presentation1 occ sci

Dunedin-is my home.

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Post on 05-Jul-2015



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practical task for component one.


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Dunedin-is my home.

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My family- have played a part in shaping me as an occupational being because I have grown up with them, learnt from them, shared memories with them and I will continue to do these because they are always there.

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High school. This is the class of 2010 for my high school ‘Verdon college’. This school helped shape who am today because it is where I spent 5 years of my life.

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Swimming :This sport was a big part of my life. It has helped shape the person I am today because it taught me how to be a team player (even though it is an individual sport the peers you train with are your team), to be patient, and respect others.

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FriendsEach friend has something new to teach me. They all have different opinions which I value.

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WalkingThis is an occupation that I enjoy to do no matter what the season.

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Study- another step in my journey towards creating my occupational identity.

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The ukulele- an occupation I have been involved in for 2 months.

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Church- I grew up attending mass with all of my family. Were I found what my beliefs are and I learnt a lot about support from family.

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Travel- is something I have always been involved in. it is also an occupation I hope to use later in life.