presence of cytochrome p-450-dependent monooxygenase...

Presence of Cytochrome P-450-Dependent Monooxygenase in Intimal Cells of the Hog Aorta NADER G. ABRAHAM, ALDO PINTO, KEVIN M. MULLANE, RICHARD D. LEVERE, AND ERIC SPOKAS SUMMARY Cytochrome P-450-dependent mixed function oxidase activity is present in vascular tissue; however, as far as we could determine, the distribution of monooxygenase activity across the blood vessel wall has not previously been assessed. The aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity was examined by metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene in microsomes prepared from intimal and smooth muscle cell scrapings of the hog thoracic aorta. Microsomes of intimal cells comprising 95 % endothelial cells showed an approximately 2.5-fold increase in aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity compared with that in microsomes prepared from medial smooth muscle cells. Michaelis-Mentin kinetics for the intimal enzyme yielded an apparent K m value of 11.11 /xM and an apparent V max of 3-0H benzo[a]py- rene of 40 pmol/mg protein/10 min. Aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity was dependent on nicotin- amide adenine dinucleotide phosphate and was inhibited by 7,8 benzoflavone, SKF 525A, and carbon monoxide. The localization of cytochrome P-450-dependent mixed function oxidase primarily to the intimal surface of the aorta may indicate a role for this enzyme system in vasoregulation and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. (Hypertension 7: 899-904, 1985) KEY WORDS • aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase • benzo[a]pyrene • endothelium media • arachidonic acid * aortic microsome C YTOCHROME P-450-dependent enzymes catalyze the oxidation of a great variety of foreign compounds and participate in the de- toxification of chemicals and the biotransformation of environmental mutagens. 1 Enzymatic reactions medi- ated through cytochrome P-450 enzyme systems also contribute to the metabolism of endogenous substrates and to the oxidative transformation of fatty acids, such as arachidonic acid 2 and its cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase products. 3 Since cytochrome P450-de- From the Departments of Medicine (N.G. Abraham and R.D. Levere) and Pharmacology (N.G. Abraham, A. Pinto, K.M. Mul- lane, and E. Spokas), New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York; Supported in part by U.S. Public Health Service Grant HC-31591 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and by National Institutes of Health Grant AM-29742. Dr. Mullane is the recipient of a Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's Association Faculty Develop- ment Award. Dr. Abraham is the recipient of a Research Career Development Award (AM 00781) from the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases and grant support from the G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation. Presented in part at the 57th Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association on November 12-15, 1984, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida. Address for reprints: Nader G. Abraham, Ph.D., Department of Medicine, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York 10595. Received December 24, 1984; accepted May 14, 1985. pendent enzymes play a dominant role in the metabo- lism of drugs, attention has centered primarily on the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450-containing sys- tem. 4 However, various extrahepatic tissues, including lung, kidney, intestine, bone marrow, and adrenal glands, contain substantial amounts of cytochrome P-450 mixed function oxidase (MFO) activity. 5 " 7 Ullrich and Graf 8 have shown the presence of cy- tochrome P-450 in hog aorta microsomes. In their study, they were unable to demonstrate monooxygen- ase activity using typical substrates for microsomal cytochrome P-450 reactions. In contrast, Juchau et al. 9 demonstrated the presence of cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase in homogenates of aorta based on hy- droxylation of benzo[a]pyrene; the latter oxidation is known to be catalyzed by P-450-dependent enzyme. Aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity subse- quently was demonstrated in cultured endothelial cells isolated from bovine aorta. 10 Further, using immuno- histofluorescence techniques, Dees et al." reported that pulmonary arteries and veins and renal arteries contained two isozymes of cytochrome P-450. Al- though control tissue showed no fluorescent activity, the isozymes were inducible with the polycyclic hydrocarbon 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo -p -dioxin, which gave rise to intense fluorescent staining local- ized to the endothelium. 899 by guest on May 6, 2018 Downloaded from

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Page 1: Presence of Cytochrome P-450-Dependent Monooxygenase … · Presence of Cytochrome P-450-Dependent Monooxygenase

Presence of Cytochrome P-450-DependentMonooxygenase in Intimal Cells of the Hog Aorta



