presentation class partea 3

Examples of Slides What do you think?

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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class 3


  • Examples of SlidesWhat do you think?

  • Recent ActionsFaculty interviewsBlocking & Stacking decisions PHS Faculty and All-Staff briefings Executive Committee decisions on schematic design Floor group meetings

  • Converting Hand TimesFor track events - convert times to next higher 1/10th of a secondTime on watch = 10.43Reported time is 10.5Time on watch = 10.50Reported time is 10.5

    For races not fully on the track, convert times to next highest second, e.g.marathon:Time on watch = 3:29:45.12Reported time is 3:29:46

  • A Sample ProbElemsBullet oneBullet TwoBullet threeBullet fourBullet FIVEBullet Six

    Shot Of MyBACKYARD

  • The Change Process

  • Organization of Meet PersonnelMeet DirectorStarterJury of AppealsTrack RefereeField RefereeRace Walk RefereeChief ClerkChief Finish JudgeChief UmpireChief Field Judge

  • Putting Concepts to PracticeA Group Process

  • Review Questions Discussion

  • Session HandoutsNotes sheetSession slides 6 slides per pageSession outlineCD with filesGroup processHomework forms

  • CD Contents

  • Resources

  • Evaluation and Homework AssignmentComplete form for two sessionsEvaluate four speakers use of PowerPointUse form to evaluate this sessionPlan to make a presentation in next 3 monthsLet me know how you are doing

  • VisualsPlanning andAnalysisPractice & Do It! EffectivePresentationPresentation ComponentsContent Message Supporting Points

  • Today We CoveredPresentation basicsContent considerationsBuilding audience attentionManaging your audience and timeVisual aids, handouts, mistakes, tipsGroup processResources, review, questions, discussion

  • You've carefully thought out all the angles. You've done it a thousand times.It comes naturally to you.You know what you're doing, its what you've been trained to do your whole life.Nothing could possibly go wrong, right ?Just to Keep You Humble

  • Think Again.

  • Addendum

  • ObjectivesEnhance presentation skillsGrasp the basics of structuring Become audience-centeredMake your ideas stand outSee how PowerPoint complementsTap into being yourselfLearn via content, group exercise, handouts and each other

  • Managing Your AudienceTo keep audience on trackBuild rapport early onKeep them engaged through pacingDeal directly with hostility or dominanceRead non-verbals accuratelyConnect with a supporterAdapt to their needsExcite their interest

  • Managing Your AudienceDealing with disruptionsSet ground-rules about side talkKeep the talk on focusRead body language accuratelyUse your body positionAsk questions of othersDefer questions to later time

  • Managing Your AudienceHandling discussion, questions & answersPrepare possible questions with answersQuestions policy during or at endListen to whole question asked and answer what was askedRepeat question for clarificationSummarize and follow-up

  • 7