prevention of corruption act,2006

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  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    L L w . m

    L L w . m

    L L w . mL L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    L L w . m




    (Act No.

    X l l l

    of 2006)

    (Promulgated by Shree Yuvraj under se;tion


    of the Jamma


    Kashrnir Constitution Act, 1996 and published in the Governm ent Gaz ette

    dzted 25th M aghar, 2006).

    Am Act for more effective pe ve ntio n of bribery and corruption

    Whereas i:




    make more effectwe provisions ofthe

    prevention of bribery and col ~u ptio nn the State.

    Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers reserved under section


    of the Jammu


    Kashm ir Constitution Act, 1996 read with the proclamalion

    issued by His Highness and published in the extraoldinary issue of the

    Govern ment Gazette dated 7th Har, 2006, Yuvraj Shree Karan Singh Ji

    Ijahadur is pleased to en ict as follows :

    I .

    Short title, extent


    commencerher~t.--(I) This Act may be

    called the Prevention of Corruption Act, 200 6 (1919 AD).


    It extends to the w hole ofthe:Jammu & Kashmir St~;e nd it

    applies (also) to State Subjects and servants of the State wherever they

    may be.


    It shall come into force from the date it is published in the

    Gove rnment Gazette.


    1nrerpretction.-For the purpose of this Act the exp ression

    'public servant' rr.cans a public servant as defined in Section


    of the

    Staze Ranbir Panal Co de and shall include :-

    (a) a person


    ho is or has been a member of either House of State

    Legislature or a member (including Minister of State) of the

    Coun cil of Ministers


    (b) every person who is or has been under the employment of

    Government whether on permanent, temporary or work-charge


    (c) every officer, servant or member (by whatever name cslled)

    of a Corporation or of a corporate or other body which is

    established by or under an Act of the State Legislature or of

    Parliament in force in the State.


    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    L L w . m

    3 .

    C,'er/uinoffence8 to be cugrlizublu.

    --All offence punishable under

    section 5 of tlris Act or under section 161 or section 165 or sectiorr

    165-A or section 167-A of the State Ranbir Penal Code, Sam vat 1989, shall

    be deemed to be a cognizable offence for the purposes of the Code of

    Criminal Procedure, Samvat 1989 notw itl~slanding nything to the contraly

    contained therein


    Prov~dedhat no Police Officer below t11e ank of the


    X X X) Deputy

    Supe rintendent of Police shall investigate any su LhofTence without the order

    of a M ag~ stra te f the first class or make any arrest thereof w ithout a



    Provided furthor that if an officer ol'the (V igilar~ ceOrgar~ization) f

    and a bove the rank of a Sub-Inspector of Police is specially authorized in

    writing by all officer of(Vigilance O rga nia tion ) not below the w nk of an

    Assistant Superintendent of Police to investigate such offence. Such officer

    may investigate the offence so specified in thc orde r of authoris ation . But

    such officer shall not be cotnpetcnt to arrest any person during such

    investigatiol~,unless a Police officer not below tire rank of a (Deputj.

    Superintendent of Police) authorizes such arrest under section 56 of the

    Code oFC rin ~in al rocedure. Samvat 1989)


    Prcsun~ptionwhere public serv ur~ t ccepts grulificutiorr other

    tlrun illegul remunera1ion.--(

    I) Where in any tr ial o f a11 offence p unish able

    under section 161 or section 165 of the R a ~ ~ b i renal Code I989 (or an

    offence referred to in clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section

    5 of this Act punishable under sub-section




    is proved that an

    accused person has accepted or obvai~~ed,r has agreed to accept or

    attempted to obtain for hims elfor for any valuable thing from any person. It

    shall be presumed unless the contrary is proved that the accepted or obtained ,

    or agreed to accept or attempted to obtain that gratification o r that valuable

    thing, as

    I I I C

    case may be, as


    motive or rcward such as its nientioned in

    the said section 161, or as the case may be without

    con side ratio^^

    or for a

    consideration which he knows to be inadequate.


    W here in any trial of arr offence punishable under se c t i o ~ ~65-A

    of the Kdnbir Penal Code, 1989 (XI1 of 1989) 'for under clause (ii) of

    sub-section (3) of section 5 o f this Act,


    is proved that any gratificaiion

    (other than legal remuneration) or any valuable thing has been given or

    offered to he given or attem pted to be give11by an accused person, ir s l~a l l

    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    L L w . m

    be p resum ed . Unless the cont ra ry is p r o ~ r d .hz: ne gavs or offered to


    or attempted to give that gratificztion or


    valuable thing, as the

    cas e may be. as a motive or reward such 2s is mentioned i n section 161 of

    the R anbir Penal Cod e, or , as the case

    ma) be.

