presentation of the building

I FORMAL OPENING OF THE NEW CHEMICAL LABORATORY I UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI PRESENTATION OF THE BUILDING uy Kiiallxr l~ocIIIIcIIIIx In tlie absence of Mr. l'olhk, the Chairmitn of tlie l~iiilding Committec, the Board has requcsted me to act iii his lxhdi, lii ipiz, by act oi Council, the City was authorized to issue $2 jwmo wortli of Bonds, to be used in tile construction oi a Cliemicnl Lalrornlory. This building (wliicli we are dedic:rting to-day) stmds as ii nionumeiit to tlie untiring cfiorts oi Dr. Junes and his asmciates arid their devotion and loyalty to Science, Education atid this University. We are proud of the iact that our University has beeri so fortunate as to have such 311 al,lc tcachcr and chciiiist to guide the students who have the privilege to come undcr his influence. May this building continue to serve the c~lise oi Science and Industry, and may the students repay our city in service and loyalty ior the generosity of our citizens which made it possible to boiise a clicmical department which is now sccond to nom! Our thanks, thcreiore, go out to Dr. Jones with the Iioye that he will continue to serve OUT lliliversity for many years to come in as efficient a capacity as lie lids in the past. It is, thereiore, with rriuch pleasure tliat I, in 1,eIiali of the ity Trustees, turn iivei the keys of the new laboratory to you, Dr. Jones, and may the good work yon have so nobly I~gun he cirriird on indefinitely! REPLY ON BEHALF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY iJy 1,~r:unn W. JUNCS lii reply to your vcry generous words, it is niy privilege to sseak not only ior myseli, but for the mcmbers <of my rtaCI, each and every one ui whom has assisted in iormulating and carry- ing into efiect the plans oi this new building. l'cnnit me, therr- iore, to cryress to you our individual and composite appreciation oi the trust which it is our honor to receive irom you as repre- scntiitive oi tlic Boar4 oi Directors oi this Ilniversity. hi accepting this liiboratory ioi the services oi diemistry and metallurgy, we are aware oi tlic opportunities which you livve granted us, and at thciame time, of tlic responsibilities which you have imimscd upon us. I assure you tint it shall be our endeavor to iisc our opportunities wiscly, aiid to asstime our responsi- bilitics williiigly, and that, at PI times, we shall strive to make this liuilding, the liome oi the Department of Chemistry, a place IV"i<,,W 01 Cliea,istip. ""iYcrSif seyursi,ly bonod up with it something oi the joy which an artist must erperirnre in the creation of his work. On this occasion, it may be interesting to relate briefly the iinportaiit points in the historical development of the Depart- nient oi Chemistry ii is 1;iiiversity. In zR73, the University Board decided to blish an Academic Department. By courtesy oi the Board oi High Schools. provisional arrangeinenls were made under the inniingeiiient of hfr. G. W. Harper, Principal oi Woodward High School, to oRer courses oi iiistructiorr in the High School. In October ,873, under thc direction ci traclrcrs oi Woodward High School, courses in ancient language, Gei- mm. Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics were oRered. llr.

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Page 1: Presentation of the Building



I n tlie absence of Mr. l'olhk, the Chairmitn of tlie l~iiilding Committec, the Board has requcsted me to act iii his lxhdi ,

lii i p i z , by act oi Council, the City was authorized to issue $2 j w m o wortli of Bonds, to be used in tile construction o i a Cliemicnl Lalrornlory.

This building (wliicli we are dedic:rting to-day) s tmds as i i

nionumeiit to tlie untiring cfiorts o i Dr. Junes and his asmciates arid their devotion and loyalty to Science, Education atid this University.

We are proud of the iact that our University has beeri so fortunate as to have such 311 al,lc tcachcr and chciiiist to guide the students who have the privilege to come undcr his influence.

M a y this building continue to serve the c~l i se oi Science and Industry, and may the students repay our city in service and loyalty ior the generosity of our citizens which made it possible to boiise a clicmical department which i s now sccond to nom!

Our thanks, thcreiore, go out to Dr. Jones with the Iioye that he will continue to serve OUT lliliversity for many years to come in as efficient a capacity as l ie lids in the past.

It is, thereiore, with rriuch pleasure tliat I, in 1,eIiali of the i ty Trustees, turn iivei the keys of the new laboratory

to you, Dr. Jones, and may the good work yon have so nobly I ~ g u n he cirriird on indefinitely!


iJy 1,~r:unn W. JUNCS

l i i rep ly to your vcry generous words, it is niy privilege to sseak not only ior myseli, but for the mcmbers <of my rtaCI, each and every one u i whom has assisted in iormulating and carry- ing into efiect the plans o i this new building. l'cnnit me, therr- iore, to cryress to you our individual and composite appreciation oi the trust which i t is our honor to receive irom you as repre- scntiitive o i tlic Boar4 o i Directors oi this Ilniversity.

h i accepting this liiboratory ioi the services o i diemistry and metallurgy, we are aware oi tlic opportunities which you livve granted us, and a t thciame time, of tlic responsibilities which you have imimscd upon us. I assure you tint it shall be our endeavor to iisc our opportunities wiscly, aiid to asstime our responsi- bilitics williiigly, and that, at PI times, we shall strive to make this liuilding, the liome o i the Department of Chemistry, a place

IV"i<,,W 01 Cliea,istip. ""iYcrSif

seyursi,ly bonod up with it something o i the joy which an artist must erperirnre in the creation of his work.

On this occasion, i t may be interesting to relate briefly the iinportaiit points in the historical development of the Depart- nient oi Chemistry ii is 1;iiiversity. In zR73, the University Board decided to blish an Academic Department. By courtesy oi the Board oi High Schools. provisional arrangeinenls were made under the inniingeiiient of hfr. G. W. Harper, Principal oi Woodward High School, to oRer courses oi iiistructiorr in the High School. In October ,873, under thc direction ci traclrcrs o i Woodward High School, courses in ancient language, Gei- mm. Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics were oRered. l l r .