prepositions and verbs with or wo prepositions

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  • 8/9/2019 Prepositions and Verbs With or WO Prepositions


    Appendix FPrepositions and Verbs With or Without Prepositions

    A preposition is a word that is used with nouns and pronouns (and sometimes verbs) to show their relationship tosome other part of a sentence.

    Simple prepositions about, concerningbesides, in addition toat the end ofnext to, alongside ofaround (place)before (time, order)near, close towith the purpose ofregardingaccording tocontrary tounder beneathdue tobefore (space), infront ofwithin, inside of, inafter (time, order)behind (place), afterin search ofagainstregarding, in regard to, as forinstead of, in place ofinstead of, in place ofbefore, infront ofin the middle ofby virtue ofon top of, above, overopposite to, across fromoutside of, beyondnext to, close tofar from, distant.fromon account of, because ofas a consequence of, by reason ofrelative to

    Compound prepositions


    acerca deadem6s deal cabo deal lado dealrededor deantes decerca decon motivo decon respecto aconforme acontrario adebajo dedebido adelante dedentro dedespuds dedetr6s deen busca deen contra deen cuanto aen lugar deen vez deen frente deen medio deen virtud deencima defrente afuera dejunto alejos depor causa depor raz6n derespecto a

    at, tobeforeunderwithagainstof, fromJiom, sinceduringin, on, into, atctmong, betweenexcepttowarduntil, as far as, up toby means ofexceptfor in order to, consideringfor by, through, for the sake of,in exchange fo4 perexcept, saveaccording towithouton, about, overi concerningafte4 behind

    a cargo dea causa dea diferencia dea eso dea excepci6n dea favor deafindea fines dea fuerza dea lo largo dea mediados dea partir dea pesar de (que)a principios dea travds de

    in charge ofbecause of, on account ofunlikeabout, around (* time of day)with the exception oJ'in favor ofin order totoward (at) the end ofby dint of, by force ofthroughoutin the middle ofbeginning with, from...on,starting spite of, despiteat the beginning of..., early in..,through

    Verbs that do not require a prepositaon whenfollowed by a noun (except when the directobject is a person)buscarescucharesperarmirarpagarpedir

    to look forto listen toto wait for, to hope forto look atto pay forto askfo4 request

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    Common verbs that do not require a prepositionbefore an infinitiveaconselaracordarconseguirdeberdecidirdejardesearesperarhacerintentarlograrmandarmerecernecesitarofrolvidarparecerpedirpensarpermitirpoderpret'erirprohibirprometerproponer(se)quererrecordarsabersentirsolertemerverVerbs that take a +

    to adviseto agreeto succeed inought to (should)(moral obligation)to decideto allow, letto wishto hope, to expectto maketo qttempt to, to try toto succ'eed into orderto tleserveto needto hearto lbrgetto,teemto oskto plan, to intendto ulktw permitto be able. canto preferto.fbrbidto promiseto proposeto wentlo rememberto know howIo regretto be accustomed, used toto be uJiaid, to.fborto see


    determinarse adisponerse aecharse aempezar aensefrar aexponerse ainclinarse ainspirar ainvitar airalimitarse allegar ameterse anegarse aobligar aofiecerse aoponerse apararse aponerse aprincipiar aquedarse aregresar arenunciar alesignarse aresistirse aresolverse aromper asalir asentarse avenir avolver a

    Verbs that take a +

    to resolve toto get ready toto begin to, to start toto begin to, to start toto teach toto run the risk ofto be inclined tctto inspire toto invite toto go toto limit oneself toto come to, to manage to,to succeed into begin toto rejhse toto oblige to, to obligete toto volunteer to, to o.ffer toto be opposed tob .ttop to, to pLuse t0to begin to, to start toto begin to, to stLrt toto remLin toto return toto give up, renzunceto resign oneseff'toto oppose, to resistto rnake Ltp one's mind toto sttrt (suddenlv), tcs bLtrst outIo [4o out toto sit down toto come to, to entl up bvto [do .sornethingl uuain,to return to

    noun or pronoun

    acostumbrarse aalcanzar aanimar(se) aaprender aapresurarse aarriesgarse aasprrar aatreverse aayudar acomenzar acomprometerse aconvidar adecidirse adedicarse adesafiar adetenerse a

    to become accustomed to,to become used toto succeed in, to manage toto Jbel encouraged toto leont to, to learn how toto hurry toto expose oneselJ to clanger,to dare to, to riskto aspire toto dare toto help toto begin toto commit onese('toto invite toto decide toto devote oneself toto dare to, to challenge toto pause to, to stop to

    acercarse aacostumbrarse aaficionarse aasemejarse aasistir aasomarse adar adeberse adedicarse adesafiar adestinar adirigirse aentrar afaltar airajugar alimitarse allegar a

    ttt uppvuur'1r, Io t!o neurto become lccu,\tomed to,to get Ltsed toto become Jond tf'to resemble, to look liketo attendt0 appear ut, to lean out of,to look ctLtt ofto Jace, to bok out on, to open onto be due toto devote oneselJ'toto dare to, to challenge toto ctssign toto go to, to go towardto enterto be absent Jrontto go toto play a sport or a gameto limit oneself toto get to be, to arrive at,to reach a ploce