    -.zvithout consideration or fbr

    a conside:ztion w hi ch he kn ow s to be inzde;.aare.

    13)No t\\ . i thstsndin g anything contain-d in ( 1 ) and (2 j ,

    the Court may declin e to dra w the presump:ion referred to in either o f t h e

    sa id sub-sec tions. l f t he gra ti ficat ion or th ing e i ~ r e s a i ds in its opinio n so

    trivial tha t no inference of corruption ma) fairly be draw n.


    Criminil miscondu ct.--(I) Public servant is said to com mit the

    offence o f cr iminal misconduct


    (a ) I f he habi tua lly accepts or d~ ta i i i s r agrees to accept or

    at tempts to obtain from an:. person for himself or for any

    oth er person, any gratification (other than legal remune ration)

    as m otive or reward su ch as is mentioned


    section 161 of

    the State Ranbir Pena) Cod e, Sam vat



    (b) If he habi tual ly accepts or obtains or agrees to accept or

    at tem pts to obtain for himself or for any other person, any

    valuable thing w ithout consideration or for a considerat ion

    wh ich he know s to be inadequate from an y person who m he

    kno ws t o have been or to be o r to be l i ~ e l yo be concerned

    in any proceeding or business t ransacted or sbout to be

    transa cted by him or ha vin gan y cor.~re ction ith the official

    funct ions of himself or o f z n ) piibi ic servani . io who m he is

    subordina te , or from any person who m he kn ow s to be

    interested in or related to the persons so conce rned Ior

    (c) If h e dishonestly or fraudulently miscpprupriates or otherwise

    converts for his own use any properr) entrusted to him or

    cnd er his control as 2 pubic senro nic r al ows any othe r person

    so to do


    o r

    (d) If he , by corrupt or illegal rr?es is or


    orherwise abu sing



    his position as public servai;i, ozrzlni for hi;njelf o r for an)

    other person cny valuable n i ~ g r iec:.i?iarg advanrzgc


    o r


    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    ( c ) Ifhe

    o r an y person on his behalf is i n possess ion or has, ; ~ tiry

    timc d urin g the period o f his of'ficc, been in possession, for

    which th e public servant c:tnr~ot satisfactorily acco onl, o f

    pecuniary reso urm s or p ropany disprop onion alt: to Iris krrown

    sources o f income.

    Explurta1ion.-For th e purpo se oi'clause 2)


    expreasiurl " p ~ ~ ~ p

    lnclude s any inte rest in properly, mo vable 01 imlnovable,


    the proceeds

    of sale t l~ ere of nd any money o r investment w h ~ c h or t l ~ime baing.

    represents the proceeds o f sale.


    A ny p ub lic s erv an t w l ~ o o ~ n ~ n i t sr irninal n~ isco i ;du i t h d l be

    pun ishable with imprisonment for a terln which shall not bc less one year

    but wh ich rnay exten d to seven years and sh all also be liable to fine.-

    (3 ) W hoever commits-

    (i) An offenc e punishable under section 162 or sec tior~163 o f

    th e State Ranbir Penal Code, Samvat 1989; or

    (ii) An offe nc e punish able under section 165 -A or sectton 167-A

    of the State Ranbir Penal Code, Sa ~n va t 989;

    shall be pun ishable with imprisonment for a term s w91icl1 shall not be lcss

    than on e year but which m ay extend to seven years and shall also



    to fine :

    . Provided that the Court may, for m y s p c ~ a leaw ns recorded

    i n

    w r i t i ~ ~

    ~ m p o se sentence of imprisonment of less than on e year but not less tha


    n ~ o n t h s .

    (4) W hoever attemp ts to c o~ nn lit n offence referred to


    clause ((

    ofsub-sect ion

    ( I )

    shall be punishable with imprisonmen t for a temr whir

    may extend to three years, o r with fine, or with both.

    (5) ' w h e r e a sentence of t ine


    imposed under suh-suction (2)

    sub-saction (3). the court i n fixing the amount of fine shall tak r i n

    consideration the amount or the value of the property,

    i f '

    any, which t

    accused person has obtained by comm itting the offenc e or, where


    conviction is for an offence referred to in clause (e) of sub-sectiorr (1 ), 1

    pecuniary resources or property referred to


    that clause for w hich

    accused person is unable t o accou nt satisfactorily.

