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Definition of Computer Based Instruction

It is a kind of educational technologies inspired by various behavioris theories.

Synonymous terms: Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI), Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), Computer-Based Learning (CBL).

CBI is an interactive instructional approach in which the computer, taking the place of an instructor, provides a series of stimuli to the student ranging from questions to be answered to choices or decisions to be made. The CBI then provides feedback based on the student's response.

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Using the computer for training and instruction, CBI programs are called "courseware" and provide interactive training sessions for all disciplines. Using graphics extensively, CBI was originally introduced on Main Frames, then Laser Discs, then CD-ROMs and, later, online. CBT courseware is typically developed with authoring languages that are designed to create interactive question/answer sessions.

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Simulation Drill-and- practice

Educational games

TutorialProblem solving


Pedagogic Strategy using CBI

Pedagogic Strategy using CBI

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Advantages of Using Computer Base Intruction• Ability to learn at our own pace.• More interesting• It can also give more direct and individualized feedback, • Learners have the option to select the material that meet their level of knowledge and interest• Can study wherever the access to computer and internet

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Advantages of Using Computer Base Learning

• Ability to learn at our own pace.• More interesting• It can also give more direct and individualized feedback, • Learners have the option to select the material that meet their level of knowledge and interest• Can study wherever the access to computer and internet

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Barrier for ICT Implementation in School

Some of the barriers for teachers, studentsand government:

a.Finance problems - in terms of maintaining existing equipment and keeping up with fast pace of technological change.

b. Poor training opportunities - lack of support and lack of time as significant impacts on teachers’ willingness to integrate ICT

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c. Time and teacher workload - ICT require a large investment of time to assimilate knowledge and how it can be applied to teaching and learning.

d. ICT in the Home - Not many parents have computers in home, therefore the student have no access for homework/assignment and they are unlikely to complete homework/assignment through the traditional medium of pen and paper.

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e. Government - Lack of good ICT policy in the country.

f. Teachers’ belief - Reluctance of teachers to embrace new technologies and concerned that students could be easily distracted by technology

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Overall Conclusion

This study indicates that the adoption and integration of ICT by any subjects teachers is as similarly diverse as that by teachers more broadly.

While some teachers have led the way with innovative and exciting applications of technology, others continue to avoid it .

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This study reinforces the findings of other studies that suggest professional development .

is not simply about 'attending courses' or 'receiving training', but that it is much more complex and proactive, and requires a clear emphasis on addressing not just 'how' to do it, but on 'why' it should be done (Higgins & Mosley, 2001).

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In fact, most educators are not ICT-resistant, but the system in which they work under undoubtedly is. Technology (information or any other) brings little benefit unless it is skillfully and thoughtfully conducted and managed by teachers to enhance students’ capacity to learn. Never before has the mission of school teachers been so heavily loaded as today.

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ICT tools will transform our capability to embrace an educational paradigm that deals with learning as a vital, fulfilling, and continuing part of life at home and in the workplace as well as within educational institutions. There needs to be a balance between using technology and traditional methods of teaching and learning.