SUMMARY Cytochrome P-450-dependent mixed function oxidase activity is present in vasculartissue; however, as far as we could determine, the distribution of monooxygenase activity across theblood vessel wall has not previously been assessed. The aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity wasexamined by metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene in microsomes prepared from intimal and smooth musclecell scrapings of the hog thoracic aorta. Microsomes of intimal cells comprising 95 % endothelial cellsshowed an approximately 2.5-fold increase in aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity compared withthat in microsomes prepared from medial smooth muscle cells. Michaelis-Mentin kinetics for theintimal enzyme yielded an apparent Km value of 11.11 /xM and an apparent Vmax of 3-0H benzo[a]py-rene of 40 pmol/mg protein/10 min. Aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity was dependent on nicotin-amide adenine dinucleotide phosphate and was inhibited by 7,8 benzoflavone, SKF 525A, and carbonmonoxide. The localization of cytochrome P-450-dependent mixed function oxidase primarily to theintimal surface of the aorta may indicate a role for this enzyme system in vasoregulation and thepathogenesis of atherosclerosis. (Hypertension 7: 899-904, 1985)

KEY WORDS • aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase • benzo[a]pyrene • endotheliummedia • arachidonic acid * aortic microsome

CYTOCHROME P-450-dependent enzymescatalyze the oxidation of a great variety offoreign compounds and participate in the de-

toxification of chemicals and the biotransformation ofenvironmental mutagens.1 Enzymatic reactions medi-ated through cytochrome P-450 enzyme systems alsocontribute to the metabolism of endogenous substratesand to the oxidative transformation of fatty acids, suchas arachidonic acid2 and its cyclooxygenase andlipoxygenase products.3 Since cytochrome P450-de-

From the Departments of Medicine (N.G. Abraham and R.D.Levere) and Pharmacology (N.G. Abraham, A. Pinto, K.M. Mul-lane, and E. Spokas), New York Medical College, Valhalla, NewYork;

Supported in part by U.S. Public Health Service Grant HC-31591from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and by NationalInstitutes of Health Grant AM-29742. Dr. Mullane is the recipientof a Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's Association Faculty Develop-ment Award. Dr. Abraham is the recipient of a Research CareerDevelopment Award (AM 00781) from the National Institute ofArthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases and grant supportfrom the G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation.

Presented in part at the 57th Scientific Sessions of the AmericanHeart Association on November 12-15, 1984, at the Miami BeachConvention Center in Miami Beach, Florida.

Address for reprints: Nader G. Abraham, Ph.D., Department ofMedicine, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York 10595.

Received December 24, 1984; accepted May 14, 1985.

pendent enzymes play a dominant role in the metabo-lism of drugs, attention has centered primarily on thehepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450-containing sys-tem.4 However, various extrahepatic tissues, includinglung, kidney, intestine, bone marrow, and adrenalglands, contain substantial amounts of cytochromeP-450 mixed function oxidase (MFO) activity.5"7

Ullrich and Graf8 have shown the presence of cy-tochrome P-450 in hog aorta microsomes. In theirstudy, they were unable to demonstrate monooxygen-ase activity using typical substrates for microsomalcytochrome P-450 reactions. In contrast, Juchau et al.9

demonstrated the presence of cytochrome P-450monooxygenase in homogenates of aorta based on hy-droxylation of benzo[a]pyrene; the latter oxidation isknown to be catalyzed by P-450-dependent enzyme.Aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity subse-quently was demonstrated in cultured endothelial cellsisolated from bovine aorta.10 Further, using immuno-histofluorescence techniques, Dees et al." reportedthat pulmonary arteries and veins and renal arteriescontained two isozymes of cytochrome P-450. Al-though control tissue showed no fluorescent activity,the isozymes were inducible with the polycyclichydrocarbon 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p -dioxin,which gave rise to intense fluorescent staining local-ized to the endothelium.


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The evidence to date does not permit a quantitativeassessment of the distribution of cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase activity within the bloodvessel wall. This is particularly important in view ofthe recent report that inhibitors of cytochrome P-450antagonize endothelium-dependent vasodilation in-duced by methacholine, A23187, or arachidonicacid.12 Such a role for cytochrome P-450 MFO in thecontrol of vascular tone would require a specific local-ization in the endothelium. Consequently, the objec-tive of this study was to determine the relative activityof the cytochrome P-450 MFO system in two differentzones of the vascular wall, the intimal and mediallayers. Experiments were also conducted to character-ize the enzyme in terms of the kinetics of the AHHreaction and its susceptibility to inhibition or activationby compounds known to interact with the cytochromeP-450 system.