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    L L w . m


    ~ . , ~



    6 . Pr e~ ; o ; ; :

    i :ncii~c

    .?r:.csr-: ~ ~

    :. .

    shzli rake cogr,izar.ri; or cn cfi-ence pdi;ir..c: -



    07 section 155 crsection

    167-PI: sC:I.:

    r r - .

    . .

    19f;S or uoder sub-section (2)

    o r

    sub-ss: l: :

    alisgea to hsve been cornmitied 5


    put ;: i

    sanction :-

    . ,

    (3 )

    in the C s j t :t


    u h c is ? - ~ l ; ,



    .. ~. ....


    ., . z. . ,::...




    ~ ~. .



    . . , .



    the S tate and is cot

    t m ~ \ . . .

    : . .. . : .. u . L . ~ - . . .,cT :



    or with iiie sanction of the G O Y = - - I - - - -.... # < . :

    (b )



    ccs c

    of r.ny othe: p-rsor;,

    . - .~

    . ,



    .. . .





    remove ikim from his office


    - .



    Explonolior,.--Where fo: any reas::.


    5 , : Y : ~r.2, Z;,~ : I ; . ; -,.; -... :


    . . ,

    remove the pub lic servant from his offic:. r .




    , :,i. :... .

    ~ i l e g e do have been comnlitteci


    (c) in the case ci pe rs on w h s is or ii; C

    : - ::. o ;;,:

    ,:It. :':,,.:

    . ...

    o ih 4 in is ~ ers tliertharilk;: Ck:idi,:il. ~ .:$. -

    advice of the


    Minieer ;

    (d ) in the e.?ss


    erson i y h c is 0: i,::; :


    . - ;~ : : ." ..::,~ z r : ~,



    Goveriior ;

    (e) in the czse of


    persoi \rho ir




    . . .

    House o f t k Siate Legislnlure. s


    ' .



    ? .



    o r

    tt:c Chnimai: s: t; . - , . .

    ~v .



    may k . j

    & - A . Par;i :rr l~ssin

    .-i; 1:.


    seerion S { I )


    c.-,, :







    i 9S3, wher: i.r,


    . ~ -


    . ,

    clzust: C of sl;h-s-,c ion r :; .gf :~,-;: . . , .



    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    L L w . m

    describe in the charge the property in respcct


    which the offence is

    alleged to have been committed and the dates between which the o ffenc e is

    alleged to have been com lr~ittedwithout specifyint:


    items or exa ct

    dates and-the charge so framed shall be dee~nctl 0 be a charge of an

    offence within the rneaning of section


    of the Cod e


    Provided that the time included between t11c first and last of such

    dates shall not exceed on e year.

    7. Accused perso n to be


    witt~ess.--Any person charged

    with an offence punishable under section 161 01. section 165 (o r section

    165-A) (or section 167-A ) o f the Ranbir Penal Cotle,


    or under




    section 5 of this Ac t, shall be a competent witness for the defence and m ay

    give evide nce on oath in disproof o f the charges m ade again st him or any

    person charged tpgether w ith him at the sam e trial ;

    Provided that :-


    He sha ll not be called


    a witness except on his own request


    (b) His failure to give evidence shall not be made the subject of

    any comm ent by the prosecution or give rise to any presumption

    against himself or any person charged tugether wi:h him



    sarne trial


    ( c ) He shall not be asked, any ifasked shall

    I IOC

    be required to answ er,

    any question tendingto show that it h a \c o ~ ~ r~ n it te dr. baen convicted

    of any of fence o ther than the o f f e i , ~ it11 which 11e is charged,

    or is o f bad character, unless


    (i) Th e proof that he has committed

    or '

    been co r~vic ted f such

    offen ce is admissible in evidence


    ::how that he is guilty o f

    the offence with which he isc ha rgc d, or

    (ii) H e has personally or by his pieadrr asked questions of any

    witn ess for the prosecution w ith


    v i c ~ vo es tabl is l~ ,



    good character,.or has given eviden ce ol'h is good character,

    or the na ture of conduct of th e d e fc ~ ~ c t :


    s u c l ~


    to involve

    imputations on the character oft he prosecutor or of any witness

    for the prosecution, o r

    (iii) He has given evidence against any other person charged with

    the same offence.

