prevention plus of burlington county may 2013 newsletter

Prevention Plus of Burlington County Burlington County Coalition for Healthy Communities Newsletter 3 3 TIMES TIMES AS AS SHOCKING SHOCKING May 2013 Prevention Plus Staff Don Starn, ExecuƟve Director David Romano, Assistant Director Joseph Conlin, CoaliƟon Coordinator Angelina Palella, CoaliƟon Coordinator KaƟe Patrick, PrevenƟon Educator Daniella Pierre, PrevenƟon Educator Joan Cohen, PrevenƟon Educator B URLINGTON URLINGTON C OUNTY OUNTY C OALITION OALITION FOR FOR H EALTHY EALTHY C OMMUNITIES OMMUNITIES N N EWS EWS 1824 Route 38 East Suite B Lumberton, NJ 08048 609-261-0001 NCADD Lumberton: On Saturday April 27 th , a strong message was sent to the adults in 3 Burlington County communiƟes. “SƟcker Shock” was conducted in Evesham at the Canal’s BoƩle Stop, in Lumberton at the Liquor Fair, and in Bordentown at the Liquor Barn. Students and coaliƟon members from across the county parƟcipated, including, the Evesham Youth Advisory Board, BCIT, Florence HS, Burlington Township HS and several middle schools. We were also very pleased to be joined by Evesham Townships Deputy Mayor Debbie Hackman, Cherokee HS SAC Kristen Caputo , Florence HS SAC ,Tamara Eslam, Municipal Alliance Members, Burlington County College Sober AcƟviƟes Club members, Police and Sheri’s Ocers. SƟcker Shock is a way for kids to send a message to adults that if they purchase alcohol for minors, they can receive Ɵme in jail, heavy nes, community service and loss of their drivers license. The students placed decals on over 3500 package good containers explaining those penalƟes. Many patrons arriving at the 3 locaƟons asked what was taking place and were supporƟve of the kids eorts. The store owners at all 3 locaƟons were presented with “We Check for 21” decals and posters to display. They also received a license idenƟcaƟon booklet and a black light to check drivers licenses to make sure no one presents a fake ID. The SƟcker Shock program is fully supported by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control. The ABC applauds retailers who voluntarily assist in facilitaƟng program. These 3 liquor stores were selected because of their locaƟon in heavily traveled areas of the county. The store owners/managers were all very helpful in seƫng up the event. In the past we have conducted similar events in Cinnaminson at the Wine Cellar, Edgewater Park at Cramps Liquor Store, Medford at OƩs and Mt Laurel at MarƟn’s Liquors. The coaliƟon hopes that Municipal Alliances in Burlington County will conduct their own SƟcker Shock events in the near future. Keep It Legal

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Prevent ion Plus of Bur l ington County

Burl ington County Coal i t ion for Healthy Communit ies Newsletter

3 3 T I M E ST I M E S A SA S ““ S H O C K I N GS H O C K I N G ””

May 2013

Prevention Plus Staff

• Don Starn, Execu ve Director

• David Romano, Assistant Director

• Joseph Conlin, Coali on Coordinator

• Angelina Palella, Coali on Coordinator

• Ka e Patrick, Preven on Educator

• Daniella Pierre, Preven on Educator

• Joan Cohen, Preven on Educator



1824 Route 38 East

Suite B

Lumberton, NJ 08048



Lumberton: On Saturday April 27th, a strong message was sent to the adults in 3 Burlington County communi es. “S cker Shock” was conducted in Evesham at the Canal’s Bo le Stop, in Lumberton at the Liquor Fair, and in Bordentown at the Liquor Barn. Students and coali on members from across the county par cipated, including, the Evesham Youth Advisory Board, BCIT, Florence HS, Burlington Township HS and several middle schools. We were also very pleased to be joined by Evesham Townships Deputy Mayor Debbie Hackman, Cherokee HS SAC Kristen Caputo , Florence HS SAC ,Tamara Eslam, Municipal Alliance Members, Burlington County College Sober Ac vi es Club members, Police and Sheriff’s Officers. S cker Shock is a way for kids to send a message to adults that if they purchase alcohol for minors, they can receive me in jail, heavy fines, community service and loss of their drivers license. The students placed decals on over 3500 package good containers explaining those penal es. Many patrons arriving at the 3 loca ons asked what was taking place and were suppor ve of the kids efforts. The store owners at all 3 loca ons were presented with “We Check for 21” decals and posters to display. They also received a license iden fica on booklet and a black light to check drivers licenses to make sure no one presents a fake ID. The S cker Shock program is fully supported by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control. The ABC applauds retailers who voluntarily assist in facilita ng program. These 3 liquor stores were selected because of their loca on in heavily traveled areas of the county. The store owners/managers were all very helpful in se ng up the event. In the past we have conducted similar events in Cinnaminson at the Wine Cellar, Edgewater Park at Cramps Liquor Store, Medford at O s and Mt Laurel at Mar n’s Liquors. The coali on hopes that Municipal Alliances in Burlington County will conduct their own S cker Shock events in the near future.

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Page 2 Bur l ington County Coal i t ion for Heal thy Communi t ies New slet ter

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Upcoming meetings/events Monthly Meeting Tuesday May 28th 2:30PM

Members Learn of Prescription Drug Abuse at Town Hall Event

Mt Laurel: The Burlington County College Campus was the site of the our annual Town Hall Meeting on underage drinking and drug trends. Over 40 people came to hear guest speaker, Lt. Lou Fisher of the Riverside Township Police Department talk about his community. Many were shocked to hear how kids are abusing prescription pain medication and ecstasy. Lt. Fisher spoke about drug activity and how it is being addressed. Lt. Fisher took

questions from the audience and played several videos on drug use. At the conclusion of the meeting there were several award presentations. The coalition recognized the efforts of BCIT

seniors, Taylor Vasquez and Cathy Fournier for their participation in T.E.A.M. (Teens Exposing Alcohol Myths). Both teens plan to attend BCC in the Fall. The coalition also recognized the outstanding efforts of the BCC Sober Activities Club and the Human Services Club. The members of these clubs have been vital to the success of coalition events. Nancy Dugan, the President of the Sober Activities Club presented coalition coordinator Joe Conlin with a certificate of appreciation for his “Outstanding Dedication to promoting healthy safe and drug free lifestyles in Burlington County. The coalition also thanked Professor Brina Sedar for helping to host the event.

Top Left : Kate Zentar, Anthony Elvy and Nancy Dugan representing the Sober Activi-ties Club.Top Right: Members of the Human Services Club with Joe Conlin Right: Nancy Dugan and Joe Conlin with their awards.

Lt. Lou Fisher addresses the group at TH meeting.