primary school presentation

PRIMARY SCHOOLS By Lindsay, Marlene, Jade and Eilish

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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By Lindsay, Marlene, Jade and Eilish

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DON’T communicate with strangers online and never agree to meet a person.

Tell a parent or adult if a stranger contacts you in a chat room, email or text message.

Don’t share age, names, address, phone number etc with anybody, don’t join any websites, enter contests or join clubs unless parents tell you it’s ok


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Most of the websites this age group goes on aren’t that bad for dangers but there are still dangers to look out for.

Do not click on the ad’s or pop-ups that appear on your screen whilst on these sides just press the cross to close it, because clicking on these could lead to viruses, junk mail etc. Clicking on these could also slow down your computer, it is like a disease, it starts off small and then increases rapidly.

Do not sign up for anything without showing your parent and asking for permission first.

Ask your parents if the site you are on is appropriate for you to look at. When you have signed up for a site, use a nickname, not your real name so you

can hide your identity. Try and spell your searches correctly because you can end up having unwanted

sites on your search. Some people on the internet are not who they say they are, it is easy for them to

lie and pretend they are of the same age and go to your school etc. take a look around their profile to make sure you definitely know the person you are talking to. If the stranger asks to meet up with you never agree to it, immediately tell an adult.

Do not use pictures of yourself as your profile photo, use a pet or your favourite band or singer etc.

Useful sites for you or your parents-

Primary 1-4Websites

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Make sure your profile is set to private so that you do not get strange people that you do not know talking to you or looking at your photos and what you have been saying etc. When you sign up you have a choice whether to make your profile private or not, you should do this when you sign up for any type of site. If you do not do this straight away, do it now, there is a privacy setting that allows you to change your setting on the site.

Do not accept friend requests of people you don’t know because they could look through your photos and things you have been looking at. They could also start talking to you asking strange questions and personal questions. If someone you do not know starts talking to you delete them straight away, if they start asking weird questions delete and report them.

Make sure your parent checks the site to make sure it is child friendly. If you find something that upsets you switch the screen off and tell an adult a.s.a.p Be careful what pictures and text you put online. If you do not want to talk to your parents call child line on 0800 1111 (this call will not show up on phone

bills!) Get an adult to help you find what you are looking for. Don’t tell strangers where you stay, do not give them your phone number or tell them what school you go

to etc. only people close to you need to know this. When you have signed up for a site, use a nickname, not your real name so you can hide your identity.

Try and spell your searches correctly because you can end up having unwanted sites on your search.

Some people on the internet are not who they say they are, it is easy for them to lie and pretend they are of the same age and go to your school etc. take a look around their profile to make sure you definitely know the person you are talking to. If the stranger asks to meet up with you never agree to it, immediately tell an adult.

Do not use pictures of yourself as your profile photo, use a pet or your favourite band or singer etc.

Useful sites for you or your parents-

Primary 5-7Chat Rooms

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C.B (cyber bullying) is the name used when people on the internet send nasty and upsetting messages to others. These can also include text messages or phone calls.

Do not reply to these messages and tell a trust worthy adult. Save all of the nasty emails or texts you have received ( you do not

have to read them) to show your parents. Always tell someone you trust like an adult or teacher, keeping it a

secret won’t help, the bullying will carry on if you keep it locked up. Telling an adult will help because they can take action.

Bullying can lead to depression, anxiety and other stress-related disorders.

People can also commit suicide or self-harm if being bullied. TELL someone if you are being bullied, the bully can be suspended

from school or the police could take action, this will only happen if you tell someone.

Your parents should look at the signs- losing friends, changes in mood and avoiding school.

Useful bullying


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SECURITY- Parents should have a parental control device for the XBOX

and Playstation because of the dangers they could get themselves into.

If parents do not know how to set these up, you can easily type into Google or YouTube “how to set up a parental control device” and several different sites will come up on showing you how to do so.

LIVE- Using live on either XBOX or Playstation can be dangerous

because you can get random people adding you or talking to you.

Children wont know the dangers of talking to strangers but they could ask strange and personal questions.

Do not give any personal details to any person on live except people you know or are close to.

When you have signed up for a site, use a nickname, not your real name so you can hide your identity.

XBOX / Playstation

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MONEY- Parents could have one password for

everything they use and for every account and if your child knows this password they could be costing you a large amount of money.

Do not go onto I tunes, EBay, Amazon etc. without your parents permission.

It could also be the case that there is no password at all on any of these sites and its just a click of a button away to buy things.

Here is a useful news story about a young boy who cost his dad thousands because there was no password on there gaming box.


XBOX / Playstation

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MALICIOUS PROGRAMS: Malware- This term is short for malicious software. This software is designed

to specifically damage or disrupt a system such as a virus or Trojan H.

Malware includes, computer viruses, ransomware, worms, trojan horses, rootkits, keyloggers, dialers, spyware, adware, malicious BHOs, rogue security software and proprietary software.

Virus- A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without you knowing, destroying everything and runs against your wishes. It is like a disease, you don’t know it is there at first until it spreads through out your body causing you to slow down. As the virus eventually spreads through your computer attacking everything it can, it will then finally bring your computer to a stop if you do not do something about it. You can download software to prevent viruses from your computer, some you may have to pay for and others you will not.

Trojan Horse- A.T.H is a piece of software that is opened by a user because they think it is something that is not harmful to their computer. It may appear to be useful at first but will actually damage your computer. When a Trojan is opened on your computer it can get very annoying, as they can move your icons around, delete files and destroy information that may be important. They can also be used to allow others to access your computer and let other people steal your information. It could be the case you are a designer and you have original ideas that you do not want anyone stealing because you have worked ages on getting your design perfect and then someone can get into your files and steal it before you show it to people proving it is yours.