presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system presentation of...

Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system

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Page 1: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating

Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system

Page 2: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating

Poddębice municipality- location

16 000 citizens of the whole municipality (8 000 citizens of Poddębice)

Area: 224 km2

Page 3: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating

Why „Poddębice – The City of Sun”?

Beach SoccerZoo Safari

Page 4: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating

I project– termomodernization of housing estate „Północ”

2002 - 2005Scope of investment:

Liquidation of three coal-fired heating sources Construction of gas-boiler-room - power 3,36 MW, Modernization of heat centres Modernization of heat distribution networks- four-wire networks produced in

technology of preinsolated tubes – total length 1572 mb, Realization of solar installation of tatal collector’s area: 1 287 m2, Termomodernization of 23 liveable buildings Modernization of internal installation of central heating Exchange of 73 units of exterior doors Warm-up of exterior walls – total area 18 796 m2, Exchange of window carpentry - total area 6 276 m2.

Page 5: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating

Pictures of facilities before modernization :

Carbon boiler-room

Page 6: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating

Investment funding sources:

Funding sourceEstblishmnet of Communal

Services Sp. z o. o. in Poddębice

Housing co-operative „Lokatorsko-Własnościowa”

in Poddębice

National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

1 470 000 0,00

Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Lodz

776 540 1 014 466

Eco-Fund Foundation in Warsaw

970 950 1 803 180

Self investments means 302 033 3 194 634

Total: 3 519 523 6 012 280

Task in total: 9 531 803

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Housing estate „Północ” after modernization

Kotłownia gazowa

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Gas boiler-room

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Inspection station

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Page 12: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating

Findings:energetic, economical, ecological

Heating power of a source

in MW

Heat consumtion

in GJ

Average consumtion inGJ/m2 p.u.

Average heating cost

zł/m2 p.u.


6,8 28.233 0,393 2,13

After Modernization(2005)

3,36 20.291 0,269 1,82

Type of pollution UnitPrevious

valueCurrent value

Absolute change

Relative change


Sulfur dioxide t/yeat 29,30 0,00 29,30 100,00

Carbon dioxide t/year 7 555,00 1 241,45 6 313,55 83,57

Dusts t/year 33,40 0,00 33,40 100,00

Nitrogen oxides t/year 8,99 0,81 8,18 90,99

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Uzysk energii w 2005 r.










Energy efficiency

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II project – Modernization of heating system and termomodernization of buildings in the area of Poddębice

2006 – 2008

Investment scope:Termomodernization:

12 apartment buildings,

13 apartment buildings in Housing Cooperative,

7 public buildings,

2 apartment buildings which are owned by commune.

Modernization of two boiler-rooms (near Cicha Street – carbon one and near Zielona street – gas one) in biomass boiler-room.

Moedrnization of heating network – lenght 3, 5 km,

Installation of 325 solar collectors – total surface: 580m2.

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Funding source

Estblishmnet of Communal

Services Sp. z o. o. in Poddębice



Housing co-operative „Lokatorsko-

Własnościowa” in Poddębice Poddębbice


National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

- - 317 687 70 000

Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Lodz

- - 2 903 000

Eco-Fund Foundation 1 647 746 1 522 000 3 474 472

BISE – kredyt z premią termomoderniz.

1 935 013(premia 531 253)

1 195 553 (premia z BGK

398 538)

1 316 124(premia z BISE 329 031)

Self investments means

812 510 1 153 466 1 084 429

Total: 4 395 269 3 871 019 9 165 712

17 432 000

Investment funding sources:

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Pictures of facilities before modernization :

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… and after modernization:

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Boiler-room powered by straw-briquette

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Page 20: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating
Page 21: Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating system Presentation of solar energy collectors and biomass in a municipal heating

Process of straw-briquette production

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Ecological aims of project:

Type of pollution

Unit Previous valueCurrent value

Absolute change

Relative change (%)

Sufur dioxideSO2

Mg 6,9 0,6 6,3 91,7

Carbon oxide Mg 39,2 0,01 39,2 100,0

Carbon dioxide Mg 2 460 41,0 2 419,0 98,0

Nitrogen oxides Mg 1,5 1,3 0,2 14,5

Dusts Mg 4,4 0,2 4,2 96,3

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Installations on the building in municipality of Poddębice

Instalacja solarna na Szpitalu Powiatowym o powierzchni 268 m2

Instalacja solarna o powierzchni 135 m2 na budynku Internatu Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych

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Łączna powierzchnia kolektorów słonecznych w Poddębicach

Usytuowanie instalacji

Ilość w sztukach Powierzchnia w m2

Osiedle „Północ” 715 1 287

Osiedle „Południe” 325 580

Szpital Powiatowy 149 268

Internat ZSP 78 135

Razem 1 267 2 270

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Solar installations on private houses

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Preparation for a realization of next renewable energy source

Geotermal bore-holeDepth: 2093 meters

Expected parameters:- temperature: about 63 st. C,- efficiency about 190 m3/h,- mineralization 8-13g/dm3


Expected use purposes:- heating,- therapeutic,- recreation.

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Andrzej Peraj Włodzimierz Krajewski – Prezes ZarząduUrząd Miejski w Poddębicach Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Komunalnych Sp. z o.o.ul. Łódzka 17/21 99-200 Poddębice ul.Targowa 2, 99-200 Poddębicetel. 43 678-25-80, fax. 43 678-39-95 tel. 43 e-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]