receivables with Business Owner

§ Credit invoice to Expense ‘Bad Debts’, include GST if the original invoice included GST

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Customers - Contra Accounts§ Review:

- Is account balancing back to zero?§ Contra criteria:

- GST law still applies- Same net GST must apply to both sides- Supply must be taxable- Both parties registered for GST- Supply and purchase recorded in same BAS


Customers – Advance Payments

Types of advance payments:§ Gift Voucher/Certificates§ Layby§ Deposits

§ Security§ Bond§ Advance payment

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Customers – Deposits, Layby, Bonds and Part Payments

What are they?• Security deposit is held against damage or future


• Customer Deposit is paid in advance of eg: function, delivery of goods

• Lay-by is instalment payments in advance for item

• Bond is held to ensure goods returned or paid for

Eg: Rental bond – returned on vacating if in good order

Customers –Orders/Payments

§ Review outstanding orders and remove old orders§ Print outstanding orders report from POS and

Accounting software to EOY.§ Ensure figures are the same and compare to

Balance Sheet:– Customer Payments Liability = Orders Report– Customer Laybys – Laybys Report

§ Try manual reconciliation to try and determine difference.

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Customer – Gift Vouchers

§ Voucher for goods and services NOT a specific event or item

§ Ensure you have a liability account for moneys received for voucher

§ Ensure a register is kept of expiry dates etc

§ Check for expired vouchers and reallocate from liability to income account inclusive of GST

§ Gift Vouchers/Cert Liability = Gift Vouchers Register

Customer – Gift VouchersSingle Store Journal Entries

Date Type Account DR CR30/4/16 Liability Gift Vouchers un-presented $2200

Income Sales $2000Liability GST Collected $200

Write of Expired Gift Vouchers

Multiple Stores Journal EntriesDate Type Account DR CR30/4/16 Liability Gift Voucher Store X Liability $110

Liability Gift Voucher Store Y Liability $110Income Sale $200Liability GST Collected $20

Multiple Store Voucher Redeemed

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Customers - Retentions

Retentions are held to secure performance of a project§ Percentage base of contract withheld from

progress invoices

§ Retained and not released until pre agreed conditions/compliance are met.

End of Year Includes






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End of Year Review - Suppliers

Checklist§ Review Suppliers§ Check Supplier Orders and Prepayments§ Stocktake timing and Cost§ Check Stock Received with no Invoice§ Check Suppliers Valid ABN§ Check Suppliers for TPAR - Flagged,


Suppliers/Purchases – Outstanding Payables

§ Check payables are STILL outstanding

§ Request up to date statement from supplier

§ Follow up with business owner

§ Check if paid via “spend money”

§ Decide with business owner if you void.

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Supplier/Purchases – Invalid Invoice

§ Invalid – ABN or GST Registration

§ Advise Client – Consequences:

§ Contact supplier for clarification

§ Request new invoice

§ No response from supplier, advise business owner§ Must hold 49% of payment and note on BAS at W4 if

details not corrected

Suppliers - EOY Stock

§ Stock Review– Incorrect Average Cost– Stock Returns– Damaged or soiled stock– Samples stock

§ Stock received with no Invoice – Obtain before EOY§ Stocktake timing§ Where is the stock?

– Vans– Consignment – Customers stores– Agents

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Suppliers – Preparing TPAR


TPAR – Valid Suppliers ABN§ TPAR requires lodgement regardless if the ABN is valid or not

§ Helpful to check that an error has not been made– Use ABN Lookup spreadsheet to check ALL suppliers

(excel sheet can be kept as confirmation)§

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End of Year Includes






End of Year Review - BAS

Checklist§ Check change of prior BAS’s

§ Check ATO Running Balance

§ Reconcile GST Worksheet

§ Check GST Threshold

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BAS – Reconciliation Worksheet

BAS - GST Threshold Reached

§ GST Threshold $75,000 to register§ 21 Days to register after reaching $75000

§ GST Threshold - $2m turnover§ Move from Cash to Accrual GST –

Implications§ Discuss with Business Owner and Accountant

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BAS – GST compilance

BAS - Fuel Tax EligibilityMany businesses are eligible to claim the fuel tax credits. Some businesses that are likely to be eligible are:§ Road transport§ Construction§ Manufacturing§ Agriculture§ Fishing§ Forestry§ Electricity generation§ Landscaping

Eligible fuels:§ Petrol§ Diesel§ Kerosene§ LPG

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Business Owner – EOY Communication

Business Owner – EOY Communication

Email Business Owners

§ Suggested times for discussion of March Financials, (as part of normal monthly visit or special appointment)

§ Attach ‘End of Year Considerations’ and other relevant documents

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ICB Client eBriefUse ICB’s monthly Business Newsletter called "Bookkeeping eBRIEF".

Remind Client to Plan ahead

ICB Business Information Sheets

Use ICB’s Business Information Sheet to advise clients of changes to process

Add your own logo

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Business Owner – EOY Authorities

Lodgement Authorities required @ EOY§ Payment Summaries to lodge§ TPAR to lodge§ Superannuation to lodge

Other Authorities§ Move GST cash to accrual or vice versa§ Register for GST as over $75,000 threshold§ Register for Payroll Tax

Employee Authority –Email Payment Summaries

Electronic Payment SummariesContact employees and gain authority to email payment summaries or access via employee portal

Employers must have a signed authority to email payslips and payment summaries

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Remember - Lodgement Dates§ 14 Jul - Payment Summary to employees

§ 21 Jul – Monthly BAS to ATO

§ 28 Jul – Quarterly BAS to ATO (Ext: BAS Agent 25 Aug)

§ 28 Jul –Previous Quarter’s Super must be IN THE FUND

§ 14 Aug – Payment Summaries to ATO

§ 28 Aug – TPAR to ATO

§ 31 Oct – PAYG Withholding – No ABN Quoted

§ 31 Oct – PAYG Withholding – Interest, Dividends, Royalties

§ 28 Feb - GST Annual Return

Business Owner – Discussions§Review Business Systems to plan Improvements§What new strategies does client need?

–Encourage Business Owner to upgrade

• Bank Feeds

• Automated Superannuation

• Electronic Invoicing

• Electronic Records

–Simpler BAS – ICB Business Info Sheet – Simpler BAS

–Cyber Security

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Discussions – Implementing Change

Discussions – Simpler BASBusiness Information Sheet – Simpler BAS

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Discussions – Cyber SecurityBusiness Information Sheet – Cyber Security

ICB EOY Resources

§ End of Month Checklist§ EOY Checklist§ Payroll EOY Checklist§ Payroll Tax§ GST Threshold§ Financials Policy Template§ Payroll Management Policy


§ EOY Bookkeepers Project Plan§ EOY Business Owners Project

Plan§ Business Owner EOY

Considerations§ Directors Payments and

Employments Matters

Page 37: Prepare EOY2017 FINAL · § FBT Employee for Payment Summary § Missing Employee TFN, DOB, Full Name and Address, Super choice form, Fair Work Information Statement § Check registration



Questions and Answers Email


Note: CPE added to register at the end of the month

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We Appreciation your Feedback

Email: [email protected]

Thank You