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Social Software in Project Collaboration Emil Zacho-Petersen og Brian Møller Svendsen

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Page 1: Presentation (PBL)

Social Software in

Project Collaboration

Emil Zacho-Petersen og Brian Møller Svendsen

Page 2: Presentation (PBL)


(Discussion and follow-up on showcase tools)14:00

Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration (incl. break)


Introduction to tool/system “classification”13:00

Paper on evaluating technologies supporting virtual project based learning


Introduction to social media (Web.20)12:40

General introduction12:35

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Differences between web 1.0 and 2.0

• Brugere centralt placeret i tjenesterne prominente profil sider: alder, køn, lokationl Testimonials eller kommentarer om brugeren af andre brugere

• Evne til at forme forbindelser mellem brugeree links til andre brugere som er ‘venner’ -medlemsskab I gruppeb Abbonnere på RSS feeds og “updates” fra andre brugere

• Kunne poste indhold i mange former: fotos, video, blogs o Kommentere og rate eget/andres indholdt Tagging af eget/andres indholda Kontrollere privathed og deling

• Mere tekniske sager (public API to allow third–party enhancements and “mash–ups,”) ‘embed’ af forskellige typer af indhold (f.eks. Flash videoer), og

kommunikation med andre gennem IM eller PM systemer

Based on:Key differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

by Graham Cormode and Balachander KrishnamurthyFirst Monday, Volume 13 Number 6 - 2 June 2008

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Personalized resource centre

• Web-desktop• Individualisering, privatisering• Individuel tilrettelæggelse af strømme og


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User generated content and sharing

• YouTube mest populære eksempel på bruger genereret indhold

• Både kreere og dele• Objekt-centreret, men også profil /

community baseret• Embedde videoer andre steder,

dele nemt • Egen profil, favoritter, playlists og

vennelister• Andre eksempler:

S Dele/Skabe: S Blogs, podcasts, wikis, Flickr, Revver Social bookmarking (delicious)n profil-tekst, spørgeskemaer (quizzes på


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User generated relevance – user ratings and reviews

• På mange sider bestemmes forsiden af kollektivet af brugeree Youtube, Digg, delicious, Flickr

• Usynligt kollektiv - aggregering af individuelle ikke-koordinerede handlinger skaber siderne:r Tag-cloudsr Populære videoerr Skaber orden i kaos (clusters)a Skaber nye relationer og forbindelser

(eller genskaber eksisterende) Relaterede nøgleord, relaterede videoer,

relaterede personer (FB), relaterede køb (Amazon)

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Location, time and activity

• Data og information kobles til specifikke steder via geodata (længde/bredde-grader) – gps i flere mobile devices

• Billeder, video, tweets etc. kobles automatisk med tid og sted – repræsenteres på f.eks. google maps

• Eller kobles til f.eks. egen lokation: Sms ved stoppestedere SNS – hvem af dine venner er i

nærheden• Information i relation til lokation

l Museerl Geo-cachingl Info-standere med bluetooth etc.

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Lifestreaming, Microblogging

• Microblogging, livestreamingi News-feeds, twitter, aggregering af alle kanaler

(Flickr, Tweets, blog posts)

• Fokus på at samle strømme (ny FB strategi) – friendfeed, sweetcron mfl.

n Både egne og andres strømme

• Et socialt fænomen: netværk, kommentarer, awareness

• Kobling af produktivitet og selskabelighed• Bliver ofte koblet med lokation

e lifestream, e lifepath? o Lifemapping?

• Forretning – FB walled garden, der vil samle strømme

w FB lite – I kamp med Twitter

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Easier sharing of content – RSS, mashups, widgets

• Via forskellige standarder og teknologier er det blevet nemmere at sende indhold ud og ind af forskellige systemer

s RSS-feeds (abonnement på hvad andre bookmarker, nye videoer, nyheder etc.)

v Youtube videoer kan proppes alle steder hen

k Facebook kan få oplysninger via Friendfeed, Delicious etc.

c Man kan nemmere lægge små programmer (widgets på sin egen side, mashups)

Page 10: Presentation (PBL), furl, Bibsonomy, CiteULike

Youtube, Revver, Flickr, Riya

Digg, technorati, craigslist

Plazes, Myspace, arto, dodgeball, hi5

Live, Yahoo360, Google

Podcasting, Wikis, Blogs

Folksonomies, Architecture of participation, bottom-up

User driven innovation & design, citizen journalism

Collective intelligence, sharing, exchanging

Aggregation, distribution

Hackability, Widgetality


Rich internet apps, Web-office/desktops

Livewriter, writely, reader, Flockr

IM-integration, Calendars

Google Earth, Yahoo Maps etc.


Open Source, OpenAPI





Web 2.0 and SoSo


“Software” RIA


Web 2.0/Social media is an “umbrella” covering a mash up of all this stuff

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Paper on evaluating technologies supporting virtual project based learning

- ”A Survey of Technologies Supporting Virtual Project Based Learning”

- Paper by Håkon Tolsby, Tom Nyvang and Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld (presented at the Networked Learning Conference 2002)

- Discusses differenct approaches to evaluating virtual learning environments (technical, pedagogical or learning theoretical mapping and the learning strategy used in practice)

- From a conceptual framework based on ’negotiation of meaning’, ’coordination’ and ’ressource management’ they look upon a number of different types of e-learning systems (both ’content delivery systems’, ’conference systems’ and ’groupware systems’)

(Danish version in ”Udspil om læring i arbejdslivet” (Illeris, K. 2002): ”E-læring systemer i arbejdspladsrelateret projektpædagogik)

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- Collaboration and communication- Tools that enable you to collaborate on the

production on content- Sharing of resources

- Tools that enable you to share content- Found content, produced content, sources and references


- Producing- Tools that enable you to produce content

- Individual development of content

- Coordination and planning- Timeplanning, polls, events etc.

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Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration

- Website - Collaboration and communication

- Instant messaging (MSN, Skype, ICQ, Google Chat, Facebook etc.)

- Voice calls (Skype, MSN etc.)- Wiggio- Google Groups- Zotero- Google Docs- Etherpad (realtime)- Mindmeister (mindmaps)

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Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration

- Sharing of resources- Social bookmarking (Delicious, Digg)- Photos: Flickr etc.- Zotero (references)- Documents (Google Docs)- Filesharing and sync’ing (Dropbox)

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Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration

- Producing- Transcribing (Express Scribe)- Mindmaps (Mindmeister)- Screendumps (Screensnapr, Faststone Capture)- Images (Flickr,,

• 12 best places to get free images for your site

- SlideShare- Notes, references (Evernote)

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Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration

- Coordination and planning- Time planning (Doodle)- Polls (Doodle)- Signup’s (Signappnow)- Google Calendar- Facebook (attend, yes/no/maybe)

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Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration

- Future- Online office applications- Cloud based operating systems- Google Wave (video)