Materials and MethodsSegments of thoracic aorta were obtained from ma-

ture hogs within 15 minutes of slaughter and transport-ed at 4°C to the laboratory. Experiments were conduct-ed with the entire thoracic segment, extending from theaortic arch to the diaphragm. At least 12 completesegments (approximately 450 g of cleaned tissue) wereused to prepare each batch of intimal cells; in the twoexperiments in which apparent Km determinations weremade, the microsomes were obtained with intimal cellspooled from 18 and 25 animals respectively.

The tissue composing the tunica intima and tunicamedia was sampled as follows. Each vessel wasopened longitudinally and pinned, intimal surface up,to a Styrofoam board. The endothelial lining was gen-tly rinsed with cold Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer(1.0 g/L dextrose, pH 7.4); small blood clots wereremoved with a cotton tip applicator, and areas withfirmly attached clots were excised. In most of the ex-periments, intimal cell suspensions were obtained bylight scraping with a rubber policeman; however, ininitial experiments either a cotton tip applicator or ascalpel bjade was used to collect the cells. (Essentiallyidentical results with regard to the fluorimetric assay ofAHH activity were obtained irrespective of the collec-tion method.) The initial harvest of intimal cells, sus-pended in 30 to 50 ml of Krebs buffer containing 4.5%bovine serum albumin, was filtered through two plysof cotton gauze, and an aliquot was taken for lightmicroscopic observation and cell counting with a he-mocytometer. At least four complete aortic segmentswere used in the preparation of microsomes from thetunica media. Medial layer scrapings were obtained,after removal of the internal elastic membrane, byroughly scraping the luminal margin of the muscularcoat. Identical procedures were used for the subcellu-lar fractionation of intimal or medial samples. Afterbrief centrifugation (15 min, 1500 g, 20°C) with aBeckman 12-21 centrifuge (Palo Alto, CA, USA), thesupernatant was discarded and the cells were washedby resuspending the pellet in approximately 30 ml ofKrebs buffer without bovine serum albumin. The

washing procedure was repeated twice, after which theintimal cells or medial scrapings were subjected to afourth centrifugation step (900 g) and treated with 5 mlof NH4Cl-KHCOrTris (pH 7.4) buffer for 5 minutes tohemolyze contaminating erythrocytes. The resultantpellet was homogenized in ice-cold distilled water, andthe pH of the homogenate subsequently was adjustedto 7.6 by adding KH2PO4 buffer to a final concentra-tion of 0.1 M. Microsomal preparations were obtainedas previously described.13

The method used to determine benzo[a]pyrene hy-droxylase activity was adapted from procedures de-scribed by Nebert and Gelboin14 and Alvares et al.15

with spectrophotofluorimetric determination of 3-OHbenzo[a]pyrene after an alkaline extraction of theorganic phase. Microsomes or intimal cells wereincubated for 10 minutes at 37 °C in a reaction mixturecontaining 50 yuM benzo[a]pyrene, 1 mM reduced nic-otinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH),1 mM reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NADH), 1 mM MgCl, and 0.1 mg bovine serumalbumin. Volume was adjusted to 0.6 ml with 0.1 MKH2PO4 buffer, pH 7.8. The reaction was stopped bythe addition of 3 ml of ice-cold acetone/hexane (3:1).The mixture was vortexed vigorously, and hydroxylat-ed benzo[a]pyrene was extracted into 1 M NaOH. Theconcentration of hydroxylated benzo[a]pyrene in thealkali phase was determined by measuring the fluo-rescence at 522 nm during excitation at 396 nm usingan Hitachi-Perkin Elmer spectrophotometer (ModelMPF-3; Wilton, CT, USA). Duplicate analyses werecarried out on all samples, and the amount of 3-OHbenzo[a]pyrene generated was determined by referringto a standard curve. The results were obtained aftersubtracting values for blanks, which were incubatedunder conditions identical to control incubations butlacked microsomes or cells. Zero-time blanks, pre-pared with microsomes or cells, showed slight activity;in these incubations the reaction was stopped immedi-ately after addition of benzo[a]pyrene. Protein con-centrations were determined by the method of Lowryet al.16

Preliminary experiments with intact cells, lysates,and microsomes established that reaction velocity wasdependent on cell protein and was linear for at least 10minutes. The apparent Km for hydroxylation of ben-zo[a]pyrene by intimal microsomes was determined byincubating different amounts of benzo[a]pyrene sub-strate with 0.2 mg of microsomal protein under theaforementioned reaction conditions. The 7,8 benzofla-vone was dissolved in dimethylsulfate. The SKF 525Awas dissolved in buffer and added to the reaction mix-ture at a final concentration of 200 ^iM.

