presentacion dinamarca

LoCaRe-project European Sustainablity Ambassadors Gijón experience, a sustentable Alfonso Laruelo Roa Alfonso Laruelo Roa Concejalía de Medio Concejalía de Medio Ambiente Ambiente Ayuntamiento de Gijón Ayuntamiento de Gijón

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Page 1: Presentacion Dinamarca

LoCaRe-projectEuropean Sustainablity Ambassadors

Gijón experience, a sustentable

Alfonso Laruelo RoaAlfonso Laruelo RoaConcejalía de Medio AmbienteConcejalía de Medio Ambiente

Ayuntamiento de GijónAyuntamiento de Gijón

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Principality of AsturiasNorth of Spain

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Socioeconomic overview

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The city

280.000 inhabitants

1.200.000 annual visitants and 7.620 accommodation possibilities

150.618 vehicles registered (114.979 car’s and 11.519 motorcycles)

Arcelor Mittal

El Musel Port Shipyard

Hidrocantabric Power Plants (EDP Group)

Cement Factory in Aboño

Socioeconomic overview

Industrial Capital from Asturias

150 Companies working on the Scientifical and Technological Park

Technological Campus from Oviedo´s University


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1Environment Department works with a 2011 budget of more than 99 million Euro from Gijon City Council.

More than 1.700 people have been working over the last 20 months on several Environmental Programs

Socioeconomic overview

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Green Gijon

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Green Gijon

16 m2 public green zones per habitant

7100 street trees

25000 park trees

50 public parks

Coast Recovery Project

Starting 2000 – 30 years view

750 Hectareas (1854 Acres)

100 km of tracks

18 million € budget

Costal path – sidewalk

La Providencia maritime park

Enviromental Arch Project

The Atlantic Botanical Garden

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Green Gijon

Costal path – sidewalk

La Providencia maritime park

The Atlantic Botanical Garden

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Gijon in motion


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Gijon in motion


Laboratory for the development and use of electric vehicles

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Gijon in motion

32009 Start

21 Public electric recharge points all over the city

15 Vehicles

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Gijon in motion

3628 Renting bicicles, 115 free service for inhabitants

8 Parking lots

38.386 Services

Gijon by bike

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Gijon in motion

319,5 million passengers

467.000 Bus rides

4,7 million Km covered

Gijon by bus

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Gijon in motion

3350 Efficiency driving courses for citizens and proffesional drivers

European Movility Week Activities

Local Energy Agency

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Gijon somoke free


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54Municipal Plan to renewal boilers in private buildings

Plan of installation of solar thermal panels in 23 municipal buildings

Plan installation of photovoltaic panels in 26 municipal buildings

4 Projects of public buildings with biomass

Centralized control of heating in 33 public schools

Gijon somoke free

26 primary schools (12 groups and 360 students) participated in the Display Energy Certification Program of the EU

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Campaigns for energy conservation and efficiency


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5532 energy audits on municipal buildings

24 energy audits in shops and bars. Editing a manual

Energy audit in 15 small businesses. 106.5 tonnes / year of CO2 saved

Energy audit in 10 restaurants. 195.21 tons / year of CO2 saved.

Campaign in a hangers for hotels with messages about water-saving and washing linen

Estimated overall savings of 1,229 metric tons of CO2 emissions covered

Campaigns for energy conservation and efficiency

Local Energy Agency

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Environmental awareness campaigns


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56Solar European Day activities

Collaboration Agreement with Union Fenosa and the Science and Technology Park of Gijón for the training of college students

Demonstrations in International Trade Fair of Asturias use of solar cookers, efficient houses ...

Environmental awareness campaigns

Environmental education

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Atractivos tradicionales

Principales atractivos

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Restos del pasado romano

Infraestructuras y equipamientos turísticos

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Infraestructuras recientes

Infraestructuras y equipamientos turísticos

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Asturias con sal

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Thank you.