press release tips

5 Tips for Writing Press Releases

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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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5 Tips for Writing Press Releases

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Make your press release concise and no longer than a single side of A4. If a journalist wants extra detail they’ll contact you! Use short sentences and paragraphs.

Tip #1

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Editors edit from the bottom up, so put all the important information in the first couple of paragraphs – who, what, where, when, why and how.

Tip #2

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Check that names are spelled correctly (surprisingly easy to get wrong!) and you’ve got the right job titles for anyone you mention.

Tip #3

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Tip #4

Reporters like a story with humour, a twist or something unusual. A triumph over adversity is also popular. Local angle/community improvement will be of interest.

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Tip #5

Finish your press release with “ENDS” at the bottom, to make it as clear as possible that you’re done. This is what the journalist will expect to see.

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