presented by jcc/w master gardeners virginia cooperative extension service

Organic Vegetable Gardening What makes it organic?? Presented by JCC/W Master Gardeners Virginia Cooperative Extension Service

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Post on 31-Mar-2015




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Page 3: Presented by JCC/W Master Gardeners Virginia Cooperative Extension Service

Natural fertilizers, such as composts and pasteurized manures

Cover crops over the winter to add nitrogen

Soil testing before gardening and every two years following

Treat your worms with loving care!

Start with Healthy Soils!

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Plant what your family will eat Allow breathing space between

plants Plot your garden on graph paper Make use of vertical space-

trellises, stakes, cones

Planning Your Garden

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Look for plants with healthy roots and leaves

Plant only certified seed

Buy plants from reputable growers

Plant Selection

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Water in the morning Cover your soil with mulch Use organic herbicides to control

weeds Inspect plants for insects Dispose of diseased leaves &


Discourage Insects & Disease

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If you can’t say it, don’t spray


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PlantsThat AttractBeneficial



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Everyone recognizes the familiar Ladybug, or ladybird beetle. Many species have an enormous appetite for aphids--one of our most common plant pests. Others prefer scale insects and mites and are very effective in reducing infestations.

Beneficial InsectsLadybug

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The Green Lacewing Larvae are miniature monsters when viewed at close range. They are deadly enemies of small caterpillars, aphids, and other soft-bodied insects.

Beneficial InsectsGreen Lacewing Larvae

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To Attract Lacewings, Plant---

Fern-leaf Yarrow

Fennel Caraway



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Many Small Wasps are important parasites of other insects. Adult parasites are quite small. Most range in size from 2 to 15 mm. Larvae of most parasites develop inside the bodies of their prey, but some feed externally or pupate outside the host's body. These parasites are important in suppressing populations of many insects. The adult small wasp also feeds on many destructive insects as well as providing food for birds.

Beneficial InsectsSmall Parasitic Wasps

Parasitic wasps on a tomato horn worm

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Companion PlantingsSome Plants Help Other Plants.

Some Plants Are Mutually Beneficial.

Some herbs and flowers naturally attract pollinating insects.

Some herbs and flowers naturally attract insect predators.

Some herbs and flowers have substances in their roots, flowers or leaves that naturally repel insects.

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Companion PlantingPlant vegetables together that protect each


Planting radishes among your spinach draws leaf miners away from the spinach. The leaf miners will eat the radish leaves, but not harm the radishes!

Plant beans next to eggplant and the beans will repel Colorado potato beetles which harm eggplant.

Plant parsley or tomatoes next to asparagus as either repels the asparagus beetle.

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Cabbage moths may look pretty, but their eggs turn into hungry caterpillars that gobble up cabbage leaves.

More insects you do not want in your garden…

Aphids enjoy eating most vegetable leaves, drawing out their sap and spreading viruses. They are one of the most common garden pests.

Tomato hornworms are voracious, munching entire leaves, small stems, and even parts of immature fruit.

So plant..

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Companion PlantingsPlant herbs that protect vegetables near

them .

Plant chives & coriander to keep aphids out of your garden.

Plant pot marigold or opal basil next to tomatoes to keep the tomato hornworm away.

Plant rosemary or sage with cabbage to keep the cabbage moth and caterpillar away.

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Marigolds repel many types of beetles, aphids and nematodes and attracts pollinators as well as enhancing the growth of many vegetables.

Companion PlantingSome flowers do more than look pretty!

Sweet alyssum repels the potato beetle and other damaging insects as well as attracting beneficial insects.

Nasturtium repels squash bugs, attracts beneficial insects and tastes good.

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To Attract Beneficial Birds, Add…


Lots of Bugs

Bird Bath


Bird Feede


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Remove rotting leaves immediately

Pick ripe produce every week Cut back overgrown plants Resolve pest & disease problems

as they appear Always pick the most

environmentally-friendly solutions first

Keeping Your Garden Healthy!

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Insecticidal Soap Spray 2 tbs liquid soap

without additives or perfume

1-3 tbs horticultural or canola oil

quart of water

Removing Pests OrganicallyAnother Less Invasive Method

Fill spray bottle with solution. Spray small invasive insects thoroughly. Let dry and rinse with clear water.

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Removing Pests OrganicallyMore Less Invasive Methods

Use floating row covers to protect squash from squash bugs or beans from the Mexican bean beetle.

Use sticky traps for any insects that are attracted to color such as aphids. They are also useful in protecting cucumber from the cucumber beetle.

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Blossom End Rot

Tomato Blossom End RotTry to prevent it organically.

try to prevent it!

Plant in warm soil & water often.

Work in plenty of rich compost & mulch well. Add crushed egg shells

and/or clam & oyster shells for calcium.

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Squash Vine BorersAn Effective Organic Method of Control

There are three stages of the squash vine borer. The first are minuscule eggs, then a red-bellied adult and finally a hungry caterpillar that devours the stem.

A floating row cover early, then a commercial organic insecticidal soap, and finally, if the caterpillar still appears-an organic BTK such as Thuricide are efficient organic controls.

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Recommended Organic Pesticides

Product1 Insects Controlled RemarksBacillus thuringiensis Most caterpillars, loopers, This product, also known as Bt.,

hornworms, bagworms is sold under many trade names

M-One, M-Track, Colorado potato beetle Two strains of Bt will control potato Foil, Novodor beetles: Bacillus thuringiensis ssp.

san diego & ssp.tenebrionis.

Insecticidal soap Works well on soft bodied insects, in This product is sold under many particular aphids, mites, mealy bugs trade names & is a fatty acid


Rotenone Colorado potato beetle, aphids, Usually sold as a dust, but some

weevils, Mexican bean beetles can be mixed with water, Pyrethrum/Diato- Whiteflies, fire ants See label for precautionsMaceous Earth

Neem Broad spectrum See label for precautions.

Hot Pepper Wax Aphids, mites, thripes See label for precautions