The initial pellet of freshly harvested intimal cells ormedial scrapings was used to obtain toluidine bluesmears for light microscopic examination. The tissuespecimen was heat fixed, stained with 0 .1% toluidineblue, rinsed in distilled water, and directly examinedwithout embedding or sectioning. To obtain some as-sessment of viability, intimal cells were scraped with ascalpel blade into sterile Krebs buffer with bovine se-

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P-450 IN INTIMAL CELLSIAbraham et al. 901

rum albumin and then seeded into tissue culture flaskscontaining Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium with10% fetal calf serum. The cells were cultured usingmethods and materials similar to those described byRyan et al.,!7 and the cultures were observed micro-scopically at 4 days and at 14 days, when they reachedconfluency.

ResultsLight scraping of the intimal surface yielded large

numbers of cells, approximately 20 million per aorta.On light microscopic examination, the toluidineblue-stained specimen (Figure 1) exhibited a uniformappearance and the primary cell type was representedby the endothelial cell, as judged by the morphologicalresemblance to similarly stained preparations removedby electrophoretic cellulose acetate paper.18 Moreover,when examined by phase-contrast microscopy, thecells grew as a monolayer with the characteristic"cobblestone" appearance, although these primary cul-tures contained at least one other contaminating cell

type. In particular, another adherent cell, much largerthan an endothelial cell, was found in preconfluent andconfluent cultures; these composed roughly 5% of thetotal, as judged by phase microscopy. Scrapings ob-tained from the tunica media showed a heterogeneousappearance, with variable numbers of elongate ("ci-gar-shaped") nuclei and large amounts of paniculatematerial.

Microsomes prepared from aortic tissue, particular-ly from the intimal zone, contained considerable AHHactivity. To prepare each batch of microsomes we usedaortic tissues pooled from approximately 20 hogs. Inthe five batches studied, AHH activity ranged from 6pmol 3-OH benzo[a]pyrene per milligram of proteinper 10 minutes to 13 pmol/mg protein/10 min. Table 1shows that incubation of intimal microsomes with ben-zo[a]pyrene resulted in a level of AHH activity 2.5-fold greater than that achieved by incubation of medialmicrosomes. It is clear that AHH was present in great-er specific activity in the intimal zone (mainly endothe-lial cells) than in the medial, muscular zone.


FIGURE 1. Toluidine blue-stained smear of freshly harvested intimal cells obtained by gentle scraping of hogthoracic aorta. Low (A, X 125) and high power (B, x 315) photomicrographs indicate that these intimalscrapings were comprised almost entirely of endothelial cells. The smear was made from a pellet of cells isolatedfrom a large number of aortae by scraping with a rubber policeman into Krebs buffer containing 4.5% bovineserum albumin. (The original magnification stated above has been reduced. The bar in each figure [upper right]represents 50 fim.)

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TABLE 1. Comparison of Aryl-Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase Activ-ity Present in Microsomesfrom Intimal and Medial Layers of HogThoracic Aorta

Layer Specific activity*Relative

specific activity*







Values are the means of triplicate determinations.•Measured as picomoles of 3-OH benzo[a]pyrene formed per

milligram of protein per 10 minutes.

TABLE 2. Requirements for Aryl-Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase Ac-tivity and Effects of Specific Inhibitors of Monooxygenases

Incubation systemComplete system*- NADPH+ Carbon monoxidet+ SKF 525A+ 7,8 Benzoflavone

Activity(pmol/mg protein/10 min)

Reaction mixtures contained 100 /nmol potassium phosphate, pH7.5, 1 /xmol NADPH, 1 pimol MgCl, 0.8 mg of microsomal pro-tein, and 50 /LIM benzo[a]pyrene (in 20 (JL\ of acetone) in a totalvolume of 1.0 ml. Incubation was in open air in a 12-ml tube for 10minutes at 37°C. The reaction was stopped as described in Materialsand Methods.

NADPH = reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phos-phate.

