presentation on instant page speed optimization


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Post on 08-May-2015




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This presentation is just the showcase for the book that I authored with PACKT publication. This presentation shows what all tiips/techniques we have covered to make our website more optimized for faster response using existing tools, codes and methods.


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• Yahoo Developers

• Web Site Caching (Book)

• Few more websites, came across while writing recipes.

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Table Of Contents


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Following HTML Standards

• <html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US">

• CSS files at the top under the head tag

• JavaScript scripts at the bottom of the body tag

• Use the tableless design whenever possible

• Use proper ending methods of one-sided tags.

Ex: <br /> instead of <br>

• Tags should be properly closed

• Avoid deprecated tags like <b>, <i>

• Use HTML validator (FF Plugin) for better results

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Rules for using the CSS, JavaScript, and image files

• Using external files for stylesheets and JavaScript

• Using correct order of stylesheets, scripts, and inline JavaScript code

• Don't scale images in HTML

• Removing Duplicate

• Avoid CSS @import

• Avoiding empty image src

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Minimizing HTTP Requests

• Reducing DNS Lookups

• Using combined CSS files and scripts

• Using CSS Sprites (

• Using imagemaps (FF Plugin imagemap editor)

• Firefox plugins Speed DNS

• Minify js scripts and CSS files

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Optimizing Images

• Use text with CSS3 instead of images, if possible

• Use web format of images like gif or png

• Use photo editor to use exact image size required

• Use the height and width attributes under the img tag

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Enabling Compression cont… For Apache Geeks

• Apache has two compression modes, mod_deflate and mod_gzip.

• compress specific file types: <files *.html>

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE


• or use AddOutputFilterByType AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml

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Adding an Expires or Cache-Control header

• It will only help in optimizing the website if it has been already visited and the cache is not empty, else it has no effect

• Add the Expires metadata for static contents. <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Sat, 04 Dec 2021 21:29:02 GMT">

• The response header would contain the Expires term like this:

Expires: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 21:29:02 GMT

• Add Cache-Control metadata for dynamic contents <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="PUBLIC">

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Adding an Expires or Cache-Control header contd..

The following are the two cache-related header parts that you should know (rfc 2616, section 14.9): • cache-request-directive = "no-cache" | "no-store" | "max-age" "=" delta-seconds | "max-stale" [ "=" delta-seconds ] | "min-fresh" "=" delta-seconds | "no-transform" | "only-if-cached" | cache-extension • cache-response-directive ="public" | "private" [ "=" <"> 1#field-

name <"> ] | "no-cache" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ] | "no-store" | "notransform" | "must-revalidate" | "proxy-revalidate" | "max-age" "=" delta-seconds | "s-maxage" "=" delta-seconds

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Setting up browser Caching

• Tools->Options->Advanced->Network->offline Storage

• about:config->browser.cache.check_doc_frequency

• Gateway Cache like Akamai , AWS etc

• In CGI: print "Cache-Control: max-age = 3600\n";

• Apache

### activate mod_expires

ExpiresActive On

ExpiresByType image/gif seconds

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Make favicon small and cacheable

• Modern browsers request for favicon.ico by default

• Make it of 16x16 pixels and lesser file size say 1KB

• favicon always gets downloaded while making a request to the server

• set the expires header to a future date.

• If you are going to change the extension of your favicon, be sure to use the <link> tag in HTML

• it's a good idea to always have the favicon.ico file in your root directory, to avoid a “File not found” error

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Configuring Etags (Entity Tags)

• browser's cache contents are the same or different from the origin server

• ETags useful for the CSS, JavaScript, and image files

• Enable ETag if served from the same server else disable • add the following line at the end of httpd.conf or

apache2.conf: – FileETag INode MTime Size

• To Disable add lines at the end of httpd.conf or apache2.conf: – FileETag None

– Header unset ETag


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Using Apache mod_pagespeed

• It supports only : – Debian/Ubuntu (32&64) – CentOS/Fedora (32&64)

• Install – pkg -i mod-pagespeed-*.deb apt-get -f install (Debian) – rpm -U mod-pagespeed-*.rpm (For CentOS)

• It installs for Apache 2.2 and for Apache 2.4

• <IfModule pagespeed_module>#config lines here</IfModule> • # mod_pagespeed output handler.

– AddOutputFilterByType MOD_PAGESPEED_OUTPUT_FILTER text/html

• mod_pagespeed automatically enables mod_deflate for compression

• ModPagespeed on/off/unplugged

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• Thanks to Ravindran for his valuable feedback and reviews for this book

• Thanks to Vignesh and Siva for their guidance in my regular job.

• Thanks to teammates and AlienCoders Users who always support me to go for something big


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