presenter: charles mcsweeney msc. chair, information technology department, ub

The Transnational Digital Government Research Project An IT system for transnational collaboration on border control Presenter: Charles McSweeney MSc. Chair, Information Technology Department, UB Chair, Belize National Observatory on Drugs On behalf of TDG Team: Belize, Dominican Republic, US

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The Transnational Digital Government Research Project An IT system for transnational collaboration on border control. Presenter: Charles McSweeney MSc. Chair, Information Technology Department, UB Chair, Belize National Observatory on Drugs On behalf of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Transnational Digital Government Research Project An IT system for transnational collaboration on border control

Presenter: Charles McSweeney MSc.Chair, Information Technology Department, UB

Chair, Belize National Observatory on DrugsOn behalf of

TDG Team: Belize, Dominican Republic, US

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Belize Gateway to Paradise – Yoh betta Belize it

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council


Transnational digital government • collaborative government processes that use

Information Technology to help address national , regional or global problems

• This research is aimed at demonstrating IT solutions that can be used by countries to find, notify and receive allowed transnational information about suspicious and/or dangerous individuals who cross borders

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Participants and funding

University of Belize

CMU, NCSU U. ColoradoU. FloridaU. Mass.

PontificiaUniversidad Católica Madre y Maestra


Organizationof American


USA Dominican Republic


AgenciesMinistry of



Funded by US National Science Foundation (5/02)

• NSF funds basic research, not development

• agencies responsible for infrastructure & staff time

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Broad Context

• OAS Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM)

• Specifically the MEM indicator that deals with Displacement • The movement of persons and the effect of drug

trafficking and drug related activities across borders

• Project comes as a direct result of the MEM requirement

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

The TDG team University researchers and staff members from OAS and

agencies in the US, Belize and Dominican Republic• Carnegie Mellon University (J. Carbonell, V. Cavalli-Sforza)

• North Carolina State University (A. Anton, Q. He)

• University of Belize (C. McSweeney)

• U. of Florida (J. Fortes, S. Su, A. Matsunaga, M. Patil, M. Tsugawa)

• University of Colorado (R. Cole, W. Ward)

• University of Massachusetts (D. Towsley, W. Chen)

• U. Pontificia Católica Madre y Maestra (L. de Brens, J. Ventura, P. Taveras)

• OAS CICAD (B. Piñeres)

• National Drug Abuse Control Council (Belize) (O. Brooks, Immigration - G. Murillo)

• Consejo National de Drogas (Dom. Rep.) (M. Herrera, A. Bautista)

• Agencies in Belize and Dominican Republic

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Why remote border control?

The participating countries considered this critically important• Border control addresses the influx of

immigrants, assists in identifying suspicious travelers, assists in the protection of the sovereignty of countries, provides valuable information for the inter-national collaboration

Tracking movements of traffickers and terrorists requires sharing information across countries• Presents research and execution challenges

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Why Dominican Republic and Belize Wonderful similarities

• Caribbean

• Land-locked borders with a country with which “differences” exist

• Air, water,land drug trafficking possibilities Challenging differences – great for

research• Language

• Culture

• Protocols

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Research goals of the project

To advance the state-of-the-art of: spoken dialogue systems, machine translation, collaborative information management,network performance optimization, and software requirements in the context of a specific TDG process – the MEM.

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Collaboration Portal




DR Belize

ETR Server

Event Server


Dist. QP



ETR Server

Event Server


Dist. QP




Point of entry

Point of entry

Stations with Conv. Interface

Stations with Conv. Interface


People People

Event Registration and Discovery


Event Notification and Data Delivery

Post events

Post events

query query

Data entry

Data entry

Cell phone notification Cell phone notification

*SMSC: Short Message Service Center

Prototype System

A first system design

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Conceptual view

Internet(Belize/Dominican Republic/OAS/USA)

DominicanRepublic Belize

Español English

superdr superbe

Dialogue ServiceDialogue Service

Translation Services

Query ProcessorService

Query ProcessorService

Translation Services

Database Service



Database Service

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Distributed Query Scenario

Internet(Belize/Dominican Republic/OAS/USA)



Español English

superdr superbe

Dialogue Service Dialogue Service


Query ProcessorService

Translation Services

Database ServiceTranslation Services

Database Service






Query ProcessorService

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Event Filter Installation

Internet(OAS/Belize/US/Dominican Republic)



superdr police


Event Register

Subscription + Event Filter Specification

SubscribeEnter Arrest Record

Event Server

Event Publication andSubscription Registry

Translation Service

Event Server

Translation Service


Register EventsEventDescriptionCountryTemplate

Arrest RecordLanguageDefendantWitnessVictim

Event-Trigger Scenario

Post Arrest


The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Internet(OAS/Belize/US/Dominican Republic)

DominicanRepublic Belize

superdr superbe

Fill Port of Entry Form

Register EventsEventDescriptionCountryTemplate

Forma de llegada


Watch-List Scenario








Database Service

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Watch list alert

Upon border crossing by individual on a watch list, interested parties (who subscribed to the event) are automatically notified • Person who posted the event is also notified

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Translation at work Multilingual processing uses “in the

background” a translation service

• A real-time view of translation at work

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Dialogues instead of forms Examples of the dialogues that are possible when forms

are replaced by conversational interfaces

• A real-time view of the system at work

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

What is the date of entry for rosa perez?dateofentry: 2002-11-08

What is her passport number and date of birth?passportno: 44871849dateofbirth: 1963-06-21

What about mingo garcia?passportno: 2676356dateofbirth: 1962-10-02

What are his nationality, passport number and occupation?nationality: USApassportno: 2676356occupation: IMMIGRATION OFF

Dialogue Examples

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Ongoing work

Further development and integration of the different software components of the system

Collection of language data for Belize and Dominican Republic

Field-testing and evaluation of system

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

The big vision System extended to the entire

hemisphere Good quality of service Sharing of resources of all kind

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Thank you so much for not leaving,yawning and throwing



The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council


I said that’s it!

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

Examples of queries Get the passport number, last name, first name, nationality and

date of entry of all those people who entered the country after ‘01-Jan-2003’ and whose nationality is ‘USA’.

Get the passport number, name, date of entry, port of embarkation and purpose of trip for the people who came from Chicago or from Boston for business after ‘01-Nov-2003’.

Get the passport number and name of the lady who had a tattoo on her arm and who departed after 15-Jan-2003.

Get the passport number, name and comments for all the people who appeared nervous when they entered the country.

Get the name, arrival information, departure information and purpose of trip for all the people who entered the country after ‘01-Jan-2003’.

The University of Belize & the National Drug Abuse Control Council

El viajero se veía nervioso y tenso.Traveler appeared nervous and tense.

El viajero se presentó en la frontera sin documentos.Passenger, presented himself at the border without documents.

Hablaba francés.Spoke French.

El viajero no entendía español.The traveler not understood Spanish.

No quería contestar a nuestras preguntas.Not wanted answer to our men questions.

Translation Examples

Woman appears nervous.La mujer parece nerviosa.

Claim to be students studying archeology.Afirman ser estudiantes, que estudian arqueología.