present simple vs present continuous - 1st eso

ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo Av. President Macià, 10 PRESENT SIMPLE – PRESENT CONTINUOUS EXERCISES EXERCISE 1: Write the –ing form of the verbs below and complete the table: Drive – go – get - wash – drink – wear – sit – have – play – run – live – swim – do – cut – rain – dance – put – write – make – cry – eat EXERCISE 2: What are they dong? Choose a verb from the box and describe the picture. Use the Present Continuous. Write – sleep – talk – drink – swim – eat – run – listen – read – play - sing – cook – ride - dance + - ing (e) + - ing Double consonant

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Page 1: Present simple vs present continuous - 1st ESO

ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ' 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo Av. President Macià, 10


EXERC ISE 1 : W r i t e t he – ing f o rm o f t he ve rbs be low and comp le te t he t ab l e :

Drive – go – get - wash – drink – wear – sit – have – play – run – live – swim – do – cut – rain –

dance – put – write – make – cry – eat

EXERC ISE 2 : Wha t a re t hey dong? Choose a ve rb f r om the box and desc r i be t he

p i c tu re . Use t he P resen t Con t i nuous .

Write – sleep – talk – drink – swim – eat – run – listen – read – play - sing – cook – ride - dance

+ - i ng (e ) + - i ng Doub le consonan t

Page 2: Present simple vs present continuous - 1st ESO

ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ' 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo Av. President Macià, 10

EXERC ISE 3 : Look a t t he p i c t u re . W r i t e sen tences abou t J ane .

1. (have dinner) ____________________________________________________

2. (watch television) _________________________________________________

3. (sit on the floor) __________________________________________________

4. (read a book) ____________________________________________________

5. (play the piano) __________________________________________________

6. (laugh) ________________________________________________________

7. (wear a hat) _____________________________________________________

8. (write a letter) ___________________________________________________

Page 3: Present simple vs present continuous - 1st ESO

ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ' 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo Av. President Macià, 10

EXERC ISE 4 : W r i t e sen tences f r om these wo rds . Pu t t he ve rb i n t he r i gh t f o rm .

1. (always/ early/ Sue/ arrive) ___________________________________________

2. (basketball/ I/ play/ often) ___________________________________________

3. (work/ Margaret/ hard/ usually) ________________________________________

4. (Jenny/ always/ nice clothes/ wear) _____________________________________

5. (dinner/ we/ have/ always/ at 7:30) _____________________________________

6. (television/ Tim/ watch/ never) ________________________________________

7. (like/ chocolate/ children/ usually) ______________________________________

8. (Julia/ parties/ enjoy/ always) _________________________________________

EXERC ISE 5 : W r i t e ques t i ons . Use t he wo rds i n b racke t s . Pu t t he wo rds i n t he

r i gh t o rde r .

a. (where/ live/ your parents?)


b. (you/ early/ always/ get up?)


c. (how often/ TV/ you/ watch?)


d. (you/ want/ what/ for dinner?)


e. (like/ you/ football?)


f. (what/ you/ do/ in the evenings?)


g. (your sister/ work/ where?)


h. (to the cinema/ often/ you/ go?)


i. (go/ usually/ to bed/ what time/ you?)


j. (you/ for breakfast/ have/ usually/ what?)


k. (how much/ to phone New York/ it/ cost?)


Page 4: Present simple vs present continuous - 1st ESO

ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ' 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo Av. President Macià, 10

EXERC ISE 6 : Pu t t he ve rb i n t he p resen t con t i nuous o r i n t he p resen t s imp le .

1. Excuse me. ______________________ (you / speak) English?

2. Where is Tom? ____________________ (he / have) a shower.

3. ____________________ (I / not / watch) television very often.

4. Listen! Somebody _______________________ (sing).

5. Sandra is tired. _________________________ (she / want) to go home now.

6. How often ____________________________ (you / read) a newspaper?

7. I’m sorry, ____________________________ (I / not / understand). Can you speak

more slowly?

8. It’s late. ______________________ (I / go) home now. ___________________

(you / come) with me?

9. What time ________________________ (your father / finish) work in the evenings?

10. Where is Paul? In the Kitchen. _________________________ (he / cook) something.