presentation noir question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? QUESTION THREE

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Presentation noir question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and



Page 2: Presentation noir question 3

Our film could be easily distributed by a Hollywood studio, we are being backed by Warner Brothers Pictures who have quite a creditable reputation of distributing big Hollywood films. Our film is similar to a a few existing products, for example the “Disappearance of Alice Creed”. We used “Alice Creed” as the corner stone of our interrogation scene; the carful planning and lay out of tools- also the bonded suspect is a hint at Alice Creed herself, the sack is used to signify this. Even though this will be distributed by a major Hollywood studio we did conceder having this film as an art house film.

We would of explored the layers of alcoholism and abuse within our flawed protagonist and but given it a smaller audience. So instead we came to a compromise- we would challenge mainstream cinema goers with art-house sensibility's. The common notion with Hollywood is that they talk down to the viewers in order to reach a wider audience, only a few directors make films which challenge conventions and try to push the public. Directors such as Christopher Nolan, Ang Lee and Danny Boyle. We are also challenging the public, hopefully this will pay off in the same way which Michel Hazanavicius’s “The Artist”. The Artist brought the silent movies from the early years of Hollywood and give them to a modern audience- in a similar way this is what we are doing with “REPULSE”, getting the feel of post war depression and German expressionism within a modern picture was quite difficult however our attention to camera angles and close attention to lighting replicates the dying genre.


Page 3: Presentation noir question 3

As the internet would be the main bulk of our advertising- e.g. Twitter and Facebook it would make sense to release it as an internet release only. This would save on distribution and storage costs but would not create as much income in order to finance a possible sequel.

The opportunities for a franchise would seem like the more logical option with such a well known distributor such as Warner Brothers; however as we wish to keep to classic noir themes such as pessimism and dark sensibilities it wouldn’t really suit. We may be selling the poster but that’s as far as we would go with selling off parts of merchandise. The internet release would only get a wide audience if it started to snowball and become viral. Also the issue with gatekeeping comes into play, any age could watch our 15 rated movie, within cinemas however tighter gatekeeping is provided


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As with classic noir we have tried to keep with dark sets, long shadows and labyrinthine alley ways. These settings are not much found in modern mainstream films. This use of mise on scene entices viewers and make them more interested in a wider scope of cinema- the newspaper scene at the end reflects those classic news walls held up with past, these images are often found in classic and neo-noir. The long silhouettes on the walls are difficult to shoot but worth it, they show the characters chasing but with no indication of what they look like, this mystery will become useful later in the film as our protagonist (Nicholas Malgrum) works through the deceptive criminal underworld.

Our aim was really to bring art house sensibilities with noir themes then distribute thro through a Hollywood distributors. Many of the shots where carefully set up, for example (right) our obstructed close up shot from the point of view of the suspect make the audience feel confined and claustrophobic.