    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    L L

    7-A. Tlic Co de of Crirriir:a/ P r o c e i; ,? ~ ,Ssn virl


    lo ~ w l y

    subject to ce rta in modification.-The pis;~ is;or~ sf


    Co de of Criminal

    Procedure, Samvat 1989, shall in their appiizeiior~o any proceeding in

    relation to an offence punishable under sec:ior.

    i 6 1 ,




    165-A or sec tion 167-A of the State Ranhir C ode , Samva t


    or under

    section 5 of th is Act, have e ffect as if, :

    (a) Sub-section (8 ) of section 251-A had beer, substituted by the

    following, namely :-

    (8) The accused shail then be required to give in writing

    within suc h time a s the M agistrate may allow a list of persons, if any

    whom he proposes to examine as his witnesses and o f the documents.


    if any , on which he p roposes to rely end shsll then be czllcd upon his

    defence and produces evidence and if the accused puts in



    statement, th e Magistrate shall file it with record


    Provided th at in case the accused does not disclose the name o f

    the witnesses for fear of tempering with, he may not disclose the

    names in which case he will be bound to produce the w itnesses on his

    ow n responsibility on the next date of hearing without the assistance

    of the C ourt and will not claim any further adjournmen t on this count."

    (b) In sub-section (I -a ) of section 344, after the second proviso, the

    following proviso had been inserted, namely


    "Provided also that the proceeding s h d l not be adjourned or post-

    poned merely on the ground that application under section 435 has

    been made by a party to the proceeding".

    (c ) In s;b-section (1) of section 435 before the mplaiation, the

    following proviso had been inserted, namely


    "Provided that where the powers under this-sub-section are

    exercised by a court on an application made tiy a party to such

    proceed ing, the cou rt shall not ordifieriiy call for the record of th e

    proceeding :-

    (a) without giving the other party an opportunity of whowing

    cause why the record shall not be called for ; r

    (b) if it is satisfied th at an e:s:amiiiaiisi: of th e record o i he

    proceeding, may be made fr o n ;:he certified copies ther eo f;

    L L

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006


    L L w . m i f ,

    : 4

    cd'o, the pl.~;"cding:;,

    G c . i ~ ~ - . .

    I r. i i ~ l i l r ~ i j ~ .


    sfkiill 110(.



    i ~ : c p i

    for reasotls to


    ~t:;:olci:: i i ,


    v r r . . .. .


    ,, : , I :

    :,; t1.y

    b r i b ~ - . g i v e

    ol .3:it j4.~": i t i ~ ) ~


    ;-;ii w>iirs~nniiirri:i,ything contained in

    any l .~s' ii:r i l i i

    ril-cka being in f;me a


    ...Yd~. miit&

    l iy

    :t person ill



    rk. : i~slr public

    servant for


    .:,, . i i : :ncc


    section 161

    or section

    I ' ; o r

    ,iie knnbir Pcnai Code,





    : ~ ~ d i ; iub-section (2) [or sub- ;ccii;.i:.

    i l i j

    or sccliorr 5 oill~i:;Aci,

    r;i;a*~ I:,:

    ot'ti:rcd u i sgrcid lo orfzr any


    (otllei that1 lagal

    , ..;i, ~iii,i.:t~ionjt , ilriy

    valuable thicg



    p i i ~ l i c




    ..,,v,..;~b::r:;i; e



    pI.osecution under section


    C P ~ -

    d L i i r :

    said r"otle.1


    S~~iej . .dci /~






    oJ' njjlczr-


    -':,~ ipr

    o j

    iJu iiii:e rlaiiurr.-NotwitI1~1:i1.diri;:

    anyilling contained in




    :i.di: ofet~irtiiaiiri

    Procedwre, Samvst I i X * i ih-\i



    of this


    ary ofi ic~t-; tit':

    [Viyitanct: Oiganiz~tioi l

    i ~ ~ i d

    ibovc: the rank


    : IgiL.Li';pecIo~ )iBYo[iee


    subject to the


    fth is Act, exmrise

    . a ~ y


    polvcr.: of

    Lhe oltlce-in-charge of ; i i'tiiizc Station airywh

  • 7/24/2019 Prevention of Corruption Act,2006





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    c,: :ti:lu:

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    . .

    rzplzccd by tine Government by pc-rsszs el;;;::::.- rr;

    - ,~po i r : t , r enr


    his sub-sectioi;.

    . . ....

    ,.. .., y;


    The i ' ig i iance ConimLsst; ;::


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    iiim sha ll ho d office


    s i c k :..:rr


    ;r so: :; -.or 2itions

    as thc G=vemoierlt m . y from rim tt- tic.? :ii:-i 3i:.,

    ( 2 )


    zS~2 nis t ra ion

    i :h ;-


    - . . :

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