*Results of duplicate determinations were always within 10% ofeach other.

tThe reaction mixtures were bubbled with carbon monoxide for 2minutes before the substrate (benzo[a]pyrene) was added, afterwhich time the incubation was continued in a covered water bath.

A series of experiments was conducted to corrobo-rate the assay results indicating the presence of cyto-chrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase activitywithin the aortic intima. As shown in Table 2, theAHH activity exhibited an absolute requirement forNADPH or its generating system. Exposure of themicrosomes to carbon monoxide inhibited 3-OH ben-zo[a]pyrene formation by 69%. Ethylenediaminetet-raacetic acid, of which 0.1 mM has been reported toinhibit AHH activity in hamster fetus cell cultures,14

had no effect on AHH activity in our preparation ofintimal microsomes. Addition of 7,8 benzoflavone andSKF 525A inhibited the reaction by 37% and 59%respectively. The NADPH dependency and the inhibi-tion caused by 7,8 benzoflavone, SKF 525A, and car-bon monoxide all indicate that a form of cytochrome P-450 is involved in the hydroxylation reaction. Thereaction catalyzed by the AHH was apparently linearfor 10 minutes (Figure 2). A Lineweaver and Burkdouble reciprocal plot for the hydroxylation ofbenzo[a]pyrene by intimal microsomes is shown inFigure 3. It can be seen that the reaction conformed toMichaelis-Menten kinetics, yielding an apparent Kmvalue of 11.11 fxM and an apparent Vmai of 40 pmol 3-OH benzo[a]pyrene formed per milligram of proteinper 10 minutes, which is comparable to the constantsreported for the rabbit kidney but higher than that re-ported for rabbit liver.18



3 8•u4> .

E 6

o"*" 40.03

± 2o

2 4 6 8 10 12minutes

FIGURE 2. Time course of aryl-hydrocarbon hydroxylase ac-tivity present in microsomes prepared from hog aortic intima.The microsomal fraction was obtained by differential centrifu-gation following homogenizalion and hypotonic lysis of a sus-pension of intimal cells obtained as in Figure 1. Intimal micro-somes were incubated with benzo[a]pyrene (BP) as substratefor the indicated time intervals. The 3-OH benzo[a]pyrene wasmeasured as described in Materials and Methods.









Km=ll.ll AIM

Vmax=40 pmoles/mg/10min

/ ^

0.3 O.I 0.1 .3

FIGURE 3. Double reciprocal plot of aryl-hydrocarbon hy-droxylase activity in intimal microsomes prepared from hogthoracic aorta. The formation of 3-OH benzo[a]pyrene wasdetermined by incubating different concentrations of benzo-[ajpyrene substrate with 0.35 mg of microsomal protein underreaction conditions described in the text (V = velocity; S =substrate).

The results shown in Figure 4 were obtained byrepetitive scanning of incubation medium containing0.35 mg of microsomal protein (from aortic intima)and 80 iM benzo[a]pyrene. The excitation wave-length maximum was 396 nm, which allowed maximalfluorescence emission of 3-OH benzo[a]pyrene (kmaximum emission = 522 nm) but not of benzo-[a]pyrene (X. maximum emission = 427 nm). Spectrawere recorded 10 minutes after benzo[a]pyrene hadbeen added to the incubation medium. Maximum flu-orescence emission of 3-OH benzo[a]pyrene at 522 nmwas dependent on enzyme protein and the presence ofNADPH.

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P-450 IN 1NTIMAL CELLS/Abraham et al. 903






o 30



X excitation-396nm

X emission(nm)

FIGURE 4. Spectral analysis of ary I-hydrocarbon hydroxy-lase activity in hog aortic intima. The enzyme assay was per-formed using a microsomal preparation under conditions de-scribed in Materials and Methods. The results of duplicateanalyses are shown as well as data obtained in a concurrentlyincubated blank.

