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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Press Release_USD ENGLISH


(LPress ReleaseBARCLAYS LAUNCHES VISA PLATINUM US DOLLAR DEBIT CARDS12thAugust,21!, Dar es Salaa" # Bar$la%s Ba&' Ta&(a&)a lau&$hes the)r *rst VISA Plat)&u" US D+llar De,)t $ar- Speaking at the launch which took place at the banks Head Ofce, BarclaysRetailDirector, r !u"aran #ather said that $the newly launched %&S' #latinu" (S DollarDebitwill allowBarclays)an*aniacusto"ersholding(SDollar currentaccountsaccess to their accounts in )an*ania as well as globally, where+er there is a %&S'sign, )he new card is also e-uipped with a .hip and #in technology which "akes thecard the "ost secure and sa/est in the "arket, 0hen used locally to transact /orgoods either online, through #oint o/ Sale or e+en withdrawals through ')s, thecard will operate in local currency, 'll transactions done in the (S will carry the (SDdeno"ination, Bene1ts o/ the Barclays cards are as /ollows 'llows easy pay"ents o/ purchases in Super"arkets, Hotels, .lothes shops,/uel stations, e,t,c in )an*ania and globally, .ash withdrawals at ')s in the (,S,' will be in (SD deno"ination 2i+es you peace o/ "ind when transacting online #ro+ides you with opportunities to recei+e discounts online when booking /or+acations using your Barclays debit cardHe continued, $'t Barclays we are here to enable our custo"ers #rosper and hencewe ai"to pro+ide the"with consistent e3periences that are "ore 4e3ible,con+enient and responsi+e to their needs,Barclays "eans what it says5 co""ittingto gi+ing our custo"ers consistent yet superior banking e3periencese+ery ti"e theybank with us, 67nd6.+r /urther )&/+r"at)+& 0lease $+&ta$t18ee"a Rose SingoHead, arketing 9 .orporate Relations Barclays Bank )an*ania:;? ;@A @;=nee"a6rose singo,Bbarclays,co"N+tes t+ E-)t+rs1A,+ut Bar$la%s Ba&' Ta&(a&)aBarclays Bank )an*ania has been operating in )an*ania /or the past @A years and currently boasts a network o/ ;;branches, C> ')s strategically located countrywide,Barclays Bank )an*ania Li"ited 1rst opened its doors in )an*ania in @D;< and continued to operate in the countryuntil @D>=whenits )an*aniaoperationswerenationali*edtobeco"e8ational Banko/ .o""erce, 0iththeliberali*ation o/ the econo"y in @DDAs, Barclays Bank #lc "ade a decision to re6enter the )an*ania "arket and re6opened its doors in the year ;AAA, Barclays Bank )an*ania now has ;; branches, C@ ')s strategically locatedcountrywide, o+er CAA e"ployees and o+er @@A,AAA custo"ers, 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222A,+ut Bar$la%s A/r)$a 3r+u0 L)")te-Barclays '/rica 2roup Li"ited (Barclays '/rica 2roup or the 2roupE is >;,?F owned by Barclays Bank #L. (BarclaysEand is listed on the GS7 Li"ited, )he 2roup is one o/ '/ricas "aHor 1nancial ser+ices pro+iders oIering personal andbusiness banking, credit cards, corporate and in+est"ent banking, wealth and in+est"ent "anage"ent as well asbancassurance,0e co"bineour global productknowledgewithregionale3pertise and ha+ean e3tensi+e,wellestablished local presence, )he 2roup was /or"ed through co"bining 'bsa 2roup Li"ited and Barclays '/rican operations on ?@ Guly ;A@?,Re4ecting the enlarged groups pan6'/rican /ocus, our na"e changed /ro" 'bsa 2roup Li"ited to Barclays '/rica2roup Li"ited on ; 'ugust ;A@?,