
Question 7; Looking back at your preliminary task, (college magazine) what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Question 7;

Looking back at your preliminary task, (college magazine) what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHYThe photography that was used in my college magazine was a more informal picture compared to the final product. Considering the photography was for students, it was mainly addressed for them, but the final product was a more formal one and I believe that having an image used for front cover with direct mode of address and a formal balance would create a more professional look than on the college magazine.Also, I learned that this photography has a great impact on the magazine itself, without these effects in the photograph, it would not appear that attractive. The lighting in both of the images were kept in tact and is natural. Cropping out the unimportant side of the pictures would create a more professional look and that is what I did on both of the images.In addition to this, I also learned the importance of the rule of thirds, framing and composition of the images in a creating a magazine and this was because of the help of Photoshop and also with the use of professional cameras that I used.


One thing I learned about various magazines is that they are focused on the Guttenberg principle in which they will put all the relevant information on the designated place that would appeal to wide audience. On my preliminary task, the conventions of the principle were more followed rather than my final product one. It is because the images didn’t filled up the whole page and it means there’s a more space that can be used to put more cover lines. Additionally, another thing was the consistency of the colour scheme in a magazine, this has a significant importance in all of the magazines because it is one of the ways to establish familiarity to their respected audiences. In my final product, I based it on Q magazine’s colour scheme because their colour scheme is simple yet complicated that may appeal my target audiences.

Use of Photoshop/Photo ManipulationIf you put a considerable effort to learn Photoshop, this would benefit you and will give you rewards. However, learning certain tools may be a long journey because some of them are complicated. But as I learn to do basic things in Photoshop and continue to develop my skills using its tools, I learned how to harness and unleash the beauty of a photograph. By just a simple adjustment, it would give you a more professional looking photograph that can be used in magazines. I learned that learning to use Photoshop and do photo manipulation would increase the marketability of my music magazine as it would attract audiences. The use of Photoshop not just benefit media coursework but will also enhance a portfolio. Also, it would be a pleasure to learn Photoshop and be able to master it rather than get intimidated by its complicated tools.