preparing poster presentations

Preparing Poster Presentations General Biology I FGCU Nora Demers, Ph.D.

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Page 1: Preparing Poster Presentations

Preparing PosterPresentations

General Biology IFGCU

Nora Demers, Ph.D.

Page 2: Preparing Poster Presentations

Selecting a PosterTopic

� Any item of your choice inBIOLOGY

� Biology is the science of life� Science is knowledge

acquired by carefulobservation

� Show the connections tomolecular and cellularBiology

� The following examples areprovided to help you choosea topic

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Natural Selection

� Whathabitat?

� Whatrelations tootherorganisms?

� Whatmechanism?

� Why are theydifferent?

� How are theydifferent?

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� Whatspecies?

� Why is it“special”?

� Why is itstudied?

� What “uses”for humans?

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Endangered Species

� Whatspecies?

� Why are theyendangered?

� Whatcontributes totheir decline?

� Are efforts tosave themworking?

� Why or Whynot?

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� Whatenvironment?

� Whatorganisms?

� How doestheir structurefit theenvironment?

� Whatfunctions tokeep thesystemworking?

� Is itendangered?

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Invasive ExoticSpecies

� What are they?� How do they impact the

environment?� Are they damaging the

ecosystem?� How do they spread so well?� Is there a way to control


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� How donerves grow?

� Can wemodify theirgrowth?

� Under whatcircumstances?

� Why wouldwe?

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� What arevitamins?

� Why are theyneeded?

� How do theyfunction?

� How are theyacquired?

� Where do theyfunction?

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� What areAnabolicSteroids?

� How do theyfunction?

� Are there sideeffects?

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� What?� Who is

affected?� How?� Treatmen


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Genetic Abnormalities

� What arethey?

� How do theyhappen?

� Can they befixed?

� Should theybe fixed?

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� What aredreams (or)?

� How do theyoccur?

� Are they incolor?

� Can we controlthem?

� Why do wedream?

� Do otheranimals?

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� What kinds ofpathogens arethere?

� When do theycausedamage?

� How do theycausedamage?

� Can they becontrolled?

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� Where arethey from?

� How are theytoxic?

� What cellularmechanism isaffected?

� Who isafflicted?

� Is there aremedy?

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� What?� How?� Why?� Benefits

?� Hazards

?� Mechani


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� Whatstudiesoccur inspace?

� Whatdifferencesexist?

� Why do westudy inspace?

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Your Topic Here

� What topicinterests you?

� Why?� What cellular

mechanism isinvolved?

� Who cares?� Why?

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Goals for the Poster

� Captureattention

� Condensedformat

� Generatediscussion

� Neat & legible� Use large text� Use figures &


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Poster Format

� Title with authorlisted

� Abstract - nomore than 100words

� References/citations provided

� No larger than 6ft by 4 ft

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� Illustrate yourmain point(s)

� Easy tounderstand

� May becomputergenerated

� Graphics areessential toconvey theissue or topic

Use Copious Graphics

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Figures & Tables

� Usedescriptivetitles

� Should standalone

� Illustrate keypoints

� Readersshould nothave to readthe text tounderstand

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� Byinstructor &peers

� Eachstudentmustevaluate 3posters

� More infoavailable atweb site

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Begin Work Now

� Your posterwill reflect thetime andenergy youdevoted to it

� Use manyresources

� Do notplagiarize

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Important Note

� Posters mustcontain amolecular/cellularcomponent

� Remember: youmust examinethe topic from abiologicalperspective