presentation on abb_pbs joint venture

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  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    Technological Environment[ABB-PBS Joint Venture Operations]

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    What is Technological Environment ?

    External factors in technology that impact business operations.

    That part of the firm's external environment in which changes in

    technology affect the firm's marketing effort

    Consists of those factors related to knowledge applied and material

    and machines used in the production of goods.

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    Features of Technology

    Its change and then more change, forces change on people whether they areprepared for it or not

    Its effects are widespread, reaching far beyond the immediate point oftechnological impact.

    Technology is self reinforcing, Technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more

    technology possible

    Technology is complete set of knowledge, ideas and methods

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    Impact of Technology

    Impact on Society

    Impact on Economy

    Impact on Firm

    Technology has its impact through various dimensions;

    High expectations of consumers

    System Complexity

    Social Change

    Increase in Productivity

    Increased Budget on research & development

    Jobs become intellectual

    Product Differentiation

    Change in Organisation Structure

    Risk Factor

    Resistance to change



    New Markets

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    Modes of Technology Acquisition

    Internal Acquisition

    External Acquisition



    Joint Venture

    Acquisition of technology of rich firm

    Combined source

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    Benefits of Joint Venture

    Provide the opportunity to obtain new capacity and proficiency.

    Makes new geographical markets accessible to the company.

    Because of its short life span, do not represent a long term commitment.

    Offer a creative way to exit from non-core businesses

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    Case Study: ABB-PBS Joint venture in operations

    ABB-PBS Joint Venture started operations in April 15,1993

    ABB had a 67% stake and PBS had a 33% stake.

    Started external service business in1995 which did not meet


    Business of joint venture in its first two years was good in mostaspects

    2.3% increase in return of assets and 4.5% on sales. Also showed 12%

    increase in exports

    Dominated the boiler business in 1995 with 70% market share.

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    Case Study: ABB-PBS Joint venture in operations

    Market Share was hit due to change in environmental laws.

    With Joint efforts of the concern the restructuring took place in plant

    logistics , information systems and other physical capital improvements.

    Resulted in 50% increase in labor productivity.

    The technology leadership was not realized because due to the lack of

    corporate intent and loss of efficient staff.

    Major achievement of the concern was development of new steam

    turbine line . This technology transfer helped in establishing the

    benchmark for other ABB companies on variables like

    productivity, inventory and receivables

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    Case Analysis

    The joint venture met the needs of both the partners in:

    Labor Productivity.

    Profitability due to return on sales & assets


    Development of new engine

    The joint venture failed in:

    Technology Leadership

    External Service and Revenue Performance.

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


    The company failed in achieving technological leadership

    Due to lack of Corporate intent

    Due to lack of talent management

    inefficient human resource management

    Flourishing of domestic business

    Lessons drawn from this incident

    Presence of corporate intent and exceeding in it.

    Case Analysis

    Company should focus on knowledge management and talent retention


    Company should be ready to adapt to the technological change.

  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture


  • 8/4/2019 Presentation on ABB_PBS Joint Venture
