presentation marianne zoetmulder

The power of coöperation in the regions counters for learning and counters for learning and working working Marianne Zoetmulder Programmemanager Leerwerkloketten 17th of February 2016 NLEU2016 conference on vocational education and training ‘Skills for a lifetime – towards a future proof VET’

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Page 1: Presentation Marianne Zoetmulder

The power of coöperation in the regions

counters for learning and workingcounters for learning and working

Marianne Zoetmulder Programmemanager Leerwerkloketten17th of February 2016

NLEU2016 conference on vocational education and training ‘Skills for a lifetime – towards a future proof VET’

Page 2: Presentation Marianne Zoetmulder

Counters for learning working Have originated from:

• Lisbon: LifeLong Learning agenda

• Struggle for cohesion between education – labour market

• Regional approach of regional and economic issues

• Economic necessity• Labor market getting more flexibele• Knowledge economy

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Life Long Learning

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What is a Counter for Learning and Working (CLW)?

• It offers information on and access to the process of life-long learning to employers, employees and the unemployed, which includes those who have finished or are about to finish school.

• It has a regional infrastructure, running parallel to the 35 labor market regions in The Netherlands

• There are 33 regional counters for learning and working

• Partners: municipal authorities, educational and training institutions, PES*, employers

* PES: Public Employment Service

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<27 yearsJobsecurity 27-50 years(Basic) qualification >50 years

Leerwerkloketten (CLW)

Effective & Efficiënt strong links



EconomyEducation Labour market

Programme CLW

(Basic)qualificationEducation > workWork > worktransitionwork and training

Financial engineeringSocial Return on investment


Economic necesssity

Lack of cohesion

Our role• Coördination• Facilitation. Expertise


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Structure of CLW´s

Ministry. Social Affairs


Ministry Education

Regional partnership

Regional partnership

Regional partnership

Regional partnership






Focus in the regions, facilitated national

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What does a CLW do?

• Information and advice about learning while working for employers, employees, the unemployed and students.

• Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) and of achievements through learning while working

• Information about financing educational requirements/ arrangements and budgets

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• Up to date knowledge

• Knowledge on regulations and budgets

• Independent (career-) advice

• Designing and creating (educational) arrangements

• Database of potential employees

• Accreditation of training companies

• Support in finding a on-the-job-training

Value according to our partners

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Best practices

• CLW Friesland: Illiteracy

• CLW Rijnmond: Social return on Investement

• CLW Eindhoven: Regional training institute

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If you want to make them work together:

Think like Ollie and act like Tom