DiscussionThese experiments demonstrate that microsomes

prepared from intimal scrapings of the hog aorta con-tain a low but readily detectable level of cytochromeP-450 MFO activity as assessed by the metabolism ofbenzo[a]pyrene. In contrast, microsomes of the mediallayer were virtually devoid of activity. Juchau et al.9

reported the metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene in homog-enates of whole aorta in 1976. Other studies indicateactivity in cultured aortic endothelial cells10 and cy-tochrome P-450-specific immunofluorescent stainingof the endothelium of blood vessels." However, noneof these studies addressed the distribution of this MFOsystem across the vascular wall. The present studyspecifically attempted to quantitatively analyze AHHactivity in the intimal and medial layers of the bloodvessel. Our isolation technique resulted in a prepara-tion of intimal cells composed almost exclusively ofendothelial cells, which indicates that endothelial cellsare the source of the intimal AHH activity. The level ofactivity was comparable to that previously measured inthe outer medulla of the rabbit kidney using similarassay methods (unpublished data). Our results indicatethat the AHH activity is clearly a cytochrome P-450-dependent reaction, since it was NADPH dependentand inhibited by 7,8 benzoflavone and SKF 525A,which are both potent inhibitors of cytochrome P-450-containing enzymes.

The relative absence of cytochrome P-450-depen-dent AHH activity in smooth muscle cells of the medi-al layer is of interest since it has recently been suggest-ed that products of arachidonic acid formed by acytochrome P-450-dependent mechanism mediateendothelium-dependent vasorelaxant responses tomethacholine, A23187, and arachidonic acid.12 Thelocalization of AHH activity found in the present studylends support to such a proposal, since endothelium-

dependent responses have also been observed in thepig aorta.19 Moreover, cells of the medulla of the kid-ney20 as well as polymorphonuclear leukocytes21 con-tain cytochrome P-450-dependent enzymes capable ofgenerating vasodilator products from arachidonic acid.

The ability of the intima to serve as an oxygen sen-sor is evident from the work of Busse et al.,22 whoshowed that removal of endothelial cells blocked thevasodilatory response of the rat tail artery to intralu-minal hypoxia. The vascular cytochrome P-450 MFOsystem may be implicated in hypoxic pulmonary vaso-constriction, since inhibitors of cytochrome P-450such as carbon monoxide and metyrapone block thevasoconstrictor response.23-24 Constriction of the duc-tus arteriosus of the lamb on exposure to oxygen is alsothought to be mediated by a cytochrome P-450-depen-dent mechanism.25 It therefore appears that both vaso-constrictor and vasodilator metabolites may be formedand that the metabolism is governed by tissue-specificdifferences or oxygen tension, or both. It also shouldbe noted that, while aortic tissue has been used exten-sively for studies of endothelium-dependent vascularresponses, endothelial cells of large and small bloodvessels show major differences in morphology andfunction.26 The findings of the present study may notbe indicative of the cytochrome P-450 activity in resis-tance or capacitance vessels.

In summary, the present results indicate that thevascular cytochrome P-450 MFO system is localizedin the intima; very little activity was detected in cellsfrom the medial layer. The disposition of this enzymesystem is consistent with a role in endothelium-depen-dent vasodilation. Moreover, because of its strategiclocation, this MFO may also be involved in the patho-genesis of atherosclerosis and the production of cyto-toxic mutagens, as suggested by Juchau et al.9

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Dr. John J. Fenoglio, Jr., Professor of Pathology,

College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, whowas consulted in the light microscopic study. We are grateful toDrs. Stewart A. Newman and Eugene Wenk, Department of Anato-my, New York Medical College, for help with the morphologicalstudies and to Mr. Frank Palmieri, Department of Pharmacology,for help with tissue culture and microscopy. We thank Dr. MariaAguera, Department of Clinical Pathology, Westchester CountyMedical Center, for the photomicrographs. SKF 525A was a gener-ous gift from Smith-Kline and French Laboratories, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. We thank Ms. Elizabeth Beattie for the excellenttechnical assistance. We also appreciate the help of Karl Ehmer andhis employees at Karl Ehmer Farms of LaGrangeville.

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5. Wolf CR, Statham CN, McMenamin MG, Bend JR, BoydMR, Philpot RM. The relationship between the catalytic activi-ties of rabbit pulmonary cytochrome P-450 isozymes and thelung-specific toxicity of the furan derivative, 4-ipomeanol.Mol Pharmacol 1982;22:738-744

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Page 7: Presence of Cytochrome P-450-Dependent Monooxygenase … · Presence of Cytochrome P-450-Dependent Monooxygenase

N G Abraham, A Pinto, K M Mullane, R D Levere and E SpokasPresence of cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase in intimal cells of the hog aorta.

Print ISSN: 0194-911X. Online ISSN: 1524-4563 Copyright © 1985 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

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