presentational analysis: double page spreads

Heading: article’s main title. Drop cap: used to appeal to the consumers interest. Also to distinguish where a new paragraph commences. CVI (Centre of visual interest): The red is a reflection of the magazine’s colour scheme, also to his new album “The Blueprint lll”. His costume and shades being black invites stern connotations. His classic shades reveal a sign of wealth which is reinforced by his simple chain, this suggests he doesn’t need to flaunt his possessions to validate his success, which is common among males. Body: consisting of an interview with Jay-Z. Q magazine’s website. Issue number: Magazine logo & title: Being small proposes how recognizable it is to those who have an interest in music, as well as others who may not be. The colour Background information which offers an insight to Jay-Z’s lifestyle. Pull quote: adds a personal touch. Artists directly speaking to fans. The rectangular bar resembling what appears on his album cover. Negative space: used to separate the heading and article. The artist name: In the same colour as the logo, reflecting his occupation as a rapper and who the article is about. Neutral pose: not phased by obstacles in his career path. Magazine date of issue: to inform the consumers.

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Post on 24-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Presentational Analysis: Double Page Spreads

• Heading: article’s main title.

• Drop cap: used to appeal to the consumers interest.Also to distinguish where a new paragraph commences.

• CVI (Centre of visual interest): The red is a reflection of the magazine’s colour scheme, also to his new album “The Blueprint lll”. His costume and shades being black invites stern connotations. His classic shades reveal a sign of wealth which is reinforced by his simple chain, this suggests he doesn’tneed to flaunt hispossessions tovalidate his success, which is commonamong males.

• Body: consisting of an interview with Jay-Z.

• Q magazine’s website.

• Issue number:

• Magazine logo & title: Being small proposes how recognizable it is to those who have an interest in music, as well as others who may not be. The colour scheme is consistent and derives from this emblem.

• Background information which offers an insight toJay-Z’s lifestyle.

• Pull quote: adds a personal touch. Artists directly speaking to fans.The rectangular bar resembling what appears on his album cover.

• Negative space: used to separate the heading and article.

• The artist name: In the same colour as the logo, reflecting his occupation as a rapper and who the article is about.

• Neutral pose: not phased by obstacles in his career path.

• Magazine date of issue: to inform the consumers.

Page 2: Presentational Analysis: Double Page Spreads

• Pull quote: brings a personal touch to the article. Allows the artist to directly connect with fans.• Background information: a peer to the artists lifestyle.

• Feature: Small font; easy for the audience to read, when up close.

• Credits: in case anyone is fond of their work

• CVI: The biggest object on the page, consisting of colours portrayed in the circular shapes to the left on the page. Knowles’ pose has bold connation's, further developed by her attire which again explores how brave and confident she is as an individual. Her appearance is also well maintained, signifying her femininity!

• Secondary images: The poses invite care free connotation’s.

• Page Number: Informative for consumers

• Heading: The biggest font on the page, which draws reference to the celebrity feature which is the important tool to gain consumers interest.

• Caption: Offers a better insight to the life Solange Knowles leads, and a personal touch.

The colour scheme for this magazine feature

• Magazine title & logo: Being miniature emphasises how recognizable it is to consumers

• Negative space: Creates a slick look, as well as separating text from the important celebrity feature.

Page 3: Presentational Analysis: Double Page Spreads

• Magazine title & logo: It’s small size signifies its’ importance to the industry and familiarity to consumers.

• Page Number: A clear indication for customers • Feature: Contains small sized font; when

up close it is easier to read.

• Negative space: Creates a slick look, as well as separating text from the important celebrity feature.

• Heading: Biggest font, as it refers to the celebrity feature which is of highest importance.

• Credits: In the event of an institution liking any work carried out.

• Pull quote: A tool made use of, to bridge the gap between the music artist and their fans. The quote asserts personalisation to the article, enabling fans to identify with the artists lifestyle.

• CVI: A huge image which is bound to strike a readers, prior to its’ size in comparison to other items on the page.His glasses offers the idea of innocence and youth identification, however the colour gold has prestige as well as expensive connotations.Being prestige usuallyrelates to the idea of someone or something being valued due to theircontents, suggesting thisArtist has teachings we can learn or appreciate.

• Secondary image: As the CVI of the Lupe Fiasco does not conform the image of a rapper, the secondary image represents him in action, performing at a gig.I state this as, stereotypically we (the audience) assume all rappers are masculine in the sense of having either bulging muscles or tattoos, perhaps both etc., but this artist challenges those ideas and supports the prestige connotations of the colour gold.

Page 4: Presentational Analysis: Double Page Spreads

• Caption: Allocates fans with a brief summary of what the artist endured during that event.

• Magazine title & logo: It is situated its’ own box, which reinforces their niche audience.

• Pull quote: Lends a intimate account to their experiences, for fans to feel connected to the artist(s).

• Body: May appear incredibly small, but is readable when in person.

• Page Number: Navigation system for the consumers to comprehend.

• Magazine title & logo: Small to state the brands credit, and does not need to as publicised as it featured again at the top right of this double page spread.

• Heading: Appears in a different font type and bigger, compared to the rest of the article. This separates it from the remaining content of the article, also as it draws reference to its’ well known music artist feature.

• Feature: Also appears small, but is readable close to it. A personal account enables fans to establish a connection with one of the band members, but also gains knowledge of the band as a whole.

• CVI: The biggest image, conveying a band member performing at an event. This picture shows the artist wearing shades, which shows how he does not care what people think as many would state how state how silly that is as the sun is not present indoors. His shaved head, apparent muscles, tattoos, dog tag chain, and apparent veins demonstrate his masculinity which is vital with a persona a rock star possesses, as they are generally aggressive and eccentric.