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  • 8/9/2019 Prepositions and Verbs With or WO Prepositions





    that take con +

    to smell of, to smell liketo be opposed toto resemble, to look liketo proceed to, to pass on toto refer toto give up, renounceto resign oneself toto taste of or liketo sound liketo get on, to get into,

    to climb intoinfinitive

    dejar dedesistir deencargarse degozar d,ehaber deocuparse deolvidarse deparar dequejarse desorprenderse determinar detratar detratarse de

    Verbs that take de +

    to stop doing something, to fail toto desist from, to give updoing somethingto take charge ofto enjoymust, to have toto attend to, to pcly attention toto forget toto stopto complain of or aboutto be surprised toto Jinishto try toto be a question or matter of,

    to deal withnoun or pronoun










    that take de +

    to put an end to, to finish,to exhaustto threaten toto be enoughto marryto get engaged toto be satisfied withto count on, rely onto be satisfied withto fulfill (an obligation, duty)to come upon, to meetto run into, to meetto have an understanding withto pick a quarrel withto keep, to hold on toto meet with, to jointo break offwith, to break up withto dream of, to dream aboutto come upon, to run into,to stumble against




    conconthat take con +

    to threaten toto put up with, to be satisfied withto count on, to rely onto be satisfied withto fulfill (an obligation, duty)to dream of, to dream aboutnoun or pronoun

    abusar deacordarse dealejarse deapartarse deapoderarse deaprovecharse dearrepentirse deasombrarse deasustarse deavergonzarse debajar deburlarse decambiar decansarse decarecer decompadecerse deconstar decuidar dedepender dedeshacerse dedespedirse dedisfrutar dedudar deenamorarse deencargarse deenterarse degozar dehuir deirse demarcharse de

    to abuse, to take advantage of,to overindulge into rememberto g,o/move away fromto keep away from,to withdraw fromto take possession of,to take hold ofto take ndvantage ofto be sorry for, to repent ofto be astonished atto be frightened at, to getalarmed (about something)to be ashamed ofto get out of, to descend from,to get oJf @f )to make fun ofto change (trains, buses,clothes, etc.)to become tired ofto lack, to be lackingto feel sorry for,to sympathize withto consist ofto take care of, to look afterto depend onto get rid of, to part withto say goodbye to,to take leave ofto enjoyto doubtto fall in love withto take charge oJto find out about,to become aware ofto enjoyto flee fromto leaveto leave


    de dede



    to have justto remember toto be glad toto repentto be astonished atto be frightened at, to getalarmed (about something )to be ashamed ofto become tired ofto cease, to stops hould, must (probability )

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    ocuparse deolvidarse depensar depreocuparse dequejarse dereirse desalir desepararse deservir deservirse detratarse devalerse de

    to attend to, to pay attention to,to look after

    to forgetto have an opinion about,to think of or aboutto worry about,to be concerned about

    to complain of or etboutto Laugh atto leave (from), to go out ofto leaveto serve asto make use of, to useto be a que,stion of, to deal withtu make use oJ, to avuiL onesell oJ

    Verbs that generally take en + noun or pronounapoyarse enconfiar enconsistir enconvertirse enentrar enf,r.jarse eninfluir enmeterse enpararse enpensaf en

    to lean against, to lean onto rely on, to trust (in)to consist ofto become, to convert to,lo turn intoto entef to go intoto ruttice, to tuke ruttice ofto have an inflttence onto get involved in, to meddle into stop dtto think of, to think obout

    Verbs that generally take por + infinitive, noun,pronoun, or adiectiveVerbs that generally take en + infinitivecomplacer(se) enconfrar enconsentir enconvenir enempeflarse enesfbrzarse eninsistir enpensar enpersistir enquedar entardar envacilar en

    to toke pleasure in,to be pleased to

    to trust in, to be cont'ident into consent t0to agree to, to ugree onto persist in, to insist onto strive .fbr, to try totr,t insist onto think of, to think abomto persist into 0!lree to, to 0gree onto be lue in, to deluy into lrcsitate to

    acabar pordar pordarse porempezar poresforzarse porestar porinteresarse porluchar porpasar porpreguntar porpreocuparse porterminar portomar por

    to end (up) btto consider to reg,ard (tsto pretend, to consicler oneseU'to begin bvto stritte toto be in.firv,or oJtrs tuke an interest into .strug,gle toto be considered usto usk.lbr, to inquire uhoutto worry ulxtutto end (up) bvto tlke someone lbr

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